Preparing to Install SIMS 4.0

This chapter provides information on how to prepare your system before installing the SunTM Internet Mail ServerTM (SIMS) 4.0.

Topics in this chapter include:

Preparing to install SIMS with remote LDAP
Preparing to install the Netscape Directory Services for SIMS
Preparing a clean system
Preparing to install LDAP rollover
Preparing to install patches

Preparing to Install SIMS with Remote LDAP

SIMS 4.0 allows using a remote LDAP server. You could use either the Netscape Directory Services or the Sun Directory Services remotely. See Appendix A, "Installing Netscape Directory Services for SIMS," if you are installing SIMS on a remote server where Netscape Directory Services are installed. If, however, you are installing on a remote server where Sun Directory Services are installed, do the instructions covered in this section. The following shows three different scenarios:


To install SunDS before installing SIMS

  1. Install the LDAP server on a remote machine where SIMS is not installed
  2. Add the SIMS schema package which includes the SIMS 4.0 configuration files, indexes, and Access Control Lists (ACLs) to your LDAP server.

# cd /cdrom/sun_internet_mail_4_0/products/sims/Image/all
# /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d . SUNWimsch

  3. Install SIMS.
  See Chapter 7, "Installing SIMS 4.0," for instructions for installing SIMS 4.0.


To install SunDS after installing SIMS

  1. Install SIMS on a local server.
  2. Install SunDS on a remote server.
  3. Add the SIMS schema package which includes the SIMS 4.0 configuration files, indexes, and Access Control Lists (ACLs) to your LDAP server.

# cd /cdrom/sun_internet_mail_4_0/products/sims/Image/all
# /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d . SUNWimsch

  4. Create the SIMS Directory Information Tree (DIT) for your server.

# /opt/SUNWconn/bin/ldapadd -c -h <hostname> -p <portnumber> -D "cn=<Directory Administrator>,o=<dcroot>" -w <passwd> -f /etc/opt/ SUNWmail/slapd.ldif


<Directory Administrator> is the name assigned to the administrator who configures the directory server,

<passwd> is the password associated with the Directory Administrator, and

<dcroot> is the node name for the root of the Domain Component (DC) tree for which SIMS is installed. The default is internet.


To install SIMS with an existing remote SunDS

  1. Install SIMS on a local server.
  2. Add the SIMS schema package which includes the SIMS 4.0 configuration files, indexes, and Access Control Lists (ACLs) to your LDAP server.

# cd /cdrom/sun_internet_mail_4_0/products/sims/Image/all
# /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d . SUNWimsch

  3. Create the SIMS Directory Information Tree (DIT) for your server.

# /opt/SUNWconn/bin/ldapadd -c -h <hostname> -p <portnumber> -D "cn=<Directory Administrator>,o=<dcroot>" -w <passwd> -f /etc/opt/ SUNWmail/slapd.ldif

Preparing to Install the Netscape Directory Services for SIMS

SIMS 4.0 supports the Netscape Directory Services (NSDS).

Note - Be sure to install NSDS before installing SIMS.

To install NSDS with SIMS:

  1. Install NSDS 4.1.
  2. Add the SIMS schema files to the NSDS configuration directory.
  3. Disable the NSDS uid uniqueness.
  4. Install SIMS 4.0.

See Appendix A, "Installing Netscape Directory Services for SIMS," for a complete set of instructions to install NSDS for SIMS.

Preparing a Clean System

If you are reinstalling your SIMS system, you can manually clean up your system by using the uninstall command along with the appropriate options that are shown in TABLE 4-1.

TABLE  4-1   The uninstall Command Options
Type of Installation
Option used with uninstall
Action Taken by uninstall



Removes the entire SIMS system along with your data and configuration files, including the directory structure.  



Removes the SIMS binary files, but keeps your data and configuration files, including the directory structure.  

See the Sun Internet Mail Server man pages for more information on the uninstall command.

You may use the pkginfo command to list the packages already installed on your system.

Note - Do not remove the packages individually.


To remove SIMS

  1. Log in as root.

Password: <Enter your root password>

  2. Enter one of the following.

# /opt/SUNWmail/sbin/uninstall -d sims
# /opt/SUNWmail/sbin/uninstall -c sims

Note - The uninstall command does not remove the SUNWlldap LDAP library packages which is part of Solaris 2.7. You may remove this package by using the pkgrm command.

Note - At the end of uninstall, sendmail will be restored. You will then need to start sendmail either manually or by rebooting. Also, package remove leaves the SunTM Web ServerTM running. Either reboot your system or stop the httpd daemon.

Using uninstall on HA Systems

If SIMS is installed on a High Availability system, the uninstall command is also placed in directory /opt/SUNWimha/sbin/uninstall. If you wish to remove SIMS from the additional machines on an HA cluster, you need to use the uninstall command from this directory.

Preparing to Install LDAP Rollover

When an LDAP server fails, a series of alternative LDAP servers to which the server could contact needs to be provided.

To accomplish this, before installing SIMS you need to modify the
/etc/opt/SUNWmail/sims.cnf file and enter the LDAP servers.

The following shows an example of a sims.cnf file.

#Mon Jun 07 11:55:22 PDT 1999

Note - LdapServer is where you would add the servers on which LDAP is running.

Preparing to Install Patches

This section discusses two types of patches: first, the required patches to ensure that SIMS operates properly; second, the recommended patches to the SolarisTM operating system that address a variety of system stability issues.

Required Patches

TABLE 4-2 shows a list of patches that are required for SIMS 4.0 to install and operate properly. If these patches, or newer versions of them, are not found on the targeted system, they will be installed automatically. The required patches are located in the directory /etc/patches on the CD.

TABLE  4-2   SIMS Required Solaris Patches  
Patch ID
Operating System
Type of Patch

106621-04 sparc

106622-04 i386  

Solaris 2.6 /2.7


Sun Directory Services 3.1 patch


106125-04 sparc

106126-04 i386  

Solaris 2.6


patchadd and patchrm patch


105181-04 sparc

105182-04 i386  

Solaris 2.6


Kernel update patch


105568-06 sparc

105569-06 i386  

Solaris 2.6


/usr/lib/ patch


105755-03 sparc
105756-03 i386  

Solaris 2.6


in.named and libresolv patches


105490-04 sparc

105491-04 i386  

Solaris 2.6


Linker patch


106613-01 sparc

106614-01 i386  

Solaris 2.6


Japanese UTF-8 iconv patch


106618-01 sparc1

106619-01 i386  

Solaris 2.6


ISO-2022-CN UTF-8 iconv

(version # 6.0,REV=1.0.33)  

106556-01 sparc

106594-02 i386  

Solaris 2.6


ISO-2022-CN UTF-8 iconv

(version # 6.0,REV=1.0.38)  

1 Two different versions of the package SUNWciu8 were shipped with Solaris 2.6. To find out which version you have, run the command pkginfo -l SUNWciu8 and then look at the line "VERSION=".

Recommended Patches

SIMS recommends that the clusters of patches that were used during quality assurance testing of SIMS be installed. These patch clusters are available in the directory /patches on the SIMS CD.

In addition to the recommended patch cluster, the following two patches are also recommended. They are located on the directory /patches/additional_2.6 on the SIMS CD.

TABLE  4-3   SIMS Additional Recommended Patches
Patch ID
Operating System
Type of Patch

106439-01 sparc

106440-01 i386  

Solaris 2.6  

System log patch  

Installing Recommended Patch Cluster

This section shows how the install_cluster script installs the Solaris patches. Refer to the CLUSTER_README file for a list of the specific patches and installation conditions. Be sure the patch cluster has been uncompressed and extracted if you received the cluster as a tar.Z file.

  1. Decide the method to install the cluster.
  By default the Save Feature option is selected, which saves the original objects being patched. Selecting the No Save option disables backing out individual patches.
  2. Run the install_cluster script.

% cd <patch cluster directory>
% su
<enter your root password>
# ./install_cluster

A message displays, asking the user to check for minimum disk space requirements. To suppress this interactive message, use the -q (quiet) command when you invoke the install_cluster script.

  3. Verify the installed patch IDs.

% /usr/bin/showrev -p

  Refer to individual patch README files for more patch detail.
  4. Check the log file if you get any error messages and need more details.

% more /var/sadm/install_data/<cluster name>_log

If this log file already exists, the latest cluster installation data will be concatenated to this file.

Though some of the patches in the cluster will not be needed if you are installing the cluster on an Ultra machine, the installation program will assume that they need to be installed. When you check the log file, you will see errors for the patches that were not installed.

  5. Reboot the machine for all patches to take effect.

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