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iPlanet Market Maker 4.5 Installation Guide

Chapter 4   Post-Installation

This chapter describes database issues addressed by the Oracle administrator or a process that has Oracle administrator privileges.

The following sections are contained in this chapter:

Enabling RFx and Auctions

Follow these steps to enable only the RFx and Auctions modules in the iPlanet Market Maker software.

  1. Stop the Application Server.

  2. Backup the $IASROOT\ias\APPS\imm40\imm40\WEB-INF\classes\ file.

  3. Uncomment out (remove the # before the line) the lines for property.


    $IASROOT\ias\APPS\imm40\imm40\WEB-INF\classes\ file which looks like this.



    and comment out the following lines (in the same file):





    For example: After uncomment and comment actions the entries would look like this (in the file):










  4. Start the Application Server.

Database Issues

Managing interMedia Indexes

Updating Text Indexes in the iPlanet Market Maker Software

Note interMedia is the search engine used by the iPlanet Market Maker software.

For the iPlanet Market Maker catalog module, the iPlanet Market Maker software uses interMedia text indexes that are not automatically updated by Oracle. Because of this, it is necessary to manually synchronize the indexes with any changes that have taken place to the actual tables. This synchronization must be performed by the Oracle administrator, or a process that has Oracle administrator privileges.

In general, operating on the catalog indexes requires the following steps, where the value PARAM is replaced by an actual value depending upon the operation:

  1. Log in to the Oracle instance that is hosting the iPlanet Market Maker database as Catalog schema user.

  2. Execute alter index cat.cat_atr_value_txt1 rebuild online parameters('PARAM'); (Note the single quotes surrounding PARAM. These are necessary).

    • For synchronization of the indexes, PARAM takes the value "sync" (omitting the double quote symbols).

    • For full optimization of the indexes, PARAM takes the value "optimize full" (omitting the double quote symbols).

    • For full optimization, but only allowing the optimizer to run for a certain length of time, PARAM take the value "optimize full maxtime N" (omitting the double quote symbols), where N is the amount of time that the optimizer runs, in minutes.

We advise the use of the ctxsrv process to perform synchronization. This process (written and supplied by Oracle) provides regular synchronization updates.

To start the ctxsrv process, execute the following steps:

  1. Log in (as the Oracle user) to the machine on which the iPlanet Market Maker database is hosted.

  2. Execute the following command: 'ctxsrv -user ctxsys/ctxsys -personality M -log ctx.log&'.

To stop the ctxsrv process, execute the following steps:

  1. Log in (as the Oracle user) to the machine on which the iPlanet Market Maker database is hosted.

  2. Using SQLPLUS, log into Oracle as user ctxsys, password ctxsys, and execute: begin ctx_adm.shutdown; end;

In addition, the DBA should perform a full optimization of the indexes on a regular basis, depending upon the amount of change that has occurred to the catalog.

DBA's should run the following command periodically to handle fragmentation of interMedia indexes since running "ctxsrv" contributes to index fragmentation.

alter index myindex rebuild online parameters ('optimize fast');


alter index myindex rebuild online parameters ('optimize full');

For additional information, refer to: Oracle8i interMedia Text Reference.

interMedia Error
Oracle Error Message: ORA-29861:domain index is marked LOADING/FAILED/UNUSABLE.


java.sql.SQLException: ORA-20000: interMedia Text error:
DRG-10599: column is not indexed

When web pages error with the above message, this is because of Oracle interMedia index error on value column of cat_attr table. interMedia index CAT_ATR_VALUE_TXT1 is in state of loading. DBA's need to drop the index with force option and rebuild when you get this error (Also, check Oracle error messages document):

Issue the following commands to fix:

  1. Log into sqlplus as cat user.

  2. Issue drop index CAT_ATR_VALUE_TXT1 FORCE;. You need to use force option.

  3. Recreate the index create index CAT_ATR_VALUE_TXT1 on CAT_ATTR (VALUE) indextype is ctxsys.context;.

Oracle Known Bug on interMedia

Oracle cannot drop or create interMedia Index while executing drop or create interMedia index. Gives invalid number.

"DROP INDEX cat.cat_atr_value_txt1;"


"create index CAT_ATR_VALUE_TXT1on CAT_ATTR (VALUE) indextype is ctxsys.context;"

Trying to drop index, gets ORA-1722: invalid number

ERROR at line 1:

ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine

ORA-20000: interMedia Text error:

ORA-1722: invalid number

ORA-6512: at "CTXSYS.DRUE", line 126


ORA-6512: at line 1

It is strongly recommended that you get the patch for interMedia from the

"<Oracle ftp site>/server/patchsets/unix/sun.solaris2/ctx/816/8163/ directory.

You need to contact Oracle and get the interMedia patchset that solves invalid number bug (Oracle internal bug #1103865) along with other bugs.

Running Installer Using Microsoft Windows X-server Utilities

It is recommended that you run the iPlanet Market Maker installer in the GUI mode on the Solaris system (either locally or remotely).

If running the iPlanet Market Maker installer using Windows X-server display utilities (such as Exceed) you might experience problems such as incorrectly displayed text and labels or installer freezing while displaying some of the input panels. If these problems occur, try restarting the installer. If problems persist, run the installer in the command line mode by running the setup -nodisplay command (as described in this Installation Guide under "Starting the Installation Process").

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Copyright © 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last Updated April 08, 2002