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iPlanet Messaging Server 5.0 Provisioning Guide

About This Guide

This manual explains how to provision the iPlanet Messaging Server with users, mailing lists, domains, and administrators using LDAP. This guide is expected to be used with the iPlanet Schema Reference Manual.

Topics covered in this chapter include:

Who Should Read This Guide

You should read this guide if you want to provision the iPlanet Messaging Server using LDAP. The audience for this guide consists of:

  • Messaging system architects who want to develop customized provisioning tools that interface between Messaging Server entries in the iPlanet LDAP directory and their existing source of users, groups, and domains information such as a company database or billing system.

  • Site Administrators who want to know how to create domain, user, group, or administrator entries using LDAP.

Readers are expected to have a basic understanding of LDAP, the Netscape Directory Server, and email concepts.

What You Need to Know

This guide assumes that you have a general understanding of the following:

  • The Internet and the World Wide Web

  • iPlanet Administration Server

  • Netscape Directory Server and LDAP

  • Email and email concepts

  • Netscape Console

How This Guide is Organized

This guide contains the following chapters and appendix:

Typographical Conventions

Table 1    Typographical Conventions

Typeface or Symbol





The names of commands, files, code, directories, hostnames, distinguished names, on-screen computer output.


Edit your msg.conf file.
Use ls -a to list all files.
Error: illegal port #



User entered text.


% cd madonna




Command-line place holder or variable. Replace with a real name or value.


# <InstanceRoot>/start-msg  


Book titles, new words or terms, or words to be emphasized.


iPlanet Messaging Server Provisioning Guide


Command Line Prompts

Command line prompts (for example, % for a C-Shell, or $ for a Korn or Bourne shell) are not displayed in the examples. Depending on which operating system environment you are using, you will see a variety of different command line prompts. However, you should enter the command as it appears in the document unless specifically noted otherwise.

Where to Find Related Information

In addition to this guide, iPlanet Messaging Server comes with supplementary information for administrators as well as documentation for end users and developers. Use the following URL to see all the Messaging Server documentation:

Listed below are the additional documents that are available:

  • iPlanet Messaging Server Administrator's Guide

  • iPlanet Messaging Server Reference Manual

  • iPlanet Messaging Server Schema Reference (on-line only)

  • iPlanet Messaging Server Provisioning Guide (on-line only)

  • iPlanet Messaging Server Delegated Administrator Guide

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Copyright © 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated February 22, 2001