Ximian Evolution 1.4 Sun Microsystems Edition User Guide

Creating an Appointment

You can use Calendar to create an all-day appointment, or an appointment of short duration. You can create a standalone appointment, or a series of appointments.

To Create a Standalone Appointment

To create a standalone appointment, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose File -> New -> Appointment.

  2. Enter the appointment details in the Appointment tabbed section. The following table describes the elements in the Appointment tabbed section:




    Type a short description of the appointment. 


    Type the location of the appointment. 

    Start time

    Use these drop-down combination boxes to specify the appointment start date and time.  

    End time

    Use these drop-down combination boxes to specify the appointment end date and time.  

    Globe button 

    To specify a time in a different time zone, click on the globe button to the right of the drop-down combination boxes. Click on the map in the Select a Time Zone dialog to select a time zone, or select a time zone from the drop-down list, then click OK.

    All day event

    Select this option to create an all-day appointment. 

    To create an appointment of shorter duration, deselect this option. 

    Details text box 

    Type the details of the appointment. 


    Select one of the following options: 

    • Public: Select this option to enable other users on your network to see all details of this appointment in your schedule.

    • Private: Select this option to specify that other users on your network cannot see any details of this appointment in your schedule.

    • Confidential: Select this option to allow other users on your network to see only that this appointment is in your schedule. The other users cannot see the appointment details.

    Show Time As

    Select one of the following options: 

    • Free: Select this option to indicate to other users on your network that you are free to attend another meeting during the time specified for this appointment.

    • Busy: Select this option to indicate to other users on your network that you are not free to attend another meeting during the time specified for this appointment.

    Categories and text box

    Type the category name to assign a category to this appointment. If you want to assign more than one category, separate the categories with a comma. 

    Alternatively, click on the Categories button. Use the Edit Categories dialog to select a category.

  3. To schedule an alert to remind you about the appointment, click on the Reminder tab. The following table describes the elements in the Reminder tabbed section:




    Displays the date, start time, and end time of the appointment. 

    Display a Message

    Select one of the following alert types from the drop-down list: 

    • Display a message

    • Play a sound

    • Run a program

    • Send an Email

    Time-units spin box 

    Use the spin box to specify the number of time units. 


    Select one of the following time-unit types from the drop-down list:

    • minute(s)

    • hour(s)

    • day(s)


    Select one of the following options from the drop-down list:

    • before

    • after

    start of appointment

    Select one of the following options from the drop-down list:

    • start of appointment

    • end of appointment


    Click on the Options button to display an Alarm Options dialog. See Alarm Options Dialog.

    Alarm list 

    This element displays a list of the alarms that are set for the currently selected appointment. 


    Click Add to add the specified alarm to the Reminders list.


    Click Remove to remove the selected alarm from the Reminders list.

  4. To save the appointment, choose File -> Save.

    To save the appointment and then close the Appointment window, choose File -> Save and Close.

    To save the appointment in a file, choose File -> Save As to display the Save as window. Type the filename, then click OK.

    To close the Appointment window without saving the appointment, choose File -> Close.

  5. To preview the details of the appointment, choose File -> Print Preview.

    To print the details of the appointment, choose File -> Print.

Alarm Options Dialog

Use the Alarm Options dialog to specify additional options for an alarm. The following table describes the elements in the Alarm Options dialog:



Repeat the alarm

Select this option to show the alarm more than once. 

extra times

Use this spin box to specify the number of times to repeat the alarm. 


Use this spin box to specify the number of time units between each repeated alarm. 


Select one of the following time-unit types from the drop-down list:

  • minutes

  • hours

  • days

text box 

The title of the text box depends on the alarm type, as follows:

  • Display a Message:

    Type the message text in theMessage to Display text box.

  • Play a Sound:

    Enter the name of the sound file in the Play sound drop-down combination box.

    Alternatively, click Browse to display a Select file dialog. Use the dialog to specify the sound file that you want to use.

  • Run a Program:

    Type the program name in the Run program text box. Type the program arguments in the With these arguments text box.

  • Send an Email:

    Type the email addresses to which you want to send the email reminder, in the text box beside the Send To button. If you want to send the reminder to more than one address, separate the addresses with a comma. Alternatively, click on the Send To button. Use the Select Contacts from Addressbook dialog to select addresses.

    Type the message text in the Message to Send text box.

    Note –

    The Alarm Repeat functionality is not supported in this release.

To Create an All-Day Appointment

To create an all-day appointment, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose File -> New -> All Day Appointment. An Appointment window is displayed, with the All day event option selected. The Appointment window is similar to that displayed when you choose File -> New -> Appointment, except that the start time and end time are not displayed.

  2. Enter the appropriate details in the Appointment window, as described in To Create a Standalone Appointment.

  3. Choose File -> Save and Close. Evolution saves the all-day appointment and then closes the Appointment window.

To Create a Recurring Appointment

To create a recurring appointment, perform the following steps:

  1. Create an appointment as described in To Create a Standalone Appointment.

  2. In the Appointment window, click on the Recurrence tab to display the Recurrence tabbed section. The following table describes the elements in the Recurrence tabbed section:




    Displays the date, start time, and end time of the appointment. 

    Recurrence Rule

    Select one of the following options:

    • No recurrence: Select this option to schedule one appointment only.

    • Simple recurrence: Select this option to use predefined settings to schedule a series of appointments.

    • Custom recurrence: If this option is selected, the appointment contains recurrences that you cannot edit in Evolution.


    Use this spin box to specify the number of time units between each appointment in the series. 


    Select one of the following time-unit types from the drop-down list:

    • day(s)

    • week(s)

    • month(s)

    • year(s)


    Select one of the following options from the drop-down list, to specify when the series of appointments ends:

    • forever: Select this option to specify that the series of appointments continues indefinitely.

    • for: Select this option to display the occurrences spin box. Use the spin box to specify the number of appointments in the series.

    • until: Select this option to display a drop-down combination box. Use the drop-down combination box to specify the date of the last appointment in the series.


    Use this drop-down combination box to specify the dates in the series when you do not want to schedule an appointment.  


    Click Add to add the specified date to the list of exceptions.


    Click Modify to make the specified changes to the selected date in the list of exceptions.


    Click Remove to remove the selected date from the list of exceptions.


    The Preview section displays all of the dates in the current month. The current date is outlined in red. Dates on which an appointment is scheduled in the current series are displayed in bold. Figure 5–2 shows a typical Preview section.

    Click on the left arrow, to the left of the month name in the Preview section, to display the previous month. Click on the left arrow several times to scroll back through several months.

    Click on the right arrow, to the right of the month name in the Preview section, to display the next month. Click on the right arrow several times to scroll forward through several months.

  3. Choose File -> Save and Close. Evolution saves the series of appointments and then closes the Appointment window.

Figure 5–2 Typical Preview Section

Typical Preview section. Callouts: Current date, Scheduled date