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iPlanet Process Manager 6.0 (SP2) Process Builder's Guide

List of Figures

Figure 1-1    Process Builder
Figure 1-2    The Worklist in the Process Express
Figure 1-3    Example of a work item form
Figure 1-4    Process Administrator
Figure 2-1    Two activities in a process map
Figure 2-2    Order Computer Form
Figure 2-3    Deployment Dialog Box
Figure 2-4    Select an Application window
Figure 2-5    Cluster error
Figure 2-6    A Process Builder application
Figure 2-7    The Map Palette
Figure 2-8    Documentation Tab on the Map Palette
Figure 2-9    Messages Window
Figure 2-10    Process Builder main toolbar
Figure 2-11    HTML Page Editor toolbar
Figure 4-1    The New Application dialog box
Figure 4-2    The Application Properties dialog box
Figure 5-1    Save Process Map Image Dialog box
Figure 5-2    After saving the process map, you can view it by clicking the image link
Figure 5-3    The palette
Figure 5-4    The Expiration Date Selection dialog box
Figure 5-5    The Assignment Selection dialog box
Figure 5-6    Automated Activity Schedule dialog box
Figure 5-7    The Inspector Window for a subprocess
Figure 5-8    Custom Activity Inspector
Figure 5-9    Custom Activity Schedule dialog box
Figure 5-10    Custom Activity Inspector, after setting the Custom Activity property
Figure 5-11    The Input tab
Figure 5-12    The Output tab
Figure 5-13    New Palette Dialog Box
Figure 5-14    Blank custom palette
Figure 5-15    Custom palette with custom activity
Figure 5-16    The decision point Transition Order window
Figure 5-17    Example of condition set to a field
Figure 5-18    Example of the Transition Order window for a decision point
Figure 6-1    The Create a New Role or Group dialog box
Figure 6-2    The Application Group dialog box with Browse tab
Figure 6-3    The Application Group dialog box with Search tab
Figure 6-4    The Corporate Group dialog box with Browse tab
Figure 6-5    The Corporate Group dialog box with Search tab
Figure 6-6    The Dynamic Group dialog box
Figure 6-7    The Field Role dialog box
Figure 6-8    Group and Role Order window
Figure 7-1    The Create a New Data Field dialog box
Figure 7-2    Inspector window for the content store
Figure 8-1    New Form Layout, Step 1
Figure 8-2    New Form Layout, Step 2
Figure 8-3    New Form Layout, Step 3
Figure 8-4    Form created by New Form Layout wizard
Figure 8-5    HTML Page Editor Toolbar
Figure 8-6    Field properties on a form
Figure 8-7    Form Access window
Figure 9-1    The Create a New Script dialog box
Figure 9-2    A portion of the script editor window
Figure 9-3    Defining an embedded client-side script in Process Builder
Figure 9-4    Results of an embedded script in Process Express
Figure 10-1    The Authorization Required dialog box
Figure 10-2    A successful deployment brings up the Information dialog box
Figure 10-3    The Deploy Application dialog box
Figure 11-1    A definition for an onValueChange event handler
Figure 11-2    A sample alert window in Process Express
Figure 11-3    A script that defines an onSubmitForm function
Figure 11-4    Testing a due date
Figure 11-5    A web page that is updated automatically
Figure 12-1    Programming logic for calling an EJB component
Figure 12-2    Setting an exception manager in Process Builder
Figure 12-3    The properties Inspector.
Figure 12-4    The EJB References editor.
Figure 12-5    The properties Inspector.
Figure 12-6    The iAS EJB References editor.
Figure 13-1    The Process Express Search Page
Figure 14-1    The data sheet process map
Figure 14-2    The Data Sheet Form Access window
Figure 14-3    The approvePricing.html form in Process Builder
Figure 14-4    The approvePricing.html form in Process Express
Figure 14-5    Sample image.gif
Figure 14-6    The finished data sheet
Figure 15-1    Process Map for the Office Setup application
Figure 15-2    The Start entry point
Figure 15-3    The prepareForNH.html form
Figure 15-4    The Assign Office and Specify Computer work item
Figure 15-5    The assignCube.html form
Figure 15-6    The Basic Setup split
Figure 15-7    The Set Up Phone work item
Figure 15-8    The setupPhone.html form
Figure 15-9    The Install Network Connection work item
Figure 15-10    The setupNetwork.html form
Figure 15-11    The Order Computer work item
Figure 15-12    The orderComputer.html form
Figure 15-13    The Install Computer work item
Figure 15-14    The installComp.html form
Figure 15-15    The Basic Setup join
Figure 15-16    The CheckSetup work item
Figure 15-17    The checkSetup.html form
Figure 15-18    The Setup Complete exit point
Figure 15-19    The status.html form
Figure 16-1    The Loan Management process map
Figure 16-2    The Credit History process map
Figure 16-3    The New Loan Request entry point
Figure 16-4    The creation.html form
Figure 16-5    The Verification work item
Figure 16-6    The Check Credit History subprocess
Figure 16-7    Check Credit History subprocess properties dialog box
Figure 16-8    Data Mapping setting dialog box
Figure 16-9    Exception manager
Figure 16-10    The Credit History process map
Figure 16-11    The Check Authorization work item
Figure 16-12    The form.html form
Figure 16-13    The Look Up Credit History automated activity
Figure 16-14    The Canceled exit point
Figure 16-15    The OK exit point
Figure 16-16    The completed.html form
Figure 16-17    The Meeting work item
Figure 16-18    The summary.html form
Figure 16-19    The Loan Refused exit point
Figure 16-20    The Loan Approved exit point
Figure 17-1    The Insurance Claim Process Map
Figure 17-2    Form Access Window
Figure 17-3    Entry.html
Figure 17-4    Resubmit.html
Figure 17-5    Details.html
Figure 17-6    EnterClaim.html
Figure 17-7    Confirmation.html
Figure 17-8    Approver.html
Figure 17-9    Clarify.html
Figure 17-10    InfCustomer.html
Figure 17-11    SendCheck.html
Figure 17-12    The banner.gif file
Figure 17-13    The background image is called Gray_Textured1040.gif

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Copyright © 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated March 13, 2001