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iPlanet Process Manager 6.0 (SP2) Process Builder's Guide

List of Tables

Table 1-1   Summary of Process Manager Components
Table 2-1   Icons in the Activities tab
Table 2-2   Destination folders for imported files
Table 4-1   Sample Applications
Table 5-1   Icons in the Activities tab
Table 5-2   Built-in Email Scripts
Table 7-1   Predefined address properties
Table 7-2   Predefined name properties
Table 7-3   Predefined telephone properties
Table 9-1   Available JavaScript scripts
Table 9-2   Script Types by Process Step
Table 9-3   Assignment Scripts
Table 10-1   Changes allowed to application's activities and transitions
Table 10-2   Changes allowed to application's data elements
Table 10-3   Changes allowed in both development and production stages
Table 14-1   Data Sheet Application Fields
Table 17-1   Data dictionary for Insurance Claim Processing application
Table B-1   Recommended migration path from SSJS-specific objects
Table C-1   Reserved Words in PAE

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Copyright © 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated March 13, 2001