(USF) Managing Leave

This chapter provides an overview of leave administration and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Leave Administration

This section lists prerequisites and discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Set up Earnings codes and Earnings Accrual Classes.

See Also

Defining Earnings Codes and Earnings Programs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAutomatic Leave Enrollment Administration

Use automatic leave enrollment functionality to enroll an employee automatically in an earnings accrual class with personnel action request (PAR) activity or approval to participate in a leave program. The system automatically populates the employee's leave enrollment record with default enrollment values based on the leave class rules you set up. You can manually override the defaults.

Here are the steps in administering automatic leave enrollment:

  1. Set up the Leave Class Rules template (one-time set up).

  2. Set up Leave Class Rule criteria (one-time set up).

  3. Process PAR activity or approval to participate in a leave program.

  4. Run the Auto Leave Enrollment process.

  5. Review the results of the Auto Leave Enrollment process.

  6. Adjust enrollments as necessary.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLeave Transfer Management

Each Federal Government agency may establish and administer procedures to permit the voluntary transfer of annual leave between Federal Government employees in a time of crisis. A crisis can be a personal medical emergency or a situation deemed as an emergency of the agency.

There are three types of programs in which employees may donate or receive annual leave hours. These programs have similar but slightly different eligibility or usage rules. Employees may participate in more than one program.

Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (VLTP)

Employees donate and receive annual leave hours directly from each other.

Emergency Leave Transfer Program (ELTP)

Employees donate and receive hours through an agency-managed emergency bank that has been created to deal with a specific emergency.

Leave Bank

Employees donate and receive hours through an agency-managed leave bank.

Click to jump to parent topicAdministering Automatic Leave Enrollment

To set up leave class rules, use the Leave Class Rules Criteria USF (GVT_LVCLSRUL_TMPLT) and Leave Class Rules USF (GVT_LV_CLS_RULES) components.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Administer Automatic Leave Enrollment

Page Name

Definition Name



Leave Class Rules Criteria USF


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Absence, Leave Class Rules Criteria USF, Leave Class Rules Criteria USF

Rank five rules criteria for the purpose of breaking ties if an employee qualifies under more than one leave class rule.

Leave Class Rules USF


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Absence, Leave Class Rules USF, Leave Class Rules USF

Define your organization's rules for enrolling or terminating an employee from an earnings (leave) accrual class.

Automatic Leave Enrollment


Workforce Administration, Leave Administration USF, Manage Leave Information, Request Auto Leave Enrollment, Automatic Leave Enrollment

Run the process that automatically enrolls employees in earnings accrual classes based on the PAR or leave program activity and the leave class rules.

Track Auto Leave Enrollment


Workforce Administration, Leave Administration USF, Manage Leave Information, Track Auto Leave Enrollment, Track Auto Leave Enrollment

Review the results of the Leave Class Auto Enrollment process.

Employee Accruals Enrollment


Workforce Administration, Leave Administration USF, Manage Leave Information, Employee Accruals Enrollment, Employee Accruals Enrollment

Adjust employee enrollment in earnings accrual classes if there is a reason to override the automatic enrollment. If your organization does not use the automatic leave enrollment process, use this page to enroll employees in accrual classes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Leave Class Rules Template

Access the Leave Class Rules Criteria USF page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Absence, Leave Class Rules Criteria USF, Leave Class Rules Criteria USF).

Set up the Leave Class Rules template only once.

Leave Rule Criteria Field

Select the PAR criteria and rank them on this page. These criteria correspond to the PAR Criteria fields on the GVT Leave Class Rules page, where you select values for each criterion. The criteria that you select and rank are:

ACTION: action

ACTION_REASON: action/reason.

GVT_NOA_CODE: nature of action code.

GVT_PAY_PLAN: pay plan.

GVT_TYPE_OF_APPT: type of appointment.

GVT_WORK_SCHED: work schedule.


Rank each criterion in order from 1 to 5, with 1 being the highest rank. The single rule where the employee transaction meets the highest-ranking criteria is the rule the system uses as a tiebreaker if an employee qualifies under more than one rule.

Example of Tie Breaking

The following example illustrates how the system uses ranking to resolve situations where the employee qualifies under two different Leave Class Criteria rules.

Rule 1 Definitions

Rule 2 Definitions

PAR Criteria:

Action: HIR

Work Schedule: Full-time

Pay Plan: GS

PAR Criteria:

Action: HIR

Work Schedule: Full-time

NOA code: 170

Default Enrollments:

Annual Leave

Sick Leave

Default Enrollments:

Annual Leave

Sick Leave

Home Leave

The employee meets all criteria for both rules. The Action and Work Schedule criteria are the same in both rules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Leave Class Rule Criteria

Access the Leave Class Rules USF page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Absence, Leave Class Rules USF, Leave Class Rules USF).

Note. You do not need to set up a Leave Class Rule for terminating employees. The PeopleSoft Enterprise Payroll for North America Final Check Process requires that the employee stay enrolled to determine how much pay they are eligible for upon their separation. Once an employee has Terminated status, normal payroll calculations in PeopleSoft Enterprise Payroll for North America no longer process that employee.

Leave Class Rule ID

Identify each leave class rule you create.

Leave Class Rule Criteria Type

Assign a type to each new rule when you first enter the page. This value determines which additional fields are available on the page. Values are:

Hire/Rehire: for rules associated with hire or rehire actions.

Leave Program Status: for rules associated with leave bank and transfer processing.

Non-Hire PAR actions: for rules associated with PAR actions that are not hire or rehire.

The value you select in the Leave Class Rule Criteria Type field affects which group boxes appear on the page.

Leave Class Rule Criteria Type

Group Boxes

Hire/Rehire or

Non-Hire PAR actions

PAR Criteria

Default Enrollments

Leave Program Status

Leave Program

Default Enrollments

PAR Criteria

Only the criteria you selected and ranked on the Leave Class template appear in this group box. Select a value for a criterion if you want to process leave enrollment based on a designated value for that criterion under this rule. The system processes enrollments based on the value of this field in the employee's PAR transaction.

Default Enrollments

Earnings Accrual Class

Select the earnings accrual classes that apply to this rule.


Select to enroll employees in the earnings accrual class by this rule's criteria.


Select to terminate employees from the earnings accrual class by this rule's criteria.

Leave Program

Leave Program Type

If an employee has been approved as a recipient of one of the leave transfer programs, you can define which accruals to enroll or terminate. Select the type of leave transfer program Bank, Emergency, or Voluntary.

See Also

Defining Earnings Accrual Classes

Administering Leave Donations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Auto Leave Enrollment

After you set up the Leave Class Rules template and the Leave Class Rule Criteria, you process any hire, PAR transaction, or leave program approval as you normally would through the Workforce Administration, Job Information menu.

When you are ready to enroll employees in earnings accrual classes, access the Automatic Leave Enrollment page (Workforce Administration, Leave Administration USF, Manage Leave Information, Request Auto Leave Enrollment, Automatic Leave Enrollment). As Of Date is the run parameter. The Leave Class Auto Enrollment process (FGHR036) compares the PAR transactions and leave program approval against the leave class rule criteria and enrolls employees in the appropriate earnings accrual classes. You can set this process to run automatically or on demand.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Auto Leave Enrollment

Access the Track Auto Leave Enrollment page (Workforce Administration, Leave Administration USF, Manage Leave Information, Track Auto Leave Enrollment, Track Auto Leave Enrollment).

Note. Not all page elements are visible on this page. Depending on the page arrangement, you see additional elements by scrolling either vertically or horizontally.

Use this page to view the outcome of each transaction that was processed by the Leave Class Auto Enrollment process.

View by Status

Select a value to sort the data by status (Leave Class Enrollment Trigger). Values are: Completed, Error, or Pending.

The system records employees on this table with the status of Pending as soon as a PAR action is completed or the employee is approved into a leave program.

The status changes to Completed when the auto enrollment process is complete.

Purge Completed

Click to delete all data rows with the status (Leave Class Enrollment Trigger) of Completed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManually Entering or Adjusting Leave Enrollment

Access the Employee Accruals Enrollment page (Workforce Administration, Leave Administration USF, Manage Leave Information, Employee Accruals Enrollment, Employee Accruals Enrollment).

Accrual Plan

Earnings Accrual Class

Select an earnings accruals class. The classes you created on the Earnings Accruals Class table are displayed.

Accrual Election

Leave Type

The leave type defaults from the accrual calculation box on the Earnings Accruals − Class Page.


Select the enrollment status.

Select Elect to enroll the employee in a class.

Select Waive to waive a leave just like a regular benefit.

Select Terminate to end the employee's enrollment in a class.

Elect Date

Enter the date on which the accrual election change occurs.

Effective Date

Select a date to specify when this accrual election becomes effective and the employee will be in the new earnings accrual class.

Alternate Work Schedule

The purpose of the alternate work schedule is for those employees on the Credit Leave Accrual. When the employee's work schedule changes, the system creates an additional pay record for them to pay out their current balance.

Grandfathered Carryover

Enter the grandfathered carryover here, if applicable. A grandfathered carryover is when an employee has a balance greater than the new earnings accrual-ceiling amount. For example, an employee who carried an annual leave balance of 360 hours in a previous class can transfer to a new class that has a ceiling of 240 hours. The difference of 120 hours between the new ceiling amount and the current balance of 360 is called the Grandfathered Carryover.

See Also

Defining Earnings Accrual Classes

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Leave Transfer Programs

To set up leave transfer programs, use the Leave Denial Codes USF (GVT_DENIAL_CD_TBL), Leave Program Type Table (GVT_LV_XFR_TYP_TBL), Leave Bank Details (GVT_LV_BANKMEM_SEC), and Emergency Leave Transfer Details (GVT_LV_DON_TGT_SEC) components.

To set up leave transfer programs, you must define the programs and the earnings codes and accrual classes used for processing.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Leave Transfers

Page Name

Definition Name



Leave Denial Codes USF


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Absence, Leave Denial Codes USF, Leave Denial Codes USF

Set up denial reasons and specify the text to be printed in denial notifications.

Leave Program Type Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Absence, Leave Program Type Table, Leave Program Type Table

Set up leave transfer programs, specify the program type, and indicate limits on donations and balances.

Leave Bank Details


Click the Leave Bank Details button on the Leave Program Type Table page

Enter Leave Bank board members.

Emergency Leave Transfer Details


Click the Emergency Leave Transfer Dtl (emergency leave transfer details) button on the Leave Program Type Table page

Enter the number of donation hours targeted.

Leave Class Rules USF


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Absence, Leave Class Rules USF, Leave Class Rules USF

Define your organization's rules for enrolling or terminating an employee from an earnings (leave) accrual class.

See Also

Defining Earnings Accrual Classes

Setting Up Leave Class Rule Criteria

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Denial Codes and Denial Notification Letter Text

Access the Leave Denial Codes USF page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Absence, Leave Denial Codes USF, Leave Denial Codes USF).

Denial Letter Text

Enter details of the reason for denial that you want to be printed on the Leave Denial Notifications report (FGPY031).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Leave Transfer Programs

Access the Leave Program Type Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Absence, Leave Program Type Table, Leave Program Type Table).

Leave Program Type Information

Leave Program Type

Define your leave program codes.

Leave Program

Select the type of leave transfer program (Bank, Emergency, Voluntary) to associate with this Leave Program Type code.

Donation Limits and Balance Limits

Enter the Minimum Hours and Maximum Hours allowable for donations and balances.

Leave Bank Details

Click to access the Leave Bank Details page and enter the Leave Bank board members and indicate those who are labor representatives. If you select Bank in the Leave Program group box, the system adds the Leave Bank Details button to the page when you save.

Emergency Leave Transfer Dtl (emergency leave transfer details)

Click to access the Emergency Leave Transfer Details page and record the number of donation target hours. If the Leave Program Type is Emergency, the system adds the Emergency Leave Transfer Details button to the page when you save.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Earnings Codes for Leave Transfer

Set up three unique earnings codes for three distinct purposes:

Leave Earning Type

PeopleSoft provides five Leave Earning Type codes as translate values. Associate these types with earnings codes that you set up for processing leave transfers. The type code you select defines the function of the earnings code within the leave bank and transfer program. The following table summarizes the processing that is triggered by these codes.

Leave Earn Type

Leave Bank and Transfer Process

Earning Accrual Process

Donate to Bank

Updates the donor's Additional Pay page with the hours contributed to a Leave Bank Program.

Use the Leave Bank Application/Donate page to enter requests.

Updates Leave Bank Ledger inquiry page with hours contributed.

Donor's Annual:

  • Increase Hours Taken YTD

  • Reduce Balance YTD

Donate to Emergency

Updates the donor's Additional Pay page with the hours contributed to an Emergency Leave Transfer Program (ELTP).

Use the Leave Bank Application/Donate page to enter requests.

Updates the Leave Bank Ledger with hours contributed.

Donor's Annual:

  • Increase Hours Taken YTD

  • Reduce Balance YTD

Donate to Recipient

Updates the donor's Additional Pay page with the hours contributed in the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (VLTP).

Use the Donor Contribution page to enter requests.

Updates the Track Leave Donation page.

Donor's Annual:

  • Increase Hours Taken YTD

  • Reduce Balance YTD

Received from Bank

Updates the recipient's Additional Pay page with the hours received from the Bank or ELTP.

Use the Create Leave Recipient App page to enter requests.

Updates Leave Bank Ledgers with hours withdrawn.

Leave Program Recipient:

Increase Balance YTD

Received from Donor

Updates the recipient's Additional Pay page with the hours received through the VLTP.

Use the Create Leave Recipient App page to enter requests.

Leave Program Recipient:

Increase Balance YTD

Setting Up Earnings Codes for Donors and Recipient Accruals

Use the Earnings Table component to set up earnings codes for donors and recipient accruals. You must use the specified values for the following fields:

Setting Up an Earnings Code for Recipients to Use Transferred Leave

Use the Earnings Table component to set up earnings codes for recipients to use transferred leave. You must use the specified values for the following fields:

See Also

Defining Earnings Codes and Earnings Programs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Earnings Accrual Classes for Leave Transfer

Set up earning accrual classes for the following purposes:

Setting Up Earnings Accrual Classes for Leave Program Recipients

Use the Earnings Accruals component to set up earnings accrual classes for leave program recipients. You must use the specified values for the following fields:

Setting Up Earnings Accrual Classes for Deferred Annual/Sick

Use the Earnings Accruals component to create a deferred earning accrual class for every annual and sick accrual class that has a different accrual maximum during an employee participation in the leave bank or transfer programs.

Deferred accrual classes need to mirror the accrual classes that they are replacing; the only difference in the two classes is the leave type and accrual ceiling.

For example, the Deferred Annual Accrual Class mirrors the Annual Accrual Class by having the same accrual calculation, carryover, expiration/termination, accrual rates, and balance earning codes. The only difference in the two classes is the Leave Type and Accrual Ceiling. In this example, enter the following information:

Setting Up Annual Accrual Classes for Leave Transfer Processing

All donated hours to bank and transfer programs are withdrawn from the employee's Annual Leave Accrual Class. You must update all your Annual Accrual Class Balance tables with the three earning codes you set up with the leave earnings types of Donate to Bank, Donate to Emergency, and Donate to Recipient.

See Also

Defining Earnings Accrual Classes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Leave Class Rules for Leave Transfer

Access the Leave Class Rules USF page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Absence, Leave Class Rules USF, Leave Class Rules USF).

You can define leave class rules to enroll an approved recipient automatically into the accrual class that you create to track leave program activity. Use this page to define the automatic enrollment rule for each leave program type you set up.

See Also

Setting Up Leave Class Rule Criteria

Click to jump to parent topicAdministering Leave Donations

Employees may donate hours to an agency Leave Bank, ELTP, or VTLP. The contribution process is the same for the Bank and ELTP programs, where hours are donated to a common pool. However, the contribution process is different for the VLTP, where the hours are donated directly to an employee.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Administer Leave Donations

Page Name

Definition Name



Leave Bank Application/Donate


Workforce Administration, Leave Administration USF, Reports, Leave Bank Application/Donate, Leave Bank Application/Donate

Enter employee requests to contribute leave to a Leave Bank or ELTP.

Donor Contribution


Workforce Administration, Leave Administration USF, Manage Leave Information, Voluntary Donations, Donor Contribution

Enter employee donations to the VLTP.

External Leave Donations


Workforce Administration, Leave Administration USF, Manage Leave Information, External Leave Donations, External Leave Donations

Enter employee requests to donate to another agency's leave transfer program.

Process Leave Bank/Transfers


Workforce Administration, Leave Administration USF, Manage Leave Information, Process Leave Bank/Transfers

Run the Leave Bank and Transfer process to process donations and update accruals, additional pay, and leave ledgers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Employee Requests To Contribute Leave To A Leave Bank Or Emergency Leave Transfer Program

Access the Leave Bank Application/Donate page (Workforce Administration, Leave Administration USF, Reports, Leave Bank Application/Donate, Leave Bank Application/Donate).

Leave Program Type

Select the leave program type to which the employee is donating. Valid values are the Leave Program Types you set up for Bank and Emergency leave programs.

Effective Date

The request date of the application.

Member Status

Select or view the member status of the leave request. Values are:

Applied: The Leave Bank Board has not processed the request and no annual leave contributions have been taken from the employee's current Earnings Accrual Class balance.

Approved: The leave review board has approved the donor's leave request. The system processes only Approved requests.

Contribute: The system processes the hours during the next payroll cycle and updates the hours on the employee's additional pay to reduce the balance by the donation hours on the application. Only the system can update the applicant's request to Contribute; it issues an error message if you select this value.

Cancelled: Indicates any other reason that the request is terminated.

Denied: The Leave Bank Board has evaluated the request and denied the donor's leave request.

Denial Reason 1 and Denial Reason 2

These fields appear if you select Denied as the Member Status. You must provide the applicant with at least one reason for denial.

Contribution Hours

Specify the number of hours the donor is contributing to the leave bank or ELTP.

Annual Leave Balance

Displays the number of hours of annual leave the employee has as of this request date (Effective Date).

Service Date

The basis for determining the length of service, on which the required contribution minimum is based.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Employee Donations to Voluntary Leave Transfer Program

Access the Donor Contribution page (Workforce Administration, Leave Administration USF, Manage Leave Information, Voluntary Donations, Donor Contribution).

Note. Not all page elements are visible on this page. Depending on the page arrangement, you see additional elements by scrolling either vertically or horizontally.

Recipient information is displayed at the top of the page.

Effective Date

The date of the donation.

Donor Details

In this group box, enter the donor information. The system enters the pay period in which the donation was processed. Donations are not processed until the recipient's application is approved.

The Return to, Returned Processed, and Pay Period Return Date assist you in recording your manual leave donation return process. If an employee has donated leave, and it is not needed, it may be returned to the donor.

Return to

Acknowledges the donor's choice for the disposition of where the leave should be returned in the case that any unused leave is returned. Valid values are Donor or Bank. This field is informational only and used to track the return of excess leave donation hours.

Returned Processed

When a leave recipient has excess leave when their emergency is over, select this check box when the leave amount to be returned is restored to the Donor. This field is informational only and used to track the return of excess leave donation hours.

Pay Period Return Date

Enter the date the leave is restored to the donor. The field is informational only and used to track the return of excess leave donation hours.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Employee Requests To Donate To Another Agency's Leave Transfer Program

Access the External Leave Donations page (Workforce Administration, Leave Administration USF, Manage Leave Information, External Leave Donations, External Leave Donations).

Note. Not all page elements are visible on this page. Depending on the page arrangement, you see additional elements by scrolling either vertically or horizontally.

Record the details of donations made by an employee in your agency to another agency's leave transfer program. The system updates the donor's accrual balances when you run the Leave Bank / Transfer process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Leave Bank and Transfer Process

Access the Process Leave Bank / Transfer page (Workforce Administration, Leave Administration USF, Manage Leave Information, Request Leave Bank/Transfers, Process Leave Bank / Transfer).

Run the Leave Bank and Transfer process (FGPY022) after employees have donated hours. The process loads the Additional Pay page and applies the donation amount to the Leave Bank Ledgers. The process can be run multiple times and should be run prior to your payroll cycle.

The system processes all employee leave bank applications with Member Status Approved and an effective date equal to or before the As of Date you enter on the run control page.

See Also

Entering Additional Pay Earnings Information

Running the Leave Bank and Transfer Process for Approved Recipients

Click to jump to parent topicAdministering Leave Recipients

Employees may receive hours from a Bank, ELTP or VTLP. The process to receive hours from all leave program types is the same.

This section discusses how to:

  1. Enter employee requests to receive hours from any of the leave program types.

  2. Enroll recipients in the leave program accrual class.

  3. Run the Leave Bank and Transfer process for approved recipients.

  4. View and adjust the data entered by the Leave Bank and Transfer process.

  5. View recipient accrual balances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Administer Leave Recipients

Page Name

Definition Name



Create Leave Recipient App


Workforce Administration, Leave Administration USF, Manage Leave Information, Create Leave Recipient App, Create Leave Recipient App

Enter employee requests to receive hours from any of the leave program types.

See Also

Manually Entering or Adjusting Leave Enrollment

Pages Used to Administer Leave Donations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnter Employee Requests to Receive Hours From Any of the Leave Program Types

Access the Create Leave Recipient App page (Workforce Administration, Leave Administration USF, Manage Leave Information, Create Leave Recipient App, Create Leave Recipient App).

Effective Date

Enter the date that leave program participation was requested.

Leave Reason

Select the reason for the emergency leave requested. Values are Employee, Family, and Agency.

App Status (application status)

Select the status from the following values:

Pending: The leave review board has not processed the request.

Approved: The leave review board has approved the request.

Denied: The leave review board has denied the request.

Separated: The employee separated from Federal service before the originally requested end date.

Cancelled: Any other reason that the request is not active.

Position Detail

Click to view the position number, pay plan, grade, and step of the potential leave recipient as of the request date. Standard hours and tour of duty are used to validate the minimum number of absence hours.

Application Status

Click to identify the approver and the status Date. If the Leave Recipient Application has a status of Denied, then you may enter up to two. You must enter at least one denial reason. These codes are used later when generating Leave Recipient Denial letters.


Duration Hours

Enter the number of hours requested (to the quarter-hour).

Is This a Recurrence

Select if the reason is a recurrence.

Start Date for Gen Standing PO and End Date

Enter the days on which the recipient requests the leave to begin and end.

Emergency Description

Detail the reasons for needing transferred leave, including a brief description of the nature and severity of the emergency.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnrolling Recipients in the Leave Program Accrual Class

While receiving hours from a leave program, the recipient must be enrolled in the leave program accrual class to record hours donated and used.

If the program is either a Bank or VLTP, terminate enrollment from their regular and sick earnings accrual classes using the Employee Accruals Enrollment page. Then enroll the recipient into the deferred accrual classes to track accruals during the program participation and enforce the maximum entitlement.

If there is an auto enrollment leave class rule set up for the leave programs, then once the approved request is saved, the application opens the employee's Employee Accruals Enrollment page and inserts the earning accrual defined in the class rule. While in the page, you may terminate the annual and sick and enroll the employee in the deferred annual and sick accrual classes.

See Also

Manually Entering or Adjusting Leave Enrollment

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Leave Bank and Transfer Process for Approved Recipients

Access the Process Leave Bank/Transfer page.

The Leave Bank & Transfer process (FGPY022) processes Approved recipients.

If the employee is participating in a Bank or ELTP, the process:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Data Entered by the Leave Bank and Transfer Process

See Viewing Leave Donations to Leave Bank and Emergency Leave Transfer Programs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Recipient Accrual Balances

See Viewing Donor and Recipient Accrual Summaries.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Leave Transfer Data

After you run the Leave Bank / Transfer process, you can view leave transfer data.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Leave Transfer Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Review Leave Bank Ledger


Workforce Administration, Leave Administration USF, Manage Leave Information, Review Leave Bank Ledger, Review Leave Bank Ledger

View and adjust leave donations to leave bank and emergency leave transfer programs.

Track Leave Donation


Workforce Administration, Leave Administration USF, Manage Leave Information, Track Leave Donation, Track Leave Donation

View leave donations to voluntary leave transfer programs.

Review Leave Program Summary


Workforce Administration, Leave Administration USF, Manage Leave Information, Review Leave Program Summary, Review Leave Program Summary

View a summary of participation in a leave transfer program.

See Also

Entering Additional Pay Earnings Information

(USF) Reviewing and Adjusting Leave Accrual Balances

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Leave Donations to Leave Bank and Emergency Leave Transfer Programs

Access the Review Leave Bank Ledger page (Workforce Administration, Leave Administration USF, Manage Leave Information, Review Leave Bank Ledger, Review Leave Bank Ledger).

The Leave Bank Ledger tracks the activity within the Bank and ELTP leave programs. The Leave Bank and Transfer process updates the ledgers with the transactions it has processed.

Available (Hrs)

Displays the total number of hours available in the bank or ELTP. The system updates this value when you adjust the Contribution/Withdrawal and Hours fields.

Leave Bank Ledger

Effective Date

Displays the As Of Date on the Leave Bank / Transfer process run control page.

EmplID and Name

List of all the employees who have participated in the bank.

Member Status

Displays the member status for the transfer.

Contribution/ Withdrawal

Indicates whether each transaction is a contribution or a withdrawal.


Displays the number of hours contributed or withdrawn in each transaction.

Agency Ledger Adjustments

To adjust the hours, enter the effective date, the reason for the adjustment, and the hours to add or subtract. The system updates the Available Hours balance at the top of the page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Leave Donations to Voluntary Leave Transfer Programs

Access the Track Leave Donation page (Workforce Administration, Leave Administration USF, Manage Leave Information, Track Leave Donation, Track Leave Donation).

Note. Not all page elements are visible on this page. Depending on the page arrangement, you see additional elements by scrolling either vertically or horizontally.

The Track Leave Donation page tracks the activity within the VLTP program. The Leave Bank & Transfer process updates this page with the transactions it has processed.

The page lists the donor's contributions by effective date and recipient.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Donor and Recipient Accrual Summaries

View donor and recipient accrual balances on the Accrual Summary page after payroll is processed and leave accruals are run.

See Also

(USF) Reviewing and Adjusting Leave Accrual Balances

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Donor Contributions or Hours Received by Recipients

The Leave Bank and Transfer process inserts a row in the Additional Pay page for hours donated or received. The new row contains donor contribution or hours received information in the following fields.

Earnings Code

The earnings code associated with the appropriate Leave Earn Type.

Effective Date

The As Of Date on the Leave Bank / Transfer page.

Earnings End Date

The end date of the pay period in which the effective date falls.


The hours donated or received.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a Summary of Participation in a Leave Transfer Program

Access the Review Leave Program Summary page (Workforce Administration, Leave Administration USF, Manage Leave Information, Review Leave Program Summary, Review Leave Program Summary).

From Date and Thru Date

Define the time period for which you want to see a summary.

Calculate Leave Summary

Click after entering the date range. The system displays summary information.


The system displays the number of approved participants and denied participants.

Total Hours

The system displays the total number of hours contributed, the total number of hours used, and the number of hours available for use (derived from the contribution hours and used hours).

Click to jump to parent topicReporting on Leave Transfer Programs

PeopleSoft provides the following leave transfer reports:

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Payroll for North America Reports