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SellerXpert 4.1 SP1 Installation Guide

Chapter 2   Installing Oracle Database

This chapter provides information about installing the Oracle 8.1.6 Database Server Standard or Enterprise Edition for Solaris 8 operating systems. You must install this software before installing SellerXpert.

Detailed information regarding Oracle products can be found in the Oracle documentation set.

Note The following instructions are only guidelines for installing Oracle software. Your individual Oracle configuration may be different.

The following sections are contained in this chapter:

Hardware Requirements

Before installing Oracle, make sure that your hardware is sufficient. You should have the following on your system:

  • At least 128 MB of RAM

  • CD ROM drive

  • Swap space of at least 400MB or twice the RAM size

  • At least 1300 MB of disk space

This will allow you to perform a typical installation to create a simple database for prototyping. A real implementation will require more RAM and more disk space.

The following assumptions are made for this example of an Oracle installation:



Oracle group  


Oracle user  


Installing Oracle

Note The following steps are for installing Oracle 8.1.6 Database Server Enterprise Edition only.

  1. Start the installation process as root:

    %su -

  2. Create a directory for Oracle installation:

    %mkdir -p /export/oracle8

  3. Create a Unix group that will be used by Oracle:

    %groupadd dba

  4. Create a Unix user that will be the Oracle owner:

    %useradd -g dba -d /export/oracle8 -s /bin/csh oracle

  5. Change the ownership of the Oracle directory:

    %chown oracle:dba /export/oracle8

  6. Create a password for oracle user:

    %passwd oracle

  7. In any text editor, open the /etc/system file and append the following lines:

    set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=4294967295

    set shmsys:shminfo_shmmin=1

    set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=600

    set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=100

    set semsys:seminfo_semmap=100

    set semsys:seminfo_semmns=4096

    set semsys:seminfo_semmnu=4096

    set semsys:seminfo_semume=100

    set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=100

    set semsys:seminfo_semopm=100

    set semsys:seminfo_semvmx=32767

    * -------------

    * Message Queue

    * --------------

    set msgsys:msginfo_msgmap=1024

    set msgsys:msginfo_msgmax=8192

    set msgsys:msginfo_msgmnb=65535

    set msgsys:msginfo_msgmni=1024

    set msgsys:msginfo_msgssz=2048

    set msgsys:msginfo_msgtql=1024

    set msgsys:msginfo_msgseg=4096

  8. Add the following lines to your .cshrc file:

    setenv ORACLE_BASE /export/oracle8

    setenv ORACLE_HOME /export/oracle8

    setenv ORACLE_SID SXpert

    setenv PATH $ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH

    setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH/export/Oracle8/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

    setenv TNS_ADMIN /export/oracle8/network/admin


    Note If you want to use character set UTF8, then change:


  9. Enter the following commands to boot the system:





  10. After the system is booted, change the user to oracle:

    %su oracle

    %password: oracle

  11. Make sure that you have sourced the .cshrc file.

  12. Set the DISPLAY variable:

    %setenv DISPLAY <hostname>:0.0

  13. From another terminal window (that does not have Oracle as the user), type:

    %xhost +

    This will allow the database installation to display on your screen.

  14. From the Oracle CD, type:


  15. When the welcome screen displays, click Next.

  16. The File Locations screen displays. Leave the Source field unchanged. The Destination field will show the ORACLE_HOME value that you have set in your environment. Click Next.

  17. The Unix Group Name screen displays. Enter the name of the Unix group you created earlier for Oracle (dba). Click Next.

  18. The Available Products screen displays. Choose Oracle8i Enterprise Edition and click Next.

  19. The Installation Types screen displays. Select the Typical install to get a basic set of Oracle software installed and click Next.

  20. The Database Identification screen displays. Enter the ORACLE_SID you are creating for both the Global Database Name and SID and click Next.

  21. The Database File Location screen displays. Enter the directory you have created earlier to install Oracle and click Next.

  22. The Summary screen displays. Review all the selections you have made to confirm that they are correct and click Install.

  23. During installation, a Setup Privileges window displays. The installation will pause at this point, waiting for you to run a script as root. Follow the instructions and run the script as a root user.

  24. After executing the script, click OK, and then click Next.

  25. When Oracle installation has completed, a screen displays the database information. Verify that information and click OK.

  26. This is the end of Oracle Installation. Click Exit.

  27. During the installation, a default database instance is created. The instance is created in the name that you have provided in the Database Identification screen. You do not want to use this instance since it is not configured to SellerXpert's specification. You need to remove this instance by executing dbassist from <ORACLE_HOME>/bin directory and select delete a database.

  28. Click Next. Then, select the database instance (there should only be one instance since you just created the database server).

  29. Click Finish. The database instance should now be deleted.

Create an Oracle Instance

The following procedures are to create an Oracle instance that is configured to SellerXpert 4.1.

  1. You now need to create an Oracle instance that is configured to SellerXpert's specification. Execute dbassist from <ORACLE_HOME>/bin directory and select create a database. Click Next.

  2. To configure to SellerXpert's specification, you need to customize the creation of the database instance. Select the custom option and click Next.

  3. Select Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) and click Next.

  4. When the next screen displays, enter the approximate number of users to be concurrently (simultaneously) connected to the database at any given time. Oracle Database Configuration Assistant uses this value and the information you provided about your database environment on the previous screen to set rollback information and various initialization file parameters.

    Note MTS is configured for you if you selected OLTP as your database environment and entered a value of 20 or more for the number of users to be concurrently connected to the database in the Create Typical Database screen.

    For SellerXpert, you need at least 20 users. Click Next.

  5. Select Dedicated Server Mode, since only a small amount of SellerXpert will be using this instance. Click Next.

  6. Click the following check boxes and click Next:

    Oracle Time Series

    Oracle Spatial

    Oracle JServer

    Oracle InterMedia

    Oracle Visual Information Retrieval

    SQL*Plus help

  7. Enter the database name and SID. If your NLS_LANG is set to UTF-8, then the character set is UTF-8. If you like to change it, click Change Character Set... and make sure that the environment NLS_LANG is set to the character set that you selected. Click Next.

    Note The following steps will create control, dbf and log files in the oradata/ORACLE_SID directory. By default, the oradata directory is located in ORACLE_HOME. If you do not have enough disk space, you might consider creating an oradata/ORACLE_SID directory on another disk and save the control, dbf and log files there.

  8. Enter the location of the control files. The recommended parameters are:

    Maximum Datafiles: 254

    Maximum Log Files: 32

    Maximum Log Members: 2

    Note The next steps are for entering the tablespace information.

  9. Enter the system tablespace information. The recommended parameters are:

    Size (MB): 300

    Auto Extend: OFF

    Minimum Extent (KB): 128

    %Increase: 0

    Initial (KB): 128

    Next (KB): 128

    Min: 1

    Max: 500

    Enter the location where you want to save the system01.dbf file and click Next.

  10. Click the Tools tab and enter the tools tablespace information. The recommended parameters are:

    Name: TOOLS

    Size (MB): 8

    Auto Extend: OFF

    Minimum Extent (KB): 128

    %Increase: 0

    Initial (KB): 128

    Next (KB): 128

    Min: 1

    Max: 100

    Enter the location where you want to save the tools01.dbf file and click Next.

  11. Click the User tab and enter the user tablespace information. The recommended parameters are:

    Name: TS01

    Size (MB): 500

    Auto Extend: OFF

    Minimum Extent (KB): 128

    %Increase: 0

    Initial (KB): 128

    Next (KB): 128

    Min: 1

    Max: 500

    Enter the location where you want to save the ts01.dbf file and click Next.

  12. Click the Rollback tab and enter the rollback tablespace information. The recommended parameters are:


    Size (MB): 200

    Auto Extend: OFF

    Minimum Extent (KB): 2048

    %Increase: 0

    Initial (KB): 1024

    Next (KB): 1024

    Min: 2

    Max: 500

    Enter the location where you want to save rbs01.dbf file and click Next.

  13. Click on the Index tab and enter the index tablespace information. The recommended parameters are:

    Name: TS02

    Size (MB): 200

    Auto Extend: OFF

    Minimum Extent (KB): 128

    %Increase 0

    Initial (KB): 128

    Next (KB): 128

    Min: 1

    Max: 500

    Enter the location where you want to save the indx01.dbf file and click Next.

  14. Click the Temporary tab and enter the temporary tablespace information. The recommended parameters are:

    Name: TEMP

    Size (MB): 100

    Auto Extend: OFF

    Minimum Extent (KB): 2048

    Initial (KB): 1024

    Next (KB): 1024

    Enter the location where you want to save the temp01.dbf file and click Next.

  15. Click the InterMedia tab and enter the InterMedia tablespace information. The recommended parameters are:

    Name: DRSYS

    Size (MB): 300

    Auto Extend: OFF

    Minimum Extent (KB): 128

    %Increase 0

    Initial (KB): 128

    Next (KB): 128

    Min: 1

    Max: 500

    Enter the location where you want to save the drsys01.dbf file and click Next.

  16. Enter the redo log file location and the file size. The recommended file sizes are:

    Redo Log 1 File Size (KB): 10240

    Redo Log 2 File Size (KB) 10240

    Redo Log 3 File Size (KB): 10240

  17. Enter the login parameter information. The recommend parameters are:

    Checkpoint Interval: 10000

    Checkpoint Timeout (Sec): 1800

  18. Enter the System Global Area (SGA) information. The recommended parameters are:

    Shared Pool Size (Bytes): 115343336

    Block Buffers: 10480

    Log Buffer Size (Bytes): 163840

    Processes: 100

    Block Size (Bytes): 8192

    (block size is very important - make sure you have at least 8192 bytes)

    Note The parameters on this screen impact the System Global Area (SGA) of your database. Each time an Oracle8i database instance is started, the SGA is allocated in memory. The SGA is a group of shared memory structures that contain data and control information for one Oracle8i database system. If multiple users are concurrently connected to the same database instance, the data in the SGA is shared among the users.

    The default values that appear here for the SHARED_ POOL_SIZE, DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS, DB_BLOCK_ SIZE, and PROCESSES parameters are based on the number of concurrent users and database environment type (OLTP, DSS, or Hybrid) that you selected on previous screens.

  19. Review the directory paths and make any appropriate changes. Click Next.

  20. The final create a database screen displays. Select Create Database Now and click Finish.

This process may take approximately 2-3 hours.

  1. After completion of creating the database instance, stop the Oracle instance.


    SVRMGRL> connect internal

    SVRMGRL> shutdown immediate

    SVRMGRL> quit

  2. To make sure listener is running:

    %lsnrctl status

  3. If listener is not running, start the listener by typing:

    %lsnrctl start

  4. In the init<ORACLE_SID>.ora file located in ORACLE_HOME/admin/XXX/pfile directory make the following modifications:

    #change open_cursors to 300

    open_cursors = 300

    #uncomment rollback_segments, where x can go up to 25

    rollback_segments = ( RBS0, RBS1, RBS2, RBS3, RBS4, RBS5, RBS6, ...RBSx )

    #modify or add optimizer_max_permutation and set it to 1000

    optimizer_max_permutations = 1000

    #Verify that remote login is commented


    #remove or comment out the line


  5. Restart the database instance:


    SVRMGRL> connect internal

    SVRMGRL> startup

    SVRMGRL> quit

This concludes the Oracle installation.

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Copyright © 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2001 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated September 07, 2001