Directory Context

The directory context is the point in the directory information tree (DIT) at which the search are begins for entries used to authenticate a user and password for Sun Message Store access. By default, the directory context is set to the organization layer (o=<organization>, c=<country>) in the DIT. Therefore, if a mail client user attempts to access messages in the Sun Message Store, a search for this user will begin at the organization layer of the DIT and progress through the lower layers of the DIT.

For example, imagine that you are the email administrator for the Bravo Corporation. Bravo's DIT is structured as shown in FIGURE 5-5.

FIGURE  5-5 Directory Information Tree of Bravo Corporation

Rather than starting a search at the default directory context of the Bravo organization, you want to reconfigure the directory context so that a search begins at the Marketing organizational unit. You can specify the following directory context:

ou=Marketing, o=Bravo, c=US

For more information on the DIT, refer to "Directory Structure" on page 39. For more information on the syntax used for the directory context, refer to "To Configure Advanced Options" on page 155.

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