Processing Career Advancement

This chapter provides an overview of the career advancement processes, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Note. In the Manage French Public Sector business process, career advancement pertains to automatic step or substep increment. Unless otherwise indicated, all business rules that are defined for step increments are also applied to substep increments within the same scale letter.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Career Advancement Processes

The career advancement process exists in three forms:

For each process, the affected employee's status must authorize career management and automatic step increment. The current step must also authorize automatic advancement.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

All automatic step increment processes use the following tables:

See Also

Setting Up French Public Sector Tables

Click to jump to parent topicCalculating Step Increment Dates

This section provides an overview of the Advancement Date Calculation SQR process (FPA005) and discusses how to calculate step increment dates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Advancement Date Calculation SQR Process (FPA005)

Before starting the advancement process, you must calculate seniority. The advancement process begins on the date when the employee was assigned his or her current step or substep.

The process considers:

The calculation does not consider part-time work.

The process creates the FPA005.LIS file that contains employee ID, seniority, and advancement date data for a list of employees. Possible errors are also indicated on the report (such as credited seniority longer than the average length).

Use the Career - Comp. Seniority (career - compensation seniority) page to view the result of an individual employee advancement date calculation. Each time you launch the advancement process, the date is recalculated depending on the employee record.

See Also

Calculating Seniority and Length of Service

Managing Career Data

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Definition Name



Step Increment Date


Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Manage Advancement FPS, Step Increment Date, Step Increment Date

Run the Advancement Date Calculation process that calculates the expected step or substep increment dates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating Step Increment Dates

Access the Step Increment Date page (Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Manage Advancement FPS, Step Increment Date, Step Increment Date).

You can calculate the advancement date for one employee or all employees.

ID and Empl Rcd# (employee record number)

Leave these fields blank to calculate for all employees.

Click to jump to parent topicSearching for Next Advancements

This section provides an overview of how to search for next advancements and lists the pages used to search for next advancements.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Search for Next Advancements

The system enables you to search for employees whose advancement date falls within a specific period after you run the Advancement Date Calculation process. You define this period in the Days Before (Sub) Step Increment field in the FPS Installation Parameters component.

To search for next advancements, run the Employees to be Promoted SQR process (FPA310).

This process:

The process creates the file FPA310.LIS that lists employees that are to be advanced.

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Next Step Increment


Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Manage Advancement FPS, Next Step Increment, Next Step Increment

Run the Employees to be Promoted process that Activates the advancement flag depending on FPS Installation Parameters and Step Increment Date.

Reset Date and Adv Flag (reset date and advancement flag)


Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Manage Advancement FPS, Reset Advancement Dates, Reset Date and Adv Flag

Run the Reset Date and Adv Flag SQR process (FPA325). This process resets advancement dates and advancement flags.

Click to jump to parent topicCalculating Collective Advancement

This section provides an overview of collective advancement and lists the pages used to calculate collective advancement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Collective Advancement

Using the Step Increment SQR process (FPA320), you can automatically move all employees whose Advancement Flag has been activated. Before launching this process, indicate which corps to process.

The process updates the employees' Career records. A new row is inserted with the following field values:

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Automatic Step Increment


Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Manage Advancement FPS, Automatic Step Increment

Launch the Automatic Step Increment PSJob process (FPA001) to move all employees with an activated Advancement Flag. The Automatic Step Increment process (FPA001) combines two SQR processes, Employees to be Promoted process (FPA310) and the Step Increment process (FPA320).

Note. If you run the FPA001 process, you do not need to run the FPA310 process. You can run the Step Increment Date process (FPA005) and proceed immediately to the automatic step increment by running the FPA001 process.

Step Increment


Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Manage Advancement FPS, Step Increment

Run the Step Increment process (FPA320).

Click to jump to parent topicAdvancing Employees Manually

To advance employees manually:

  1. Access the Career - Classification page.

  2. Click the Step Increment button.

    This button appears after you launch the Advancement Date Calculation and Step Increment processes. The system inserts a new row with the following data:

  3. Save the data.

Click to jump to parent topicSimulating Advancement

This section provides an overview of simulating advancement and lists the pages used to run simulations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Simulating Advancement

Run the Advancement Simulation SQR process (FPA010) to simulate future automatic step increments.

You must first calculate the advancement dates and select the period to be examined. Otherwise, the system simulates advancement for all dates that are available in the database. You can simulate advancement for a corps or an employee. The employee's status and civil service position must authorize advancement. Simulations are stored on the Career 2 table.

The Advancement Simulation process creates a list of employees and their career statuses after advancement simulation in the FPA010.LIS file. Run the Career Simulation Report to print a list of simulated career data.

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Step Increment Simulation


Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Manage Advancement FPS, Step Increment Simulation, Step Increment Simulation

Start the Advancement Simulation SQR process (FPA010).

Delete Simulation Data


Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Manage Advancement FPS, Delete Simulation Records, Delete Simulation Data

Clear the advancement simulations.

Reset Date and Adv Flag (reset date and advancement flags)


Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Manage Advancement FPS, Reset Advancement Dates, Reset Date and Adv Flag

Reset the date and advancement flags created by your simulations.

Career Simulation Report


Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Manage Advancement FPS, Career Simulation Report, Career Simulation Report

Run the Career Simulation Report (FPA_CARB) that lists the simulated career data after reclassification or simulation of step increment.

See Also

Administering Reclassification