

accessing SunVTS man pages, 1

Across All Instances, 1

Across All Instances (CDE), 1

Across_All_Instances (TTY), 1

additional features with the



Applications and SunVTS, 1

Apply, 1

Apply to All, 1

Apply to Group, 1

arrow keys, 1

asterisk, 1

Auto Config mode, 1, 2, 3

Auto Start, 1

Automatic Configuration, 1, 2

Comprehensive testing, 1

Confidence testing, 1

dialog box, 1, 2

using the, 1

auto-start feature (CDE), 1, 2


background mode, 1

backspace key, 1

backup logs, 1, 2

basic security, 1

binding a test (CDE), 1

binding a test (TTY), 1

boot -r, 1



CDE display mode, 1

CDE main window, 1


Status panel, 1, 2

Test mode panel, 1, 2

CD-ROM drive preparation, 1

changing windows (TTY), 1

checking for test messages (TTY), 1

checkmark, 1

clearing the current results (CDE), 1

closing the Log file window (CDE), 1

collapsing the list of devices (CDE), 1

color indications, 1

Commands menu (DS), 1

communication port preparation, 1

complete service name, SEAM, 1, 2

Comprehensive testing, 1

Confidence testing, 1

configuring a test session (CDE), 1

configuring a test session (TTY), 1

configuring tasks, 1

Connect to Host field, 1, 2

connecting to another host (CDE), 1

connecting to another host (TTY), 1

Connection test mode, 1, 2, 3

Connection test mode (TTY), 1

Consistent testing, 1

Control panel (TTY), 1, 2

controlling security, 1

Core File option, 1

core file option, 1

core file option (TTY), 1

creating DSched sequences (TTY), 1

creating DSched tasks (TTY), 1

Cumulative errors (CDE), 1, 2

current device under test, 1

Current Loop (DS), 1

custom test, installing a, 1


data destructive question, 1

debugging features (CDE), 1

debugging features (TTY), 1

decreasing testing intensity (CDE), 1

default directory, 1

default installation directory (/opt), 1

default security, 1

Default selection, 1

Defining DSched tasks, 1

Defining the sequence loops, 1

Defining the Task Sequence, 1

Delete button (DS), 1

deleting a DSched sequence (TTY), 1

deleting a log (CDE), 1

deleting DSched tasks (TTY), 1

deleting text in field (TTY), 1

description of SunVTS, 1

Deterministic Scheduler, 1, 2

device, 1

device group, 1

device groups (TTY), 1

device preparation, 1

Device Selection panel, 1

device-level options (CDE), 1

device-level options (TTY), 1

devices in the System Map (CDE), 1

devices not appearing question, 1

dialog boxes, 1

disabling tracing (CDE), 1

discarding pop-up menus (TTY), 1

diskette drive preparation, 1

display mode (CDE), 1

display mode (TTY), 1

displaying a menu (TTY), 1

ds_idle, 1, 2

ds_running, 1, 2

ds_suspended, 1, 2

dsched, 1


Edit button (DS), 1

Edit panel (DS), 1

Elapsed test time in CDE Status panel, 1, 2

Email Address field, 1

email notification (CDE), 1

environmental variables, 1


error log, 1, 2

error messages (CDE), 1

error status log (CDE), 1, 2

escape key, 1

expanding the list of devices (CDE), 1



frequently asked questions, 1

Functional test mode, 1

Functional test mode (CDE), 1, 2

Functional test mode (TTY), 1


getting started



graphic test considerations, 1

Group Concurrency, 1

Group Concurrency (CDE), 1

Group Concurrency (TTY), 1

Group Lock, 1

Group Override, 1

grouping menu (TTY), 1

group-level options, 1

group-level options (TTY), 1


Hostname in Status panel, 1, 2

Hostname List, 1, 2


Idle, 1, 2

increase testing intensity (CDE), 1


information log, 1, 2

information log (CDE), 1, 2

Insert button (DS), 1

inserting DSched tasks (TTY), 1

installation requirements, 1

Installing SunVTS, 1

instance, test, 1

internationalization, 1

interprocess communication protocols, 1

Intervention (CDE), 1

Intervention (TTY), 1

IPC (interprocess communication), 1


Kerberos security, 1

kernel, SunVTS, 1

keyboard commands (TTY), 1


LANG variable, 1

Latest SunVTS news, 1

List... (TTY), 1

Load, DSched (TTY), 1

localized environment, 1

localized fonts, using, 1

locks (CDE), 1

locks (TTY), 1

Log button (CDE), 1

log file sizes (CDE), 1, 2

Log Period, 1

log_files menu (TTY), 1

logical view

system mapping (CDE), 1

system mapping (TTY), 1

logs (CDE), 1

logs (TTY), 1

loops, 1, 2


main windows, 1

man pages, 1, 2


Max Error option, 1

Max Passes option, 1

Max System Errors, 1

Max System Log Size, 1, 2

Max System Passes, 1

Max System Passes, 1, 2

Max System Time, 1

Max Time option, 1

Menu Bar (CDE), 1

Message console (TTY), 1

Message panel (CDE), 1

Message panel (TTY), 1

message syntax, 1

message syntax (old version), 1

message type (CDE), 1

message types (TTY), 1

Model in CDE Status panel, 1, 2

modifying DSched tasks (TTY), 1

monitoring a test session (CDE), 1

Monitoring a test session (TTY), 1

moving between options (TTY), 1

moving to another window (TTY), 1

multiple copies of a test, 1

multiple versions, 1

multiprocessor systems and scaling, 1


non-english environments, 1

notification by email (CDE), 1

notification by email (TTY), 1

Number of Instances option, 1


old message syntax, 1

Open System Map command (CDE), 1

operating environment, 1

Option File List, 1, 2

option file support question, 1

Option Files (CDE), 1, 2

Option Files (TTY), 1

Option Files field, 1, 2


device-level (CDE), 1

system-level (CDE), 1

overriding test options (CDE), 1

overriding test options (TTY), 1


Performance meter (CDE), 1

physical view

system mapping (CDE), 1, 2

pkgadd installation, 1

pkginfo, 1

predefined test options, 1

predetermined test options, 1

preparation of devices, 1

preserving test options (CDE), 1

preserving test options (TTY), 1

principal, SEAM, 1, 2

Print the log, 1

probable causes, 1

probing question, 1

procedures overview, 1

processor affinity, 1

Processor Affinity option, 1

protocols, interprocess communication, 1


Quick Access buttons (CDE), 1

Quit UI Only (DS), 1

quiting DSched (TTY), 1


TTY user interface, 1

quitting SunVTS, 1


recommended corrective actions, 1

Record and Replay (CDE), 1

Record and Replay (TTY), 1

refreshing a TTY window, 1

Reliable testing, 1

remote machine

displaying devices, 1

using SunVTS on a, 1

remote system (CDE), 1

Remove task (DSched (TTY), 1

removing an option file, 1

removing DSched tasks (TTY), 1

Removing SunVTS, 1

reproducing a sequence of events, 1

requirements for starting SunVTS, 1

resetting DSched (TTY), 1

resetting results (CDE), 1

Resetting test session results (TTY), 1

resuming a test session (CDE), 1

resuming a test session (TTY), 1

return key, 1

reviewing results (CDE), 1

Run button (DS), 1

Run On Error option, 1

Run panel (DS), 1

running a test session (CDE), 1

running a test session (TTY), 1

running DSched (TTY), 1

running multi-user mode, 1

running through a serial terminal (TTY), 1

Runtime Considerations, 1


saving a configuration (CDE), 1

saving a configuration (TTY), 1

scaling a test session (CDE), 1

scaling a test session (TTY), 1

Schedule Option menu (TTY), 1

Schedule options (CDE), 1

scripts and SunVTS, 1

scrolling (TTY), 1

SEAM security (Kerberos), 1

security, 1, 2

basic, 1

controlling, 1

default, 1

installing, 1


switching, 1

Select Devices panel (CDE), 1

Select mode panel (CDE), 1

Select Test panel, 1

selecting a test mode (CDE), 1, 2

selecting and applying a menu choice (TTY), 1

selecting devices (CDE), 1

selecting devices (TTY), 1

Send Email menu, 1

sequence, 1, 2

Sequence Name (DS), 1

Sequence Name field, DSched (TTY), 1

service name, SEAM, 1, 2

Set Task Insert Mark, 1

set_options menu (TTY), 1

setting options values (TTY), 1

shifting to another window (TTY), 1

Show DS, 1

simplified configuration, 1

simultaneous testing, 1

Single Pass, 1

Solaris Supplement CD, 1

spacebar, 1

Start DS, 1

starting a test session (CDE), 1

starting a test session (TTY), 1

starting DSched (TTY), 1

starting the CDE interface (vtsui), 1

starting the Deterministic Scheduler, 1

starting the TTY interface (vtstty), 1

Status, 1

Status panel (CDE), 1, 2

Status panel (TTY), 1, 2, 3

Stop button (CDE), 1

stopping a test session (CDE), 1

stopping a test session (TTY), 1

Stress option, 1

Sun Management Center, 1


architecture, 1

description of, 1

dialog boxes, 1

frequently asked questions, 1

kernel, 1, 2

main windows, 1

messages (CDE), 1

procedures, 1

quitting, 1

scripts, 1, 2

starting, 1


sunvts command, 1

sunvts_sec_gss file, 1

SUNWvts, 1

SUNWvtsmn, 1

SUNWvtsx, 1

Suspend, 1, 2

suspending a test session (CDE), 1

suspending a test session (TTY), 1

swap space considerations, 1

switching security, 1

system call, 1

System Concurrency, 1

System Concurrency (CDE), 1

System Concurrency (TTY), 1

System load and SunVTS, 1

System Map (CDE), 1

System Map display mode (CDE), 1

System Map, devices in (CDE), 1

system mapping

logical view (CDE), 1

logical view (TTY), 1

physical view (CDE), 1, 2

system message log (CDE), 1, 2

System Override, 1

System passes in CDE Status panel, 1, 2

system-level test options (CDE), 1


tab key, 1

tape drive preparation, 1

Task File (TTY), 1

Task Manager menu (TTY), 1

tasks, 1, 2

Tasks in Sequence list (DS), 1

telnet and SunVTS, 1

terminating the kernel, 1

terminating the user interface, 1


preparation, 1

Test Advanced (CDE), 1

Test categories, 1

test concurrency, 1

Test Execution, 1, 2

Test Execution (CDE), 1

test instance, 1

test instance (CDE), 1

test instance (TTY), 1

Test Lock, 1

Test Message panel (CDE), 1, 2

test modes, 1

Connection, 1

Functional, 1

test modes (CDE), 1

Test modes (TTY), 1

test name question, 1

test option (TTY), 1

test options (CDE), 1

Test Parameter Options, 1

Test_Groups panel (TTY), 1, 2, 3, 4

test_mode (TTY), 1

Test_Options menu (TTY), 1

test_select (TTY), 1

testing duration (CDE), 1

testing duration (TTY), 1

Testing status in Status panel, 1, 2

Thresholds, 1, 2

tip and SunVTS, 1

Total Loop (TTY), 1

Total Loops (DS), 1

trace a test (CDE), 1

trace mode question, 1

truss, 1

TTY main window, 1



user interfaces, description of, 1

using the SunVTS CDE UI, 1

using the SunVTS TTY UI, 1


variables, SunVTS, 1


verbose mode (CDE), 1

verbose mode (TTY), 1

Verbose option, 1

viewing devices (CDE), 1

viewing devices (TTY), 1

viewing DSched sequences (TTY), 1

viewing system calls, 1




vtsk command, 1

vtsprobe command, 1

vtstty, 1

vtsui, 1



Within Instance, 1

Within Instance (CDE), 1

Within_Instance (TTY), 1


x86 systems, 1