Updating Absences

This chapter provides overviews of absences in the Netherlands and delivered elements, and discusses how to:

Note. Before you can manage absence events, you must define absence rules.

See Also

Defining Absence Rules

Entering and Processing Absences

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Absences in the Netherlands

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefinition of Absences

Global Payroll for the Netherlands delivers predefined rules for processing absences due to vacation, disability, maternity, and other reasons. PeopleSoft designed these rules in accordance with Dutch statutory requirements. You can modify many of these rules to reflect absence policies that are specific to your organization.

This chapter supplements the absence documentation provided in PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll 9.1 PeopleBook. Before you begin reading about Dutch absence functionality, we recommend that you read the absence sections of PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll 9.1 PeopleBook to develop a basic understanding of the concepts behind absence processing in Global Payroll.

An absence is any event for which an employee fails to comply with the scheduled work time. Absences must be recorded in the system so that the appropriate discounts are deducted from an employee's salary. Absences are also recorded to keep track of an employee's absence history.

In Global Payroll, there are two kinds of absence elements:

An absence entitlement is defined as the amount of paid time off that an employee is entitled to take for each type of absence. For example, employees in a company may be entitled to receive 25 vacation days per year.

An absence take is defined as the amount of time off that an employee takes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAbsence Types in the Netherlands

There are different types of absences in the Netherlands. Global Payroll for the Netherlands delivers absence types in the following general categories:

Note. A complete list of delivered absence elements appears later in this chapter.

See Delivered Deductions.

The following sections describe Dutch absence types in detail.


In the Netherlands, every employee is entitled to at least four weeks of vacation per year. An employee may receive additional vacation, depending on the agreement with the employer, or depending on branch agreements. Employees can sell vacation days, typically at the end of the year.

Although vacation days are accrued per pay period, typically, the full vacation balance for an employee is entered into the system at the beginning of the calendar year. For part-time employees, the number of vacation days is prorated based on the FTE factor.

There are several ways to calculate the vacation days that an employee is entitled to, but one method is based on the number of Social Security days the employee will work in the year divided by the total number of Social Security days in the year.

In some cases, the number of vacation days that an employee is entitled to needs to be recalculated. These include when:

According to law, employees who are ill for more than six months are only entitled to vacation days for the last six months of their illness. For example, if an employee is ill for eight months, the vacation days for the first two months of the illness will be deducted from the employee's vacation balance. At the end of the illness, the exact duration of the illness can be determined and a recalculation can be established.

Besides a flexible recalculation process, it is possible to manually override the vacation days balance at the employee level. You do this on the Define Payee Data NLD page.

See Entering Payee Absence Data.

If an employee reports an illness during a vacation, the absence due to illness has a higher priority than the absence due to vacation, so those days of illness will not get deducted from an employee's vacation balance. Similarly, if an employee goes on vacation during his illness, no vacation days can be deducted from the employee's balance. In these situations, the employee's vacation balance will be overridden.

At the end of the year, unused vacation days can be carried over to the vacation balance for the next year. Only five years after the days were first accrued will the unused vacation days be lost. It is also possible for employees to sell their unused vacation days at the end of the year or during the year. The base for paying out these days is the actual daily salary at the moment of the payment.

Reduction of Working Hours (ADV)

In the Netherlands, many companies have reduced the number of working hours in a week with the ADV hours rule that was created by the Dutch government to create more jobs. The way in which the rule is executed depends on the branch of an industry. In some branches, the number of working hours per day or per week is reduced (for example, to 36 or 38 hours). In other branches, the number of working hours per day or per week is not reduced, but the employee is entitled to extra days of paid time off (PTO). In some branches, there's no difference between ADV days and vacation days, and the ADV days are just added to the vacation balance. In other branches, a distinction exists between ADV days and vacation days and special rules apply. If an employee becomes sick, no ADV days are accrued.

Because of these special rules, it is important to identify which days are PTO days and which days are ADV days. With Global Payroll for the Netherlands, you can order which days are used first for PTO by using the priority option on the Absence Take – Priority page in the core application.

Public Holidays

Global Payroll uses the Holiday Schedule that is created in PeopleSoft Human Resources. Holiday Schedule information is stored on an employee's Job record. Global Payroll uses the Holiday Schedule during absence processing to create daily data and update leave balances. It also uses the Holiday Schedule to resolve count elements during payroll and absence processing. If a holiday schedule is not defined for an employee at the Job level in Human Resources, Global Payroll uses the holiday schedule defined for the employee's pay group. (The holiday schedule defined for the pay group, does not appear, by default, on the Job record.)

To set up holiday schedules in Global Payroll for the Netherlands, go to Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Holiday Schedule.

See Defining Holiday Schedules.

Time for Time (Tijd voor Tijd)

Employees are compensated for overtime hours or hours worked during a weekend. An employee can choose to receive a payment for these hours (money for time) or take these hours as time off in the future (time for time). The hours can also be used for savings for leave.

For example, suppose that an employee has worked 3 hours of overtime at a rate of 150 percent for overtime. The employee will be compensated for 4,5 hours. The employee can decide to have:

Deceased Family Member

By Dutch law, if a family member dies, an employee can take time off for grievance, and have his salary paid 100 percent. The maximum duration for paid time off is one day.


If an employee gets married, the employee can take time off, and have salary paid 100 percent. The maximum duration for time off is one day.


If an employee moves to a new home, the employee can take a maximum of two days off, and have salary paid 100 percent.


In the Netherlands, a female employee is entitled to take 16 weeks of paid maternity leave at 100 percent of her salary.

An employee's maternity leave is paid by UWV, the Social Security agency, and not the employer. The employer almost always continues to pay the employee's regular salary during the maternity leave. The accrual for the holiday allowance and vacation days also continues as normal during an employee's maternity leave.

While the employer typically pays an employee's salary during maternity leave, the employer also ensures that this money is reimbursed by UWV. Global Payroll for the Netherlands delivers an earning called Maternity Leave which gives the employer the ability to check if the amount paid by UWV matches the amount actually paid to the employee. You can indicate whether the employer can claim the payment from UWV on the Absence Takes NLD page.

If the employee has a maternity-related sickness, it is considered an illness and the regular salary has to be paid by the employer.

Maternity leave dates can be determined by the employee and are flexible—that is, an employee can decide the dates of her leave, prior to the due date.

See Defining Absence Takes in the Netherlands.

Extended Pregnancy Leave

If the delivery occurs after the predicted due date, then the employee receives a sick leave benefit (ZW uitkering) for the additional time. These extra days are not deducted from the maternity leave. There is a maximum of two weeks for extended maternity leave.

Parental Leave

Typically, parental leave is an unpaid absence type, although some branches have different rules and continue to pay the employee up to 100 percent of his salary. An employee can choose to take full leave for 13 weeks or work part-time during a longer period. The leave can also be split over a maximum of three periods that can be no less than one month each. The leave can only be taken once per child under the age of 8.

Parental leave applies to both full-time employees and part-time employees. The entitlement for the leave is calculated by 13 times the number of standard hours per week that the employee works. An employee is entitled to parental leave after working for one year with a company.

Leave for Emergencies (Calamities)

If something unexpected happens in relation to the employee, such as a sick family member that has to be brought to the hospital or the central heating in the employee's house is broken, the employee is entitled to short term leave of a few hours or days. The maximum leave that is paid at 100 percent of salary is two days.

Short Term Leave for Health Care

By law, Dutch employees are entitled to receive a maximum of ten days of paid leave to take care of sick children, partners, or parents. The payment is at least 70 percent of the employee's regular salary during the leave.

Adoption Leave

Employees who adopt a child are entitled to a maximum of 4 weeks of adoption leave within 18 weeks of the adoption date. The leave period can start 2 weeks before the planned adoption. The regular salary is paid for a maximum of 4 weeks. The social security agency pays the claim from the employee through the employer.

Leave for Maternity Care

An employee is entitled to two working days off in case of delivery of his female partner. 100 percent of an employee's regular salary is paid the maternity care leave.

Terminal Care Leave

The same conditions apply to terminal care leave as to the study leave.


In general, employees are not entitled to wages on the days that they strike. Because these days do not accumulate to the number of Social Security days, the employee receives less than his normal wages. The payment is based on the normal number of working days during the pay period minus the number of strike days. In general, the employee receives a payment from the union during the strike, if the employee is a union member.


Under Dutch law, employees must receive at least 70 percent of their regular salary, up to 104 weeks, if they are sick. Within some industry branches, it is common to pay an additional amount up to 100 percent. However, with effect from January 1, 2004, if employers pay more than 70% of salary during the second year of sickness, employees may be penalized at the end of the second year with regard to disability allowance.

The employer does not have to pay out the first two days of sickness so there can be a waiting period. If employees receive 70 percent of their salary or has a waiting period, the sick pay is recorded as a separate wage type called sickness and is shown as a separate earning on the payslip. If employee receive 100 percent of their salary, there is no change to the payroll or the payslip.

There are three common methods to determine sick pay:

If an employee has a temporary contract, other rules apply and are covered according to the rules in Vang-net.

The accrual of vacation days during an employee's illness is limited to a maximum of six months (the last six months of an illness case).

With Global Payroll for the Netherlands, you can record an employee's expected return date as well as the actual return date on the Absence Events Comments page.

See Entering Absence Comments.

If an employee gets sick during a holiday, the vacation days can be transferred over as sickness days and they are not deducted from the employee's vacation days.

Disability (WAO/WIA)

After a maximum of 104 weeks of sickness, an employee is eligible for long-term disability (WAO or WIA). From January 1, 2006, the WIA Act (Wet Werk en Inkomen naar Arbeidsvermogen) replaced the WAO Act (Wet op de arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekering). For illnesses that began January 1, 2004 the new legislation applies.

Depending on the branch agreement, an employee may or may not be terminated during these years. If the employee is not terminated, there are two options:

If an employee goes on disability, the payment depends on the disability classification. Record this information on the WAO/WIA Data NLD page.

See Entering WAO/WIA Data.

Disability data should be registered separately from the illness record. When a disability is registered, the illness record has to be closed a day before the WAO/WIA begin date.

Most companies pay an additional supplement to the WAO/WIA payment, to guarantee a certain income. For example, the supplement in the first year of the disability can be up to 90 percent of an employee's salary, and in the second year, up to 80 percent.

As of January 1, 2004, employees may be penalized if they have been paid more than 70% of salary during the second year of illness.

Recurrence of Illness

If an employee recovers from an illness and then gets sick again within four weeks with the same illness reason, the second illness is considered a continuation of the first illness and the cumulative number of days are counted from the first calendar day of the first occurrence.

Note. In Global Payroll for the Netherlands, on the absence event, you would update the Original Begin Date field to refer to the beginning date of the first illness.

If the total duration of the illness is 52 weeks, the employee can go on long-term disability.

It is necessary to track the progress of an illness, including the percentage of illness, that may change over the course of the illness.

Companies must use an Arbodienst for monitoring absences caused by illness. An Arbodienst is a company that carries out the rules that apply to sick employees. For example, they employ the company doctor who examines the sick employee and report data to the government department that pays the disability after a year or two of illness.

By Dutch law, an employer has to report the status of a sick employee periodically to the Arbodienst.

See Understanding Dutch Illness Reporting.


Every employer has to report work-related accidents and work-related diseases to an Arbodienst. Employees are paid at 100 percent their salary, if a work-related accident or disease occurs. The maximum duration of work-related pay is one year.

Illness due to Maternity

If an employee becomes ill due to maternity, she is paid her regular salary.

Organ Donor

If employees are absent due to an organ donation, they are paid their regular salary during the time that they are out of the office. The maximum duration for this type of absence is one year.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Delivered Elements

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Absence Earnings

The following table lists the absence earnings delivered with Global Payroll for the Netherlands:






Time for time


Paid out vacation days


Paid parental leave


Parental leave units


Short term leave


Adoption leave


Disablement allowance


Disablement supplement


Illness due to maternity


Continuous payment

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Absence Entitlements

The following table lists the absence entitlements delivered with Global Payroll for the Netherlands:

Absence Entitlement



Vacation entitlement


Vacation not taken


Reduced hours


Short term leave


Adoption leave


Maternity leave


Emergency leave


Paid absence




Time for time

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Absence Takes

The following table lists the absence takes delivered with Global Payroll for the Netherlands:

Absence Take





Reduced working hours


Time for time


Deceased family member








Extended pregnancy


Parental leave


Emergency leave


Short term leave for health care


Adoption leave


Maternity leave


Terminal care leave










Illness due to maternity


Organ donor


Other (special leave)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Delivered Elements

The PeopleSoft system delivers a query that you can run to view the names of all delivered elements designed for the Netherlands. Instructions for running the query are provided in PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll 9.1 PeopleBook.

See Also

Understanding How to View Delivered Elements

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Payee Absence Data

This section provides an overview of payee absence data and discusses how to define payee data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Payee Absence Data

With Global Payroll for the Netherlands, you can define absence-related data at the establishment level. These are defined on the Establishment Table NLD page, which is discussed in the Social Security chapter.

The absence-related data recorded on the Establishment Table NLD page can be overridden for an employee on the Define Payee Data NLD page.

See Also

Defining Social Security Information for Establishments

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Enter Payee Absence Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Define Payee Data NLD


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Define Payee Data NLD, Define Payee Data NLD

Enter additional absence information for an employee. You can override data that was entered on the Establishment Table NLD page here.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Payee Data

Access the Define Payee Data NLD page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Define Payee Data NLD, Define Payee Data NLD).

Payee Data

Vacation Period

If an employee's vacation period is different from the periods set at the establishment level, you can override it here. For example, if the default vacation entitlement for all employees is 25 days per year and you have an employee who is entitled to 30 days per year, you can set up that value here.

Vacation Unit

Select the unit used to measure an employee's vacation. Values are Hour(s) or Day(s).

Reduced Work

If an employee's reduced work is different from that set at the establishment level, you can override the reduced work here.

Reduced Work Unit

Select the unit used to measure an employee's reduced work. Values are Hour(s) or Day(s).

Employment Reporting Codes

The Dutch Tax Authority defines the employee class and tax codes in this group box. Refer to the Tax Authority documentation for further information.


Enter the employee's four-digit nationality code. The default is 0001 for the Netherlands. Nationality codes are defined by the Netherlands coding standard (NEN).

Regular Work Schedule

Select this check box if the employee works the same schedule every four-week period. These are examples of regular work schedules:

Employee works Monday to Friday every week.

Employee work schedule is 6 days on and then 3 days off.

Employee Class

Select the employee class that applies to this employee.

Allowance Supplement

Select this check box if the employee receives a supplement from your organization in addition to an allowance from social insurance.

Insurance Exception Code

Select an insurance exception code if it applies to the employee. Insurance exception codes indicate special circumstances that affect the employee's social insurance contribution.

Income Reduction Code

Select Illness, Maternity Leave, or Unpaid Leave of Absence if the employee's salary was reduced during the reporting period due to one of these reasons.

Premium Discount

If the employee is disabled and qualifies for a reduction of the collective WAO premium, select the handicap reduction that applies.

See Delivered Social Security Deductions.

Tax Exception Code

Select a Tax Exception Code if exceptional tax rules apply to the employee's job.

Job and Employment Data

The fields in this group box are display-only and show information set up in Administer Workforce.


Indicates whether the employee is Regular or Temporary. This information is defined on the Job Information page.

Employee Classification

Displays the employee's class that is specified on the Job Information page.

Owns 5% (or More) of Company

This check box is selected if the employee owns 5 percent or more of the company. This information is defined on the Employment Information page.

Relation to Owner

Displays the employee's relationship to the owner of the company. If it is blank, the employee is not related to the owner. This information is defined on the Employment Information page.

See Also

Defining Absence Data for Establishments

Entering Job Information

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Absence Events

This section provides an overview of the absence event process, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

See Also

Entering and Processing Absences

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Absence Event Process

When an employee is absent from work, you record the absence take, the begin and end dates, and other details that you want to track.

In Global Payroll for the Netherlands, you manage absence events in the following way:

  1. Select the absence take element and enter the begin and end dates of the absence on the Absence Event NLD page. If applicable, enter the partial hours that the employee was absent.

  2. Enter other details that are related to the absence on the Absence Event Input Detail page.

See Also

Entering and Processing Absences

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in Managing Absence Events

Absence Take

Select the absence take element that corresponds to the employee's absence.

Absence Reason

Select an absence reason in case of illness.

Begin Date/End Date

Enter the begin and end dates of the absence. If there's a break in the absence, enter each event separately. The system uses the absence take definition that is in effect on the begin date that you specify.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Update Absence Events

Page Name

Definition Name



Absence Event NLD


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Absence Event NLD, Absence Event NLD

Enter, update, and void absences for an employee.

Absence Event Input Detail


Click the Details link on the Absence Event NLD page.

Enter detailed information for an absence, including the reason, processing action, manager approval, entitlement adjustments, and partial hours.

User Defined Fields


Click the User Defined Fields link on the Absence Event Input Detail page.

Enter user-defined information about the employee's absence.

Absence Event Comments


Click the Comments link on the Absence Event Input Detail page.

Enter additional comments about the employee's absence, including therapy hours and percentage of the illness, if the absence is due to a disability.

Address Information


Click the Address Information link on the Absence Event Input Detail page.

Enter address contact information for the employee during an absence.

Maternity Dates


Click the Maternity link on the Absence Event Input Detail page.

Enter maternity-related information, such as confinement dates, if the employee's absence is due to maternity.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Absence Events – Absence Take

Access the Absence Event NLD page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Absence Event NLD, Absence Event NLD).

Partial Hours

For absences of less than a full day, enter the number of hours that the payee was absent. If the payee was absence for more than one day (if the begin and end dates are different), the system associates the partial hours with the first day of the absence only. To specify otherwise, click the Details link to access the Absence Event Input Detail page.


Click the Details link to access the Absence Event Input Detail page, where you can enter additional information about the absence.

Absence Event — Process Details

Select the Process Details tab.

Process Action

Select the process action. For a new absence event, the default is Normal. Select Void to void an absence that has already gone through the absence take process. The event is not processed in subsequent runs. Instead, the Process Action is reset to Normal and the Voided check box is automatically selected during the absence take process.

During retroactive processing, the system calculates a new version of the results without the voided event. Positive input is not generated from the voided event, and the results for earnings or deductions have deltas.


This check box is automatically selected if you voided the event and ran the Take process. This check box can also be selected if you use the automatic priority processing feature and have assigned a priority number to your absence take elements. If you save absence entries with overlapping dates, the system voids the event with the lower priority and creates a new event for the days that do not overlap.

Calendar Group ID

The Calendar Group ID which processed this absence take appears. This field is display-only and updated by running the absence process for the period in which the absence take occurs.

Date of last update

Displays the date that this absence event was last updated. This field is display-only and updated by running the absence process for the period in which the absence take occurs.

Process Date

Displays the date that this absence event was last processed by the Take process. This field is display-only and updated by running the absence process for the period in which the absence take occurs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Absence Details

Access the Absence Event Input Detail page (click the Details link on the Absence Event NLD page).

Event Priority

Displays the priority number of the take element if one was assigned on the Absence Take - Priority page in the core application.

If you enter more than one absence for the same date, you can use the automatic priority processing feature when you save your entries. The system compares the priority numbers of the overlapping absences to determine which take rule to apply for the date in conflict. The lowest number has the highest priority.

Absence Type

Displays the absence type, based on the absence take you selected


Identifies the sources of the absence data. Values are:

Admin: The absence event entry was created using the Absence Event Entry page. This is the default for new entries.

Third Party: The absence event entry was created by a non-PeopleSoft application.

T&L: The absence event was created by PeopleSoft Enterprise Time and Labor.

Employee:The absence event was created by a self-service transaction.

Manager:The absence event was created by a self-service transaction.

Process Action

Select the process action. For a new absence event, the default is Normal. Select Void to void an absence that has already gone through the absence take process. The event is not processed in subsequent runs. Instead, the Process Action is reset to Normal and the Voided check box is automatically selected during the absence take process.

During retroactive processing, the system calculates a new version of the results without the voided event. Positive input is not generated from the voided event, and the results for earnings or deductions have deltas.


This check box is automatically selected if you voided the event and ran the Take process. This check box can also be selected if you use the automatic priority processing feature and have assigned a priority number to your absence take elements. If you save absence entries with overlapping dates, the system voids the event with the lower priority and creates a new event for the days that do not overlap.

Manager Approved

Select to have the absence processed when you run the absence take process. This check box is selected if you defined the absence take element as not requiring manager approval on the Absence Take - Calculation page in the core application.

Original Begin Date

Enter this field if your absence take rules allow you to link this absence to a previous absence that was taken for the same reason. If this absence is related to another absence, enter the begin date of the original absence.

The default value for Original Begin Date is the begin date. Changing the begin date here does not update the original begin date.

Expected Return Date

Enter the expected date of return to work for the employee.

Actual Return Date

Enter the date that the employee returned to work.

Note. The Illness Notification reports use the date you enter in this field to identify the end of an illness. These reports do not use the date in the End Date field.

See Understanding Dutch Illness Reporting.

Partial Hours

For absences of less than a full day, use these two fields to enter the number of hours that the employee was absent. The top field displays the partial hours that you entered on the main page.

Complete the Begin Day Hours field if the employee was absent for less than a full day on the first day of the absence or absent the same number of hours each day. Complete the End Day Hours field if the payee was absent less than a full day on the last day of the absence.

During the Absence Take process, these hours are available through the PARTIAL HOURS system element.

Note. For single-day absences, enter partial hours in the Begin Day Hours or End Day Hours field.

Or Half Day

Select if the employee was absent exactly one half day.

Select the Begin Half Day check box if the employee worked half a day on the first day or every day of the absence. Select the End Half Day check box if the employee worked half a day on the last day of the absence.

Or All Days

Select if you entered Partial Hours or selected Half Day for the begin date, and your selections apply to all days of the absence. The system uses this field to determine which condition existed.


If the absence take element is associated with a per-absence entitlement element, use this group box to override the standard entitlement amount or adjust the employee's entitlement balance. To override the entitlement amount or adjust the entitlement balance for a frequency-based entitlement, use the Absence Adjustment page. Be sure to use the same type of units as those that are used to define the entitlement element.


To override the entitlement for this event, enter the number of units in this field. If the take is linked to more than one entitlement element, the number overrides the entitlement for the first linked element only.


To adjust the entitlement balance, enter the number of units in this field. (This number populates the automatically assigned adjustment element.) Enter a negative number to reduce the entitlement balance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering User-Defined Fields for Absences

Access the User Defined Fields page (click the User Defined Fields link on the Absence Event Input Detail page).

You can enter data in up to 16 user-defined fields.

When you run the Take process, the system writes the data to the daily records, so that it is available to the count formulas. Four sets of system elements in the GP_ABS_EVENT record correspond to each user-defined field. The naming conventions are:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Absence Comments

Access the Absence Event Comments page (click the Comments link on the Absence Event Input Detail page).

Comment Date

Enter the date when you entered comments about the employee's absence.

Therapy Hours

Enter the number of hours that the employee is receiving therapy.


Select Day or Week to define the unit of measurement for therapy hours.

Percentage Ill

Enter the percentage of the employee's illness.


Enter any additional comments about the employee's absence.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Absence Address Information

Access the Address Information page (click the Address Information link on the Absence Event Input Detail page).

Same Address as Employee and Same Phone as Employee

Select if the absence contact information for the employee is the same as the employee's contact information.


Contact Address and Contact Phone

If the absence contact information is not the same as the employee's address and phone information, enter the absence contact address and phone here.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Maternity Information

Access the Maternity Dates page (click the Maternity link on the Absence Event Input Detail page).

Expected Confinement Date and Actual Confinement Date

Enter both the expected and actual maternity dates for the employee. These dates are used to determine the duration of an employee's maternity leave.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering WAO/WIA Data

This section provides an overview of WAO /WIA data and discusses how to enter WAO/WIA data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding WAO/WIA Data

When an employee goes on long-term disability (WAO/WIA) the disability pay depends on employee's disability classification. Under the previous WAO Act the disability pay depended on the percentage of disability. For example, if an employee is 80 to 100 percent disabled, the employee will receive 70 percent of the regular salary while on disability. Employees who were declared disabled before January 1, 2006 are covered by the WAO Act and the classifications defined for that act.

From January 1, 2006, the WIA Act replaced the WAO Act and introduced new classifications. Any new cases must be classified using the WIA classifications, which divides disabled employees into those who are fully disabled (IVA [Inkomensvoorziening Volledig Arbeidsongeschikten]) and those who are partially disabled (WGA [Werkhervatting Gedeeltelijk Arbeidsgeschikten]).

Record disability data on the WAO/WIA NLD Data page.

Note. A company can decide whether disability pay should be claimed by the employer or the employee. If the company provides disability pay to the employee directly, then the company can claim the cost. If the company prefers that the Social Security agency pay the employee, then the employee can claim the cost. You can indicate who can claim absence costs on the Absence Takes NLD page.

See Also

Defining Absence Takes in the Netherlands

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Enter WAO/WIA Data

Page Name

Definition Name





Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, WAO/WIA Data NLD, WAO/WIA Data NLD

Enter disability (WAO/WIA)information for an employee, including the date that the employee goes on disability and the disability classification.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering WAO/WIA Data

Access the WAO/WIA Data NLD page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, WAO/WIA Data NLD, WAO/WIA Data NLD).


Enter the date when the employee goes on disability (WAO or WIA).This date is used to track an employee's disability history.


Select the disability classification for the person. Employees who were declared disabled before January 1, 2006 are covered by the WAO Act and the classifications defined for that act.

From January 1, 2006, the WIA Act replaced the WAO Act and introduced new classifications. Any new cases must be classified using the WIA classifications.

Amount to Pay

Based on the WAO/IVA/WGA Class entered, social security will determine the amount of payment that the employee is eligible for, which can be claimed by the employer.

Note. The system updates the earnings and deductions assignment directly using the earnings and deductions configuration, which links the WAO UITKERNG element to the WAO/WIA component.


Click this link to access the Disability page in Human Resources.

See Tracking Disabilities.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning Absence Reports

This section provides overviews of Dutch illness reporting, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Dutch Illness Reporting

PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS delivers Dutch illness reporting with these applications:

Global Payroll for the Netherlands provides the following for Dutch illness reporting:

Refer to the PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources PeopleBook: Monitor Absence for more detailed information about Dutch illness reporting.

See Also

(NLD) Using Dutch Illness Reporting

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you run the Dutch illness processes and reports, ensure the following information is defined:

See Also

Setting Default Information for Companies

Adding a Person in PeopleSoft Human Resources

Managing Absence Events

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run Absence Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



Longterm Illnesses NLD


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Longterm Illnesses NLD, Longterm Illnesses NLD

Select the company for which you want to run the Longterm Illness report.

Export Company Data


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Export Company Data NLD, Export Company Data

Extract company name and address information, with or without the personal information of the personnel within the company. A process then generates an import file that can be loaded into Vpmeld to initialize or update the basic information for the company and personnel.

Illnesses by Employee NLD


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Illnesses by Employee NLD, Illnesses by Employee NLD

Extract and report illness notification data by person.

Illnesses by Group NLD


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Illnesses by Group NLD, Illnesses by Group NLD

Extract and report illness begin or end notifications for all absences that weren’t previously reported.

Create Illness Statistics NLD


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Create Illness Statistics NLD, Create Illness Statistics NLD

Create absence statistics for a company in the Netherlands. The Create Illness Statistics NLD SQR process (GPNLAM01) populates the table PS_ABS_STAT_NLD with employment and illness data for a given month. Run this process before running the Illness Registration report.

Illness Registration NLD


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Illness Registration NLD, Illness Registration NLD

Use this page to run these reports:

  • Illness Registration (1) report (ABS005NL) provides a summary of illness statistics for a department sorted by gender.

  • Illness Registration (2) report (ABS006NL) provides a summary of illness statistics for a department sorted by age.

Before you run these reports, run the Create Illness Statistics NLD SQR process (GPNLAM01) to populate the report table PS_ABS_STAT_NLD for the reporting period.

See Also

(NLD) Using Dutch Illness Reporting

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExtracting and Reporting Illness Notification Data by Person

Access the Illnesses by Employee NLD (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Illnesses by Employee NLD, Illnesses by Employee NLD).

Employee Information Only

Select to extract employee information only when you want to create or update the personal information for the person. When you select this check box, the Illness Status Information field becomes unavailable for data entry.

Notification Status

Select the notification status. Options are:

Illness Report Change: Send an illness notification change to Vpmeld.

Illness Report Original: Send an original illness notification to Vpmeld. If you select this option, the report lists illness data in addition to information about the person.

Illness Report Replace: Send an illness notification replacement to Vpmeld. If you select this option, the report lists illness data in addition to the person's information.

Select with Matching Criteria

Click to search for employees who match the criteria. The system populates the Employee Illness Data scroll area.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExtracting and Reporting Notifications for Previously Unreported Absences

Access the Illnesses by Group NLD page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Illnesses by Group NLD, Illnesses by Group NLD).


Select a department for which to extract information. You must first select a business unit.

Select with Matching Criteria

Click to search for employees who match the criteria. The system populates the Illness Data scroll area.