Understanding Organizational Relationships, Employment Record Numbers, and Multiple Jobs

This chapter provides an overview of organizational relationships and multiple jobs.

Click to jump to parent topicOrganizational Relationships

Organizations have relationships with a variety of people for a variety of reasons. PeopleSoft enables you to manage the data of those people with whom you have an organizational relationship. A person can have more than one organizational relationship at any one time or can change relationships over time.

Organizational relationships fall into one of the following categories:

Note. Dependents, beneficiaries, emergency contacts, and health and safety physicians are not captured as POIs.

This chapter refers only to those people with organizational relationships.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPersonal Information Data for People with Organizational Relationships

The system requires the same personal information regardless of a person's organizational relationship, so all people with an organizational relationship are added to the system using the Personal Data component (PERSONAL_DATA). This enables you to simplify data entry and maintenance and to use a single, unique identification code for people as you add new organizational instances for them or as their relationships to the organization change.

The generic Add a Person component is on the Administer Workforce menu, but there are additional components on the menus of other applications enabling you to create records for people of interest specifically for that application. For example, you can add PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll payees on the Add a POI Payee component (PERSONAL_DATA) on the Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data menu.

Note. Enter people whose relationship to the organization does not constitute an organizational relationship, such as emergency contacts or beneficiaries, on specialized components throughout HRMS.

The identification number can be labeled as EmplID, Person ID, or ID. These fields all refer to the same identification number. Do not assume that a field labeled EmplID refers to employees only.

See Understanding Identification Assignment.

Click to jump to parent topicOrganizational Instances

An organizational instance is a single occurrence of an organizational relationship. After you create a personal information record for a person, create an organizational instance to enter and maintain job records. An organizational instance has its own hire date and contains the accumulation of the person's job data records that are associated with that instance.

Use one of the following components to create an organizational instance:

Note. Hire applicants with data that is in the system by using the Hire component (ER_APP_HIRE_LAUNCH) in PeopleSoft Enterprise Talent Acquisition Manager.

See Hiring Applicants.

Note. Update and maintain job data for the instances on the Job Data component (JOB_DATA) or Current Job component (JOB_DATA_CURRENT).

Organizational Instances for People of Interest

PeopleSoft delivers a number of different POI types that you can activate and use as needed. The following types require job records:

Some of the POIs you may want to track will not require a job record. If you are tracking POIs without jobs, you will need to use the Add a Person of Interest component (PERS_POI_ADD) to indicate what kind of POI relationship the person has, as well as to enter any necessary security parameters to control access to the person's data.

Example: A Person with Three Organizational Instances

Mario Estevez needs to successfully complete training with a third-party vendor before starting his new position. To reimburse Mario for the cost of the training, he needs a job record. The human resources administrator adds him in the system by using the Add a Person component and assigns him the ID 1234. The administrator then creates a POI job record for him by using the Add Person of Interest Job component.

After Mario completes his training, he joins the company as an employee. The human resources administrator terminates his POI instance (by using the Job Data component) and creates an employment instance by using the Add Employment Instance component.

A little more than a year after joining the company, Mario is given the opportunity to participate in a short-term project. The human resources administrator creates a contingent worker instance for him on the Add Contingent Worker Instance component.

Mario is later transferred and promoted in his employee job, and a new job data row is inserted for each of these changes. The historical job records accumulate under the organizational instance in which they are created. The human resources administrator updates the job records for the employment and contingent worker instances by using the Job Data component.

This table lists the changes to Mario's job records over a four-year period:

Action Date

Employment Instance

Contingent Worker Instance

POI Instance

March 1, 1997


POI instance created.

April 7, 1997

Employment instance created with this date as the hire date.


POI instance job record deactivated.

May 1, 1998

No change to employment job record.

Contingent worker instance created with this as the hire date.


June 15, 1998

Transferred departments

No change to the contingent worker job record.


December 15, 1999

No change to employment job record.

Contingent worker job ends and the job data record is deactivated. This date is the termination date for this instance.


March 1, 2001



This diagram illustrates how the system stores Mario's data: under the person record, there are separate employee, contingent worker, and POI organizational instances, each with its own event history:

Mario's employee, contingent worker, and POI instances and the job records that are associated with those instances

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEmployment Record Numbers

Employment record numbers (ERNs), in combination with a person's ID, uniquely identify a person's job data records. The system distinguishes between a person's organizational instances by using a new ERN when you create a new instance.

The system also creates a new ERN when you create a job data record in the following circumstances:



Create concurrent jobs, including:

  • Additional assignments.

  • Additional organizational instances.

  • (JPN) Additional appointment (kenmu).

  • (CHE) Multicontract.

  • Use the Add Additional Assignment component (ADD_PER_ORG_ASGN) to add an additional job (using the action of Add Additional Job) to the one an employee or contingent worker already holds. This job is added to an existing organizational instance, retains the employment dates of the original job, and is terminated if you terminate the original job.

    Note. Access the Concurrent Job Data component (JOB_DATA_CONCUR) from the Add Additional Assignment component.

  • Use the Add Employment Instance component or Add Contingent Worker Instance component to create an additional organizational instance for a worker using the action Hire. This job record is not tied to any other jobs that the worker holds, has its own job data, and has its own hire dates. HIR is used in the Add Employment Instance only. The Add Contingent Worker Instance component uses the ADD action.

Note. Additional organizational instances are identified as hires on human resources reports and additional assignments are not. Use this distinction to guide how you enter additional jobs in the system.

If you do not need to distinguish between concurrent jobs, choose one method of entering concurrent jobs and use it consistently.

See Adding Organizational Instances for Employees, Contingent Workers, and POIs.

See Adding Additional Assignments.

See (JPN) Tracking Additional Appointments (Kenmu).

Create a global assignment (employees only).

Use the Home/Host Information component (HOME_HOST_DATA) to create a global assignment job record. The system gives the global assignment (host) job record a new employment record number to distinguish it from the employee's original (home) job record.

See Tracking Assignments.

Create a temporary assignment, including Japanese intercompany transfer (shukkou).

When you assign a worker to a temporary assignment on the Job Data component, the system suspends the substantive job and identifies the temporary job record with a new employment record number.

See Entering Temporary Assignments.

See (JPN) Tracking Intercompany Transfers (Shukkou).

Example: A Person with Multiple ERNs

Jan Smith is hired to work in the sales division of Sutter Enterprises. After two years of outstanding performance, she starts a six-month temporary assignment in a subsidiary company to assist with the launch of a new application. At the end of the assignment she returns to her original job, but three months later she takes on a consulting role at the subsidiary in addition to her sales job. This table lists the changes to Jan's job records over the three-year period:

Action Date

Employment Instance

Contingent Worker Instance

May 1, 1996

Employment instance created. Job record identified by:

  • ID: 8901

  • ERN: 0

  • Organizational relationship: employee


May 1, 1998

Substantive job suspended.


May 1, 1998

New job record for temporary assignment created. Job record identified by:

  • ID: 8901

  • ERN: 1

  • Organizational relationship: employee


November 1, 1998

Temporary assignment completed.


November 1, 1998

Substantive job resumed.


February 1, 1999

No change to employment job record.

Contingent worker instance created. Job record identified by:

  • ID: 8901

  • ERN: 2

  • Organizational relationship: contingent worker

This diagram illustrates Jan Smith's job records under the organizational relationships. Under the person record, there are separate employee and contingent worker organizational instances. There are two ERNs under the employment instance and one ERN under the contingent worker instance. Each ERN has its own event history:

Jan Smith's employee and contingent worker instances and the ERNs that are associated with those instances

Click to jump to parent topicMultiple Jobs

Workers who hold more than one active job at the same time under one organizational instance create unique requirements in People Soft Human Resources, Benefits Administration, Payroll for North America, and Pension Administration. If your organization allows a worker to hold multiple jobs, you must be able to:

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMultiple Employment Records Compared to Multiple Jobs

A person can have multiple ERNs without holding multiple jobs.

A person does not have multiple jobs when they have:

People have multiple jobs when they have:

Note. Multiple jobs processing does not apply to person of interest job records.

Examples of multiple job include these methods:

Multiple Job Method


Concurrent Jobs (separate job instances)

  • Tracks multiple permanent employment relationships.

  • Each instance is entirely separate – terminating one has no affect on the other. There is no linkage between the two employment records.

  • Each instance is created with the HIR action (or ADD if a contingent worker).

  • Each instance can be of a permanent or a temporary nature.

  • Each instance has its own payroll and compensation data. Either, both, or none can be paid.

  • Benefits data can be combined using the Benefits Rcd Nbr.

  • Both employment record numbers are available for matching processes in PeopleSoft.

  • Both employment records are active.

Additional Assignment

  • The additional assignment is linked to the permanent job (instance). The new employment record is linked to an existing employment records.

  • The additional assignment is created with the ADL action.

  • An additional assignment can only be active if the first instance is active (Active, Leave of absence, Leave with Pay, Suspended, Short Work Break).

  • An additional assignment is automatically terminated when the main instance is terminated. The new employment record can only be active during the time period that the existing employment records is active.

  • An additional assignment can be completed and reactivated at any time during its controlling instance's active status period.

  • An additional assignment must be of the same organizational relationship type as its controlling instance.

  • An additional assignment can be promoted to its own instance if needed (but the history of its linkage to the original instance is lost).

  • Both employment records are available for matching processes in PeopleSoft.

  • Either, both, or none can be paid.

  • Both employment records can be active at the same time.

Global Assignment

  • Tracks temporary assignments while maintaining the employee's relationship with their home (or permanent) job.

  • Provides additional information tracking for vehicles, dependents, schools, homes, travel details, and additional earnings and deductions.

  • The additional (host) assignment is linked to the home job. The new employment record is linked to an existing employment record.

  • The host assignment is created with the ASG action.

  • A host assignment can only be active if the home instance is active.

  • A host assignment is automatically terminated when the home instance is terminated. If the existing employment record is terminated, this new one is terminated as of the same day.

  • A host assignment can be completed and reactivated at any time during its controlling instance's active status period.

  • A host assignment is only available for the Employee relationship.

  • A host assignment can be promoted to its own instance, but the history of its relationship to the original home instance is lost – except within the actual Track Global Assignments Assignment record.

  • Host assignments do not have their own compensation data.

  • Both jobs are available for matching.

  • Both employment records are active.

Temporary Assignment

  • Enables the tracking of temporary assignments while maintaining the employee's relationship with their permanent job.

  • The original instance is copied to a temporary employment record and is put in a suspended status. Changes can still be applied to this suspended assignment including position incumbent updates – but payroll is never run on this assignment. Only the temporary employment record can be paid.

  • The temporary assignment data is loaded into the original instance employment record.

  • When the temporary assignment ends, the suspended instance data is copied back into the original employment record from its latest effective date (only the latest effective date row is copied – the history of changes made to it are still kept in the suspended employment record, like a mass pay change).

  • The data on the existing employment record is suspended for the duration of the temporary one.

This chart provides information about multiple jobs methods and the relationship between the initial job instance and the concurrent job:

New Assignment Type

Both Jobs Can Be Active

Primary Instance (Home) Must Be Active

Both Jobs Can Be Paid

Job History

Job Status Automation Process

Both Can Be Matched in the Career Matching Processes

New Instance







Additional Assignment





Additional job is terminated if the primary instance is terminated


Global Assignment



Home only


Host is terminated if Home is terminated.


Temporary Assignment


No – Temporary assignment only

Temporary only

Temp data is captured in Instance History

Suspended job can be automatically reactivated when the temporary is done.


See Multiple Jobs.

Example: A Person with Multiple Jobs

As of February 1, 1999, when Jan Smith begins her contingent worker relationship with the organization, Jan Smith does not have multiple jobs. She has an active employment job record and an active contingent worker job record, distinguished in the system by their ERNs.

On February 1, 2000, when Jan has held the consulting job at the subsidiary company as a contingent worker for a year, management decides to make the job permanent. This requires creating a new employment job record in addition to the original job record. Jan Smith now has multiple jobs.

This diagram illustrates Jan Smith's organizational relationships and job records after the changes of February 1, 2000. A second employment instance has been added alongside the existing employment instance and contingent worker instances. The new employment instance has its own ERN and event history:

Jan Smith's job records from May 1, 1996 to February 1, 2000

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMultiple Jobs and PeopleSoft Human Resources

When a worker holds multiple jobs, each job must have its Job Data record. When you enter an additional job, you need to make two decisions:

In other ways, PeopleSoft Human Resources treats an additional job the same way that it treats the worker's first job.

Maintain Multiple Concurrent Military Ranks

PeopleSoft enables customers to track multiple and concurrent job employment through Administer Workforce job data. For military organizations this means the system maintains and manages multiple concurrent ranks for a single service member with concurrent jobs. This functionality enable organizations to track multiple jobs and ranks through one of or a combination of the following examples:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMultiple Jobs and Base Benefits

Some of the issues regarding the PeopleSoft Human Resources Base Benefits business process and multiple jobs are:

Designate the Primary Job for Benefits

You may want to base a worker's eligibility for benefits on a single job. This is called the primary job (not to be confused with the primary job for PeopleSoft Human Resources reporting purposes). The system also uses the primary job to associate payroll deductions for benefits with a specific job. Each benefit record number (group of jobs) that you designate for a worker has one job designated as the primary job.

When you create a job record for a person, the system flags that job as primary based on rules that you have set up. This flag is stored in the Primary Jobs Flag page (BN_PRIJOBS_MAINT). As you create other Job Data records for a person, the system turns this flag on or off based on the rules that you have established.

For example, here is what the Primary Job Flag page would look like for an employee who is a professor and dean at a university and a doctor at the university hospital:

Job Title

Employee Record Number

Benefit Record

Primary Job?













The primary job flag is used throughout the system to:

The designation of a worker's primary job is effective-dated and can be changed anytime from a data maintenance page. Also, because the action of starting a new, concurrent job or terminating an existing job usually affects the determination of the worker's primary job, you can define rules that redesignate the primary job when one of these job actions is entered into the system.

For other actions (such as a job moving from full-time to part-time status), you can also indicate whether the system sends a work list entry to the Benefits Administrator through PeopleSoft Workflow for review.

Group Jobs to Determine Benefit Eligibility

When workers hold multiple jobs, they may be eligible for different offerings of benefits, based on the combination or mix of the jobs that they hold. Conversely, they may be eligible for certain offerings based solely on the fact that they hold a particular job.

Multiple jobs introduce the concept of a benefit record number. If an worker is eligible for multiple sets of benefits (or possibly multiple benefit programs), then you enroll the worker in those benefits according to the set of benefits that corresponds to a grouping of one or more jobs. The benefit record number is the mechanism that is used to group concurrent jobs for benefits eligibility and enrollment purposes.

All enrollments for benefits are specific to a benefit record number.

Maximum Number of Concurrent Jobs

A worker can hold a maximum of 50 concurrent jobs across all benefit record numbers. PeopleSoft Payroll for North America can process only 50 benefit record numbers on one paycheck.

Calculate Benefit Deductions

The same grouping method that is used to determine eligibility can be used to calculate deductions. You can group jobs to calculate a deduction that is based on the worker's salary. Typically this involves calculating coverage and related premiums for Life and Disability plans that are based on the worker's salary or compensation rate. You calculate the coverage and deduction based on:

When you designate the primary job for a benefit record, the system ties all deductions for the benefits that are associated with this benefit record to this job. Benefits deductions are taken only from checks by which the associated primary job is paid. This assures that deductions are taken at the proper frequency when the individual jobs in a group are paid on different frequencies or on separate checks.

When jobs are combined into a single check for all benefits record numbers, the benefits deduction for the different benefit record numbers is printed as separate detail lines.

Apply Regulatory Contribution Limits

When applying regulatory limits to contributions for savings plans, the system takes into account all earnings and deductions that the worker has across multiple jobs, not just the job or jobs that are associated with the plan that is being limited.

The Retro Deduction and Imputed Income Adjustment processes reevaluate deductions over a specified period of time. Using the current state of the database (benefit and general deduction enrollments, job history and primary job assignment), the system recalculates deductions and compares them to the deductions that were originally calculated and taken.

The primary job indicators play an important role in the calculation of deductions. If changes are made to the primary job history that affect confirmed pay periods, and these changes involve a shift of pay frequencies, then the system might calculate a different deduction amount for this period than it originally calculated. During Retro Deduction and Imputed Income Adjustment processing, the system drives the calculation off the primary job history for the adjustment period.

Percent of Gross Deduction Limits

Calculation rules can be set up with a percent of gross limit applied to a benefit deduction. Also, rate tables can specify the portion of a deduction that is subject to this percent of gross limit. Now that earnings from multiple jobs with different benefit record numbers can be combined into a single check, this can result in a different gross earnings amount being calculated than when these jobs were not combined into a single check.

When applying the Percent of Gross limit to a deduction, the system uses the entire gross earnings from the check, as opposed to just the gross earnings that are attributable to the jobs with the same benefit record number as the enrollment for the deduction that is being limited. This can result in different deduction amounts being calculated than were previously calculated.

See Also

Managing Multiple Jobs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMultiple Jobs and PeopleSoft Benefits Administration

The major impact that multiple jobs have on PeopleSoft Benefits Administration is on benefit eligibility and event triggering. Considerations are:

Determine Eligibility with Multiple Jobs

The system uses Eligibility Rules to determine if a worker meets the organization's rules for enrollment in a benefit program or option. Eligibility Rules comprise three major components:

Each component is tied to an Eligibility field within an eligibility rule. The Eligibility Criteria field defines the data values that determine eligibility or ineligibility. The status of the worker's Primary Job indicator and Include for Eligibility check boxes on the Primary Jobs table, together with the Grouping Method and Consider Active Jobs Only fields, define which jobs should be evaluated. Finally, the Evaluation Method component defines how the group of jobs should be evaluated.

With multiple jobs, you specify a grouping method. Grouping methods enable you to define which jobs to include when the system is evaluating the benefits for which an employee is eligible:

All Flagged Jobs

Groups all jobs with the Include for Eligibility selected on Primary Jobs that are selected for all benefit record numbers.

Flagged Jobs in Benefit Record

Groups all jobs with the Include for Eligibility selected on Primary Jobs that are selected within the benefit record number of the event.

Primary Job in Benefit Record

Looks at only the primary job within the benefit record number of the event.

When determining which jobs should be grouped, the Consider Active Jobs Only check box from the eligibility rule is also used. If this check box is selected, then only those jobs with an active Empl_Status (employee status) of A, L, P, W, or S are included when the grouping method is All Flagged Jobs or Flagged Jobs in Benefit Record.

Another component of the eligibility rule is Evaluation Method. Evaluation methods enable you control how the jobs that are selected from the grouping method are evaluated against the eligibility criteria, when determining whether the employee satisfies the eligibility rule:

One or More in Group

At least one job in the group must satisfy the rule.

All in Group

All jobs in the group must satisfy the rule.


The sum of the eligibility field's data value from all jobs in the group must satisfy the rule.

For example, the table below lists the eligibility of the employee with three jobs when processing an event for Benefit Record 0 and the Eligibility Rule for the FTE file is:


Employee Record #

Benefit Record #

Primary Job

Include for Eligibility

Include for Deductions























All jobs are active, so the group consists of all the jobs. The FTE adds up to 1.0 across these jobs, so this employee meets the eligibility rule.

Suppose that the Grouping Method is All Flagged BR. Then the group of jobs you evaluate is Empl_Rcd (employee record) 0 and Empl_Rcd 1. The sum of these FTE fields is .75, which does not meet the eligibility criteria.

Benefits Credits and the Primary Job

PeopleSoft Benefits Administration posts credits for benefits to the Additional Pay tables under the employee record number that is equal to the benefit record number. During a pay calculation, the system loads deductions for benefits only if the primary job for the benefit record is being paid on the check that is being calculated. Likewise, when loading additional pay for benefits credits, the credits posted under any employee records number for a particular benefit record are loaded to the paysheet of the primary job only for that benefit record.

This means that during a pay calculation, the system (while processing a particular job) determines whether this is the primary job for the associated benefit record number. If it is, the system searches for the additional pay data, looking for benefits credit entries, for example Add'l Pay Reason = 'BAS' for any Empl_Rcd that is assigned to this benefit record.

All entries found are loaded to the paycheck. If this is not the primary job, no benefit credits are added to the check. This ensures that there is no "double dipping" of deductions and that the credits for benefits always appear on the same check as the corresponding deductions.

Trigger Events with Multiple Jobs

The primary job drives the processing of an event for a specific benefit record number. This job must have a benefit system flag set to BA - Benefits Administration. The primary job provides the company ID and the BAS Group ID data for the processing schedule.

There are three main categories of events:

If changes are made to a worker's job data that impacts the worker's primary job designation, Include for Eligibility flag, or Include for Deduction flag, the system generates an entry into the BAS Activity Table for a new type of trigger, the (MJ) MultiJob trigger. These triggers are generated with a Bas_Action code of MJC (MultiJob Change), which resolves to the system Miscellaneous Event, if a specific Event Class is not set up for this Bas_Action code. Events that are created as a result of a change to the Primary Jobs table process through the system as (MSC) Miscellaneous Events.

Some of these trigger types may affect a worker's eligibility for benefits across all Benefit Records. For example, the (TP) trigger (Pers_Data_Effdt) is generated when you change a worker's address. Because the Employee Address is not related to any particular job (or benefit record), this change could affect the eligibility for benefits across all of that worker's benefit records. Changes to the worker's age are not specific to a particular job. Because these types of changes can affect all benefit records for a worker the system creates an event for each benefit record that is held by the worker when it processes one of these triggers. This is also true for Passive Birthdate (PB) triggers that are generated as a result of processing Passive Events.

The system explodes the original trigger into a set of new triggers, one for each benefit record. You won't see these exploded triggers in the BAS Activity Table, because they're normally processed in the same Event Maintenance run in which they're created. Each exploded trigger generates a new event that has the same event class as the original trigger.

Other expanded triggers are generated as a result of the options that you configure. Because you can define eligibility rules with grouping methods that cross benefit record boundaries, you can't assume that the data changes that generate other types of triggers won't affect other benefit records.

For example, suppose that you change the example employee (professor/dean/physician) from Full Time to Part Time in one job. The three concurrent jobs provide multiple benefit records. As a result of changing the Full/Part Time indicator, the system generates a (TJ) Job trigger in the BAS Activity Table. This trigger contains the employee record and the corresponding benefit record of the job that is changed. If any eligibility rule uses a Grouping Method of All Flagged, meaning that jobs from any benefit record can contribute eligibility information for this benefit record, you need to expand these triggers. Carefully consider whether you want to activate this trigger explosion. It creates some overhead for the system to maintain and process. If you have eligibility rules that cross benefit record boundaries, then you should select Job Triggers, Passive Service Triggers, and Multi-Jobs Triggers in the Explode activity triggers to all Benefit Records group box on the Multiple Jobs Options page. If you have no such eligibility rules in your system, you can safely turn off the explosion for each trigger type.

Passive Events and Multiple Jobs

Service-based eligibility is based on the service date for the primary job. Because jobs outside of specific benefit records can be grouped, eligibility that is based on the service date can come from the primary job or from any other job in or outside a benefit record number. Therefore, the system creates a BAS Activity trigger for each job that it finds during Passive Event processing that meets the passive service evaluation. These are called PS triggers.

Mark Events for Reprocessing

The system can now better identify events that should be considered for reprocessing. In prior versions, events were flagged for reprocessing consideration when a Bas_Activity trigger was processed, and events existed that used a later Job or Pers_Data_Effdt row for eligibility purposes. In the prior versions, only one Job row could contribute to eligibility, so in the event that Standard Hours was changed on the "non-primary" Job row, and standard hours accumulation was used for eligibility, the system would not detect that existing events may need to be re-processed. This flagging mechanism searches for, and flags all events for the employee that may have used the Job row indicated in the trigger. Although the system can't be sure that the Job row was used for eligibility purposes, it eliminates the risk of not flagging an event that should be considered for reprocessing.

See Also

Managing Multiple Jobs

Setting Up Eligibility Rules

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMultiple Jobs and PeopleSoft Payroll for North America

The multiple job functionality has the following effect on PeopleSoft Payroll for North America:

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Payroll for North America PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMultiple Jobs and PeopleSoft Pension Administration

PeopleSoft Pension Administration supports the use of multiple concurrent jobs, instead of relying on Employment Record number 0 for much of the information that is used in the pension benefit calculations.

Multiple Jobs and the Eligibility Process

The eligibility process always produces two primary results:

For a single-job environment, producing these results is a matter of examining a worker's only job record history. If a worker has multiple, concurrent jobs, the system determines plan eligibility based on all jobs. The system considers the worker to be eligible for a particular period if any of the jobs are eligible.

Multiple Jobs and the Primary Job Record

The system examines all of a worker's records and selects a primary record by choosing the first record that it finds in the following prioritized order of categories:

  1. Overrides

  2. Covered Active

  3. Covered Inactive

  4. Any Active

  5. Any Inactive

If it finds more than one of any of these categories, it selects the lowest-numbered record in that category.

You can accept the system-calculated primary record or override it with your own definition of which job record should be the primary record. Do this by configuring your definition of which actions make a job active or inactive or by using the Primary Job Overrides page to designate a record of your own choosing as the primary record.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Pension Administration PeopleBook