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iPlanet BuyerXpert 4.5 Administrator's Guide

Appendix A       Worksheets

This appendix contains worksheets that might be helpful in gathering the information required to set up iPlanet BuyerXpert. Completing the worksheets prior to doing the configuration tasks enables you to more efficiently set up iPlanet BuyerXpert for your organization.

The following tables are contained in this appendix:

Organization Worksheet

Table A-1    Organization Worksheet 

Organization Name:

Data Needed  


Complete this Column  

Short Name  

Name to appear in iPlanet BuyerXpert interface.  



The full legal name of the organization.  


Address, City, State, Postal Code, Country  

The main address of the organization.  



Multiple phone numbers with comments.  



Multiple fax numbers.  


Email addresses  

Multiple general email addresses for the organization.  


Web Sites  

Multiple web sites associated with the organization.  


Seller ID  

A unique identifier number.  


D-U-N-S Number  

The Dun & Bradstreet number.  



Select either Enabled or Disabled. Enabled means able to enter into transactions. Information for a disabled organization is stored in the system, but the organization cannot enter into transactions.  

__ Enabled
__ Disabled

Effective from date  

Date after which the organization is to be active.  


Effective to date  

Date before which the organization is to be active.  


Maximum Order Size  

Used for Check Credit if Credit Model is set to On Credit Status and Order Size.  


Minimum Order Size  

Used for Check Credit if Credit Model is set to On Credit Status and Order Size.  


Credit Rating  

Select the credit rating for the organization.  

__ AAA

Last Credit Check (Customer Only)  

Date and time last performed.  



Currency to use.  


Payment Terms  

These are set up on the Payment terms tab. See the Shipping Carrier Worksheet for information.  


Verify Address  

Specify how to verify the payment address.  

__ No  

Payment Method
(Buyer only)

Select the Payment Method to use.  


Tax Model  

Standard implementation allows you to create a customized tax table based on state, country, or product tax rates.  

__ Use Standard Implementation
__No Tax Calculation

Charge Tax  

Whether organization is taxable.  


Tax Rate  

Tax to apply to this organization. This list is set up in the Tax Adjustments tabs.  


Federal tax ID  

Nine-digit Federal tax ID number.  


Legal Type  

Organization type.  

__ C-Corporation
__ S-Corporation
__ Partnership
__ Unknown
__ Limited Liability Corp

Acceptable Currencies  

Currencies used by the organization.  


Product Catalogs  

Product catalogs available for this organization.  


Price List  

Price list used for this organization.  


Transmit Order  

Do not select Via ECX unless ECXpert is installed and set up.  

__ Via ECX
__ Other

Order Split allowed  

Whether split orders are allowed.  

__ Yes
__ No

Split orders based on  

How to split orders if allowed.  

__ No Order Split
__ Based on Ship-from/Ship-to locations

Freight Terms  

Freight Terms to apply to orders to this organization.  


Freight Terms Model  

How to determine Freight terms.  

__ Use Standard Implementation
__ No Freight Terms

Order Ack Required  

Whether order Acknowledgment is required for the organization.  


Order Ack to  

Recipients of order acknowledgments.  

__ Approvers
__ Bill-to location
__ Buyer Organization
__ Carrier Organization
__ Person Created by
__ Person Created for
__ Organization
__ Seller Organization
__ Ship-from location
__ Ship-to location
__ Vendor organization

Ack Method  

Do not select Via EDI unless ECXpert is installed and set up.  

__ Via EDI
__ Via Email
__ Via Fax

Contacts (Buyer only)  

Users to be contacted by outside parties.  


Shipping Methods (Buyer only)  

Acceptable shipping methods. These are set up on the Shipping Methods tab. See the Shipping Method Worksheet for information.  


Shipping Method Model  

How to determine the shipping method.  

__ ON Rules  

Estimate ship date model (seller only)  

How to determine an estimated ship date.  

__ External API
__ No Calculation
__ Based on Ship Day Offset

Shipping Days (seller only)  

Days of the week on which to ship.  


Est Ship Date Offset (seller only)  

Number of days between when an order is received and when it is shipped.  


Seller Cutoff time (seller only)  

Time after which it is too late to ship.  


Ship Confirmation Model (seller only)  

How to confirm shipment.  

__ No Ship Confirm
__ Ship Complete Status

Rounding Method  

How to round number values to the Qty Precision.  

__ Round Down
__ Plain
__ Round Up

Payment Method Model  

How to determine the payment method.  

__ No Payment Required
__ Standard Payment Method

Payment Terms Model (Buyer only)  

How to determine payment terms.  

__ Use Standard Implementation
__ No Payment Terms

Allow ASN from ECX (Buyer only)  

Whether to accept Advanced Ship Notices (ASN) from ECXpert.  


Max Order Size (Buyer only)  

Maximum order size allowed.  


Min Order Size (Buyer only)  

Minimum order size allowed.  


Units (Buyer only)  

Unit of measure associated with max/min order size.  


Default Password  

For security reasons, do not enter this here.  



Specify what users for this organization can do by default unless something else is set on the People Security tab.  


People Worksheet

Table A-2    People (Users) Worksheet 

Person's Name:

Data Needed  


Complete this Column  


Any title for the name.  



The full legal name of the person.  



Any title for the name  


Address, City, State, Postal Code, Country  

A main address for the person.  


Location (seller/ customer only)  

List of all Ship-to and Bill-to, or Ship-from and Pay-to locations for the organization.  



Multiple phone numbers with comments.  



Multiple fax numbers.  



Multiple e-mail addresses for the person.  


Login Name  

Name used to log in to the system.  


Person ID  

A unique identifier number.  


Order Ack to  

Recipients of the order acknowledgment message.  

__ Approvers
__ Bill-to location
__ Buyer Organization
__ Carrier Organization
__ Person Created by
__ Person Created for
__ Ship-from location
__ Ship-to location
__ Seller organization


Select one. Enabled means can enter into transactions. Disabled means the person cannot enter into transactions.  

__ Enabled
__ Disabled

Effective from date  

Date from which the person is to be active.  


Effective to date  

Date to which the person is to be active.  


Product Catalogs  

Select the catalogs the user has access to.  


Acceptable Currencies  

Currencies used by the user.  




Do not write this down.  


What users for this organization can do.  


Credit Card Worksheet

Table A-3    Credit Card Worksheet 

Credit Card Name:

Data Needed  


Complete this Column  


Name that appears in the interface  



The type of card.  


Card Brand  

Card brand name.  


Card Number  


Do not write this down.  


Select one. Enabled means can be selected. Disabled means cannot be selected.  

__ Active
__ Inactive

Expiration Date  

Card expiration date.  


Payment Method  

Payment method associated with the card.  



Any additional descriptive information about the card.  


Bank Name  

Issuing bank name.  


Routing Number  

Bank routing number.  


Bank Account Number  

Bank account number associated with the card.  


PIN Number  

Personal Identification Number associated with the card.  


Card Holder Name  

Name of the person on the card.  


Card Bill-to Name  

Name billed by the card.  


Driver License  

Driver's license number of card holder.  


Address, City, State, Postal Code, Country  

Billing address for the card.  



Contact phone number for the card.  



Contact email address for the card.  


Location Worksheet

Table A-4    Location Worksheet 

Location Name:  



Data Needed  


Complete this Column  


Full legal name of the location.  


Address, City, State, Postal Code, Country  

A main address for the location.  


Authorized Contacts  

List of all people set up as contacts for the organization.  



Multiple phone numbers with comments.  



Multiple fax numbers.  


Web Sites  

Multiple WWW sites for the location.  


Location ID  

A unique identifier number.  


DUNS Number  

Unique organization identifier issued by Duns and Bradstreet for EDI.  



Select one. Enabled means can enter into transactions. Disabled cannot enter into transactions.  

__ Enabled
__ Disabled

Effective from date  

Date from which the location is to be active.  


Effective to date  

Date to which the location is to be active.  


Discounts, Charges, Allowances, and Promotions (Ship-from, Ship-to, Bill-to)  

DCAPS for organization.  


Product Availability Model  

How to determine product availability.  

__ Yes/No  

Max Order Size (Ship-from)  

Maximum order size allowed.  


Min Order Size (Ship-from)  

Minimum order size.  


Units (Ship-from)  

Units of measurement for product availability.  


Ship Confirmation Model (Ship-from)  

How to confirm shipment.  

__ Ship Confirm
__ Ship Complete Status

Allow ASN from ECX (Ship-from)  

Whether to accept advance ship notices from ECXpert.  


Order Ack to (Ship-from, Ship-to, Bill-to)  

Recipients of order acknowledgments.  

__ Approvers
__ Bill-to location
__ Buyer Organization
__Carrier Organization
__ Person Created by
__ Person Created for
__ Organization
__ Seller Organization
__ Ship-from location
__ Ship-to location
__ Vendor organization

Est. Ship Date Model (Ship-from)  

How to estimate the ship date.  

__ No Calculation
__ Based on Ship-day offset

Shipping Days (Ship-from)  

Days of the week on which to ship.  


Est Ship Date Offset (Ship-from)  

Number of days between when an order is received and when it is shipped.  


Shipping Cutoff time (Ship-from)  

Time after which it is too late to ship.  


Shipping Charge Model

How to determine the shipping charge.  

__ Estimate
__ No Shipping Charge

Default Ship-from locs (Ship-to)  

Ship-from location to use by default.  


Split orders based on (Bill-to)  

How to split orders.  

__ No Order Split
__ Based on Ship-from/Ship-to locations

Shipping Method Model
(Ship-to, Bill-to)

Shipping method information is set on the Shipping Method tab.  

__ ON Rules

Shipping Point Selection (Ship-to)  

How to determine the shipping point.  

__ From ship-from location list  

Tax Certificate ID (Ship-to)  

Tax certificate ID number.  


Charge Tax (Ship-to, Bill-to)  

Whether the organization is taxable.  


Maximum Order Size (Bill-to)  

Used for Check Credit if the Credit Model is set to On Credit Status and Order.  


Minimum Order Size (Bill-to)  

Used for Check Credit if the Credit Model is set to On Credit Status and Order.  


Currency/Acceptable Currencies (Bill-to)  

Currencies used for this billing location.  


Price List (Bill-to)  

Price list to use for this location.  


Freight Terms Worksheet

Table A-5    Freight Terms Worksheet 

Name of Freight Location:

Data Needed  


Complete this Column  

Freight Terms Code  

Name to appear in the end-user interface.  



Select one. Enabled means can be selected. Disabled means freight term cannot be selected.  

__ Enabled
__ Disabled

Freight Charges Paid By  

Which organization pays freight charges.  

__ Seller
__ Buyer


Freight on Board. When the buyer takes responsibility for ordered items.  

__ Warehouse
__ Destination

Interstate Taxability  

Whether interstate shipments are taxable.  

__ Yes
__ No

Intrastate Taxability  

Whether intrastate shipments are taxable.  

__ Yes
__ No

Shipping Carrier Worksheet

Table A-6    Shipping Carrier Worksheet 

Shipping Carrier Name:

Data Needed  


Complete this Column  


The full legal name of the carrier.  


Address, City, State, Postal Code, Country  

A main address for the organization.  



Multiple phone numbers with comments.  



Multiple fax numbers.  



Multiple general e-mail addresses for the organization.  


Web Sites  

Multiple web sites associated with the organization.  


Short Name  

Name to appear in the iPlanet BuyerXpert interface.  



Select one. Enabled means can enter into transactions. Disabled means cannot enter into transactions.  

__ Enabled
__ Disabled

Effective from date  

Date from which the carrier is to be active.  


Effective to date  

Date to which the carrier is to be active.  


Legal Type  

Carrier's legal type.  

__ C-Corporation
__ S-Corporation
__ Partnership
__ Unknown
__ Limited Liability Corp

DUNS Number  

Issued to this organization by Duns and Bradstreet for EDI.  


Shipping Method Worksheet

Table A-7    Shipping Method Worksheet  

Shipping Method Name:

Data Needed  


Complete this Column  

Shipping Method Name  

Name users can select from the interface.  



Select from the list set up on the Carriers tab.  


Level of Service  

For example, 2-day air.  



Select one. Enabled means can enter into transactions. Disabled means method cannot be selected.  

__ Enabled
__ Disabled


Freight Terms Model  

How to determine freight terms.


__ Not Set
__ Use Standard Implementation
__No Freight Terms

Freight Terms  

What freight terms to apply.  


Payment Method Worksheet

Table A-8    Payment Methods Worksheet  

Payment Method Type:

Data Needed  


Complete this Column  

Payment Name  

Name for the payment method.  



Description of the payment method.  



The type of payment method.  



If a card, the brand of credit card.  


Max Order Amount  

Maximum order amount allowed for this payment method type.  


Min Order Amount  

Minimum order amount allowed for this payment method type.  



Select one. Enabled means able to enter into transactions. Disabled means method cannot be used.  

__ Enabled
__ Disabled

Payment Terms Worksheet

Table A-9    Payment Terms Worksheet  

Payment Term Name:

Data Needed  


Complete this Column  

Payment Terms Code  

Name to appear in the interface.  


Due Day  

Day of the month that payment is due.  


Pre-payment Day  

Day of the month that payment is rewarded.  


Pre-payment Discount  

Discount for payment received by pre-payment day.  



Select one. Enabled means can be selected. Disabled means term cannot be selected.  


Effective from date  

Date from which payment term is in effect.  


Effective to date  

Date to which the payment term is in effect.  



Additional notes about payment method.  


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Copyright © 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last Updated June 10, 2002