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Getting Started With Oracle Solaris 11 Express     Oracle Solaris 11 Express 11/10
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Document Information

1.  Exploring Oracle Solaris 11 Express

2.  Preparing to Install Oracle Solaris 11 Express

3.  Installing Oracle Solaris 11 Express

4.  Verifying and Finalizing Your Installed System

5.  Understanding Users and Roles

6.  Managing System Services

7.  Setting Up Your Application Development Environment

8.  Keeping Your System Up-To-Date

A.  Managing the GRUB Menu in the Oracle Solaris Release

B.  Troubleshooting the Oracle Solaris 11 Express Release

Tips on Troubleshooting an Oracle Solaris Startup

What to Do If Your System Boots in Console Mode

How to Add Additional Software Packages After an Installation With the Oracle Solaris Text Installer

How to Install Oracle Solaris From the Live CD If Your System Boots in Console Mode

How to Monitor the Live CD Startup Process

Troubleshooting Login and User Account Issues

How to Troubleshoot Your Login


How to Troubleshoot Your Login

Troubleshooting login issues requires you to gain access to the system by booting in single-user mode, so you can troubleshoot the nature of problem and apply the appropriate solution. This procedure includes the steps for booting a system in single-user mode, as well as solutions to the some of the more common login problems.

  1. Boot the system in single-user mode.
    1. When the boot sequence starts, and the GRUB menu is displayed, type e to edit the GRUB menu entries.
    2. Using the up or down arrow keys, select the kernel$ line, then type e to edit that entry.
    3. Type an -s after the kernel$ entry.
    4. Press Return (or Enter) to go back to the previous screen.
    5. To boot the system in single-user mode, type b.
  2. When prompted, type a user account name.

    The account name can be root, or any other privileged account, such as jack on the live CD ISO image, or an account that you created during the installation.

  3. Type the root password.

    After the system has booted, depending on your particular situation, you can do any of the following:

    • Display the existing user accounts and roles:
      -bash-3.2#  cat /etc/user_attr
    • Delete a user account:
      -bash-3.2# userdel username
    • Create a new user account:
      -bash-3.2# useradd username
      1. Assign a password for the user name.
        -bash-3.2# passwd username

        Note - You will need to type the password twice.

      2. Assign the root role to that user.
        -bash-3.2# usermod -R root username
  4. To return to the installed system, type exit.