Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 1.0 Installation and Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Set Up the Service Provisioning Remote Agent on the Clustered OTP Systems

The service provisioning remote agent must be installed on the standalone OTP host for a standalone OTP system, and on each clustered OTP host for a clustered OTP system. The remote agent must be installed on each OTP host for Open Telecommunications Platform installation to succeed..

Perform the following steps for each new OTP host

Before You Begin

The external OTP installation server must be set up and verified as described in Preparing for Installation.

  1. Log in as root (su - root) to the new OTP host.

  2. Install the OTP CLI package.

    Type pkgadd -d /net/external OTP installation server/otp1.0/Products/packages -R / SUNWotpcli where external OTP installation server is the name of the external OTP installation server.

    For example, if the installation server name is otpinstall, you would then type:

    # pkgadd -d /net/otpinstall/otp1.0/Products/packages -R / SUNWotpcli

    The directory /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI is created.

  3. Install the service provisioning remote agent.

    Type /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/setupRemoteAgent install directory where install directory is the Open Telecommunications Platform installation source directory. For example:

    # /opt/SUNWotp10/CLI/setupRemoteAgent  /net/otpinstall/otp1.0-install

    The setupRemoteAgent script creates the service provisioning user account and installs the remote agent.

Next Steps

Add each new OTP host to the external OTP installation server as described in the next section.