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Sun ONE Application Server 7, Standard Edition Installation Guide

Preparing to Install

Sun ONE Application Server allows different types of installation according to user role, as well as different methods of installation, such as command-line, graphical-interface, and silent modes. This section describes these types and methods, as well as prerequisites for installation and technical requirements.

This section includes the following topics:

Read this chapter before using the Sun ONE Application Server installation program. Check the Release Notes for the latest information.

For more information about configuring your application server after installation, refer to the Sun ONE Application Server 7 Administrator's Guide.

Supported Platforms

Your system should meet the system requirements described in the following table.

   Supported Platforms

Operating System


Minimum Memory

Recommended Memory

Minimum Disk Space

Recommended Disk Space

Sun Solaris 8 for SPARC, Sun Solaris 9 for SPARC


32 and 64 bit


256 MB without Sun ONE Studio

512 MB with Sun ONE Studio


512 MB


250 MB free


500 MB free


Microsoft Windows

  • 2000 Advanced Server, SP2+
  • 2000 Server, SP2+
  • 2000 Professional, SP 2+
  • Windows XP Professional

Intel 32 bit


256 MB without Sun ONE Studio

256 MB with Sun ONE Studio


256 MB without Sun ONE Studio

512 MB with Sun ONE Studio


250 MB free


500 MB free


Required Patches

The following Solaris patches must be installed for Solaris 8 systems:

109326-06 or higher

108827-26 or higher

110934 for packaged-based installation only

These patches can be retrieved from the patch finder page located at the following URL:

It is recommended that Solaris 8 users should have the "Sun recommended patch cluster" installed. The cluster includes the three required patches listed above. This patch is available at: under "Recommended and Security Patches."

Once you have satisfied the system requirements, you are ready to install the application server.

Other Technical Requirements

Note the following requirements and perform any of the tasks necessary before installing Sun ONE Application Server 7:

All Platforms

  • Your temp directory must have a minimum of 100 MB free.
  • On all platforms, you must have four unused ports available. You'll assign one for the administration server and another for the HTTP server port during installation. The installer will detect unused ports and assign two others for you: Sun ONE Message Queue (by default, 7676), and IIOP (by default, 3700). If either of these default port numbers are in use, the installer will assign the next available port (for instance, 7677 or 7678, and so on).


  • For Solaris package-based non-evaluation installations, you must have root privileges on your target machine to install the software. You do not need root privileges on Solaris if you are installing the product using the non-package-based distribution of the product.
  • When installing as root, note the following:
    • For evaluation installations, you can install more than one application server as root as long as each installation is in a different installation directory. However, root privileges are not required to install a non-package-based version of the application server.
    • For non-evaluation installations, you can have only one installation per system. However, one non-evaluation installation can co-exist with any number of evaluation installation(s) on the same system, provided that the installation directories are different for each.
    • For both evaluation and non-evaluation installations, you can have multiple instances running within the same installation.

  • If you have previously installed application or web servers on the target machine, you must start them before you begin the Sun ONE Application Server 7 installation process. This will allow the installer to detect ports in use and avoid assigning them for other uses.
  • If your machine has the Solaris 9 bundled version of the application server installed, and you install the unbundled version of the server, the Message Queue broker for these application server installations will be shared. Therefore, if you fail to uniquely name your domains and instances, you may receive the following errors when starting up the second instance with the same domain or instance name:
  • SEVERE: JMS5024: JMS service startup failed

    SEVERE: CORE5071: An error occured during initialization

    To avoid these errors, see the JMS Support section in the Sun ONE Application Server 7 Administrator's Guide.


  • On a given Windows machine, you can only install one Sun ONE Application Server.
  • You must have administrative privileges to install Sun ONE Application Server on Windows using evaluation and non-evaluation distributions.
  • You must install the SNMP service before you install Sun ONE Application Server 7 or installation of the SNMP subagent will fail.
  • You must stop any firewall or anti-virus software before installing the application server, since some of this software disables all ports by default. The application server installation program must be able to accurately determine which ports are available.

Installation Methods

You can install Sun ONE Application Server using any of three methods:

Graphical Interface

Graphical-interface installation method provides a set of graphical dialogs to interact with the user.

Command Line

Command line, interactive-based installation methods includes the same steps as found in the graphical-interface installation, but does not require a graphics-capable display. For example, if you are using Telnet to access a remote server, you can use this method to install the product in an interactive fashion. The -console option on the installer triggers this method.


Silent, or parameter-driven, installation enables you to perform scripted installations of the product based on the presence of a parameter file. The product is installed without any interaction by the user.

Types of Installation

Sun ONE Application Server offers the following types of installation, depending on your role as a user:

  • Evaluation
  • Development and Operations

  • Note

    Sun ONE Application Server 7, Platform Edition is already installed with Solaris 9. (See the Sun ONE Application Server Release Notes for details about which versions of Solaris 9 include the application server.)

    Users of Solaris 9 bundled should read Documentation Conventions, then proceed to Post-installation Tasks before reading the Sun ONE Application Server 7 Getting Started Guide and Administrator's Guide for information about configuring and using the product.


Users who are evaluating Sun ONE Application Server, or taking a "try-and-buy" approach to the product, should install the evaluation version of the Sun ONE Application Server software. The evaluation experience includes a fully functional Sun ONE Application Server installation, complete with sample applications and a database. Java™ 2 Software Development Kit 1.4.0_02 (J2SE 1.4.0_02, SDK) is automatically installed on the target machine.

Development and Operations

Developers and system administrators can install Sun ONE Application Server using the non-evaluation installation program. The non-evaluation installation program allows you to choose which components to install for development and system administration purposes.


On Solaris, the package-based installation experience installs components as Solaris packages. Therefore, you must have root privileges on the machine where you are installing the Sun ONE Application Server software. See Other Technical Requirements for more information.

Installable Components

The following components are installed in the installation root directory by default during evaluation installation. You cannot select from installable components during evaluation installation.

Installation root directories for most platforms are indicated by install_dir in this document. Exceptions are noted in Conventions Referring to Directories.

By default, the location of install_dir on most platforms is:

  • Solaris non-package-based evaluation installations:
  • user's home directory/sun/appserver7

  • Solaris unbundled, package-based installations:
  • /opt/SUNWappserver7

  • Windows, all installations:
  • C:\Sun\AppServer7

For the platforms listed above, default_config_dir and install_config_dir are identical to install_dir. See Conventions Referring to Directories for exceptions (including Solaris 9 bundled) and additional information.

For more information about installation directories, see Documentation Conventions.

Sun ONE Application Server

Includes the core components of the application server product.

PointBase 4.2

PointBase 4.2 is the database supported by Sun ONE Application Server. PointBase is a pure Java Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) for client-server networked applications. It provides a reliable and scalable database for e-commerce and application servers. (PointBase not available in the Solaris 9 bundled version of Sun ONE Application Server.)

PointBase 4.2 is installed in install_dir/pointbase.

Sample Applications

Sun ONE Application Server includes sample applications that are available when you install Sun ONE Application Server. All samples come with the source, schema, Ant build scripts, and EAR files. Any existing data of database-related samples are available in the database. These sample applications are categorized into the following three logical types:

  • Technology Samples - Introduces developers to various technical aspects of the Java™ 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE™) specification as well as the value adds of Sun ONE Application Server.
  • Interoperability Samples - Gives you more detailed view on how these technologies come together on Sun ONE Application Server platform.

The sample applications are installed in install_dir/samples. More information about the samples can be obtained from install_dir/samples/index.html.

Administration Client

The graphical and command-line Administration interfaces are automatically installed when you install the application server. You can also opt to install the command-line version of this client separately on a machine where the application server is not installed. Both the graphical and command-line administration clients allow you to manage and configure Sun ONE Application Server installations and the applications hosted on them, as well as help you deploy your applications.

Sun ONE Message Queue 3.0.1

Sun ONE Message Queue is a production implementation of the Java Messaging Service (JMS) 1.0.2 specification. Message Queue consists of three primary components: broker, client APIs, and Administration tool.

Sun ONE Message Queue is automatically installed with the application server in install_dir/imq for Solaris evaluation and all Windows installations. For unbundled Solaris non-evaluation installations and for Solaris 9 bundled installations, see the Sun ONE Message Queue Installation Guide at

Sun ONE Studio 4.0, Enterprise Edition for Java

Sun ONE Studio (formerly named Forte for Java Enterprise Edition 4.0) provides the ability to create and deploy Java-based web services conforming to the SOAP 1.1 specification. Sun ONE Application Server provides support for Sun ONE Studio 4.0, allowing you to use Sun ONE Application Server with an existing Sun ONE Studio installation. When installing Sun ONE Application Server, you will enter the path to your existing Sun ONE Studio 4.0 installation if applicable.

Java 2 Software Development Kit (J2SE) 1.4.0_02

Sun ONE Application Server requires J2SE 1.4.0_02 or higher SDK and leverages the performance and feature improvements that are part of the 1.4 platform.

The SDK is installed in install_dir/jdk for Solaris evaluation and all Windows installations. It is installed in /usr/j2se for unbundled Solaris non-evaluation installations and for Solaris 9 bundled installations.

During installation, you can opt to reuse a J2SE already installed on your system as long as the J2SE is version 1.4.0_02 or above.


Sun ONE Application Server 7 is certified to work with J2SE 1.4.0_02 or higher from Sun Microsystems. Third-party J2SE development kits, even with appropriate version number, are not supported.

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