Using the Messaging Access SDK
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Messaging Access SDK Guide

Using the Messaging Access SDK

Chapter 1   Introducing the Messaging Access SDK

The Netscape Messaging Access software development kit (SDK) provides a set of Protocol Level APIs that the developer can use to write messaging applications and extend applications with messaging services. This chapter is an overview of the Messaging Access SDK, version 3.5.

Chapter 2   Sending Mail with SMTP

This chapter is an overview of using SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) to create and send email messages.

Chapter 3   Building and Parsing MIME Messages

This chapter is an overview of using the MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) API of the Messaging Access SDK to encode, decode, and parse mail messages, and handle text and non-text attachments.

Chapter 4   Receiving Mail with IMAP4

This chapter is an overview of using IMAP4 (Internet Message Access Protocol 4) to retrieve and manage messages remotely.

Chapter 5   Receiving Mail with POP3

This chapter is an overview of using POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3) to download messages to a client.

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Last Updated: June 3, 1998

Copyright © 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation