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Sun ONE Integration Server B2B, TradingXpert 3.6.2 Installation Guide

List of Figures

Figure 1-1    TradingXpert Software Dependencies    

Figure 1-2    TradingXpert/ECXpert Configurations    

Figure 2-1    TradingXpert and ECXpert on Different Machines    

Figure 3-1    TradingXpert and ECXpert on Different Machines    

Figure 4-1    Service List Screen for TXhost Sending Purchase Order to webuser1    

Figure 4-2    Partnership Info for TXhost Sending Purchase Order to webuser1    

Figure 4-3    Input EDI for TXhost Sending Purchase Order to webuser1    

Figure 4-4    Protocols for TXhost Sending Purchase Order to webuser1    

Figure 4-5    Service List for webuser1 Sending Invoices to TXhost    

Figure 4-6    Partnership Info for webuser1 Sending Invoices to TXhost    

Figure 4-7    Input HREC for webuser1 Sending Invoices to TXhost    

Figure 4-8    Output EDI for webuser1 Sending Invoices to TXhost    

Figure 4-9    Protocols for webuser1 Sending Invoices to TXhost    

Figure 4-10    Service List for webuser1 Sending Attachments to TXhost    

Figure 4-11    Partnership Info for webuser1 Sending Attachments to TXhost    

Figure 4-12    Protocols for webuser1 Sending Attachments to TXhost    

Figure 4-13    ECXpert Home Page    

Figure 4-14    ECXpert Utilities Menu    

Figure 4-15    Document Submission Form    

Figure 4-16    TradingXpert Login Screen    

Figure 4-17    Trade Center Screen    

Figure 4-18    Inbound Documents Screen    

Figure 4-19    Purchase Order Document    

Figure 4-20    Attachment Options at Bottom of an Invoice    

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