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Sun ONE Application Server 7 Installation Guide

Chapter 1
Preparing to Install

The Sun™ Open Net Environment (Sun ONE) Application Server 7, Upgrade 2 software can be distributed and installed in a number of different ways, depending on your systems, roles, and the needs of your site. This chapter explains the software components of the product, the scope and limitations of your choices, and the system requirements for the Sun ONE Application Server environment.

The following topics are addressed here:

Read the Sun ONE Application Server Release Notes for any late-breaking installation information.

For more information about configuring the Sun ONE Application Server software after installation, refer to the Sun ONE Application Server Administrator’s Guide.

The following locations contain helpful information, including Tech Notes, Forum discussions, tools and utilities, and product downloads:

About Sun ONE Application Server Installation

The Sun ONE Application Server product is made up of a number of software components that work together to create the Sun ONE Application Server experience. There are a number of choices you can make for your installation:

This section addresses the following topics.

Installation Components

The Sun ONE Application Server installation components are described briefly in the following sections:

Sun ONE Application Server

Includes the core components of the Sun ONE Application Server software product as described in this section. For more information on Sun ONE Application Server features, refer to the Sun ONE Application Server What’s New document.


The following editions of the Sun ONE Application Server are offered to suit a variety of needs for UNIX and Microsoft Windows environments:

Platform and Standard Editions support both single machine and multi-machine, tiered deployments. While Platform Edition is limited to a single application server instance (that is, a single JVM process) per administrative domain, Standard Edition can be configured with multiple application server instances per administrative domain.

Standard Edition provides enhanced web tier support by allowing you to partition HTTP/S traffic arriving on the same web server instance to multiple application servers in the middle tier. Load balancing from the plugin is not supported in these editions. The Standard Edition evaluation version of the product has a sixty days trial period, after which it can be converted to a fully-licensed development version.


The Administration interface and the command-line interface are automatically installed when you install the Sun ONE Application Server component. When the Administration interface (also called the Admin Console) has been started, the initial page of the Sun ONE Application Server graphical interface is displayed.

Both the graphical and command-line administration (browser) clients allow you to manage and configure your servers and the applications hosted on them, as well as help you deploy your applications.

Full instructions for using the administration tools are contained in the Sun ONE Application Server Administrator’s Guide, the Administration interface online help, and the asadmin man pages.

Administration Client

The administration client is the separate command-line component of the Sun ONE Application Server. It is installed automatically when the Sun ONE Application Server component is installed.

You can choose to install the command-line version of this client separately on a machine where the Sun ONE Application Server is not installed. Do this by selecting only the Sun ONE Administration Client component instead of the Sun ONE Application Server component during installation.

Sun ONE Message Queue

The Sun ONE Message Queue software is a production implementation of the Java Messaging Service (JMS) 1.0.2 specification. It is automatically installed when you install the Sun ONE Application Server software.

Sun ONE Message Queue consists of three primary components:

For UNIX non-package-based distributions and for all Microsoft Windows distributions, the Sun ONE Message Queue software is automatically installed with the Sun ONE Application Server software here: install_dir/imq


PointBase is the database supported by the Sun ONE Application Server platform. PointBase is a pure Java Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) for client-server networked applications. It provides a reliable and scalable database for e-commerce and application servers.

PointBase 4.2 is installed here: install_dir/pointbase


PointBase is not available in the Solaris™ 9 bundled version of Sun ONE Application Server.

Sample Applications

Sun ONE Application Server includes over sixty sample applications that are available when you install the Sun ONE Application Server software. All samples come with the source, schema, Ant build scripts, and EAR files. Any existing data associated with the database-related samples is available in the database. These sample applications are categorized as follows:

The sample applications are installed here: install_dir/samples

More information about the samples can be obtained here:

Sun ONE Studio 4.0, Enterprise Edition for Java

Sun ONE Studio (formerly named Forte for Java Enterprise Edition 4.0) provides the ability to create and deploy Java-based web services that conform to the SOAP 1.1 specification.

The Sun ONE Application Server platform provides support for Sun ONE Studio 4.0, which means you can use the Sun ONE Application Server software with your existing Sun ONE Studio 4 installation. When installing Sun ONE Application Server, you are prompted to enter the path to your existing Sun ONE Studio 4.0 installation, if applicable.

The Sun ONE Studio 4 files are installed here: install_dir/studio4

Java 2 Software Development Kit (J2SE)

The Sun ONE Application Server product requires the J2SE 1.4.1_04 and leverages the performance and feature improvements that are part of the 1.4 platform.

During a development installation, you can choose to reuse a J2SE that is already installed on your system as long as the J2SE version is correct.


The Sun ONE Application Server 7 product is only certified to work with J2SE 1.4.1_04 from Sun Microsystems. Third-party J2SE development kits, even with appropriate version numbers, are not supported.

For UNIX evaluation distributions and all Microsoft Windows distributions, the J2SE is installed here: install_dir/jdk

For unbundled Solaris non-evaluation distributions and for Solaris 9 bundled distributions, the J2SE is installed here: /usr/j2se.

Installation Methods

You can install the Sun ONE Application Server software using any of three methods:

Graphical Interface Method

If you choose to use the graphical interface for installation, you are provided with a set of interactive graphical dialogs. This is the default mode when you invoke the installation program without options:

Full instructions for using the graphical interface method are contained in "Installing for Evaluation" and "Installing the Development Product".

Command-Line Interface Method

If you choose to the use the command-line interface for installation, the steps are the same as for the graphical-interface installation, but a graphics-capable display is not provided. To activate the interactive command-line mode, invoke the installation program using the -console option:

If you are using Telnet to access a remote server, you can use the command-line interface to install the product in an interactive fashion.

Silent Mode

You can use silent mode to perform a scripted installation based on the presence of a parameter file that was created during a standard interactive installation (either using the graphical or command-line interface). In silent mode, the Sun ONE Application Server software is installed without any interaction by you. By referring to the parameter file, the components that were installed in the interactive model are automatically installed.

Instructions for using silent mode are contained in "Installing in Silent Mode (Non-Interactive)".

Installation Distributions of the Product

The Sun ONE Application Server offers two types of installation distributions, depending on whether your particular usage is intended for evaluation or development.


Superuser privileges are required for most installation tasks, which means on UNIX you must have root privileges, and on Microsoft Windows you must have Administrator privileges.

This section discusses the following topics:

You can install the product from the product CD or as a download from the web site. The various downloads available for the Sun ONE Application Server product can be found here:

Evaluation Distribution

If you are evaluating the Sun ONE Application Server software, or taking a “try-and-buy” approach to the product, install the evaluation version of the Sun ONE Application Server software. The evaluation version of the product does not allow you to select from installable components.

By default, the following components are automatically installed in the installation root directory when you choose the evaluation product:

An evaluation license automatically expires in 60 days. On Microsoft Windows, you can upgrade this license to the non-evaluation development license. See "Licensing Information" for instructions.


The evaluation installation is not available on the Solaris x86 platform.

Development (Non-Evaluation) Distribution

Developers and administrators will usually use the “non-evaluation” type of installation. This installation program is available as a download or on a CD-ROM on UNIX, and from a CD-ROM on Microsoft Windows.

The following installation components are included with the Sun ONE Application Server product:

This license doesn’t expire. Refer to "Licensing Information" for further information on licensing.

A non-evaluation type of installation on UNIX is always package-based. Refer to "Packaging Models and Directory Structure" for information on the various ways the Sun ONE Application Server software can be distributed.

Installation Distribution Summary

The following table summarizes the capabilities of the evaluation and the development distributions of the product.

Table 1-1  Installation Distribution Summary 



Non-Evaluation (Dev)

Sun ONE Application Server



Administration client



PointBase (not available in Solaris 9 bundled)



Sample applications






Sun ONE Message Queue



Sun ONE Studio 4 plug-in



Download available


No: Windows

CD-ROM available

Yes: Solaris
No: All other


Licensed for

60 days


Can upgrade license

Yes: Microsoft Windows


Must be superuser to install?

Yes: Microsoft Windows
Yes: UNIX, package-based
No: UNIX, non-package-based


Packaging Models and Directory Structure

Depending on the distribution of the product installed on your system, your Sun ONE Application Server software may either be installed under a single root directory path or be spread across several root directory paths.

Bundled Installation on Solaris 9

On Solaris, when using the Solaris package-based installation of the product and when installing the Sun ONE Application Server software as part of a Solaris 9 installation, the Sun ONE Application Server software is spread across several root directories as follows:

Package-Based Installation on UNIX

On UNIX, the package-based model installs the components as packages.

By default, when using the package-based installation of the Sun ONE Application Server product, the installation locations are spread across three directory roots in a similar fashion to the bundled installation case.

Microsoft Windows and Evaluation Installations

On Microsoft Windows, and for any installation of the evaluation product (without packages), the Sun ONE Application Server installation is rooted under a single directory path. Default directories are as follows:

In these cases, the /config and /domains directories are positioned under the installation directory root.

System Requirements

This section lists the requirements that must be met before installing the Sun ONE Application Server product.

Platform Requirements

The following table summarizes the Sun ONE Application Server 7, Update 2 requirements.

Table 1-2  Platform Requirements for Sun ONE Application Server 

Operating System


Minimum Memory

Recommended Memory

Minimum Disk Space

Recommended Disk Space


Sun Solaris 8 or 9 for SPARC

32 and 64 bit

256 MB without Sun ONE Studio

512 MB with Sun ONE Studio

512 MB

250 MB free

500 MB free

Solaris x86, Version 9

32 bit

Red Hat Linux 7.2 and 7.3

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1

Microsoft Windows

Windows 2000 Advanced Server, SP2

Windows 2000 Server, SP2

Windows 2000 Professional, SP2

Windows XP Professional

Intel 32 bit

256 MB

256 MB without Sun ONE Studio

512 MB with Sun ONE Studio

250 MB free

500 MB free

On UNIX, you can check your operating system version using the uname command. Disk space can be checked using the df command.

For the latest information about supported directory servers, web servers, web browsers, and so on, information can be found in the Sun ONE Application Server Platform Summary here:

Solaris Patches Required

For Solaris 8 systems, the following Solaris patches or their equivalents must be installed:

The patches required for Solaris 8 can be retrieved from the patch finder page here:

It is recommended that Solaris 8 users have the “Recommended Patch Cluster” installed, which includes the three patches required for Solaris 8 (109326-06, 108993-23, and 110934). This patch cluster is available under Patch Portal, Recommended and Security Patches here:

Other Requirements and Limitations

The following additional requirements should be met before installing the Sun ONE Application Server software:

For All Platforms


For Solaris x86

For Solaris Bundled

For Microsoft Windows

Accessing the Documentation

The Sun ONE Application Server documentation is provided in a number of ways:

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