C H A P T E R  2


Getting Started

This chapter includes procedures that describe how to change the administrator password, register your Sun Control Station software, view online documentation, and log out from the application.

You must log in to the Sun Control Station application as the administrator to perform all tasks.

procedure icon  How to Change the Administrator Password

You can change the administrator password at any time, but you should change it the first time you log in to the application.

1. From the Station Settings menu, click Password.

The Administrator Password page appears.

FIGURE 2-1 Administrator Password Page

This graphic shows the Administrator Password page.

2. Type your new password in the Password field.

Follow these guidelines to create a password:

a-z A-Z 0-9 % ! @ $ ^ & * - _ = | . , / ? ; : +

3. Type the new password in the Confirm field.

4. Click Change Password.

The system saves the configuration, refreshes the screen, and displays the message Password changed successfully.

procedure icon How to Register Your Sun Control Station Software

caution icon

Caution - Complete the registration process as soon as possible.

1. From the Station Settings menu, click Information.

The System Information page appears.

FIGURE 2-2 System Information Page

This graphic shows the System Information page.

2. Click Register Now.

The Registration Information page appears.

FIGURE 2-3 Registration Information Page

This graphic shows the Registration Information page.

3. Supply all the information needed in the fields.

4. Click Send.

The System Information page appears.

procedure icon  How to Access Online Documentation

1. Click the Help icon.

A dialog box that lists the available documentation appears.

2. Click the Acrobat Reader icon next to the title of the document you want.

An Acrobat Reader opens to display the PDF version of the document.

procedure icon  How to Log Out From the Sun Control Station Application

Caution - Do not exit the application by closing the browser window. Log out from the application instead.