Mail Store Usage Calculation

Mail store usage is calculated by totalling the space usage of all the messages in all the user's mailboxes. If a message is sent to multiple users, SIMS adds the message size to the user's total usage--even though the message is only stored in one place with each user having a pointer to it.


To Activate Message Store Quota Enforcement on an Installed System

When SIMS is installed, the message store quota feature is set to OFF. This means that user's mailboxes can occupy an unlimited amount of mail storage space. Implementing message store quota involves the following steps:

  1. Determine how much disk space is available for storing mailboxes and how much space each user can be allocated.
  As a guideline, the default user message store quota is 20 megabytes. Change this in the Admin Console's Sun Message Store Property Book ("To Configure Advanced Options" on page 155) or by setting the ims-default-quota parameter in the ims.conf file to the desired default value.
  2. Set the message store quota for each user entry.
  Configure the LDAP attribute MailQuota to one of three values, or set the quota to one of three options in the user's entry (see "To Modify a User Entry" on page 73). The options are:
Use Default User Quota - This option allocates the amount of storage specified in the Default User Quota set in the Message Store Property Book. (MailQuota = -2. If there is no MailQuota attribute, the system defaults to -2).
No Store Limit - This turns off the message quota feature giving this user unlimited message store space. (MailQuota = -1)
Set Individual Quota - Select a number and the unit of measure (KB or MB). This quota will not take effect until an incremental or full directory synchronization occurs (see "Alias Synchronization Schedule" on page 104 or see the dirsync, iminitquota, and imquotacheck command in the SIMS Reference Manual for more information). MailQuota = <Size of Quota in Bytes>.
  The default is MailQuota = -2, Use Default User Quota.
  3. Shut down the SIMS server.
  This prevents quota usage inconsistency.
  # im.server stop
  4. Activate the message store quota enforcement for the system.
  Set the ims-quota parameter in the ims.conf file to on, or click the User quota enforcement option in the Sun Message Store Property Book--Advanced Options to ON (see page 152).
  5. Run /opt/SUNWmail/ims/sbin/iminitquota - a.
  SIMS maintains a quota cache file for each user. This file contains the user's quota and the amount of space currently used. If a user's mailboxes exceed the amount of allocated storage, then further mail sent to the user is bounced back to the sender.

As described in the above procedure, there is more than one way to enable the various quota options. TABLE 5-2 shows the action required to implement the desired option.

TABLE  5-2   Message Store Quota Option-Action Matrix
Admin Console
LDAP Directory

Activate SIMS quota checking  

Set User quota enforcement to ON in Sun Message Store Property Book, Advanced Options. (See "To Configure Advanced Options" on page 155)  

Set ims-quota to on.  

Not Available  

Set system default quota  

Set Default User quota enforcement to ON in Sun Message Store Property
Book, Advanced Options. (See "To Configure Advanced Options" on page 155)  

Set ims-default-quota to <size-of-quota-in-bytes>  

Not Available  

Set user quota  

In the user's property book entry select either Default User Quota, No Store Limit, or Set Individual Quota. See "To Modify a User Entry" on page 73)  

Not Available  

Set MailQuota to
-1 (no limit), -2 (default quota) or N (N=quota in bytes)  

  6. Restart imaccessd.
  # im.server start


To Set a User's Mail Store Quota

This procedure describes setting quota with the Admin Console. To set up quota at system installatin using bulk loading, refer to

  1. Bring up the user entry on the SIMS Admin Console.
  See "To Find and View an Existing User/Group Entry" on page 69.
  2. Set the mail store quota in the Mail Information section.
  This can be done by either setting the LDAP attribute MailQuota to one of three values, or setting the quota to one of three options in the user's entry (see "To Modify a User Entry" on page 73, Step 8b for details). The options are:
Use Default User Quota - This option allocates the amount of storage specified in the Default User Quota set in the Message Store Property Book. (MailQuota = -2. If there no MailQuota attribute, the system defaults to -2).
No Store Limit - This turns off the message quota feature giving this user unlimited message store space. (MailQuota = -1)
Set Individual Quota - Select a number and the unit of measure (KB or MB). This quota will not take effect until an incremental or full directory synchronization occurs (see "Alias Synchronization Schedule" on page 104 or see the dirsync, iminitquota, and imquotacheck command in the SIMS Reference Manual for more information). MailQuota = <Size of Quota in Bytes>.
  The default is MailQuota = -2, Use Default User Quota. For information on how to modify the LDAP directory see the SIMS Reference Guide.
  3. Quota takes effect after the next incremental directory synchronization.
  See "Alias Synchronization Schedule" on page 104. If you don't want to wait for the next synchronization, you can activate quota enforcement immediately for a user by using the iminitquota -u <username> command. See the SIMS Reference Guide.


To Warn Users When Their Mail Store Usage is Approaching Their Mail Store Quota

The imquotacheck command sends an email warning to users who are approaching their mail store quota. This command can be put in a cron file to provide a daily check on mail store users. Refer to the SIMS Reference Manual for further details.

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