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Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition Man Page Reference 11g Release 1 (
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Directory Server Configuration

Directory Proxy Server Configuration

File Formats

LDAP Schema Collections

LDAP Schema Attribute Types

LDAP Schema Object Classes



- Manage the configuration of Directory Proxy Server


subcommand [global-options] [subcommand-options]


The dpconf command manages the configuration of Directory Proxy Server. An instance of Directory Proxy Server must be running in order for you to run the dpconf command.


The following subcommands are supported:

dpconf add-jdbc-attr [-h host] [-p port] TABLE_NAME ATTR_NAME COLUMN_NAME

Add a JDBC attribute by using a SQL table.

dpconf add-virtual-transformation [-h host] [-p port] VIEW_NAME MODEL ACTION ATTR_NAME [PARAM...]

Add a virtual transformation to a data view.

dpconf attach-jdbc-data-source [-h host] [-p port] POOL_NAME SRC_NAME [SRC_NAME...]

Attach one or more JDBC data sources to a JDBC data source pool.

dpconf attach-ldap-data-source [-h host] [-p port] POOL_NAME SRC_NAME [SRC_NAME...]

Attach one or more LDAP data sources to an LDAP data source pool.

dpconf create-connection-handler [-h host] [-p port] NAME [NAME...]

Create one or more new connection handlers.

dpconf create-connection-handler [-h host] [-p port] NAME [NAME...]

Create one or more new connection handlers.

dpconf create-coordinator-data-view [-h host] [-p port] VIEW_NAME COORDINATED_VIEW [COORDINATED_VIEW...] SUFFIX_DN

Create a new Coordinator Data View using existing one or more than one data views.

dpconf create-jdbc-data-source [-h host] [-p port] -b DB_NAME -B DB_URL -J DRIVER_URL [-J DRIVER_URL]... -S DRIVER_CLASS SRC_NAME

Create a JDBC data source that corresponds to an existing JDBC database.

dpconf create-jdbc-data-source-pool [-h host] [-p port] NAME [NAME...]

Create one or more JDBC data source pools.

dpconf create-jdbc-data-view [-h host] [-p port] JDBC_VIEW_NAME POOL_NAME SUFFIX_DN

Create a data view that enables LDAP applications to view JDBC tables.

dpconf create-jdbc-object-class [-h host] [-p port] JDBC_VIEW_NAME OBJECTCLASS PRIMARY_TABLE [SECONDARY_TABLE...] DN_PATTERN

Create a JDBC object class and attach it to a JDBC data view. At least one JDBC table, the primary table, must be specified. Additional tables can be specified if the JDBC data view is to be a join data view of more than one JDBC table.

dpconf create-jdbc-table [-h host] [-p port] TABLE_NAME DB_TABLE

Create a JDBC table.

dpconf create-join-data-view [-h host] [-p port] JOIN_NAME PRIMARY_NAME SECONDARY_NAME SUFFIX_DN

Create a virtual data view that combines or aggregates two separate data views. One of these data views is the primary data view, and the other the secondary data view. Before you can create a join data view, you must define at least one join rule on the secondary data view. To define join rules, set the dn-join-rule or filter-join-rule properties of the secondary data view.

dpconf create-ldap-data-source [-h host] [-p port] [-s] NAME HOST:PORT

Create a new LDAP data source.

dpconf create-ldap-data-source-pool [-h host] [-p port] NAME [NAME...]

Create one or more new LDAP data source pools.

dpconf create-ldap-data-view [-h host] [-p port] VIEW_NAME POOL_NAME SUFFIX_DN

Create a new LDAP data view.

dpconf create-ldif-data-view [-h host] [-p port] VIEW_NAME LDIF_FILE_NAME SUFFIX_DN

Create a new LDIF data view.

dpconf create-request-filtering-policy [-h host] [-p port] NAME [NAME...]

Create one or more new request filtering policies.

dpconf create-resource-limits-policy [-h host] [-p port] NAME [NAME...]

Create one or more new resource limits policies.

dpconf create-search-data-hiding-rule [-h host] [-p port] POLICY_NAME RULE_NAME [RULE_NAME...]

Create one or more new search data hiding rules for a request filtering policy.

dpconf create-user-mapping [-h host] [-p port] NAME USER_DN USER_PWD_FILE

Create a new user mapping.

dpconf delete-connection-handler [-h host] [-p port] NAME [NAME...]

Delete existing connection handlers.

dpconf delete-coordinator-data-view [-h host] [-p port] VIEW_NAME [VIEW_NAME ...]

Delete specified Coordinator data view.

dpconf delete-custom-search-size-limit [-h host] [-p port] POLICY_NAME LIMIT_NAME [LIMIT_NAME...]

Delete existing custom search size limit for a resource limits policy.

dpconf delete-jdbc-data-source [-h host] [-p port] NAME [NAME...]

Delete one or more JDBC data sources.

dpconf delete-jdbc-data-source-pool [-h host] [-p port] NAME [NAME...]

Delete one or more JDBC data source pools.

dpconf delete-jdbc-data-view [-h host] [-p port] NAME [NAME...]

Delete one or more JDBC data views.

dpconf delete-jdbc-object-class [-h host] [-p port] JDBC_VIEW_NAME OBJECTCLASS [OBJECTCLASS...]

Delete one or more JDBC object classes.

dpconf delete-jdbc-table [-h host] [-p port] NAME [NAME...]

Delete one or more JDBC tables.

dpconf delete-join-data-view [-h host] [-p port] JOIN_NAME

Delete a join data view.

dpconf delete-ldap-data-source [-h host] [-p port] NAME [NAME...]

Delete existing LDAP data sources.

dpconf delete-ldap-data-source-pool [-h host] [-p port] NAME [NAME...]

Delete existing LDAP data source pools.

dpconf delete-ldap-data-view [-h host] [-p port] VIEW_NAME [VIEW_NAME...]

Delete existing LDAP data views.

dpconf delete-ldif-data-view [-h host] [-p port] VIEW_NAME [VIEW_NAME...]

Delete existing LDIF data views.

dpconf delete-request-filtering-policy [-h host] [-p port] NAME [NAME...]

Delete existing request filtering policies.

dpconf delete-resource-limits-policy [-h host] [-p port] NAME [NAME...]

Delete existing resource limits policies.

dpconf delete-search-data-hiding-rule [-h host] [-p port] POLICY_NAME RULE_NAME [RULE_NAME...]

Delete an existing search data hiding rule.

dpconf delete-user-mapping [-h host] [-p port] NAME [NAME...]

Delete existing user mappings.

dpconf detach-jdbc-data-source [-h host] [-p port] POOL_NAME SRC_NAME [SRC_NAME...]

Detach JDBC data sources from a JDBC data source pool.

dpconf detach-ldap-data-source [-h host] [-p port] POOL_NAME SRC_NAME [SRC_NAME...]

Detach LDAP data sources from an LDAP data source pool.

dpconf get-access-log-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] [PROP...]

View the properties of the access log.

dpconf get-attached-ldap-data-source-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] POOL_NAME SRC_NAME [PROP...]

View the properties of an attached LDAP data source.

dpconf get-connection-handler-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] NAME [PROP...]

View the properties of a connection handler.

dpconf get-coordinator-data-view-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] VIEW_NAME [PROP...]

View the properties of a Coordinator Data View.

dpconf get-custom-search-size-limit-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] POLICY_NAME LIMIT_NAME [PROP...]

View the properties of custom search size limits for a resource limits policy.

dpconf get-error-log-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] NAME [PROP...]

View the properties of the error log.

dpconf get-jdbc-attr-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] TABLE_NAME ATTR_NAME [PROP...]

View the properties of a JDBC attribute.

dpconf get-jdbc-data-source-pool-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] NAME [PROP...]

View the properties of a JDBC data source pool.

dpconf get-jdbc-data-source-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] NAME [PROP...]

View the properties of a JDBC data source.

dpconf get-jdbc-data-view-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] NAME [PROP...]

View the properties of a JDBC data view.

dpconf get-jdbc-object-class-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] NAME [PROP...]

View the properties of a JDBC object class.

dpconf get-jdbc-table-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] TABLE_NAME [PROP]

View the properties of a JDBC table.

dpconf get-join-data-view-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] JOIN_NAME [PROP...]

View the properties of a join data view.

dpconf get-ldap-data-source-pool-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] NAME [PROP...]

View the properties of an LDAP data source pool.

dpconf get-ldap-data-source-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] NAME [PROP...]

View the properties of an LDAP data source.

dpconf get-ldap-data-view-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] VIEW_NAME [PROP...]

View the properties of an LDAP data view.

dpconf get-ldap-listener-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] NAME [PROP...]

View the properties of the LDAP listener.

dpconf get-ldaps-listener-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] [PROP...]

View the properties of the LDAPS listener.

dpconf get-ldif-data-view-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] VIEW_NAME [PROP...]

View the properties of an LDIF data view.

dpconf get-request-filtering-policy-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] NAME [PROP...]

View the properties of a request filtering policy.

dpconf get-resource-limits-policy-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] NAME [PROP...]

View the properties of the resource limits policy

dpconf get-search-data-hiding-rule-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] POLICY_NAME RULE_NAME [PROP...]

View the properties of search data hiding rules for a request filtering policy.

dpconf get-server-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] [PROP...]

View the properties of a Directory Proxy Server.

dpconf get-user-mapping-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] NAME [PROP...]

View the properties of a user mapping.

dpconf get-virtual-aci-prop [-h host] [-p port] [PROP...]

View the properties of the data view defined to provide access to virtual ACIs.

dpconf get-virtual-transformation-prop [-h host] [-p port] [-M UNIT] [-Z UNIT] VIEW_NAME TRANSFORMATION_NAME [PROP...]

View the properties of a virtual transformation. Virtual transformation properties that can be specified include action, attr-name, model, internal-value and view-value.

dpconf help-properties [-r]

View information about the properties exposed by subcommands.

dpconf info

Display information about server configuration.

dpconf list-attached-jdbc-data-sources [-h host] [-p port] [-E] [POOL_NAME...]

List JDBC data sources that are attached to a data source pool.

dpconf list-attached-ldap-data-sources [-h host] [-p port] [-E] [POOL_NAME...]

List LDAP data sources that are attached to a data source pool.

dpconf list-connection-handlers [-h host] [-p port] [-E]

List the existing connection handlers.

dpconf list-coordinator-data-views [-h host] [-p port] [-E]

List the existing Coordinator Data Views.

dpconf list-custom-search-size-limits [-h host] [-p port] [-E] [POLICY_NAME...]

List the existing custom search size limits for a resource limits policy.

dpconf list-jdbc-attrs [-h host] [-p port] [-E] [TABLE_NAME...]

List the JDBC attributes that have been defined using SQL tables.

dpconf list-jdbc-data-source-pools [-h host] [-p port] [-E]

List the existing JDBC data source pools.

dpconf list-jdbc-data-sources [-h host] [-p port] [-E]

List the existing JDBC data sources.

dpconf list-jdbc-object-classes [-h host] [-p port] [-E] [JDBC_VIEW_NAME...]

List the JDBC object classes that are attached to a JDBC data view.

dpconf list-jdbc-tables [-h host] [-p port] [-E]

List all JDBC tables.

dpconf list-join-data-views [-h host] [-p port] [-E]

List the existing join data views.

dpconf list-ldap-data-source-pools [-h host] [-p port] [-E]

List the existing LDAP data source pools.

dpconf list-ldap-data-sources [-h host] [-p port] [-E]

List the existing LDAP data sources.

dpconf list-ldap-data-views [-h host] [-p port] [-E]

List the existing LDAP data views.

dpconf list-ldif-data-views [-h host] [-p port] [-E]

List the existing LDIF data views.

dpconf list-request-filtering-policies [-h host] [-p port] [-E]

List the existing request filtering policies.

dpconf list-resource-limits-policies [-h host] [-p port] [-E]

List the existing resource limits policies.

dpconf list-search-data-hiding-rules [-h host] [-p port] [-E] [POLICY_NAME...]

List the existing search data hiding rules for a request filtering policy.

dpconf list-user-mappings [-h host] [-p port] [-E]

List the existing user mappings.

dpconf list-virtual-transformations [-h host] [-p port] [-E] [VIEW_NAME...]

List the virtual transformations that are defined on a data view.

dpconf remove-jdbc-attr [-h host] [-p port] TABLE_NAME ATTR_NAME [ATTR_NAME...]

Delete a JDBC attribute.

dpconf remove-virtual-transformation [-h host] [-p port] VIEW_NAME TRANSFORMATION_NAME [TRANSFORMATION_NAME...]

Delete a virtual transformation.

dpconf rotate-log-now [-h host] [-p port] LOG_TYPE

Launch the rotation of a log file.

dpconf set-access-log-prop [-h host] [-p port] PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of the access log. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

dpconf set-attached-ldap-data-source-prop [-h host] [-p port] POOL_NAME SRC_NAME PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of an attached LDAP data source. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

dpconf set-connection-handler-prop [-h host] [-p port] NAME PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of a connection handler. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

dpconf set-coordinator-data-view-prop [-h host] [-p port] VIEW_NAME PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of the Coordinator data view. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

dpconf set-custom-search-size-limit-prop [-h host] [-p port] POLICY_NAME LIMIT_NAME PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of custom search size limits for a resource limits policy. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

dpconf set-error-log-prop [-h host] [-p port] PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of the error log. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

dpconf set-jdbc-attr-prop [-h host] [-p port] TABLE_NAME ATTR_NAME PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of a JDBC attribute. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

dpconf set-jdbc-data-source-pool-prop [-h host] [-p port] NAME PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of a JDBC data source pool. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

dpconf set-jdbc-data-source-prop [-h host] [-p port] NAME PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of a JDBC data source. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

dpconf set-jdbc-data-view-prop [-h host] [-p port] VIEW_NAME PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of a JDBC data view. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

dpconf set-jdbc-object-class-prop [-h host] [-p port] JDBC_VIEW_NAME OBJECTCLASS PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of a JDBC object class. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

dpconf set-jdbc-table-prop [-h host] [-p port] TABLE_NAME PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of a JDBC table. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

dpconf set-join-data-view-prop [-h host] [-p port] VIEW_NAME PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of a join data view. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

dpconf set-ldap-data-source-pool-prop [-h host] [-p port] NAME PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of an LDAP data source pool. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

dpconf set-ldap-data-source-prop [-h host] [-p port] NAME PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of an LDAP data source. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

set-ldap-data-view-prop [-h host] [-p port] VIEW_NAME PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of an LDAP data view. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

dpconf set-ldap-listener-prop [-h host] [-p port] PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of the LDAP listener. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

dpconf set-ldaps-listener-prop [-h host] [-p port] PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of the LDAPS listener. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

dpconf set-ldif-data-view-prop [-h host] [-p port] VIEW_NAME PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of an LDIF data view. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

dpconf set-request-filtering-policy-prop [-h host] [-p port] NAME PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of a request filtering policy. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

dpconf set-resource-limits-policy-prop [-h host] [-p port] NAME PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of a resource limits policy. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

dpconf set-search-data-hiding-rule-prop [-h host] [-p port] POLICY_NAME RULE_NAME PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of search data hiding rules for a request filtering policy. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

dpconf set-server-prop [-h host] [-p port] PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of a Directory Proxy Server instance. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

dpconf set-user-mapping-prop [-h host] [-p port] NAME PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of a user mapping. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

dpconf set-virtual-aci-prop [-h host] [-p port] PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of the data view defined to provide access to virtual ACIs. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

dpconf set-virtual-transformation-prop [-h host] [-p port] VIEW_NAME TRANSFORMATION_NAME PROP:VAL [PROP:VAL...]

Change the properties of a virtual transformation that was defined on the data view. If you do not specify a VAL, the value of the property is reset.

For multi-valued properties, use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.


The following options are global to all commands and subcommands. The global options must follow their respective commands or subcommands to execute successfully.


Displays help information for a command or subcommand.


Does not ask for confirmation before accepting untrusted server certificates.

--user-dn USER_DN

Binds as USER_DN. The dpconf command searches for a USER_DN value in the following order:

  • A USER_DN specified in the command line

  • A USER_DN set by using the $LDAP_ADMIN_USER environment variable

If none of these are found, the default is to bind as the cn=Proxy Manager user.


Connects over LDAP with no secure connection. To connect over a clear connection by default, set the DIR_PROXY_UNSECURED environment variable.

--hostname HOST

Connects to the proxy server on HOST. The dpconf command searches for a HOST value in the following order:

  • A HOST specified in the command line

  • A HOST set by using the $DIR_PROXY_HOST environment variable

If none of these are found, the default is to use the local host.


Does not ask for confirmation or passwords.


Does not ask for confirmation before rejecting untrusted server certificates in this session.

--port PORT

Connects to the proxy on PORT. The dpconf command searches for a PORT value in the following order:

  • A PORT specified in the command line

  • A PORT set by using the $DIR_PROXY_PORT environment variable

If none of these are found, the default is to use port 389.

This option is mutually exclusive with -P,--secure-port.

--secure-port PORT

Connects over SSL to the proxy on PORT. The dpconf command searches for a PORT value in the following order:

  • A PORT specified in the command line

  • A PORT set by using the $DIR_PROXY_PORT environment variable

If none of these are found, the default is to use port 1636.

This option is mutually exclusive with -p,--port.


Displays help properties and their corresponding attributes in cn=config.


Displays extra information. This option is especially useful in the list subcommands. For an example of the use of the verbose option, see Example 5.


Displays the current version of dpconf. The version is provided in the format year.monthday.time. So version number 2007.1204.0035 was built on December 4th, 2007 at 00h35. If the components used by dpconf are not aligned, the version of each individual component is displayed.

--pwd-file FILE

Specifies that the LDAP password is read from FILE. The dpconf command searches for a password FILE value in the following order:

  • A password or password file specified in the command line

  • A password file set by using the $LDAP_ADMIN_PWF environment variable

If none of these are found, the default is to prompt for the password.


The following options can be used with the subcommands:


The name of the JDBC database for which you create a JDBC data source.


The URL to the JDBC database for which you create a JDBC data source.


Modifies the display output to show one property value per line.


The URL to the JDBC driver.

--unit-time UNIT

Display time data with UNIT unit. The value for UNIT can be M, w, d, h, m, s, or ms (month, week, day, hour, minute, second, or milisecond).


Sets the ssl-policy property to ALWAYS to use secure connection.


The class of the JDBC driver.

--unit-size UNIT

Display memory size data with UNIT unit. The value for UNIT can be T, G, M, k, or b (Terabyte, Gigabyte, Megabyte, kilobyte, or byte).


The following operands can be used with the subcommands:


Describes what a transformation does to its target entry or entries. The following transformation actions are possible:

  • add-attr Add a new attribute. The value of the new attribute is defined by the PARAM operand.

  • add-attr-value Add a calculated value to an existing attribute. The value that must be added is defined by the PARAM operand.

  • attr-value-mapping Map one attribute to another attribute to provide the attribute value. The value is defined by the internal-value and view-value PARAM operands.

  • def-value Add a default value to an existing attribute. The value that must be added is defined by the PARAM operand.

  • remove-attr Remove an attribute.

  • remove-attr-value Remove a value from an existing attribute. This action is usually used in the case of multi-value attributes when one of the values should be removed.


The name of a virtual attribute or JDBC attribute to be added or removed.


The name of a column in an SQL table.


The name of the view to be coordinated.


The name of an SQL table.


The pattern that should be used to construct a DN from a JDBC table.


Contacts the LDAP server on the specified host, which may be a host name or an IP address.

For example, when mapping the IPv4 address to IPv6, pass the -h option with its argument as -h ::ffff:


The name of a JDBC data view.


The name of a join data view.


The name of a file on the Directory Proxy Server that contains the LDIF data.


The name of a custom search size limit.


The type of log, log type can be access or error.


The direction in which a transformation action will be applied. The transformation model can be one of mapping, read, or write.

A mapping transformation is applied during the request, and its inverse is applied during the response. A write transformation is applied during the request, but not during the response. A write transformation changes the physical data in storage. A read transformation is applied only during the response to a request.


The name of an object to be created or deleted, or the name of an object for which you are getting or setting properties.


The name of a JDBC object class.


The parameters to be applied to a virtual transformation. Depending on the transformation, PARAM can be one or more of the following:

  • value specifies the value of the virtual attribute for all transformation actions other than attrValueMapping.

  • internal-value:value used only with the attrValueMapping transformation action. Specifies the value of the virtual attribute that should be written to the physical data source.

  • view-value:value used only with the attrValueMapping transformation action. Specifies the value of the virtual attribute that should be returned to the client.


The name of the resource limits policy or request filtering policy to which limits or rules are to be applied.


The name of an existing LDAP or JDBC data source pool.


The port number of the object to be created.


The name of the primary data view that is the source for a join data view.


The name of the primary table in a JDBC database.


The name of the property. For a list of property names and values, use this command:

dpconf help-properties.

The rws and rwd keywords of a property indicate whether changes to the property require the server to be restarted. If a property has an rws (read, write, static) keyword, the server must be restarted when the property is changed. If a property has an rwd (read, write, dynamic) keyword, modifications to the property are implemented dynamically (without restarting the server).

For multi-valued properties, use the syntax PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value.

Multi-valued properties are identified by the M keyword. For a list of multi-valued properties, use this command:

dpconf help-properties | grep " M "


The name of a search data hiding rule.


The name of the secondary data view that is the source for a join data view.


The name of the secondary table in a JDBC database.


The name of an LDAP or JDBC data source.


The DN of the suffix represented by the data view.


The name of a JDBC table.


The name of a virtual transformation.


The DN of the user to be mapped.


The name of the password file, or the value - meaning to prompt for the password.


The new value of the property. For a complete list of property names and values, use the command dpconf help-properties -v.

When the VAL operand is used for passwords, it can have the following values:

  • The name of the password file.

  • The value -, meaning to prompt for the password.


The name of a data view.


Syntax values shown in lower case or partly in lower case are literal values.

Those shown in upper case are syntax types, defined as follows:


A valid attribute type name such as cn or objectClass.


true or false.


A valid distinguished name such as ou=People,dc=example,dc=com.


A duration specified in months (M), weeks (w), days (d), hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), and miliseconds (ms), or some combination with multiple specifiers. For example, you can specify one week as 1w, 7d, 168h, 10080m, or 604800s. You can also specify one week as 1w0d0h0m0s.

DURATION properties typically do not each support all duration specifiers (Mwdhms). Examine the output of dsconf help-properties for the property to determine which duration specifiers are supported.


A valid e-mail address.


An IP address or host name.


A positive integer value between 0 and the maximum supported integer value in the system address space. On 32-bit systems, 2147483647. On 64-bit systems, 9223372036854775807.


An interval value of the form hhmm-hhmm 0123456, where the first element specifies the starting hour, the next element the finishing hour in 24-hour time format, from 0000-2359, and the second specifies days, starting with Sunday (0) to Saturday (6).


An IP address or range of address in one of the following formats:

  • IP address in dotted decimal form.

  • IP address and bits, in the form of network number/mask bits.

  • IP address and quad, in the form of a pair of dotted decimal quads.

  • All address. A catch-all for clients that are note placed into other, higher priority groups.

  • This address is for groups to which initial membership is not considered. For example, for groups that clients switch to after their initial bind.

  • IP address of the local host.


A valid LDAP URL as specified by RFC 2255.


A memory size specified in gigabytes (G), megabytes (M),kilobytes (k), or bytes (b). Unlike DURATION properties, MEMORY_SIZE properties cannot combine multiple specifiers. However, MEMORY_SIZE properties allow decimal values, for example, 1.5M.


A valid cn (common name).


A three-digit, octal file permissions specifier. The first digit specifies permissions for the server user ID, the second for the server group ID, the last for other users. Each digit consists of a bitmask defining read (4), write (2), execute (1), or no access (0) permissions, thus 640 specifies read-write access for the server user, read-only access for other users of the server group, and no access for other users.


The full path to the file from which the bind password should be read.


A valid, absolute file system path.


A DirectoryString value, as specified by RFC 2252.


An SSL cipher supported by the server. See the Reference for a list of supported ciphers.


An SSL protocol supported by the server. See the Reference for a list of supported protocols.


A time of the form hhmm in 24-hour format, where hh stands for hours and mm stands for minutes.

Exit Status

The following exit status values are returned:


Successful completion


An error occurred


This section contains examples of how the dpconf command is used.

Example 1 Getting Help With a Subcommand

This example shows how to get help for using a subcommand:

$ dpconf create-connection-handler -?
Usage: dpconf create-connection-handler NAME [NAME ...]
Create new connection handlers
For global options, use dpconf --help.
NAME  The name of a connection handler
For more information, see dpconf(1M).

Example 2 Getting Information About Properties

This example shows how to get information about the properties of the resource limits policy.

Example 3 Getting Properties for Access Logs

This example shows how to get the access log properties, specifying that the log-rotation-size property is quoted in bytes.

$ dpconf get-access-log-prop -h host -p port 
-Z b
default-log-level                :  info
log-file-name                    :  logs/access
log-file-perm                    :  600
log-level-client-connections     :  -
log-level-client-disconnections  :  -
log-level-client-operations      :  -
log-level-connection-handlers    :  -
log-level-data-sources           :  -
log-level-data-sources-detailed  :  -
log-rotation-frequency           :  1h
log-rotation-policy              :  size
log-rotation-size                :  104,857,600b
log-rotation-start-day           :  1
log-rotation-start-time          :  0000
log-search-filters               :  false
max-log-files                    :  10

Example 4 Customizing Search Limits

This example shows how to define customized limits for search operations, based on the search base and search scope.

  1. Create a custom search limit.

    $ dpconf create-custom-search-size-limit -h host -p port 
  2. Set the criteria for the custom search limit.

    $ dpconf set-custom-search-size-limit-prop -h host -p port 
  3. Define the limit for the number of results returned when a search meets one of the above criteria.

    $ dpconf set-custom-search-size-limit-prop -h host -p port 
  4. View the properties of a custom search limit.

    $ dpconf get-custom-search-size-limit-prop -h host -p port 

Example 5 Comparing Properties of Connection Handlers

This example shows how to view the properties of one connection handler and how to compare the properties of a set of connection handlers.

  1. View all of the properties of one connection handler.

    $ dpconf get-connection-handler-prop -h host -p port 

    These are the default properties of a connection handler:

    allowed-auth-methods           :  anonymous
    allowed-auth-methods           :  sasl
    allowed-auth-methods           :  simple
    allowed-ldap-ports             :  ldap
    allowed-ldap-ports             :  ldaps
    bind-dn-filters                :  any
    data-view-routing-custom-list  :  -
    data-view-routing-policy       :  all-routable
    description                    :  -
    domain-name-filters            :  any
    enable-data-view-affinity      :  false
    ip-address-filters             :  any
    is-enabled                     :  false
    is-ssl-mandatory               :  false
    priority                       :  99
    request-filtering-policy       :  no-filtering
    resource-limits-policy         :  no-limits
    user-filter                    :  any
  2. View the key properties and relative priorities of all of the connection handlers.

    $ dpconf list-connection-handlers -v
      Name                        is-enabled  priority  description
    --------------------------  ----------  --------  ---------------------------
    anonymous                   false       99        unauthenticated connections
    myconnectionhandler         true        99        -
    default connection handler  true        100       default connection handler


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

Stability Level

See Also

dpadm(1M), dsconf(1M), and dsadm(1M)