Installing SIMS High Availability

Installing SIMS/HA must be done as a new installation followed by migrating users to the HA system. An existing SIMS installation cannot be simply upgraded to an HA installation.

SIMS/HA installation is controlled by the SIMS installation script. If you are installing SIMS on an HA cluster, the SIMS installation script provides HA installation.

Your SIMS software will be installed in the directory /opt. HA software, however, will be installed in directory <ha-dir>/opt, where <ha-dir> is defined by you during the installation.

This section contains the instructions for installing SIMS/HA by using the graphical user interface (GUI). First you will be installing SIMS/HA on the machine where HA will be primarily used. Next, you will install HA on the machine where HA will be used as a backup to the primary machine.

See Chapter "SIMS Asymmetric High Availability," for information on system configuration, and failover information.

See the Sun Cluster documentation set for information on commands that are used in this section and for information on packages installed by Sun Cluster.

Note - SIMS/HA installation must be fresh and cannot be upgraded.
To prepare before installing SIMS/HA

  Before installing SIMS/HA, make sure that you have completed the following steps:
  1. Installed SunOS.
  2. Installed the Sun Cluster 2.1 software.
  3. Installed Veritas File System (VxFS) 3.2.4 (or later release).
  4. Started the cluster.
  5. Set up a logical hostname for your HA machine.
  Use the Sun Cluster documentation set to set up this hostname. The disk group or groups that belong to this logical hostname must contain sufficient space to store the SIMS product, configuration files, message store, message queues, and directory.
  6. Removed any existing SIMS software as root to allow fresh installation of SIMS/HA.
  See Section "Removing SIMS/HA," at the end of this chapter for instructions on how to remove the SIMS/HA system.
  7. Ensured that the following shared volumes names were not used:
  8. Ensured that multiple shared volumes for shared files were not used.
  SIMS/HA installs all shared files on only one shared volume. For example, you cannot have /opt/SUNWmail on one volume and /opt/SUNWconn on another volume.
To install SIMS/HA

SIMS/HA installation involves installing the software first on the machine where SIMS/HA will be primary used. The next step is to install SIMS/HA on the machine that will be used secondary as a backup for the SIMS/HA system. The steps are as follow:

  1. Login as root.

Password: <Enter your root password>

Note - Use your system administration console screen to monitor the steps for installing SIMS on both primary and secondary machines.
  2. Change the directory to where your Sun Cluster software resides.
  3. Check if you are already on the master machine where HA will be primary used.

# ./haget -f mastered

  If this command returns a logical host name, you are already on the master machine and can skip to Step 5. But if you are not on the master machine, it returns nothing.

Caution - If the logical host name returned above is known to DNS as an alias, SIMS/HA will not install.
  4. Switch over to the primary HA machine.

# ./haswitch <local-machine> <ha-logical-hostname>

local-machine is the logical name for the machine on which SIMS/HA will be primarily used, for example, ha-primary.
ha-logical-hostname is the logical host name assigned to the HA machine, for example
  5. Follow steps 1 through 5 in Section "Running the Installation Script," under the heading "Installing SIMS 3.5," in the beginning of this chapter.
  This starts the SIMS GUI Installation setup script as a non-root user.
  6. Select SIMS 3.5 Enterprise Edition as the installation type as shown in Figure FIGURE 6-2.
  7. Select High Availability from the High Availability Enterprise Installation page as shown in FIGURE 6-16.

Note - SIMS optional components will not be available for SIMS/HA installation.

FIGURE  6-16 SIMS/HA Enterprise Option

  8. Follow steps 9 through 14 from in Section "Running the Installation Script," under the heading "Installing SIMS 3.5," in the beginning of this chapter.
  This allows you to specify licensing information and server configurations.
  9. Select the logical hostname to install SIMS.
  An HA cluster can support several logical hosts that are mastered on the same physical host. During a failover, the logical host is moved from the physical host that is failing to another available physical host. As part of this switchover process, all the services running on the logical host also get transferred to the new physical host. This question allows you to select the logical host name with which SIMS services are to be associated.

FIGURE  6-17 SIMS/HA Logical Hostname

  10. Specify the shared file system where the SIMS 3.5 HA software will reside.

FIGURE  6-18 SIMS/HA Shared File System

During installation, SIMS checks to ensure that the shared file system have sufficient disk space.

Note - Record the name of the shared disk that you are selecting here. You will need to use the same name during SIMS/HA installation on the secondary machine.
  11. Follow steps 16 through 21 in Section "Running the Installation Script," under the heading "Installing SIMS 3.5," in the beginning of this chapter.
  This displays the summary page and runs the setup script.
You are now done with installing SIMS/HA on the primary machine. Next, you will be installing SIMS/HA on the secondary machine.

  12. Switch over to the secondary HA machine.

# ./haswitch <local-machine> <ha-logical-hostname>

local-machine is the machine on which SIMS/HA will be used secondary, for example, ha-secondary.
ha-logical-hostname is the logical name assigned to the HA machine, for example
active-ha. This is the same host name that you selected in Step 9 above.
  13. Install SIMS/HA on the secondary machine from the command-line.

% .setup_tty.secondary -f <shared-file-system>

  shared-file-system is the shared disk that you selected in Step 10 above. As an example shown in FIGURE 6-18, you may have selected /active-ha/disk1 as the shared disk on which HA and SIMS files were stored.
  You also need to provide the licensing information for this secondary machine here.
  14. Reboot the machine on which you have installed the patches.
  If you did not install any patches, skip to the next step.
  15. Start up the SIMS services under the HA framework.

# /opt/SUNWhadf/bin/hareg -y Sun_Internet_Mail

You are now done with installing SIMS/HA on both primary and secondary machines.

FIGURE 6-19 illustrates the SIMS/HA system after it is fully installed on both primary and the secondary machines.

Note - SIMS supports failure detection and consequent failover at the hardware and operating system level. Failure at the SIMS service level, such as message access becoming unavailable while the rest of the system remains functional, are not detected and do not cause automatic failover.

FIGURE  6-19 SIMS/HA System

If you choose to reboot your SIMS/HA system after installing the software, restart your Sun Cluster software by going to steps 16 and 17 below. Otherwise, see Section "Starting SIMS/HA Administration Console," in Chapter "Post-Installation Task," for instructions on invoking the SIMS Administration Console.

  16. Restart Sun Cluster on the primary SIMS/HA machine

# /opt/SUNWcluster/bin/scadmin startcluster
<local-machine> <cluster-name>


  local-machine is the name of the primary SIMS/HA machine,
  cluster-name is the name of your Sun Cluster.
  17. Restart Sun Cluster on the secondary machine.

# /opt/SUNWcluster/bin/scadmin startnode <cluster-name>

See Section "After Installing," at the end of this chapter for a roadmap of post-installation configurations and tasks.

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