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iPlanet BuyerXpert 4.5 Administrator's Guide

Appendix D       Example Invoice Matching Files

This appendix contains the following sections:

Example Invoice Document

This is an example of an invoice document in the XML format of BuyerXpert:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<!DOCTYPE BXXMLInvoice SYSTEM '    file:/space/src/xdoc/new/BXXMLInvoice.dtd'>

<BXXMLInvoice version="1.0" xml:language="1.0" revision="1">



<NamingAuthority>only text</NamingAuthority>

<PartnerName>only text</PartnerName>

<Password>only text</Password>



<NamingAuthority>only text</NamingAuthority>

<PartnerName>only text</PartnerName>


<TransmissionDateTime>only text</TransmissionDateTime>

<EnvelopeID>only text</EnvelopeID>




<InvoiceNumber> 123 </InvoiceNumber>

<InvoiceDate>Oct 12, 2000 11:00 AM</InvoiceDate>

<InvoiceDescription>Some Description</InvoiceDescription>





































<CurrencyCode> USD </CurrencyCode>

















<LineItemNumber> 1 </LineItemNumber>



<UnitOfMeasure CodeValue="code">EA</UnitOfMeasure>











<InvoiceLineItemNumber> 1 </InvoiceLineItemNumber>



<UnitOfMeasure CodeValue="code">EA</UnitOfMeasure>




<OrderDate> 02/19/2000 </OrderDate>


















<ContractNumber> Contract123 </ContractNumber>









Example Invoice File Format

This is the DTD format of the BuyerXpert invoice XML format:

<!ENTITY % OBIXMLLibrary SYSTEM "OBIXMLLibrary.dtd">

<!ENTITY % LineItemInvoiceRef "InvoiceLineItemNumber , NetQuantity ,

PurchaseOrderRef , Cost ,

ContractNumber? ,

OtherAmount1? , OtherAmount2? , OtherAmount3? ,

OtherAmount4? , OtherAmount5? , OtherAmount6? ,

OtherDate1? , OtherDate2? ,

Other1? , Other2? , Other3? ">

<!ELEMENT PurchaseOrderLineRef (PurchaseOrderRef , LineItemNumber )>


<!ELEMENT BXXMLInvoice (Envelope , Invoice , SenderDigitalSignature?)>


xml:language CDATA #IMPLIED

revision CDATA #IMPLIED >

<!ELEMENT Invoice (InvoiceHeader , InvoiceDetail , InvoiceSummary)>

<!ELEMENT InvoiceHeader (InvoiceNumber , InvoiceDate , InvoiceDescription ,

BuyingParty , SellingParty ,

CurrencyCode , OrderTotal ,

Tax? , ShippingCost? , AllowanceOrCharge? ,

InvoiceURL? ,

OtherDate1? , OtherDate2? ,

Other1? , Other2? , Other3? , Other4? , Other5? ,

OtherAmount1? , OtherAmount2? , OtherAmount3?)>

<!ELEMENT InvoiceDetail (LineItemInvoice)+>

<!ELEMENT InvoiceSummary %OrderSummaryRef;>

<!--Date of Invoice for this order-->

<!ELEMENT InvoiceDate (#PCDATA)>

<!--Contains supplier URL for order status information-->


<!ELEMENT LineItemInvoice (%LineItemRef; , %LineItemInvoiceRef;)>

<!ELEMENT InvoiceNumber (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT InvoiceDescription (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT OtherDate1 (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT OtherDate2 (#PCDATA)>






<!ELEMENT OtherAmount1 (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT OtherAmount2 (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT OtherAmount3 (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT OtherAmount4 (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT OtherAmount5 (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT OtherAmount6 (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT OrderTotal (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT NetQuantity %QuantityRef;>

<!ELEMENT InvoiceLineItemNumber (#PCDATA )>

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Copyright © 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last Updated June 10, 2002