Sun Directory Services Topics and Tasks

TABLE  6-1   Sun Directory Services Topics and Tasks

Initial Configuration  

Describes how to configure the two mandatory parameters: the administrator name/password and the distinguished name of the naming context held in the data store and the data store location.  


Populating the Directory  

- Saving and restoring existing data in the directory.

- Populate the directory by writing LDIF data directory into the

LDBM database using ldif2ldbm and ldbmcat

- Populating the directory via the SLAPD server.

See Appendix C, "Populating the Directory Examples" on page 319  


General Properties Configuration  

How to modify general Sun Directory Services properties:

- Administrator name, password, and encryption

- Schema check

- Dereference alias in bind

- Default access

- LDAP port and Web gateway port

- Maximum concurrent connections

- Search size and time limit

- Default referral host  


Configuring the Data Store  

Describes creating, modifying and indexing a data store. Also describes Replication. Examples of configuring replication are at page 301.  


Modifying the Schema  

Tells how to change and create attributes and object classes.  


Configuring Access Control  

How to modify directory access control rules and level of access granted. Also "Using the Distinguished Name Editor" on page 211.  


Configuring Logging  

Lists the information that can be logged.  


Web Access to the Directory  

How to search for and read entries, and to modify some directory information from a web browser.  


Monitoring the Directory Service  

View Sun Directory Services statistics--Global, Detailed, Operations, Associations,Interactions  


Maintaining the Directory Service  

This section is in Chapter 7, "Maintenance." It describes:

- Maintaining the data store attribute indexes

- Backup and restore a data store

- Backup and restore directory data base

- Back up and restoring directory service configuration

- Starting and stopping the directory services  


Directory Service Error Messages  

Error Messages  


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