Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 1.1 Installation and Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Enable and Disable the OTP System Management and Provisioning Services Using the Graphical User Interface

  1. Open a Web browser and go to URL https://OTP host:9090 where OTP host is either the IP address or the fully qualified name of the OTP host on which the resource group is active.

    The OTP provisioning service log in screen appears.

  2. Click OEM OTP.

  3. Click Utility Plans.

  4. Click OTP Service Management Control.

  5. Click on OTP Service Management.

    The OTP Service Management Plan page appears:

    Figure 9–3 Service Management Plan Page

    Screen capture: Service Management Plan page

  6. Type the host name on which you want to enable or disable the services in the target host field. Do not modify the target host set.

  7. Choose the services you want to enable and disable.

  8. Click the perform detailed preflight checkbox.

  9. Click run plan (includes preflight)