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Oracle® On Track Communication SDK Documentation
Release 1(1.0)




abort() - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPMethod
Abort a request.
abortDisconnect(String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.admin.XAdminModule.Server
Abort any disconnect.
AccessibleClosedCount - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationCountsInfo
The count of accessible closed Conversations.
AccessibleOpenCount - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationCountsInfo
The count of accessible open Conversations.
ACT_ON_BEHALF_OF - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.user.updaters.XUserUpdater
Boolean for act-on-behalf-of status.
active(XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.presence.XPresenceModule.Client
Notification that a User is now active.
active() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.presence.XPresenceModule.Server
Sent when a session becomes active.
ActiveParticipants - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.voice.infos.XVoiceConferenceInfo
The list of users who are currently participating in the conference.
ActOnBehalfOf - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserDetailsInfo
Whether the User has act on behalf of privilege.
addAll(XUpdater) - Method in class
Add/Overwrite all entries in the specified XUpdater into this XUpdater.
addContact(XContactAddInfo) - Method in interface
Add a new Contact.
addContactToGroup(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface
Add a Contact to a Group.
addGroup(String) - Method in interface
Add a Group.
addTrackToAggregate(XObjectID, XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModule.Server
Add a Track to an Aggregate.
Admin - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
The User's admin status.
Admin - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserDetailsInfo
Whether the User has admin privilege.
ADMIN - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.user.updaters.XUserUpdater
Boolean for admin status.
aggregateCreated(XUserAggregateInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModule.Client
Notification sent that an Aggregate has been created.
aggregateDeleted(XUserAggregateInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModule.Client
Notification sent that an Aggregate has been deleted.
AggregateID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos.XAggregateInfo
The Aggregate ID.
AggregateName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos.XAggregateInfo
The Aggregate name.
aggregateNameChanged(XUserAggregateInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModule.Client
Notification sent that an Aggregate's name has changed.
AggregateNFollowups - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos.XAggregateInfo
Number of followups for the Aggregate for the current User.
AggregateNUnread - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos.XAggregateInfo
Number of un-read markable Chats in this Aggregate for the current User.
aggregatePositionChanged(XUserAggregateInfo, XUserAggregateInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModule.Client
Notification sent that an Aggregate's position in the list of Aggregates has changed.
aggregateTrackAdded(XUserAggregateInfo, XTrackInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModule.Client
Notification sent that a Track has been added to an Aggregate.
AggregateTrackInfos - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos.XAggregateInfo
The Aggregate Track infos.
AggregateTrackInfos - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserAggregateInfo
List of track infos.
aggregateTrackRemoved(XUserAggregateInfo, XTrackInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModule.Client
Notification sent that a Track has been removed from an Aggregate.
AllBookmarkChatIDs - Variable in class
All Chat IDs bookmarked by the current User.
AllFollowupChatIDs - Variable in class
All Chat IDs marked for followup for the current User.
AnnotatedArtifactInfo - Variable in class
The Artifact annotated by this Chat.
AnnotatedByChatIDs - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.artifact.infos.XArtifactInfo
The list of Chats that annotate this Artifact.
annotationDraftCommitted(XVersionInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.annotation.XAnnotationModule.Client
Send when an Annotation Draft was committed.
annotationDraftCreated(XVersionInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.annotation.XAnnotationModule.Client
Send when a new Annotation Draft was created.
annotationDraftDeleted(XVersionInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.annotation.XAnnotationModule.Client
Send when an Annotation Draft was deleted.
annotationDraftUpdated(XVersionInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.annotation.XAnnotationModule.Client
Send when an Annotation Draft was updated.
AnnotationMarkupInfo - Variable in class
Annotation markup info if this is an annotation Chat.
AnnotatorIDs - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDocumentVersionInfo
Annotator User IDs if requested.
AnnotatorInfos - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDocumentVersionInfo
Annotator User infos if requested.
API_HEADER_ACCEPT_ENCODING - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
RFC2616 Accept-Encoding header.
API_HEADER_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
RFC2616 Accept-Language header.
API_HEADER_ACCEPT_RANGES - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
RFC2616 Accept-Ranges header.
API_HEADER_API_VERSION - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
The HTTP Header for API Version.
API_HEADER_AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
RFC2616 Authorization header.
API_HEADER_BC_MESSAGES - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
The HTTP Header for number of back channel messages sent as a result of the request.
API_HEADER_BC_SERIAL - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
The HTTP Header for a back channel Serial Number.
API_HEADER_BC_YIELD - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
The HTTP Header for back channel Yield in milliseconds.
API_HEADER_CLIENT_ID - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
The HTTP Header for Client ID.
API_HEADER_CONTENT_DURATION - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
RFC2616 X-Content-Duration header.
API_HEADER_CONTENT_RANGE - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
RFC2616 Content-Range header.
API_HEADER_CORS_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
W3C CORS Access Control Allow Credentials header.
API_HEADER_CORS_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERS - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
W3C CORS Access Control Allow Headers header.
API_HEADER_CORS_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
W3C CORS Access Control Allow Methods header.
API_HEADER_CORS_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
W3C CORS Access Control Allow Origin header.
API_HEADER_CORS_ACCESS_CONTROL_EXPOSE_HEADERS - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
W3C CORS Access Control Expose Headers header.
API_HEADER_CORS_ACCESS_CONTROL_MAX_AGE - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
W3C CORS Access Control Max Age header.
API_HEADER_CORS_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
W3C CORS Access Control Request Headers header.
API_HEADER_CORS_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
W3C CORS Access Control Request Method header.
API_HEADER_CORS_ORIGIN - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
W3C CORS Origin header.
API_HEADER_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
RFC2616 If-Modified-Since header.
API_HEADER_ONTRACK_AGENT - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
The HTTP Header for On Track Agent (client program) identifier.
API_HEADER_RANDOM_ID - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
The HTTP Header for a Random ID.
API_HEADER_RANGE - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
RFC2616 Range header.
API_HEADER_TICKET_ID - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
The HTTP Header for Ticket ID.
API_HEADER_TIME_ZONE - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
The HTTP Header for the user's TimeZone.
API_HEADER_WINDOW_ID - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
The HTTP Header for a Random ID.
API_PARAMETER_BC_SERIAL - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
The HTTP Parameter for a back channel Serial Number.
API_PARAMETER_CLIENT_ID - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
The HTTP Parameter for Client ID.
API_PARAMETER_ONTRACK_AGENT - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
The HTTP Parameter for On Track Agent (client program) identifier.
API_PARAMETER_RANDOM_ID - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
The HTTP Parameter for a Random ID.
API_PARAMETER_TICKET_ID - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
The HTTP Parameter for Ticket ID.
API_PARAMETER_WINDOW_ID - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
The HTTP Parameter for a Window ID.
API_VERSION - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
The current server API and feature set version.
API_VERSION_STRING - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
What is the current server API version as a string.
APIOperations - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportInfo
A list of API operations.
APIRandomID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
A random ID that should be sent along with all API requests.
APIVersion - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
The API version of the server.
APP_SHARING - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the app sharing enabled status.
APP_SHARING - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.user.updaters.XUserUpdater
Boolean for app sharing enabled.
APP_SHARING_QUOTA_MAX - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the app sharing quota max.
APP_SHARING_QUOTA_MAX - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.user.updaters.XUserUpdater
Long for app sharing quota max.
APP_SHARING_QUOTA_MAX_HARD_LIMIT - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the app sharing quota max limit.
APP_SHARING_QUOTA_MAX_HARD_LIMIT - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.user.updaters.XUserUpdater
Boolean for content quota max is a hard limit.
APP_SHARING_RECORDING - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.updaters.XConversationUpdater
Boolean for whether app-sharing recording is enabled.
APP_SHARING_RECORDING_STATUS - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the app sharing recording status.
AppID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.device.infos.XDeviceInfo
Device's App ID.
ApplicationConferenceActiveParticipants - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conference.infos.XConferenceInfo
The count of users who are currently participating in the application conference.
ApplicationConferenceBegin - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conference.infos.XConferenceInfo
The timestamp at which the application conference began.
ApplicationConferenceHost - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conference.infos.XConferenceInfo
The host for or initiator of the application conference.
ApplicationConferenceInProgress - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
An application conference is in progress.
ApplicationConferenceTotalParticipants - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conference.infos.XConferenceInfo
The count of all users who have participated in the application recording.
AppSharing - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
Is Hive app-sharing enabled at all.
AppSharing - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveInfo
True if Application Sharing is enabled.
AppSharing - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserDetailsInfo
The User's Content Quota Max setting.
AppSharing - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserInfo
User is enabled for app-sharing.
AppSharingQuota - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The current Hive app-sharing quota.
AppSharingQuotaMax - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The Hive maximum allowed app-sharing quota.
AppSharingQuotaMax - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserDetailsInfo
The User's App Sharing Quota Max setting.
AppSharingQuotaMaxHardLimit - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The Hive maximum allowed app-sharing quota is a hard limit.
AppSharingQuotaMaxHardLimit - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserDetailsInfo
The User's App Sharing Quota Max is a Hard Limit setting.
AppSharingRecording - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
Is app-sharing recording enabled for this Conversation.
AppSharingRecordingStatus - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The Hive app-sharing recording status.
AppSharingRecordingStatus - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveInfo
Current state of Application Sharing recording.
artifactCreated(XArtifactInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.artifact.XArtifactModule.Client
Notification that an Artifact has been created and added to a Track.
artifactDeleted(XArtifactInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.artifact.XArtifactModule.Client
Notification that an Artifact has been deleted.
artifactNameChanged(XArtifactInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.artifact.XArtifactModule.Client
Sent when an Artifact name changes.
artifactRemoved(XArtifactInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.artifact.XArtifactModule.Client
Notification that an Artifact has been removed.
artifactStateChanged(XArtifactInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.artifact.XArtifactModule.Client
Sent when an Artifact state changes.
artifactUnremoved(XArtifactInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.artifact.XArtifactModule.Client
Notification that an Artifact has been unremoved.
artifactUpdated(XArtifactInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.artifact.XArtifactModule.Client
Notification that an Artifact has been updated.
Assignee - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationGetInfo
Set to true if the current User is an Assignee for this Conversation.
AssigneeID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupOpenInfo
The followup User ID.
AssociatedArtifactInfo - Variable in class
The Artifact associated with this Chat.
AssociatedWithChatID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.artifact.infos.XArtifactInfo
The Chat associated with this Artifact.
AttachmentDocumentInfos - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XDocumentInfo
List of all of attachment Documents.
AttachmentNames - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveFindSimilarInfo
Names of documents attached to the email.
AttachmentVersionInfos - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XVersionInfo
List of all Version attachment Versions.
ATTR_FULL_NAME - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
ATTR_LOCALE_ID - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
ATTR_MANAGER - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
ATTR_NAME - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
ATTR_ORGANIZATION - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
ATTR_PHONE_NUMBER - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
ATTR_TIME_ZONE_ID - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
ATTR_TITLE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
AttrFullName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
Used by lookup and search to get attribute values.
AttrLocaleID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
Used by lookup and search to get attribute values.
AttrManager - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
The attribute that contains a user's manager ("manager" in inetOrgPerson).
AttrName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
Used by lookup and search to get attribute values.
AttrOrganization - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
The attribute that contains a user's organization ("organization" in inetOrgPerson).
AttrPhoneNumber - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
Used by lookup and search to get attribute values.
AttrTimeZoneID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
Used by lookup and search to get attribute values.
AttrTitle - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
The attribute that contains a user's title ("title" in inetOrgPerson).
AUTHENTICATE_WITH_SSO - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
Update the LDAP access to use SSO for user authentication setting.
AuthenticateWithSSO - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
True if authentication should take place through SSO.
available() - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIInputStream


BackChannelHost - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
Back channel access Host.
BackChannelPath - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
Back channel access Path.
BackChannelServletName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
Back channel access Servlet name.
BackChannelURL - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
Back channel access URL.
BCCRecipientAddresses - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.mail.infos.XMailInfo
The set of BCC addresses.
Begin - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.voice.infos.XVoiceConferenceInfo
The timestamp at which the conference began.
Biography - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileInfo
The User's biography.
BIOGRAPHY - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
String for the user's biography.
BodyText - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveFindSimilarInfo
The body of the email, as plain text or HTML.
bookmark(XObjectID, XObjectID, Long) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.voice.XVoiceModule.Server
Bookmark a position in the conference.
bookmarkClosed(XChatInfo, XBookmarkInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.bookmark.XBookmarkModule.Client
Notification that a Bookmark has been closed.
bookmarkOpened(XChatInfo, XBookmarkInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.bookmark.XBookmarkModule.Client
Notification that a Bookmark has been opened.
BranchRevision - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
The branch revision of the server.
broadcast(String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.broadcast.XBroadcastModule.Client
To broadcast a message.
broadcastToConversation(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.broadcast.XBroadcastModule.Server
Broadcast a message to all Users in the specified Conversation.
broadcastToHive(String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.broadcast.XBroadcastModule.Server
Broadcast a message to all Users.
broadcastToUser(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.broadcast.XBroadcastModule.Server
Broadcast a message to the specified User.
BugReportingEnabled - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
True if bug reporting is enabled.
Buzz - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupChatSummaryInfo
On Followup close buzz the creating User.
Buzz - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupInfo
On Followup close buzz the creating User.
Buzz - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupOpenInfo
This followup is a buzz.
buzzClosed(XBuzzInfo) - Method in interface
buzzClosed(XBuzzInfo) - Method in interface
User buzz closed.
BuzzedByID - Variable in class
The User that buzzed this User.
BuzzedByID - Variable in class
The User that buzzed this User.
BuzzedByName - Variable in class
The name of the User that buzzed this User.
BuzzOffline - Variable in class
Buzz was created when the buzzed User was offline.
BuzzOffline - Variable in class
Buzz was created when the buzzed User was offline.
buzzOpened(XBuzzInfo) - Method in interface
buzzOpened(XBuzzInfo) - Method in interface
User buzz opened.


call(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.voice.XVoiceModule.Server
Call the user at the specified number and add them to the Conversation's conference call.
call(Class<T>) - Method in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
Creates an XAPIInterface Proxy object to actually call an XAPIInterface method.
call(Class<T>) - Static method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIManager
Perform a local or remote API call using the XAPI singleton.
CallID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.voice.infos.XCallStatusInfo
The current call id or null if no call is in process.
callOther(XObjectID, XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.voice.XVoiceModule.Server
Call another user at the specified number and add them to the Conversation's conference call.
CAN_CREATE_CONVERSATION - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.user.updaters.XUserUpdater
Boolean for whether the user can create conversations.
CAN_CREATE_CONVERSATION_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmUpdater
User can create conversation default.
CAN_DISCOVER - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.user.updaters.XUserUpdater
Boolean for whether the user can discover.
CAN_DISCOVER_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmUpdater
User can discover default.
CanCreateConversation - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserInfo
User can create Conversations.
CanCreateConversationDefault - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmInfo
Default 'can create conversation' option for new Users.
CanDiscover - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserInfo
User can discover.
CanDiscoverDefault - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmInfo
Default 'can discover' option for new Users.
Categories - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveFindSimilarInfo
Categories applied to the email.
CCRecipientAddresses - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.mail.infos.XMailInfo
The set of CC addresses.
changeConversationExternalIDs(XObjectID, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Change a Conversation's secondary external IDs.
changeConversationMembers(XObjectID, List<XConversationMemberChangeInfo>, boolean) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Change a Conversation's membership.
changeFollowupNotify(XObjectID, boolean) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.followup.XFollowupModule.Server
Change a Followups notify setting for the specified Chat for the current User.
changeFollowupNotifyForUser(XObjectID, XObjectID, boolean) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.followup.XFollowupModule.Server
Change a Followups notify setting for the specified Chat for the specified User.
changeFollowupNotifyForUsers(XObjectID, List<XObjectID>, boolean) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.followup.XFollowupModule.Server
Change a Followups notify setting for the specified Chat for the specified Users.
changeGroupMembers(XObjectID, List<XGroupMemberChangeInfo>) - Method in interface
Change the direct membership of a Group.
changeListMembers(XObjectID, List<XDistributionListChangeInfo>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.distlist.XDistributionListModule.Server
Change a Distribution List members.
changePassword(String, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.password.XPasswordModule.Server
Change the current user's password.
chatBookmarkClosed(XChatInfo, XUserInfo) - Method in interface
Notification that a Chat bookmark has been closed.
chatBookmarkOpened(XChatInfo, XUserInfo) - Method in interface
Notification that a Chat bookmark has been opened.
ChatCount - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
Number of chats in the Conversation.
chatCreated(XChatInfo) - Method in interface
Notification that a Chat has been created.
chatDeleted(XChatInfo) - Method in interface
Notification that a Chat has been deleted.
chatFollowupClosed(XChatInfo, XUserInfo) - Method in interface
Notification that a Chat followup has been closed.
chatFollowupOpened(XChatInfo, XUserInfo) - Method in interface
Notification that a Chat followup has been opened.
chatForked(XChatInfo) - Method in interface
Notification that a Chat has been forked.
ChatID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.bookmark.infos.XBookmarkInfo
The Bookmark Chat ID.
ChatID - Variable in class
The Chat will be a comment if this field is non null. if Null a top level Chat is created.
ChatID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMapElementInfo
The associated ChatID.
ChatID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupChatSummaryInfo
The Followup Chat ID.
ChatID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupInfo
The Followup Chat ID.
ChatIDs - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMapInfo
All Chat IDs in display order.
ChatInfo - Variable in class
The Chat DTO.
ChatInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupChatInfo
The followup ChatInfo.
ChatInfo - Variable in class
Chat Info.
ChatInfo - Variable in class
Chat information DTO.
ChatInfos - Variable in class
News Chat information DTOs.
chatsAllRead(XObjectID, int) - Method in interface
Notification or Mark all existing chats read.
chatsAllUnread(XObjectID, int) - Method in interface
Notification or mark all existing chats unread.
ChatsRead - Variable in class
Set of chat ordinals that have been marked read.
chatsRead(XObjectID, List<Integer>) - Method in interface
Notification or mark a set of chats read.
ChatsRead - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMapInfo
If requested return the Chats Read info again.
chatsUnread(XObjectID, List<Integer>) - Method in interface
Notification or mark a set of chats unread.
ChatText - Variable in class
The Chat text.
chatUpdated(XChatInfo) - Method in interface
Notification that a Chat has been updated.
checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPSSLProtocolSocketFactory.EasyX509TrustManager
CheckoutUser - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryDocumentInfo
The name of the User the content is checked out to.
checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPSSLProtocolSocketFactory.EasyX509TrustManager
CLIENT_INSTANCE_NAME - Static variable in class waggle.client.main.XClientMain
Used to specify an alternate client instance name during client startup.
CLIENT_LOG_INSTANCE_NAME - Static variable in class waggle.client.main.XClientMain
Used to specify an alternate client log instance name during client startup.
close() - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIInputStream
close() - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPMethod
Close the current request.
closeBookmark(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.bookmark.XBookmarkModule.Server
Close a Bookmark for the specified Chat for the current User.
closeBuzz(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Close an open Buzz.
closeFollowup(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.followup.XFollowupModule.Server
Close a Followup for the specified Chat for the current User.
closeFollowupForUser(XObjectID, XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.followup.XFollowupModule.Server
Close a Followup for the specified Chat for the specified User.
closeFollowupForUsers(XObjectID, List<XObjectID>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.followup.XFollowupModule.Server
Close Followups for the specified Chat for the specified Users.
CollectionCreatedDate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryCollectionInfo
The Collection's created date.
CollectionCreator - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryCollectionInfo
The Collection's creator.
CollectionID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryCollectionInfo
The Collection ID.
CollectionID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryDocumentInfo
The containing Collection ID.
CollectionName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryCollectionInfo
The Collection's name.
CollectionParentID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryCollectionInfo
The Collection's Parent ID.
CollectionPath - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryCollectionInfo
The Collection's path.
Collections - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryListInfo
Collections in a Collection.
Color - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.annotation.infos.XAnnotationMarkupInfo
Annotation markup color.
COLOR - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
The User's color.
Color - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserInfo
The User's color (RGB).
CommentByInfos - Variable in class
List of all comment Chats on this Chat.
CommentOnID - Variable in class
The Chat on which this Chat is a Comment.
CommentOnID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupChatSummaryInfo
The Chat on which this Chat is a Comment.
commitAnnotationDraft(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.annotation.XAnnotationModule.Server
Commit and delete a Version draft.
compareTo(XObjectID) - Method in class
compareTo(XSessionID) - Method in class
contactAdded(XUserInfo) - Method in interface
You have added a Contact.
contactAddedToGroup(XUserInfo, String) - Method in interface
You added a Contact to a group.
ContactEMailAddress - Variable in class
A User's email/login name for a User that is not as yet registered with Waggle.
ContactGroupNames - Variable in class
The set of Contact groups names in which this Contact should be displayed.
ContactGroupNames - Variable in class
Set of all Contact group names.
ContactID - Variable in class
The User ID if they are an already registered Waggle User in either the internal or external Realm.
ContactInfos - Variable in class
List of all of Contact infos.
contactRemoved(XUserInfo) - Method in interface
You have removed a Contact.
contactRemovedFromGroup(XUserInfo, String) - Method in interface
You removed a Contact from a group.
ContactSendInvitation - Variable in class
Send an invitation.
ContactUserInfo - Variable in class
The User information for this Contact.
contains(String) - Method in class
Check if the XUpdater contains the specified field name.
CONTENT_QUOTA_MAX - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the content quota max.
CONTENT_QUOTA_MAX - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.user.updaters.XUserUpdater
Long for content quota max.
CONTENT_QUOTA_MAX_HARD_LIMIT - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the content quota max hard limit.
CONTENT_QUOTA_MAX_HARD_LIMIT - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.user.updaters.XUserUpdater
Boolean for content quota max is a hard limit.
ContentLength - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.bookmark.infos.XBookmarkSummaryInfo
The length of this Content.
ContentLength - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XContentInfo
The length of this Content.
ContentLength - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupChatSummaryInfo
The length of this Content.
ContentMimeType - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.bookmark.infos.XBookmarkSummaryInfo
The mime type for this Content.
ContentMimeType - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XContentInfo
The mime type for this Content.
ContentMimeType - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XContentStringInfo
The mime type of the content string.
ContentMimeType - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupChatSummaryInfo
The mime type for this Content.
ContentQuota - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The current Hive content quota.
ContentQuotaMax - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The Hive maximum allowed content quota.
ContentQuotaMax - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserDetailsInfo
The User's Content Quota Max setting.
ContentQuotaMaxHardLimit - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The Hive maximum allowed content quota is a hard limit.
ContentQuotaMaxHardLimit - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserDetailsInfo
The User's Content Quota Max is a Hard Limit setting.
ContentString - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XContentStringInfo
The content string.
ContentURL - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XContentInfo
The WebDAV URL for this Content.
ContextName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
Front/Back channel access Context name.
Conversation - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDetailConversationInfo
Conversation Info.
conversationAccessible(XConversationInfo, XConversationRole) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Client
Notification sent that a Conversation is now accessible to you.
conversationActiveConferencesChanged(XConversationInfo, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Client
Notification sent that a Conversation's conference state has changed.
ConversationChatsInfos - Variable in class
Conversation Chats.
ConversationChatsReadInfo - Variable in class
Conversation Chats read information.
conversationCreated(XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Client
Notification sent that a Conversation has been created.
conversationDeviceRemoved(XDeviceInfo, XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.device.XDeviceModule.Client
Send when a Conversation Device is removed.
conversationDeviceUpdated(XDeviceInfo, XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.device.XDeviceModule.Client
Send when a Conversation Device is updated.
conversationDiscoverableChanged(XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Client
Notification sent that a Conversation's discoverable status has changed.
conversationEntered(XConversationInfo, XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Client
Notification sent that a Conversation you are in has been entered.
conversationExited(XConversationInfo, XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Client
Notification sent that a Conversation you are in has been exited.
conversationExternalIDsChanged(XConversationInfo, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Client
Notification sent that a Conversation's external IDs have changed.
ConversationID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos.XAggregateConversationInfo
The Conversation ID.
ConversationID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.bookmark.infos.XBookmarkSummaryInfo
The Conversation ID.
ConversationID - Variable in class
The Conversation ID.
ConversationID - Variable in class
The Conversation.
ConversationID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conference.infos.XConferenceInfo
Conference conversation id.
ConversationID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMapFilterInfo
The Conversation ID.
ConversationID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupChatSummaryInfo
The Conversation ID.
ConversationID - Variable in class
Conversation ID.
ConversationID - Variable in class
Conversation ID.
ConversationIDs - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XSearchResultsInfo
List of all the Conversations that had hits.
conversationInaccessible(XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Client
Notification sent that a Conversation is no longer accessible to you.
ConversationInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationEnteredInfo
The Conversation Information DTO.
ConversationInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationGetInfo
Conversation info.
ConversationInfo - Variable in class
Conversation Info.
ConversationInfos - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDetailInfo
Returned page of Conversation Infos.
ConversationInfos - Variable in class
Conversation information DTOs.
ConversationLastUpdateTime - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos.XAggregateConversationInfo
The time of any last chat.
conversationMemberActiveChanged(XConversationInfo, XConversationMemberActiveInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Client
Notification sent that a Conversation Member has become active.
conversationMembersChanged(XConversationInfo, List<XObjectInfo>, List<XObjectInfo>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Client
Notification sent that a Conversation's direct members has changed.
conversationMembershipAccepted(XConversationInfo, XConversationRequestInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Client
Notification sent that a Conversation membership request was accepted.
conversationMembershipChanged(XConversationInfo, List<XUserInfo>, List<XUserInfo>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Client
Notification sent that a Conversation's exploded membership has changed.
conversationMembershipRejected(XConversationInfo, XConversationRequestInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Client
Notification sent that a Conversation membership request was rejected.
conversationMembershipRequested(XConversationInfo, XConversationRequestInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Client
Notification sent that Conversation membership was requested.
conversationMembershipWithdrawn(XConversationInfo, XConversationRequestInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Client
Notification sent that a Conversation membership request was withdrawn.
conversationMovedIn(XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Client
Notification sent when a Conversation is moved in to a Track.
conversationMovedOut(XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Client
Notification sent when a Conversation is moved out of a Track.
ConversationName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos.XAggregateConversationInfo
The Conversation name.
ConversationName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.bookmark.infos.XBookmarkSummaryInfo
The Conversation name.
ConversationName - Variable in class
The Conversation name.
ConversationName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conference.infos.XConferenceInfo
Conference conversation name.
ConversationName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XSearchHitInfo
The name of the Conversation that contains the hit.
ConversationName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupChatSummaryInfo
The Conversation Name.
conversationNameChanged(XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Client
Notification sent that a Conversation's name has changed.
ConversationNFollowups - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos.XAggregateConversationInfo
Number of followups for the Conversation for the current User.
ConversationNUsers - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos.XAggregateConversationInfo
The number of accessible Users.
conversationProfileChanged(XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Client
Notification sent that a Conversation's profile has changed.
ConversationReadInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos.XAggregateConversationInfo
Chats read info for the current User.
ConversationRole - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationEnteredInfo
The current User's Role in the Conversation.
ConversationRole - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationGetInfo
This User's role in the Conversation.
ConversationState - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos.XAggregateConversationInfo
The Conversation State.
conversationStateChanged(XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Client
Notification sent that a Conversation's state has changed.
conversationUpdated(XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Client
Notification sent that a Conversation has been updated.
conversationWatcherAdded(XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Client
Notification sent that you were added as a Conversation Watcher.
conversationWatcherRemoved(XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Client
Notification sent that were removed as a Conversation Watcher.
copyArtifact(XObjectID, XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.artifact.XArtifactModule.Server
Copy an Artifact to a Conversation in another Track.
CopyrightYears - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
The set of years that this version is copyright.
Count - Variable in class
The count of Chats on the specified date.
Count - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.track.infos.XTrackGetInfo
Current number of accessible Conversations.
Counters - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportInfo
The counters.
CREATE_GROUP_ENABLED - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmUpdater
Update the create group enabled setting.
CREATE_USER_ENABLED - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmUpdater
Update the create user enabled setting.
createAggregate(String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModule.Server
Add an Aggregate to the end of the list of the user's Aggregates.
createBasicChat(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface
Create a simple Chat.
createChat(XObjectID, String, XObjectID, List<XObjectID>) - Method in interface
Create a Chat with the most common parameters.
createChatFromInfo(XChatCreateInfo) - Method in interface
Create a Chat with an XChatCreateInfo DTO that includes all possible parameters.
createConversation(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Create a new Conversation.
createConversationFromInfo(XConversationCreateInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Create a new Conversation.
CreateDate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryDocumentInfo
In my limited observation, UCM responses contain two similar keys: "dCreateDate" and "dDocCreatedDate"; and they are always set to the same value.
CreatedByID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.bookmark.infos.XBookmarkInfo
The Bookmark assigner User ID.
CreatedByID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupChatSummaryInfo
The Followup assigner User ID.
CreatedByID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupInfo
The Followup assigner User ID.
CreatedByScaledPictureID - Variable in class
Scaled Picture ID for the Chat creator.
CreatedByUserName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupChatSummaryInfo
The Followup assigner User display name.
createDevice(XObjectID, String, XDeviceType, String, String, String, List<XNotificationGroup>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.device.XDeviceModule.Server
Create a new unique Device for the specified User.
createDocument(XObjectID, String, XAPIInputStream, String, long) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Server
Create a new Document from an InputStream.
createDocumentAttachment(XObjectID, String, XAPIInputStream, String, long) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Server
Create a new Document attachment from an InputStream.
createDocumentAttachmentString(XObjectID, String, String, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Server
Create a new Document attachment from an InputStream.
createDocumentFromRepositoryRevision(XObjectID, XObjectID, String, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.repository.XRepositoryModule.Server
Create a new Conversation Document or a new Version of an existing Conversation Document (by name) from an existing Repository document.
createDocumentString(XObjectID, String, String, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Server
Create a new Document from a String.
CreatedTimestamp - Variable in class
When the XObject was created.
CreatedTimestamp - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupChatSummaryInfo
When the Followup was created.
createFeature(String, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Server
Upload a Feature file.
createFeatureFile(XObjectID, String, XAPIInputStream, String, long) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Server
Add a new Feature File.
createGadget(String, XAPIInputStream, String, long, XUpdater) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Server
Create a Gadget.
createGroup(String) - Method in interface
Create a Group in the internal Realm.
CreateGroupEnabled - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmInfo
Can Groups be created in this Realm.
createGroupWithMembers(String, List<XGroupMemberChangeInfo>) - Method in interface
Create a Group in the internal Realm with an initial set of members.
createInputStream() - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIInputStream
createLDAPRealm(String, XUpdater) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.XRealmModule.Server
Create an LDAP Realm.
createList(String, List<XDistributionListChangeInfo>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.distlist.XDistributionListModule.Server
Create a new Distribution List with an initial set of members.
createPoll(XObjectID, XPollCreateInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.poll.XPollModule.Server
Create a Poll widget.
createPrivateTag(String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.tag.XTagModule.Server
Create a new private Tag.
createPrivateTagAndTag(String, XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.tag.XTagModule.Server
Create a new private Tag and tag a Tagable.
createPublicTag(String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.tag.XTagModule.Server
Create a new public Tag.
createPublicTagAndTag(String, XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.tag.XTagModule.Server
Create a new public Tag and tag a Tagable.
createRepository(XRepositoryCreateInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.repository.XRepositoryModule.Server
Create a new repository.
createRepositoryRevisionFromContent(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.repository.XRepositoryModule.Server
Create a new Repository document revision from existing Conversation content (Document or Version).
createSocket(String, int, InetAddress, int) - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPSSLProtocolSocketFactory
createSocket(String, int, InetAddress, int, HttpConnectionParams) - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPSSLProtocolSocketFactory
createSocket(String, int) - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPSSLProtocolSocketFactory
createSocket(Socket, String, int, boolean) - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPSSLProtocolSocketFactory
createSystemReport(Date, Date, boolean) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.systemreport.XSystemReportModule.Server
Create a system report for the specified interval.
createSystemUser(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.user.XUserModule.Server
Create a new system user.
createTestUsers(String, int, int) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.user.XUserModule.Server
Create count test users.
createTrack(String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.track.XTrackModule.Server
Create a new Track.
createUser(String, boolean) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.user.XUserModule.Server
Create a new user.
CreateUserEnabled - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmInfo
Can Users be created in this Realm.
createVersion(XObjectID, XAPIInputStream, String, long) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Server
Create a new Version for a Content object.
createVersionString(XObjectID, String, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Server
Create a new Version for a Content object.
createWidget(XObjectID, XObjectID, String, String, boolean, List<XPropertyInfo>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.widget.XWidgetModule.Server
Create a new Widget.
createWidgetChat(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.widget.XWidgetModule.Server
Create a Widget related Chat message.
createWidgetComment(XObjectID, XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.widget.XWidgetModule.Server
Create a Widget related Comment message.
CreatorIDs - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XSearchResultsInfo
List of all the Users who created any of the hits.
CUSTOM_FIELDS - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
Collection of all custom fields.
CustomFields - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileInfo
List of all custom fields.


DataType - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.opensocial.infos.XOSUserPrefInfo
User Preference data type.
Date - Variable in class
The date on which there are some Chats.
Date - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationRequestInfo
Request Date.
Date - Variable in class waggle.core.exceptions.infos.XExceptionInfo
The date and time at which the exception was thrown.
DATE_FORMAT_LOCALE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.updaters.XConversationUpdater
The date-format locale.
DATE_FORMAT_LOCALE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
The User's Date Format Locale.
DATE_FORMAT_LOCALE_ID - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the locale.
DateFormat - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveInfo
Date format locale.
DateFormatLocaleID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
The Conversation's date-format locale ID.
DateFormatLocaleID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileInfo
The User's default date-format locale ID.
DEFAULT_FILTER - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
DefaultFilter - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
The default filter for user attribute and manager lookups.
defaultProfileNotificationSettings(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.XProfileModule.Server
Set default notification settings for the specified User.
DefaultTrackID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserInfo
The User's default Track ID.
DefaultValue - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.opensocial.infos.XOSUserPrefInfo
User Preference default value.
deleteAnnotationDraft(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.annotation.XAnnotationModule.Server
Delete an annotation draft.
deleteConversationPicture(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Delete any Conversation picture.
DeletedChatCount - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
Number of deleted chats in the Conversation.
deleteDevice(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.device.XDeviceModule.Server
Remove an existing Device.
deleteFeature(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Server
Delete a Feature.
deleteFeatureFile(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Server
Delete a Feature File.
deleteGadget(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Server
Delete a Gadget.
deleteGroup(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Delete a Group.
deleteProfilePicture() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.XProfileModule.Server
Delete any picture for the current User.
deleteRepository(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.repository.XRepositoryModule.Server
Delete an existing Repository.
deleteTag(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.tag.XTagModule.Server
Delete an existing Tag.
deleteUnverifiedUser(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.user.XUserModule.Server
Delete an unverified user.
Description - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
The Conversation's description.
Description - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberProfileInfo
The description of this User's role in this Conversation.
Description - Variable in class
The Attribute description.
Description - Variable in class
The description.
Description - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.track.infos.XTrackInfo
The Track's description.
Developer - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserDetailsInfo
Whether the User has developer privilege.
DEVELOPER - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.user.updaters.XUserUpdater
Boolean for developer status.
deviceCreated(XDeviceInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.device.XDeviceModule.Client
Send when a Device is created.
DeviceData - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.device.infos.XDeviceInfo
Device's data.
DeviceID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.device.infos.XDeviceInfo
Device's Device ID.
DeviceNotificationSettings - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.device.infos.XDeviceInfo
Device's notification settings.
deviceRemoved(XDeviceInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.device.XDeviceModule.Client
Send when a Device is removed.
DeviceType - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.device.infos.XDeviceInfo
Device's type.
deviceUpdated(XDeviceInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.device.XDeviceModule.Client
Send when a Device is updated.
Discoverable - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
The Conversation is discoverable.
DISCOVERABLE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmUpdater
User discoverable default.
DISCOVERABLE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.user.updaters.XUserUpdater
Boolean for default discoverable status for Conversation this User creates.
DiscoverableCount - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationCountsInfo
The count of discoverable Conversations.
DiscoverableDefault - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmInfo
Default 'discoverable' status for new Users.
DiscoverableDefault - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserInfo
Default discoverable status for Conversations this User creates.
DisplayName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.opensocial.infos.XOSUserPrefInfo
User Preference display name.
DisplayName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserInfo
User's display name.
DisplayValue - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.opensocial.infos.XOSUserPrefEnumValueInfo
user Preference Display Value.
DocAccount - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryDocumentInfo
The Account for this Document.
DocAuthor - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryDocumentInfo
The Document's author.
DocCreator - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryDocumentInfo
The Document's creator.
DocID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryDocumentInfo
DocName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryDocumentInfo
DocName is also known as the "content id".
DocTitle - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryDocumentInfo
The DocTitle is a human readable document title that may contain spaces and some special characters.
DocType - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryDocumentInfo
DocType can be "Document" or ... .
documentDeleted(XDocumentInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Client
Notification that a Document has been deleted.
DocumentInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.annotation.infos.XAnnotationDraftInfo
Annotation Document.
DocumentInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDocumentInfo
The Document Info.
documentLocked(XDocumentInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Client
Notification that an Document has been locked.
documentRemoved(XDocumentInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Client
Notification that a Document has been removed.
Documents - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryListInfo
Documents in a Collection.
documentUnlocked(XDocumentInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Client
Notification that an Document has been unlocked.
documentUnremoved(XDocumentInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Client
Notification that a Document has been un-removed.
downloadToFile(URL, File) - Static method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPDownload
Download the specified URL to a file.
downloadToInputStream(URL) - Static method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPDownload
Download the specified URL to a InputStream.
downloadToString(URL) - Static method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPDownload
Download the specified URL to a String.
DraftChat - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.annotation.infos.XAnnotationMarkupInfo
Any Draft Chat text.


editChat(XObjectID, String, List<XObjectID>) - Method in interface
Edit the Chat text with optional references.
Elements - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMapInfo
The elements in the map.
ElementTypes - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMapFilterInfo
What element types to return.
EMAIL_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
The User's email address.
EMAIL_ID - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.updaters.XConversationUpdater
String for short email id for inbound email.
EMailAddress - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileInfo
The User's email address.
EMailAddress - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserSearchInfo
The User's email address (login).
EMailAddress - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserTestCreateInfo
The User's email address.
EmailID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
The ID that can be used in an email address to send email to the Conversation.
ENABLE_SELF_SIGNED_CERTIFICATES - Static variable in class waggle.core.api.XAPIManager
Property name to enable self signed certificates.
ENABLE_SELF_SIGNED_CERTIFICATES - Static variable in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPSession
Property name to enable self signed certificates.
Enabled - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmInfo
Is this Realm enabled for login.
ENABLED - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmUpdater
Update the login enabled setting.
Enabled - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserInfo
User's enabled status.
ENABLED - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.user.updaters.XUserUpdater
Boolean for enabled status.
End - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.voice.infos.XVoiceConferenceInfo
The timestamp at which the conference ended or null if it is still in progress.
EndRow - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositorySearchInfo
Ending row number to be returned.
enterConversation(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Enter a Conversation.
Entered - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberProfileInfo
Set to true if the User is currently entered in the Conversation.
EnteredConversationInfos - Variable in class
List of all public and common Conversation that are currently entered by this Contact.
EnteredUserIDs - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
Set of all User IDs for all entered Users.
enterHive() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.XHiveModule.Server
Enter a Hive.
entrySet() - Method in class
Return a set of the entries in the XUpdater.
EnumValues - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.opensocial.infos.XOSUserPrefInfo
User Preference valid enum values.
equals(Object) - Method in class waggle.common.modules.conference.infos.XConferenceInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPSSLProtocolSocketFactory
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
ExceptionClass - Variable in class waggle.core.exceptions.infos.XExceptionInfo
The exception class.
ExceptionInfo - Variable in class waggle.core.exceptions.infos.XStatusInfo
The Exception Info DTO.
execute(boolean) - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIPackage
Execute this XAPIPackage call.
executeResponse(String) - Method in class waggle.client.message.XMessageReceiverThreadJSON
executeResponse(String) - Method in class waggle.client.message.XMessageReceiverThreadXML
exitConversation(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Exit a Conversation.
exitHive() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.XHiveModule.Server
Exit a Hive.
External - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmInfo
Is this realm internal (database) or external (i.e.


FailReasonMessage - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserTestCreateInfo
If the parameters failed the test, this will be set to the reason.
FEATURE_VERSION - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.updaters.XOSFeatureUpdater
String for the Feature's Version.
FeatureVersion - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.opensocial.infos.XOSFeatureInfo
Feature version.
FileSize - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryDocumentInfo
The size of this Content.
FilterConversationID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveSearchInfo
Limit results to those in a specific Conversation (may be null).
FilterCreatorID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveSearchInfo
Limit results to those created by a specific User (may be null).
FilterObjectType - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveSearchInfo
Limit results to those of a specific type (may be null).
FilterSinceDate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveSearchInfo
Limit results to those created after a specific date (may be null).
FilterTrackID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveSearchInfo
Limit results to those in a specific Track (may be null).
FIND_DN_ATTRS - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
FIND_DN_BASE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
FIND_DN_FILTER - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
findDevice(String, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.device.XDeviceModule.Server
Find a Device by a device's unique IDs owned by the current User.
findDisabledUsers(String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.user.XUserModule.Server
Get info for the specified disabled Users.
findDistributionListWithLimit(String, int) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.distlist.XDistributionListModule.Server
Search for Distribution Lists.
FindDNAttrs - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
The LDAP attribute that contains the DN (used when looking up a User's DN from their Name).
FindDNBase - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
Base DN used to lookup a User's DN from their Name (email address).
FindDNFilter - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
Search filter used to lookup a User's DN from their Name (email address).
findGroups(String) - Method in interface
Find Groups.
findGroupsWithLimit(String, int, boolean) - Method in interface
Search for a set of Groups including those registered in the database realm and those who are available through one of the other defined realms.
findMembersWithLimit(String, int, boolean) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.member.XMemberModule.Server
Find Users, Groups and private Distribution Lists with limit that match the search prefix.
findSimilar(XObjectID, XDocumentSearchOrder) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Server
Find Similar content.
findSimilar(XHiveFindSimilarInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.XHiveModule.Server
Search the Hive for items that are "similar" to something the client knows about.
findUsers(String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.user.XUserModule.Server
Get info for the specified Users.
findUsersWithLimit(String, int, boolean) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.user.XUserModule.Server
Search for a set of Users including those registered in the database realm and those who are available through one of the other defined realms.
fire(Class<T>) - Static method in class
Create an Event source to broadcast an event.
FirstResult - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveFindSimilarInfo
Ordinal of first result to return.
FirstResult - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveSearchInfo
Ordinal of first result to return.
Flags - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveFindSimilarInfo
Flags applied to the email.
fLockStatus - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.artifact.infos.XArtifactInfo
Artifact's URM lock status.
followupClosed(XChatInfo, XUserInfo, XFollowupInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.followup.XFollowupModule.Client
Notification that a Followup has been closed.
FollowupCount - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationGetInfo
Number of open Followups.
FollowupInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupChatInfo
The followup FollowupInfo.
FollowupInfos - Variable in class
List of all Users which should followup on this Chat.
FollowupInfos - Variable in class
followupMarkedRead(XChatInfo, XUserInfo, XFollowupInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.followup.XFollowupModule.Client
Notification that a Followup has been marked read.
followupMarkedUnread(XChatInfo, XUserInfo, XFollowupInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.followup.XFollowupModule.Client
Notification that a Followup has been marked unread.
followupOpened(XChatInfo, XUserInfo, XUserInfo, XFollowupInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.followup.XFollowupModule.Client
Notification that a Followup has been opened.
followupUpdated(XChatInfo, XUserInfo, XFollowupInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.followup.XFollowupModule.Client
Notification that a Followup has been updated.
ForkedFromChatInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationGetInfo
Conversation forked from Chat info.
ForkedToConversationInfos - Variable in class
Conversation info if this Chat had been forked.
Format - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryDocumentInfo
Format appears to be the mime type.
FormattedOffset - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.admin.infos.XTimeZoneInfo
TimeZone GMT Offset as a string.
FromAddresses - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.mail.infos.XMailInfo
The set of FROM addresses.
FromIndex - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDetailFilterInfo
Inclusive from index.
FromIndex - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDetailInfo
From index of returned Conversation Infos.
FrontChannelHost - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
Front channel access Host.
FrontChannelPath - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
Front channel access Path.
FrontChannelServletName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
Front channel access Servlet name.
FrontChannelURL - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
Front channel access URL.
FULL_NAME - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
The User's Full Name (e.g.
FullName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileInfo
The User's full name.
FullName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserSearchInfo
The User's Full Name (or display name).
FullName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserTestCreateInfo
The User's Full Name (e.g.


GADGET_AVAILABLE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.updaters.XOSGadgetUpdater
String for the widget object type.
GADGET_DEVELOPMENT_PATH - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.updaters.XOSGadgetUpdater
String for the local development path.
GADGET_ENABLED - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.updaters.XOSGadgetUpdater
String for the widget object type.
GADGET_LOCAL - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.updaters.XOSGadgetUpdater
Boolean with the local status.
GADGET_SCOPE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.updaters.XOSGadgetUpdater
Enum with the gadget's scope.
GADGET_WIDGET_OBJECT_TYPE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.updaters.XOSGadgetUpdater
String for the widget object type.
GadgetAvailable - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.opensocial.infos.XOSGadgetInfo
Whether the Gadget is available or not.
gadgetCreated(XOSGadgetInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Client
A Gadget was created.
gadgetDeleted(XOSGadgetInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Client
A Gadget was deleted.
GadgetEnabled - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.opensocial.infos.XOSGadgetInfo
Whether the Gadget is enabled or not.
GadgetExternalID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.opensocial.infos.XOSGadgetInfo
The Gadget's External ID.
GadgetScope - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.opensocial.infos.XOSGadgetInfo
The Gadget's scope.
gadgetUpdated(XOSGadgetInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Client
A Gadget was updated.
Gauges - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportInfo
The gauges.
generate() - Static method in class
Generate a pseudo-random id based on current time.
get(String) - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPMethod
Get with the specified query string.
get(String, List<XHTTPHeader>) - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPMethod
Get with the specified query string.
get() - Static method in class
Generate a random, fixed length, string.
get(int) - Static method in class
Generate a random, specified length, hexadecimal string.
getAcceptedIssuers() - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPSSLProtocolSocketFactory.EasyX509TrustManager
getAcceptEncoding() - Method in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
Return the Accept-Encoding header value being used.
getAcceptLanguage() - Method in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
Return the Accept-Language header value being used.
getAfterChats(XObjectID, Date, int) - Method in interface
Get count top-level Chats after afterDate.
getAggregate(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModule.Server
Get specified Aggregate definition.
getAggregateForTrack(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModule.Server
Get the Aggregate that contains a given Track.
getAggregates() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModule.Server
Get all Aggregate definitions.
getAllActiveConversations() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get information about all active, accessible, Conversations.
getAllAvailableGadgets() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Server
Get all available Gadgets.
getAllConferenceChats(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Get all Conference Chats.
getAllFeatureFiles(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Server
Get all Feature Files in order for a Feature.
getAllFeatures() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Server
Get all defined Features.
getAllGadgets() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Server
Get all defined Gadgets.
getAllGroupUsers(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Get a flattened list of all DIRECT and IN-DIRECT members of this Group.
getAllParentConversations(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Get all Conversations that the specified Group is a DIRECT or IN-DIRECT member of.
getAllParentGroups(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Get all Groups that the specified Group is a DIRECT or IN-DIRECT member of.
getAllRepositories() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.repository.XRepositoryModule.Server
Get all Repositories.
getAllWidgets(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.widget.XWidgetModule.Server
Get all widgets for a given conversation, whether active or not.
getAnnotationChats(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.annotation.XAnnotationModule.Server
Return all system generated Annotation Chats on a Version sorted by position.
getAnnotationDraft(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.annotation.XAnnotationModule.Server
Get any draft markups.
getAnnotationDrafts(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.annotation.XAnnotationModule.Server
Get any draft markups for the specified Conversation.
getArguments() - Method in exception waggle.core.exceptions.XException
Return the arguments used to format this exceptions message.
getArguments() - Method in exception waggle.core.exceptions.XRuntimeException
Return the arguments used to format this exceptions message.
getAroundChats(XObjectID, int) - Method in interface
Get next and previous count top-level Chats before and after the specified Chat.
getArray(String) - Method in class
Get an object array value from the XUpdater.
getArray() - Method in class
Get an object array value from the XUpdater.
getArtifact(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.artifact.XArtifactModule.Server
Get an Artifact Information DTO.
getArtifactIfAccessible(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.artifact.XArtifactModule.Server
Get an Artifact Information DTO.
getArtifacts(List<XObjectID>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.artifact.XArtifactModule.Server
Get a set of Artifact Information DTOs.
getAttributes(String) - Method in interface
Get attribute for one object.
getBeforeChats(XObjectID, Date, int) - Method in interface
Get count top-level Chats before beforeDate.
getBit() - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationMemberActiveState
Get the bit.
getBookmarks() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.bookmark.XBookmarkModule.Server
Get all Bookmarks assigned to the current User, across all Conversations.
getBookmarksSummary() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.bookmark.XBookmarkModule.Server
Get a basic summary of all the user's bookmarks.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class
Get a boolean value from the XUpdater.
getBoolean(String, Boolean) - Method in class
Get a boolean value from the XUpdater.
getBoolean() - Method in class
Get a boolean value from the XUpdater.
getBoolean(Boolean) - Method in class
Get a boolean value from the XUpdater.
getBuzzes() - Method in interface
Get all open buzzes.
getBuzzesSummary() - Method in interface
Get summary data for all open buzzes.
getBytes(String) - Method in class
Get a byte array value from the XUpdater.
getBytes(String, byte[]) - Method in class
Get a byte array value from the XUpdater.
getBytes() - Method in class
Get a byte array value from the XUpdater.
getBytes(byte[]) - Method in class
Get a byte array value from the XUpdater.
getCallStatusInfo(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.voice.XVoiceModule.Server
Get the calling user's current call status in a given conversation.
getCause(Object[]) - Static method in class waggle.core.exceptions.XExceptionUtils
Check if the last argument is an exception of not.
getChat(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Get specific Chat info.
getChatDates(XObjectID, Date, Date) - Method in interface
Get the set of dates for all top-level Chats.
getChatIDs(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Get all top-level Chat IDs.
getChatIDsPage(XObjectID, int, int) - Method in interface
Get a page of top-level Chat IDs.
getChatsInRange(XObjectID, Date, Date) - Method in interface
Get all top-level Chats created in the specified date range.
getChatsRead(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Return information about Chats read for the current User.
getChatVersions(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Return an ordered list of a Chat's Versions.
getClientID() - Method in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
Return the Client ID being used.
getClientID() - Method in class
Get an XClientID value from the XUpdater.
getCollection(T, String) - Method in class
Get a Collection value from the XUpdater.
getCollection(T) - Method in class
Get a Collection value from the XUpdater.
getCollectionObjectIDs(String) - Method in class
Get a Collection value from the XUpdater.
getCollectionObjectIDs() - Method in class
Get a Collection value from the XUpdater.
getCollectionUpdaters(String) - Method in class
Get a Collection value from the XUpdater.
getCollectionUpdaters() - Method in class
Get a Collection value from the XUpdater.
getComparator(XConferenceSortOrder) - Static method in class waggle.common.modules.conference.infos.XConferenceInfo
Retrieve a comparator suitable for the specified conference sorting order.
getConferenceInfos(List<XObjectID>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conference.XConferenceModule.Server
Get a list conference infos for a list of conversations.
getContacts() - Method in interface
Get all existing Contacts.
getContent(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Server
Read the content for a Content object.
getContentRange(XObjectID, long, long) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Server
Read the content for a Content object.
getContentString(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Server
Read the content for a Content object.
getContext() - Method in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
Get the context name.
getConversation(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get info about a Conversation.
getConversationArtifacts(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get information about a Conversation's referenced Artifacts.
getConversationByPrimaryExternalID(String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get information about the specified Conversation.
getConversationContributors(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get information about a Conversation's contributors.
getConversationCounts() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get counts of discoverable, accessible open and accessible closed Conversations\ for the current User.
getConversationDevices(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.device.XDeviceModule.Server
Get all Conversation Device override settings for the current user.
getConversationDirectMembers(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get information about a Conversation's direct User and Group members.
getConversationDocuments(XObjectID, XConversationDocumentOptionsInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get information about a Conversation's referenced Documents.
getConversationEntered(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Return the set of Users that are currently entered into the Conversation.
getConversationIfAccessible(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get info about a Conversation.
getConversationMap(XConversationMapFilterInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get a Conversation map.
getConversationMembership(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get information about a Conversation's direct and indirect User membership.
getConversationMembershipAndDirectGroups(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get information about a Conversation's direct and indirect User membership and the Conversation's direct Groups.
getConversationRole(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Return the current User's role in the specified Conversation.
getConversations() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get info about a set of Conversations that the current User is a member of across all Tracks.
getConversationsBySecondaryExternalID(String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get information about the specified Conversations.
getConversationsDetail(XConversationDetailFilterInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get info about a set of Conversations that the current User is a member of across all Tracks, along with extra details that are useful to the UI.
getConversationsIfAccessible(List<XObjectID>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get info about a set of accessible Conversations.
getConversationsInCommon(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get Conversations that are in common with another User.
getConversationsWithConferences(XConferenceFilter, XConferenceSortOrder) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conference.XConferenceModule.Server
Get the list of conversations with active conferences in the specified order that match the given filter.
getConversationTagCloud(XObjectID, int) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.tag.XTagModule.Server
Get a Track's public and private Tag cloud.
getDate() - Method in exception waggle.core.exceptions.XException
Return the Date of this exception.
getDate() - Method in exception waggle.core.exceptions.XRuntimeException
Return the Date of this exception.
getDate(String) - Method in class
Get a date value from the XUpdater.
getDate(String, Date) - Method in class
Get a date value from the XUpdater.
getDate() - Method in class
Get a date value from the XUpdater.
getDate(Date) - Method in class
Get a date value from the XUpdater.
getDateFormats() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.admin.XAdminModule.Server
Get all available date formats with localized labels inferred from the current user, request headers, or system default.
getDevice(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.device.XDeviceModule.Server
Get a Device by object ID.
getDevices(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.device.XDeviceModule.Server
Get all Devices owned by the specified User.
getDiscoverableConversations() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get all discoverable Conversations.
getDiscoverableConversationsForUser(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get all Conversations discoverable by the caller that the specified User is a member of.
getDiscoverableTracks() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.track.XTrackModule.Server
Get all discoverable Tracks.
getDiscoverableTracksForUser(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.track.XTrackModule.Server
Get all Tracks discoverable by the caller that the specified User is a member of.
getDocument(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Server
Get a Document information.
getDocumentInfo(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.repository.XRepositoryModule.Server
Get information about a specific document.
getDouble(String) - Method in class
Get a double value from the XUpdater.
getDouble(String, Double) - Method in class
Get a double value from the XUpdater.
getDouble() - Method in class
Get a double value from the XUpdater.
getDouble(Double) - Method in class
Get a double value from the XUpdater.
getEffectiveEvent(boolean) - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.notification.enums.XNotificationEvent
Get the effective event.
getEnabledRepositories() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.repository.XRepositoryModule.Server
Get all enabled Repositories.
getEnabledWidgets(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.widget.XWidgetModule.Server
Get all the active Widgets for a given Conversation.
getEnum(String, Class<T>) - Method in class
Get an enum value from the XUpdater.
getEnum(String, Class<T>, T) - Method in class
Get an enum value from the XUpdater.
getEnum(Class<T>) - Method in class
Get an enum value from the XUpdater.
getEnum(Class<T>, T) - Method in class
Get an enum value from the XUpdater.
getEnumSet(String, Class<T>, EnumSet<T>) - Method in class
Get an EnumSet value from the XUpdater.
getEnumSet(Class<T>, EnumSet<T>) - Method in class
Get an EnumSet value from the XUpdater.
getExceptionMessagesAsString(Throwable, String) - Static method in class waggle.core.exceptions.XExceptionUtils
Return a String made up of an exception's message, followed by the messages of the exception's cause, and its cause, etc.
getFeature(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Server
Get a Feature.
getFileName() - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIInputStream
getFirstChats(XObjectID, int) - Method in interface
Get first top-level Chats.
getFollowups() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.followup.XFollowupModule.Server
Get all Followups assigned to the current User, across all Conversations.
getFollowupsSummary() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.followup.XFollowupModule.Server
Get a summary of all Followups assigned to the current User, across all Conversations.
getGadget(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Server
Get a Gadget.
getGadgetUserPrefs(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Server
Get UserPrefs for a Gadget.
getGeolocatedConversations(double, double, double, double) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get all accessible geolocated Conversations.
getGeolocatedObjects(XObjectID, double, double, double, double) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get all geolocated objects in this Conversation.
getGroup(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Get a Group.
getGroup() - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.notification.enums.XNotificationEvent
Get the controlling Group.
getGroupDetails(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Get a Group's extended information.
getGroupMembers(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Get the list of all DIRECT members of the Group.
getGroups(List<XObjectID>) - Method in interface
Get some Groups.
getHeaders() - Method in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
Return all the defined header values (AcceptEncoding, ClientID, etc.) in a list.
getHistoricalData(Date, Date, String, String, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.systemreport.XSystemReportModule.Server
Get historical data for a single mbean attribute.
getHive() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.XHiveModule.Server
Get the Hive Information DTO.
getHiveConfiguration() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.XHiveModule.Server
Get a Hive's configuration.
getHiveConfigurationProperties(List<String>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.XHiveModule.Server
Get the specified list of properties, overridden or not.
getHiveDetails() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.XHiveModule.Server
Get the Hive Extended Information DTO.
getInfo(Throwable, boolean) - Static method in class waggle.core.exceptions.XExceptionUtils
Generate an XExceptionInfo object from the specified throwable.
getInstance() - Static method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIManager
Get the XAPI singleton.
getInteger(String) - Method in class
Get an integer value from the XUpdater.
getInteger(String, Integer) - Method in class
Get an integer value from the XUpdater.
getInteger() - Method in class
Get an integer value from the XUpdater.
getInteger(Integer) - Method in class
Get an integer value from the XUpdater.
getInternalMap() - Method in class
Allow access to internal map sometimes.
getLastChats(XObjectID, int) - Method in interface
Get last count top-level Chats.
getLength() - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIInputStream
getList(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.distlist.XDistributionListModule.Server
The the Members of a Distribution List.
getList(String) - Method in class
Get a List value from the XUpdater.
getList() - Method in class
Get a List value from the XUpdater.
getLists() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.distlist.XDistributionListModule.Server
Get all existing Distribution Lists.
getLocale(String) - Method in class
Return a Locale.
getLocale() - Method in class
Return a Locale.
getLocales() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.admin.XAdminModule.Server
Get all available locales with localized labels inferred from the current user, request headers, or system default.
getLocalesForLocale(String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.admin.XAdminModule.Server
Get all available locales with localized labels in the specified locale.
getLoginInfo() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.connect.XConnectModule.Server
Get current login information if logged in.
getLoginMechanism(String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.connect.XConnectModule.Server
Determine how the login should proceed, based on the User's login name (email address).
getLoginTicket() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.connect.XConnectModule.Server
Return a login ticket for the current User.
getLong(String) - Method in class
Get a long value from the XUpdater.
getLong(String, Long) - Method in class
Get a long value from the XUpdater.
getLong() - Method in class
Get a long value from the XUpdater.
getLong(Long) - Method in class
Get a long value from the XUpdater.
getLongs(String) - Method in class
Get a long array value from the XUpdater.
getLongs(String, long[]) - Method in class
Get a long array value from the XUpdater.
getLongs() - Method in class
Get a long array value from the XUpdater.
getLongs(long[]) - Method in class
Get a long array value from the XUpdater.
getLongValue() - Method in class
Extra getter for SOAP use only!
getManagedGroups() - Method in interface
Get all internal Groups that the current User manages.
getMap(T, String) - Method in class
Get a Map value from the XUpdater.
getMap(T) - Method in class
Get a Map value from the XUpdater.
getMask() - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationMemberActiveState
Get the mask.
getMatchingProperties(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface
Get all shared property values that match the given pattern.
getMatchingUserProperties(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface
Get all per User property values that match the given pattern.
getMe() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.user.XUserModule.Server
Get info for the current User.
getMethod(String) - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPSession
Get an XHTTPMethod for this XHTTPSession using the specified path.
getMethodArguments() - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIPackage
Return the method arguments.
getMethodName() - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIPackage
Returns the method name.
getModuleName() - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIPackage
Returns the module name.
getMyProfile() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.XProfileModule.Server
Get current User's Profile info.
getName() - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPHeader
Get the header name.
getName() - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPPart
Get the name.
getNames() - Method in class waggle.client.main.XClientPropertiesCB
getNames(String) - Method in class waggle.client.main.XClientPropertiesCB
getNewConversations() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get the new Conversations for the current user.
getNews(Date, int) - Method in interface
Get 'news-worthy' Conversations and Chats for the current User.
getNewTracks() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.track.XTrackModule.Server
Get the new Tracks accessible to the current User.
getNewTracksNotInAnyAggregate() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModule.Server
Get IDs of all accessible new Tracks, that are not in any of the User's Aggregates.
getNextChats(XObjectID, int) - Method in interface
Get next count top-level Chats after the specified Chat.
getNMethodArguments() - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIPackage
Return the number of method arguments.
getObject(String) - Method in class
Get an Object value from the XUpdater.
getObject() - Method in class
Get an Object value from the XUpdater.
getObjectID(String) - Method in class
Get an XObjectID value from the XUpdater.
getObjectID() - Method in class
Get an XObjectID value from the XUpdater.
getObjects() - Method in interface
Get all objects.
getOriginalConversationPicture(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get any original Conversation picture.
getOriginalProfilePicture(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.XProfileModule.Server
Get any original picture for the specified User.
getPage(XObjectID, int) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Server
Read a page image for a Content object.
getPassword(String) - Method in class waggle.client.main.XClientPropertiesCB
getPoll(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.poll.XPollModule.Server
Get current Poll information and how I voted.
getPreviousChats(XObjectID, int) - Method in interface
Get previous count top-level Chats before the specified Chat.
getPrivateTagCloud() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.tag.XTagModule.Server
Get a private Tag cloud.
getProfile(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.XProfileModule.Server
Get another User's Profile info.
getProfileNotificationSettings(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.XProfileModule.Server
Get all notification settings for the specified User.
getProperties(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Get all shared property values.
getProperty(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface
Get a shared property value.
getPropertyNames(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Set of all shared property names.
getProxy() - Static method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPProxy
Get the Proxy for this server.
getProxy(boolean) - Static method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPProxy
Get the Proxy for this server.
getProxyHost() - Static method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPProxy
Get any proxy host.
getProxyPort() - Static method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPProxy
Get any proxy port.
getPublicTagCloud() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.tag.XTagModule.Server
Get a public Tag cloud.
getRandomID() - Method in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
Return the Random ID being used.
getRealm(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.XRealmModule.Server
Get Realm.
getRealmNotificationSettings(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.XRealmModule.Server
Get all notification settings for the specified Realm.
getRealmPasswordPolicy() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.XRealmModule.Server
Return the password policy for the current user's Realm.
getRealms() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.XRealmModule.Server
Return a list of all Realms.
getReference(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Get referenced object DTO.
getRemoteExceptionInfo() - Method in exception waggle.core.api.exceptions.XAPIException
Return the remote exception info.
getRendition(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Server
Read the PDF rendition for a Content object.
getRepository(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.repository.XRepositoryModule.Server
Get an existing Repository.
getResourceID() - Method in exception waggle.core.exceptions.XException
Return the resource ID used to format this exception's message.
getResourceID() - Method in exception waggle.core.exceptions.XRuntimeException
Return the resource ID used to format this exceptions message.
getResponseBody() - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPMethod
Read the response body as a byte array.
getResponseBodyAsStream() - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPMethod
Read the response body as an InputStream.
getResponseBodyAsString() - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPMethod
Read the response body as a String.
getResponseContentEncoding() - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPMethod
Get the response content encoding.
getResponseContentLength() - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPMethod
Get the response content length.
getResponseContentType() - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPMethod
Get the response content type.
getResponseHeader(String) - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPMethod
Get a response header.
getRetryable(Throwable) - Static method in class waggle.core.exceptions.XExceptionUtils
Get the root cause of a retryable exception.
getRing() - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationRole
Get the ring level associated with the Role.
getScaledConversationPicture(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get any scaled Conversation picture.
getScaledProfilePicture(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.XProfileModule.Server
Get any scaled picture for the specified User.
getSession() - Method in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
Get the XHTTPSession.
getSession() - Static method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIManager
Get the Session for the XAPI singleton.
getSessionID(String) - Method in class
Get an XSessionID value from the XUpdater.
getSessionID() - Method in class
Get an XSessionID value from the XUpdater.
getSortedTracks() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.track.XTrackModule.Server
Get the Conversations that the current user is a member of.
getSpecifiedChats(XObjectID, List<XObjectID>) - Method in interface
Get a specified set of Chats.
getSpecifiedProperties(XObjectID, List<String>) - Method in interface
Get specified shared property values.
getSpecifiedUserProperties(XObjectID, List<String>) - Method in interface
Get all specified per User property values.
getStackTraceAsString(Throwable) - Static method in class waggle.core.exceptions.XExceptionUtils
Return an Exceptions stack trace as a String.
getStatus() - Method in enum waggle.core.http.XHTTPStatus
Get the integer status code.
getStatusText() - Method in enum waggle.core.http.XHTTPStatus
Get the descriptive status text.
getString(String) - Method in class waggle.client.main.XClientPropertiesCB
getString(String) - Method in class
Get a string value from the XUpdater.
getString(String, String) - Method in class
Get a string value from the XUpdater.
getString() - Method in class
Get a string value from the XUpdater.
getString(String) - Method in class
Get a string value from the XUpdater.
getStringValue() - Method in class
Extra getter for SOAP use only!
getSummaryChatIDs(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Returns information about followup and bookmark Chats.
getTag(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.tag.XTagModule.Server
Get a Tag and it's Tagables.
getTagableTags(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.tag.XTagModule.Server
Get the set of Tags used to Tag the specified Tagable.
getTagCloud() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.tag.XTagModule.Server
Get a public and private Tag cloud.
getTags(List<XObjectID>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.tag.XTagModule.Server
Get a set of Tags and their Tagables.
getThreadTraceID() - Static method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIPackage
Get the thread's trace ID value.
getThumbnail(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Server
Read the thumbnail image for a Content object.
getTimeZone() - Method in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
Return the X-OnTrack-TimeZone header value being used.
getTimeZone(String) - Method in class
Return a TimeZone.
getTimeZone() - Method in class
Return a TimeZone.
getTimeZones() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.admin.XAdminModule.Server
Get all available time zones with localized labels inferred from the current user, request headers, or system default.
getTimeZonesForLocale(String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.admin.XAdminModule.Server
Get all available time zones with localized labels in the specified locale.
getTopActiveConversations(int) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Return all open Conversations, in any Tracks in which the user is a Member.
getTopActiveTracks(int) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.track.XTrackModule.Server
Return the top active Tracks that are accessible to the current User.
getTraceID() - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIPackage
Return any trace ID.
getTrack(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.track.XTrackModule.Server
Get info about a Track.
getTrackClosedConversations(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get info about a set of closed Conversations in the specified Track that the User has access to and is a member of.
getTrackConversations(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get info about a set of all Conversations in the specified Track that the User has access to and is a member of.
getTrackDirectMembers(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.track.XTrackModule.Server
Get set of all Users in all Track Conversations you can view.
getTrackDiscoverableConversations(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get info about a set of discoverable Conversations in the specified Track that the User has access to and is not a member of.
getTrackMembership(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.track.XTrackModule.Server
Get set of all Users in all Track Conversations you can view.
getTrackOpenConversations(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Get info about a set of open Conversations in the specified Track that the User has access to and is a member of.
getTracks() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.track.XTrackModule.Server
Get info about all Tracks in which the current User is a member.
getTracksInCommon(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.track.XTrackModule.Server
Get Tracks that are in common with another User.
getTracksNotInAnyAggregate() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModule.Server
Get all accessible Tracks, that are not in any of the User's Aggregates.
getTrackTagCloud(XObjectID, int) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.tag.XTagModule.Server
Get a Track's public and private Tag cloud.
getTrimmedStringOrNullIfEmpty() - Method in class
Get a trimmed string value from the XUpdater.
getTrimmedStringOrNullIfEmpty(String) - Method in class
Get a trimmed string value from the XUpdater.
getUnreadChats(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Return all unread Chats for the current User.
getUpdater(String) - Method in class
Get an XUpdater value from the XUpdater.
getUpdater() - Method in class
Get an XUpdater value from the XUpdater.
getUser(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.user.XUserModule.Server
Get info for the specified User.
getUserByName(String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.user.XUserModule.Server
Get info for the specified User.
getUserDetails(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.user.XUserModule.Server
Get extended info for the specified User.
getUserPhoneNumbers(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.user.XUserModule.Server
Get phone numbers for the specified User.
getUserProperties(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Get all per User property values.
getUserProperty(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface
Get a per User property value.
getUserPropertyNames(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Set of all per User property names.
getUsers(List<XObjectID>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.user.XUserModule.Server
Get info for the specified Users.
getValue() - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.notification.enums.XNotificationEvent
Get the database value.
getValue() - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPHeader
Get the header value.
getValue() - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPPart
Get the value.
getVersion(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Server
Return an ordered list of a Document's Versions.
getVersions(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Server
Return an ordered list of a Document's Versions.
getWidget(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.widget.XWidgetModule.Server
Get Widget.
getYouGroup() - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.notification.enums.XNotificationEvent
Get the controlling You.
Group - Variable in class
The Notification group.
GROUP_ATTR_NAME - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
GROUP_FIND_DN_ATTRS - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
GROUP_FIND_DN_BASE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
GROUP_FIND_DN_FILTER - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
GROUP_GROUP_MEMBER_OBJECT_CLASS - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
GROUP_ID - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.artifact.updaters.XArtifactUpdater
String for the group ID.
GROUP_MODIFY_TIMESTAMP_ATTR - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
GROUP_SEARCH_ATTR_UNIQUE_MEMBER - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
GROUP_SEARCH_ATTRS - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
GROUP_SEARCH_BASE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
GROUP_SEARCH_ENABLED - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
GROUP_SEARCH_FILTER - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
GROUP_USER_MEMBER_OBJECT_CLASS - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
GroupAttrName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
The LDAP attribute used to specify the display name of a group (typically 'displayName').
groupCreated(XGroupInfo) - Method in interface
Notification that a Group name changed.
groupDeleted(XGroupInfo) - Method in interface
Notification that a Group was deleted.
GroupFindDNAttrs - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
Group search attributes.
GroupFindDNBase - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
Base DN used for group search.
GroupFindDNFilter - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
Base DN used for group search.
GroupGroupMemberObjectClass - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
The Group Group member detect ObjectClass.
GroupID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.artifact.infos.XArtifactInfo
Artifact group id.
GroupInfo - Variable in class
The basic Group info.
GroupManagerID - Variable in class
The manager of this Group.
groupMembersChanged(XGroupInfo, List<XObjectInfo>, List<XObjectInfo>) - Method in interface
Notification that a Group membership changed.
GroupModifyTimestampAttr - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
The Group modify timestamp attribute.
GROUPNAME_REGEX - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
groupNameChanged(XGroupInfo) - Method in interface
Notification that a Group name changed.
GroupnameRegex - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
Regular expression used to validate groups that can be managed by this realm.
GroupSearchAttrs - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
The LDAP attributes that are returned for general Group search.
GroupSearchAttrUniqueMember - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
The LDAP attribute used to specify the DN of group members (typically 'uniqueMember').
GroupSearchBase - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
Base DN used for group search.
GroupSearchEnabled - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
Group search enabled.
GroupSearchFilter - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
The LDAP filter for searching for groups (typically will involve objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames).
groupUpdated(XGroupInfo) - Method in interface
Notification that a Group was updated.
GroupUserMemberObjectClass - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
The Group User member detect ObjectClass.
GroupYou - Variable in class
The Notification group for when the targeted (referenced) user is 'you'.
Guest - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserInfo
User's guest status.
Guest - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserTestCreateInfo
Boolean for Guest (vs.
GUEST - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.user.updaters.XUserUpdater
Boolean for guest status.
GUEST_USER_SLOTS_MAX - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the max guest user slots.
GUEST_USER_SLOTS_MAX_HARD_LIMIT - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the guest user slots limit.
GUEST_USER_SLOTS_TIMEOUT_MS - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the guest user slot timeout period in ms.
GuestUserSlots - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The current number of slots used for guest Users.
GuestUserSlotsMax - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The maximum number of slots available for guest Users.
GuestUserSlotsMaxHardLimit - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
Whether the maximum number of slots available for guest Users is a hard or soft limit.
GuestUserSlotsTimeoutMS - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The maximum time that a guest slot can be occupied by a disconnected guest User.


hangUp(String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.voice.XVoiceModule.Server
Hang up the specified call.
hangUpOther(XObjectID, XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.voice.XVoiceModule.Server
Hang up another user on a call in the specified conversation.
hashCode() - Method in class waggle.common.modules.conference.infos.XConferenceInfo
hashCode() - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPSSLProtocolSocketFactory
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
HasRendition - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XVersionInfo
True if this Version has a PDF rendition.
HasThumbnail - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XVersionInfo
True if this Version has a thumbnail image.
HeadVersionInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XDocumentInfo
The Version info of the head Version.
HitObject - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XSearchHitInfo
The object info for the hit.
Hits - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XSearchResultsInfo
All search hits.
hiveConfigurationUpdated(XHiveInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.XHiveModule.Client
Notification sent that a Hive' configuration has changed.
hiveEntered(XHiveInfo, XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.XHiveModule.Client
Notification sent that the Hive has been entered.
hiveExit(XHiveInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.XHiveModule.Client
Request by server that the specified Hive be exited.
hiveExited(XHiveInfo, XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.XHiveModule.Client
Notification sent that the Hive has been exited.
HiveInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
The Hive Information DTO for the Hive.
HiveInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The basic Hive info.
hiveNameChanged(XHiveInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.XHiveModule.Client
Notification sent that a Hive name has changed.
hiveStateChanged(XHiveInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.XHiveModule.Client
Notification sent that a Hive's state has changed.
hiveUpdated(XHiveInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.XHiveModule.Client
Notification sent that a Hive' attributes have changed.
Host - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
LDAP Host name.
HOST - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
Update the LDAP access host.


ID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.admin.infos.XDateFormatInfo
The date format ID (which is a Locale ID).
ID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.admin.infos.XLocaleInfo
Locale ID.
ID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.admin.infos.XTimeZoneInfo
TimeZone ID.
ID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.bookmark.infos.XBookmarkSummaryInfo
The Bookmark Chat ID.
ID - Variable in class
The Buzz object ID.
ID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.member.infos.XMemberSearchInfo
The Member ID.
ID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryDocumentInfo
The internal content item revision identifier.
ID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportCounterInfo
The ID of the attribute, which is a combination of MBean ObjectName and attribute name.
ID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportGaugeInfo
The ID of the attribute, which is a combination of MBean ObjectName and attribute name.
ID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportOperationInfo
The ID of the operation, which is the JMX Object Name.
ID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportVariableInfo
The ID of the attribute, which is a combination of MBean ObjectName and attribute name.
idle(XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.presence.XPresenceModule.Client
Notification that a User is now idle.
idle(Date) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.presence.XPresenceModule.Server
Sent when a session becomes idle.
IGNORE_SERVER_CERTIFICATE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
Update the LDAP access is to ignore server certificates setting.
IgnoreServerCertificate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
Ignore server's SSL certificates (don't attempt to verify server identity or certificate validity).
includeAnnotationCommentUserIDs - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDocumentOptionsInfo
Include Version annotation UserIDs from comments too.
includeAnnotationCommentUserInfos - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDocumentOptionsInfo
Include Version annotation User infos from comments too.
includeAnnotatorUserIDs - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDocumentOptionsInfo
Include Version annotation UserIDs.
includeAnnotatorUserInfos - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDocumentOptionsInfo
Include Version annotation User infos.
IncludeClosed - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDetailFilterInfo
Set true to include closed Conversations.
IncludeOpen - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDetailFilterInfo
Set true to include open Conversations.
INHIBIT_RENDITIONS - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.document.updaters.XVersionUpdater
Set that renditions should be inhibited for this version.
init(String) - Method in class waggle.client.main.XClientPropertiesCB.LifeCycle
initApp(File) - Static method in class waggle.client.main.XClientMain
For client app running in the file system with the OnTrack classes in the classes folder.
initApp(File, Properties) - Static method in class waggle.client.main.XClientMain
For client app running in the file system with the OnTrack classes in the classes folder.
initAppWithJar() - Static method in class waggle.client.main.XClientMain
For client app running in the file system with the OnTrack classes in a jar on the classpath.
initAppWithJar(Properties) - Static method in class waggle.client.main.XClientMain
For client app running in the file system with the OnTrack classes in a jar on the classpath.
initWebApp(ServletContext) - Static method in class waggle.client.main.XClientMain
For client app in a WebApp with the OnTrack classes exploded in the classes folder.
initWebApp(ServletContext, Properties) - Static method in class waggle.client.main.XClientMain
For client app in a WebApp with the OnTrack classes exploded in the classes folder.
initWebAppWithJar(ServletContext, String) - Static method in class waggle.client.main.XClientMain
For client app in a WebApp with the OnTrack classes in a jar in the lib folder.
initWebAppWithJar(ServletContext, String, Properties) - Static method in class waggle.client.main.XClientMain
For client app in a WebApp with the OnTrack classes in a jar in the lib folder.
Interests - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileInfo
The User's interests.
INTERESTS - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
String for the user's interests.
Internal - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserInfo
User's internal status.
Internal - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserTestCreateInfo
Boolean for internal Realm (vs. external configured Realm)
INTERNAL - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.user.updaters.XUserUpdater
Boolean for internal realm authority (vs. external configured realm)
isCause(Throwable, Class<? extends Throwable>) - Static method in class waggle.core.exceptions.XExceptionUtils
Is the cause a reason for the exception.
isCause(Class<? extends Throwable>) - Method in exception waggle.core.exceptions.XRuntimeException
Is the cause a reason for the exception.
IsCheckedOut - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryDocumentInfo
True if the content is checked out.
isClosed() - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationState
Detect if a state is considered a closed state.
isClosed() - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.hive.enums.XHiveState
Detect if a state is considered a closed state.
isContributor() - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationRole
Check if this is a Contributor.
isDisconnectInProgress() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.admin.XAdminModule.Server
Determine if any disconnect is in progress.
isDiscoverer() - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationRole
Check if this is a Discoverer.
isEmpty() - Method in class
Return true if the XUpdater is empty.
isGreaterThan(XConversationRole) - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationRole
Check if this Role is greater than the specified Role.
isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(XConversationRole) - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationRole
Check if this Role is greater than or equal to the specified Role.
isGrouping() - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.notification.enums.XNotificationEvent
Determine if this event type is a grouping event type.
isHost() - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationRole
Check if this is a Host.
isLessThan(XConversationRole) - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationRole
Check if this Role is less than the specified Role.
isLessThanOrEqualTo(XConversationRole) - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationRole
Check if this Role is less than or equal to the specified Role.
isManager() - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationRole
Check if this is a Manager.
isModuleLocal() - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIPackage
Determine if the specified module name is registered locally.
isNone() - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationRole
Check if this is a Private Viewer.
isOpen() - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationState
Detect if a state is considered an open state.
isOpen() - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.hive.enums.XHiveState
Detect if a state is considered an open state.
isPending() - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationRequestState
Determine if the request state is pending.
IsPrivate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
Set to true if there is only one direct User member.
IsRecursive - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositorySearchInfo
Search all children if ParentID is specified.
isRejected() - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationRequestState
Determine if the request state is rejected.
isRemovableNow(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Return true if this chat can be removed now given the current user and object model state.
isRetryable(Throwable) - Static method in class waggle.core.exceptions.XExceptionUtils
Check if the root cause is a retryable exception.
IsSSORealm - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmExternalInfo
True if the realm is configured to authenticate using SSO.
isSuccess() - Method in enum waggle.core.http.XHTTPStatus
Return true if the status is in the 200's, indicating success.
isViewer() - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationRole
Check if this is a Viewer.
isWithdrawn() - Method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationRequestState
Determine if the request state is withdrawn.


joinDiscoverableConversation(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Join a Discoverable Conversation.


keySet() - Method in class
Return a set of the keys in the XUpdater.


Label - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.admin.infos.XLocaleInfo
Locale label.
Label - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.admin.infos.XTimeZoneInfo
TimeZone label.
LANGUAGE_LOCALE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.updaters.XConversationUpdater
The spoken language locale.
LanguageCode - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.admin.infos.XDateFormatInfo
The two-letter language code that this format is normally used with.
LanguageLocaleID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
The Conversation's language locale ID.
LastActiveDate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberActiveInfo
Date when the User was last active in the Conversation.
LastActiveDate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberProfileInfo
Date when the User was last active in the Conversation.
LastActiveStates - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberActiveInfo
Value is 0 if LastActiveDate applies.
LastActiveStates - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberProfileInfo
Value is 0 if LastActiveDate applies.
LastChatInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
Last Chat Info.
LastConnectedDate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileInfo
Date the User last connected.
LastConnectedDate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserInfo
Last time the User connected.
LastDisconnectedDate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileInfo
Date the User last disconnected.
LastDisconnectedDate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserInfo
Last time the User disconnected.
LastEnteredDate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberProfileInfo
When the User last entered this Conversation.
LastExitedDate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberProfileInfo
When the User last exited this Conversation.
LATITUDE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.artifact.updaters.XArtifactUpdater
Double for the latitude.
Latitude - Variable in class
The latitude.
LATITUDE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.updaters.XConversationUpdater
Double for the latitude.
LATITUDE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
Double for the latitude.
LATITUDE_MAX - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.artifact.updaters.XArtifactUpdater
Max possible latitude.
LATITUDE_MAX - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.updaters.XConversationUpdater
Max possible latitude.
LATITUDE_MAX - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
Max allowed latitude.
LATITUDE_MIN - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.artifact.updaters.XArtifactUpdater
Min possible latitude.
LATITUDE_MIN - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.updaters.XConversationUpdater
Min possible latitude.
LATITUDE_MIN - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
Min allowed latitude.
Legend - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportCounterInfo
Optional label that is more user human readable than the ID.
Legend - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportGaugeInfo
Optional label that is more user human readable than the ID.
Legend - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportOperationInfo
Optional label that is more user human readable than the ID.
Legend - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportVariableInfo
Optional label that is more user human readable than the ID.
Link - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserLinkInfo
The Link link/url.
Links - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileInfo
List of all named links.
LINKS - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
Map of all links with name (String) to link (String).
listCreated(XDistributionListInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.distlist.XDistributionListModule.Client
You have added a Distribution List.
listMembersChanged(XDistributionListInfo, List<XObjectInfo>, List<XObjectInfo>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.distlist.XDistributionListModule.Client
You changed Members in a Distribution List.
listNameChanged(XDistributionListInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.distlist.XDistributionListModule.Client
You have renamed a Distribution List.
listRemoved(XDistributionListInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.distlist.XDistributionListModule.Client
You have removed a Distribution List.
Locale - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveInfo
Hive default Locale string.
LOCALE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
The User's Locale.
LOCALE_ID - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the locale.
LocaleID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileInfo
The User's default locale ID.
LocaleID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserTestCreateInfo
The User's Locale.
locationChanged(XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.presence.XPresenceModule.Client
Notification that a User changed their status.
Locations - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileInfo
List of all named locations.
LOCATIONS - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
Map of all links with Name (String) to TimeZone (TimeZone).
lockDocument(XObjectID, long) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Server
Lock a Document to the current User for some number of milliseconds.
Locked - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserDetailsInfo
Whether the User is locked.
LockedByUserID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XDocumentInfo
If locked the User ID of the User who has it locked.
LockedUntil - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XDocumentInfo
If locked the Date until which it is considered locked.
login(XLoginCredentialsInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.connect.XConnectModule.Server
Perform a login.
logout() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.connect.XConnectModule.Client
Request from the server that a client logout.
logout() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.connect.XConnectModule.Server
Perform logout.
LogoutURL - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
The URL to redirect to after user logout to complete the logout process, typically used in SSO integrations.
LONGITUDE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.artifact.updaters.XArtifactUpdater
Double for the longitude.
Longitude - Variable in class
The longitude.
LONGITUDE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.updaters.XConversationUpdater
Double for the longitude.
LONGITUDE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
Double for the longitude.
LONGITUDE_MAX - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.artifact.updaters.XArtifactUpdater
Max possible longitude.
LONGITUDE_MAX - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.updaters.XConversationUpdater
Max possible longitude.
LONGITUDE_MAX - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
Max allowed longitude.
LONGITUDE_MIN - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.artifact.updaters.XArtifactUpdater
Min possible longitude.
LONGITUDE_MIN - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.updaters.XConversationUpdater
Min possible longitude.
LONGITUDE_MIN - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
Min allowed longitude.
LOOKUP_ATTRS - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
LookupAttrs - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
Used for lookups by User DN.


MailHost - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
The mail host that a client can use.
Manager - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileInfo
The User's manager.
MANAGER - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
The User's Manager.
mark(int) - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIInputStream
MarkableChatCount - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
Number of markable chats (chats that can be marked read/unread) in the Conversation.
markAllFollowupsRead() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.followup.XFollowupModule.Server
Mark all Followups for the current User read.
markAllFollowupsReadForConversation(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.followup.XFollowupModule.Server
Mark all Followups for the specified Conversation for the current User read.
markAllFollowupsUnread() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.followup.XFollowupModule.Server
Mark all Followups for the current User unread.
markAllFollowupsUnreadForConversation(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.followup.XFollowupModule.Server
Mark all Followups for the specified Conversation for the current User unread.
markChatsAllRead(XObjectID, int) - Method in interface
Mark all existing chats read for the current User.
markChatsAllUnread(XObjectID, int) - Method in interface
Mark all existing chats unread for the current User.
markChatsRead(XObjectID, List<Integer>) - Method in interface
Mark a set of chats read for the current User.
markChatsUnread(XObjectID, List<Integer>) - Method in interface
Mark a set of chats unread for the current User.
markFollowupRead(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.followup.XFollowupModule.Server
Mark the Followup for the specified Chat for the current User read.
markFollowupsRead(List<XObjectID>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.followup.XFollowupModule.Server
Mark the Followups for the specified Chats for the current User read.
markFollowupsUnread(List<XObjectID>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.followup.XFollowupModule.Server
Mark the Followups for the specified Chats for the current User unread.
markFollowupUnread(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.followup.XFollowupModule.Server
Mark the Followup for the specified Chat for the current User unread.
markSupported() - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIInputStream
Markup - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.annotation.infos.XAnnotationMarkupInfo
Annotation markup text.
markUserDigestChatsRead(Date, Date) - Method in interface
Mark all the chats included in a user digest as read.
marshal(XObjectID) - Method in class
MAX_DAYS - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmDatabaseUpdater
Update how long until a password expires in days.
MAX_HISTORY - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmDatabaseUpdater
Update the maximum length of an old password history list.
MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmDatabaseUpdater
Update the maximum password length.
MaxDays - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmDatabaseInfo
Number of days before a password expires.
MaxHistory - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmDatabaseInfo
Number of old passwords maintained in password history.
MaxPasswordLength - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmDatabaseInfo
Maximum password length.
MaxPasswordLength - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmPasswordPolicyInfo
Maximum password length.
MaxResults - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositorySearchInfo
Maximum number of results to be returned.
MemberChangeInfos - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.distlist.infos.XDistributionListUpdateInfo
If not null then change the Group's members.
MemberChangeInfos - Variable in class
If not null then change the Group's direct members.
MemberConversationID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberChangeInfo
A Conversation ID.
MemberConversationID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.distlist.infos.XDistributionListChangeInfo
A Conversation ID.
MemberConversationID - Variable in class
A Conversation ID.
MemberDate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberInfo
Date the direct member was added.
MemberDelete - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.distlist.infos.XDistributionListChangeInfo
True to remove a Member.
MemberDelete - Variable in class
True to remove a Member.
MemberDirect - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberInfo
Member is a direct member.
MemberDistributionListID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberChangeInfo
A Distribution List ID.
MemberDistributionListID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.distlist.infos.XDistributionListChangeInfo
A Distribution List ID.
MemberDistributionListID - Variable in class
A Distribution List ID.
MemberEntered - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberInfo
Set of entered Conversations within this Track for this User member.
MemberGroupName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberChangeInfo
A Group's name for a Group that is or is not as yet registered.
MemberGroupName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.distlist.infos.XDistributionListChangeInfo
A Group's name for a Group that is or is not as yet registered.
MemberGroupName - Variable in class
A Group's name for a Group that is or is not as yet registered.
MemberHidden - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberChangeInfo
Member hidden status.
MemberHidden - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberInfo
Member hidden status.
MemberID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberChangeInfo
The Member (User or Group) ID if they are an already registered in either the internal or external Realm.
MemberID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.distlist.infos.XDistributionListChangeInfo
The User ID if they are an already registered Waggle User in either the internal or external Realm.
MemberID - Variable in class
The User ID if they are an already registered Waggle User in either the internal or external Realm.
MemberInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberCheckInfo
Member info or null.
MemberInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberInfo
The info for the direct member.
MemberInfos - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationEnteredInfo
List of all Member Profile DTOs for the Users who have ever entered the Conversation.
MemberProfileInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberInfo
Profile information for any direct User members.
MemberRole - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberChangeInfo
The requested Role for the Member.
MemberRole - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberInfo
Role for the direct member.
Members - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.distlist.infos.XDistributionListInfo
Distribution List members.
MemberSendInvitation - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.distlist.infos.XDistributionListChangeInfo
Send an invitation.
MemberSendInvitation - Variable in class
Send an invitation.
MemberUserName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberChangeInfo
A User's email address for a User that is or is not as yet registered.
MemberUserName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.distlist.infos.XDistributionListChangeInfo
A User's email address for a User that is or is not as yet registered with Waggle.
MemberUserName - Variable in class
A User's email address for a User that is or is not as yet registered with Waggle.
Message - Variable in class waggle.core.exceptions.infos.XExceptionInfo
The exception message.
MESSAGES_ELEMENT_NAME - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
What is the element name for a response to a message queue call.
messageSent(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.backchannel.XBackChannelModule.Client
Sent when a message is sent to an 'act on behalf' of User.
METHOD_GET - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
HTTP GET method.
METHOD_OPTIONS - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
METHOD_POST - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
HTTP POST method.
MethodOperations - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportInfo
A list of method operations.
MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmDatabaseUpdater
Update the minimum password length.
MinPasswordLength - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmDatabaseInfo
Minimum password length.
MinPasswordLength - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmPasswordPolicyInfo
Minimum password length.
MonoRecordingMix - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.voice.infos.XVoiceConferenceInfo
The mono recording mix of the conference.
MonoRecordingMixOgg - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.voice.infos.XVoiceConferenceInfo
The mono recording mix of the conference.
moveAggregate(XObjectID, XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModule.Server
Move an existing Aggregate in the list of this user's Aggregates.
moveContactToGroup(XObjectID, String, String) - Method in interface
Move a Contact from one group to another.
moveConversation(XObjectID, XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Move a Conversation to another Track.
moveFeatureFileDown(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Server
Move a Feature File down one slot.
moveFeatureFileUp(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Server
Move a Feature File up one slot.
moveTrack(XObjectID, XObjectID, XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModule.Server
Move a Track from one Aggregate to another.
moveTrackWithinAggregate(XObjectID, XObjectID, XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModule.Server
Move a Track within an Aggregate.
mute(XObjectID, XObjectID, String, Boolean) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.voice.XVoiceModule.Client
Notification that the user's mute state has changed in a Conversation's conference call.
mute(String, Boolean) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.voice.XVoiceModule.Server
Mute or unmute the specified call.
Muted - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.voice.infos.XCallStatusInfo
The mute state of the current call.


Name - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationCreateInfo
The Conversation's name.
Name - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.distlist.infos.XDistributionListUpdateInfo
If not null then change the Group's name.
Name - Variable in class
If not null then change the Group's name.
NAME - Static variable in interface
String for the name.
Name - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHivePhoneNumberInfo
The name of the phone number.
NAME - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
String for the name.
Name - Variable in class
The Attribute name.
Name - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.member.infos.XMemberSearchInfo
The Member name.
Name - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.opensocial.infos.XOSUserPrefInfo
User Preference name.
NAME - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.updaters.XOSFeatureFileUpdater
String for the Feature File's name.
NAME - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.updaters.XOSFeatureUpdater
String for the name.
NAME - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.updaters.XOSGadgetUpdater
String for the Gadget's name.
NAME - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmUpdater
String for the name.
NAME - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.repository.updaters.XRepositoryUpdater
String for name.
Name - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserCustomFieldInfo
The field name.
Name - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserLinkInfo
The Link name.
Name - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserLocationInfo
The location name.
Name - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserPhoneNumberInfo
The name of the phone number.
NAME - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.user.updaters.XUserUpdater
String for name.
NAMED_USER_SLOTS_MAX - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the max named user slots.
NAMED_USER_SLOTS_MAX_HARD_LIMIT - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the named user slots limit.
NamedUserSlots - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The current number of slots used for named Users.
NamedUserSlotsMax - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The maximum number of slots available for named Users.
NamedUserSlotsMaxHardLimit - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
Whether the maximum number of slots available for named Users is a hard or soft limit.
NChats - Variable in class
Total number of Chats (includes chats that cannot be marked read/unread; i.e. chats with Ordinal 0).
New - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationGetInfo
Set to true if the current User has never entered this Conversation.
New - Variable in class
True if this is a new Conversation.
New - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.track.infos.XTrackGetInfo
Set to true if all of the accessible Conversations are 'new'.
newInstance() - Static method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIManager
Get a new XAPI instance to be used for a separate session in say another thread.
NextConversationID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
Any next Conversation.
NMarkableChats - Variable in class
Total number of markable Chats (chats that can be marked read/unread; i.e. chats with Ordinal >0).
NotificationGroup - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileNotificationInfo
Notification Group.
NotificationGroup - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmNotificationInfo
Notification Group.
NotificationSetting - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileNotificationInfo
Notification Setting.
NotificationSetting - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmNotificationInfo
Notification Setting.
Notify - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupChatSummaryInfo
On Followup close assign a Followup to creating User.
Notify - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupInfo
On Followup close assign a Followup to creating User.
Notify - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupOpenInfo
Set to true of the assigner should be notified when this follow-up is closed.
notifyActive(XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.presence.XPresenceModuleClientEvents
notifyAggregateCreated(XUserAggregateInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModuleClientEvents
notifyAggregateDeleted(XUserAggregateInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModuleClientEvents
notifyAggregateNameChanged(XUserAggregateInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModuleClientEvents
notifyAggregatePositionChanged(XUserAggregateInfo, XUserAggregateInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModuleClientEvents
notifyAggregateTrackAdded(XUserAggregateInfo, XTrackInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModuleClientEvents
notifyAggregateTrackRemoved(XUserAggregateInfo, XTrackInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModuleClientEvents
notifyAnnotationDraftCommitted(XVersionInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.annotation.XAnnotationModuleClientEvents
notifyAnnotationDraftCreated(XVersionInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.annotation.XAnnotationModuleClientEvents
notifyAnnotationDraftDeleted(XVersionInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.annotation.XAnnotationModuleClientEvents
notifyAnnotationDraftUpdated(XVersionInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.annotation.XAnnotationModuleClientEvents
notifyArtifactCreated(XArtifactInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.artifact.XArtifactModuleClientEvents
notifyArtifactDeleted(XArtifactInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.artifact.XArtifactModuleClientEvents
notifyArtifactNameChanged(XArtifactInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.artifact.XArtifactModuleClientEvents
notifyArtifactRemoved(XArtifactInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.artifact.XArtifactModuleClientEvents
notifyArtifactStateChanged(XArtifactInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.artifact.XArtifactModuleClientEvents
notifyArtifactUnremoved(XArtifactInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.artifact.XArtifactModuleClientEvents
notifyArtifactUpdated(XArtifactInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.artifact.XArtifactModuleClientEvents
notifyBookmarkClosed(XChatInfo, XBookmarkInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.bookmark.XBookmarkModuleClientEvents
notifyBookmarkOpened(XChatInfo, XBookmarkInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.bookmark.XBookmarkModuleClientEvents
notifyBroadcast(String) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.broadcast.XBroadcastModuleClientEvents
notifyChatBookmarkClosed(XChatInfo, XUserInfo) - Method in interface
notifyChatBookmarkOpened(XChatInfo, XUserInfo) - Method in interface
notifyChatCreated(XChatInfo) - Method in interface
notifyChatDeleted(XChatInfo) - Method in interface
notifyChatFollowupClosed(XChatInfo, XUserInfo) - Method in interface
notifyChatFollowupOpened(XChatInfo, XUserInfo) - Method in interface
notifyChatForked(XChatInfo) - Method in interface
notifyChatsAllRead(XObjectID, int) - Method in interface
notifyChatsAllUnread(XObjectID, int) - Method in interface
notifyChatsRead(XObjectID, List<Integer>) - Method in interface
notifyChatsUnread(XObjectID, List<Integer>) - Method in interface
notifyChatUpdated(XChatInfo) - Method in interface
notifyContactAdded(XUserInfo) - Method in interface
notifyContactAddedToGroup(XUserInfo, String) - Method in interface
notifyContactRemoved(XUserInfo) - Method in interface
notifyContactRemovedFromGroup(XUserInfo, String) - Method in interface
notifyConversationAccessible(XConversationInfo, XConversationRole) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationActiveConferencesChanged(XConversationInfo, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationCreated(XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationDeviceRemoved(XDeviceInfo, XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.device.XDeviceModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationDeviceUpdated(XDeviceInfo, XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.device.XDeviceModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationDiscoverableChanged(XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationEntered(XConversationInfo, XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationEntering(XConversationInfo, XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationExited(XConversationInfo, XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationExiting(XConversationInfo, XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationExternalIDsChanged(XConversationInfo, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationInaccessible(XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationMemberActiveChanged(XConversationInfo, XConversationMemberActiveInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationMembersChanged(XConversationInfo, List<XObjectInfo>, List<XObjectInfo>) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationMembershipAccepted(XConversationInfo, XConversationRequestInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationMembershipChanged(XConversationInfo, List<XUserInfo>, List<XUserInfo>) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationMembershipRejected(XConversationInfo, XConversationRequestInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationMembershipRequested(XConversationInfo, XConversationRequestInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationMembershipWithdrawn(XConversationInfo, XConversationRequestInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationMovedIn(XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationMovedOut(XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationNameChanged(XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationProfileChanged(XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationStateChanged(XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationUpdated(XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationWatcherAdded(XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyConversationWatcherRemoved(XConversationInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.conversation.XConversationModuleClientEvents
notifyDeviceCreated(XDeviceInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.device.XDeviceModuleClientEvents
notifyDeviceRemoved(XDeviceInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.device.XDeviceModuleClientEvents
notifyDeviceUpdated(XDeviceInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.device.XDeviceModuleClientEvents
notifyDocumentDeleted(XDocumentInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.document.XDocumentModuleClientEvents
notifyDocumentLocked(XDocumentInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.document.XDocumentModuleClientEvents
notifyDocumentRemoved(XDocumentInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.document.XDocumentModuleClientEvents
notifyDocumentUnlocked(XDocumentInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.document.XDocumentModuleClientEvents
notifyDocumentUnremoved(XDocumentInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.document.XDocumentModuleClientEvents
notifyFollowupClosed(XChatInfo, XUserInfo, XFollowupInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.followup.XFollowupModuleClientEvents
notifyFollowupMarkedRead(XChatInfo, XUserInfo, XFollowupInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.followup.XFollowupModuleClientEvents
notifyFollowupMarkedUnread(XChatInfo, XUserInfo, XFollowupInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.followup.XFollowupModuleClientEvents
notifyFollowupOpened(XChatInfo, XUserInfo, XUserInfo, XFollowupInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.followup.XFollowupModuleClientEvents
notifyFollowupUpdated(XChatInfo, XUserInfo, XFollowupInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.followup.XFollowupModuleClientEvents
notifyGroupCreated(XGroupInfo) - Method in interface
notifyGroupDeleted(XGroupInfo) - Method in interface
notifyGroupMembersChanged(XGroupInfo, List<XObjectInfo>, List<XObjectInfo>) - Method in interface
notifyGroupNameChanged(XGroupInfo) - Method in interface
notifyGroupUpdated(XGroupInfo) - Method in interface
notifyHiveConfigurationUpdated(XHiveInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.hive.XHiveModuleClientEvents
notifyHiveEntered(XHiveInfo, XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.hive.XHiveModuleClientEvents
notifyHiveEntering(XHiveInfo, XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.hive.XHiveModuleClientEvents
notifyHiveExit(XHiveInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.hive.XHiveModuleClientEvents
notifyHiveExited(XHiveInfo, XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.hive.XHiveModuleClientEvents
notifyHiveExiting(XHiveInfo, XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.hive.XHiveModuleClientEvents
notifyHiveNameChanged(XHiveInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.hive.XHiveModuleClientEvents
notifyHiveStateChanged(XHiveInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.hive.XHiveModuleClientEvents
notifyHiveUpdated(XHiveInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.hive.XHiveModuleClientEvents
notifyIdle(XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.presence.XPresenceModuleClientEvents
notifyListCreated(XDistributionListInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.distlist.XDistributionListModuleClientEvents
notifyListMembersChanged(XDistributionListInfo, List<XObjectInfo>, List<XObjectInfo>) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.distlist.XDistributionListModuleClientEvents
notifyListNameChanged(XDistributionListInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.distlist.XDistributionListModuleClientEvents
notifyListRemoved(XDistributionListInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.distlist.XDistributionListModuleClientEvents
notifyLocationChanged(XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.presence.XPresenceModuleClientEvents
notifyLogout() - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.connect.XConnectModuleClientEvents
Notify any listeners that a logout has been requested.
notifyMessageSent(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.backchannel.XBackChannelModuleClientEvents
notifyMute(XObjectID, XObjectID, String, Boolean) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.voice.XVoiceModuleClientEvents
notifyOffCall(XObjectID, XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.voice.XVoiceModuleClientEvents
notifyOnCall(XObjectID, XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.voice.XVoiceModuleClientEvents
notifyPropertiesChanged(XObjectID, List<XPropertyInfo>) - Method in interface
notifyPropertiesRemoved(XObjectID, List<String>) - Method in interface
notifySpeaking(XObjectID, XObjectID, Boolean) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.voice.XVoiceModuleClientEvents
notifyTagAdded(XTagInfo, XObjectInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.tag.XTagModuleClientEvents
notifyTagCreated(XTagInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.tag.XTagModuleClientEvents
notifyTagDeleted(XTagInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.tag.XTagModuleClientEvents
notifyTagRemoved(XTagInfo, XObjectInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.tag.XTagModuleClientEvents
notifyTagUpdated(XTagInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.tag.XTagModuleClientEvents
notifyTrackAccessible(XTrackInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.track.XTrackModuleClientEvents
notifyTrackCreated(XTrackInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.track.XTrackModuleClientEvents
notifyTrackInaccessible(XTrackInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.track.XTrackModuleClientEvents
notifyTrackMoved(XUserAggregateInfo, XUserAggregateInfo, XTrackInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModuleClientEvents
notifyTrackNameChanged(XTrackInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.track.XTrackModuleClientEvents
notifyTrackPositionChanged(XUserAggregateInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModuleClientEvents
notifyTrackUpdated(XTrackInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.track.XTrackModuleClientEvents
notifyTyping(XObjectID, XObjectID) - Method in interface
notifyUpdateConference(XObjectID, XObjectID, XUpdater) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.voice.XVoiceModuleClientEvents
notifyUserDeleted(XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.user.XUserModuleClientEvents
notifyUserLoggedIn(XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.connect.XConnectModuleClientEvents
Notify any listeners that a User has logged in.
notifyUserLoggedOut(XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.connect.XConnectModuleClientEvents
Notify any listeners that a User has logged in.
notifyUserLoggingIn(XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.connect.XConnectModuleClientEvents
Send when a User is logging in.
notifyUserLoggingOut(XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.connect.XConnectModuleClientEvents
Send when a User is logging in.
notifyUserPropertiesChanged(XObjectID, List<XPropertyInfo>) - Method in interface
notifyUserPropertiesRemoved(XObjectID, List<String>) - Method in interface
notifyUserUpdated(XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.user.XUserModuleClientEvents
notifyVersionAdded(XDocumentInfo, XVersionInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.document.XDocumentModuleClientEvents
notifyVersionDeleted(XDocumentInfo, XVersionInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.document.XDocumentModuleClientEvents
notifyVersionRemoved(XDocumentInfo, XVersionInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.document.XDocumentModuleClientEvents
notifyVersionRenditionsReady(XDocumentInfo, XVersionInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.document.XDocumentModuleClientEvents
notifyVersionUnremoved(XDocumentInfo, XVersionInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.document.XDocumentModuleClientEvents
notifyVersionUpdated(XDocumentInfo, XVersionInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.document.XDocumentModuleClientEvents
notifyWidgetCreated(XWidgetInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.widget.XWidgetModuleClientEvents
notifyWidgetDeleted(XWidgetInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.widget.XWidgetModuleClientEvents
notifyWidgetEnabledChanged(XWidgetInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.widget.XWidgetModuleClientEvents
notifyWidgetNameChanged(XWidgetInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.widget.XWidgetModuleClientEvents
notifyWidgetRemoved(XWidgetInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.widget.XWidgetModuleClientEvents
notifyWidgetUpdated(XWidgetInfo) - Method in interface waggle.client.modules.widget.XWidgetModuleClientEvents
NUM_DIGITS - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmDatabaseUpdater
Update the minimum number of digit characters in a password.
NUM_LOWER_CASE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmDatabaseUpdater
Update the minimum number of lower case characters in a password.
NUM_SPECIALS - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmDatabaseUpdater
Update the minimum number of special characters in a password.
NUM_UPPER_CASE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmDatabaseUpdater
Update the minimum number of upper case characters in a password.
Number - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMapElementInfo
Where in the Map this element should be drawn.
Number - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHivePhoneNumberInfo
The phone number associated with the name.
Number - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserPhoneNumberInfo
The phone number associated with the name.
NumberOfPages - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XVersionInfo
Number of page images for this Version.
NumDigits - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmDatabaseInfo
Minimum number of required digit characters.
NumDigits - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmPasswordPolicyInfo
Minimum number of required digit characters.
NumLowerCase - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmDatabaseInfo
Minimum number of required lower case characters.
NumLowerCase - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmPasswordPolicyInfo
Minimum number of required lower case characters.
NumResults - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveFindSimilarInfo
Number of results to return.
NumResults - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveSearchInfo
Number of results to return.
NumSpecials - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmDatabaseInfo
Minimum number of required special characters characters.
NumSpecials - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmPasswordPolicyInfo
Minimum number of required special characters characters.
NumUpperCase - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmDatabaseInfo
Minimum number of required upper case characters.
NumUpperCase - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmPasswordPolicyInfo
Minimum number of required upper case characters.
NUnread - Variable in class
The number of unread markable Chats.


OAM_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
OAM_ENABLED - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
OAM_LOGOUT_URL - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
OAM_LOOKUP_FILTER - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
OAMAttribute - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
The name of the attribute OAM provides to identify the user.
OAMEnabled - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
True if authentication should take place through OAM.
OAMLogoutURL - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
The URL which should be used to log out of OAM.
OAMLookupFilter - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
The LDAP filter to get a user's DN based on the OAMAttribute.
ObjectName - Variable in class
The Management MBean Object name.
ObjectName - Variable in class
The Management MBean Object Name.
ObjectTypes - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XSearchResultsInfo
List of all the object types included in the hits.
offCall(XObjectID, XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.voice.XVoiceModule.Client
Notification that a user is no longer on the Conversation's conference call.
OFFLINE_STATUS_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
The User's Offline status message.
OfflineStatusMessage - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileInfo
The User's offline status message.
OfflineStatusMessage - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserInfo
User's offline status message.
onCall(XObjectID, XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.voice.XVoiceModule.Client
Notification that a user is on the Conversation's conference call.
openBookmark(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.bookmark.XBookmarkModule.Server
Open a Bookmark for the specified Chat for the current User.
openBuzz(XObjectID, XObjectID) - Method in interface
Buzz another User.
openFollowup(XObjectID, XFollowupOpenInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.followup.XFollowupModule.Server
Open a Followup for the specified Chat and User.
openFollowups(XObjectID, List<XFollowupOpenInfo>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.followup.XFollowupModule.Server
Open Followups for the specified Chat and Users.
OrderBy - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationSearchInfo
The sort order for returned hits.
OrderBy - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveSearchInfo
The sort order for returned hits.
OrderBy - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.track.infos.XTrackSearchInfo
The sort order for returned hits.
Ordinal - Variable in class
The ordinal of this Chat message.
Ordinals - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMapInfo
All Ordinals in display order.
Organization - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileInfo
The User's organization.
ORGANIZATION - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
String for the user's organization.
OrgChartSupported - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmInfo
Does this realm support Org Chart data.
OriginalName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryDocumentInfo
The OriginalName is the file name used as the content source.
OriginalPictureID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
Original picture ID.
OriginalPictureID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileInfo
Original Picture of the User.
OriginalPictureID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserInfo
User's original picture ID.


PageImagesState - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XVersionInfo
State of the page images rendition.
ParentID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositorySearchInfo
Parent folder ID.
ParentIDs - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMapInfo
All Parent IDs in display order.
Participants - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.voice.infos.XVoiceConferenceInfo
The list of all users who have participated in the conference.
Pass - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserTestCreateInfo
Did the parameters pass the test?
PASSWORD_CHANGE_ALLOWED - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmDatabaseUpdater
Update the password change allowed.
PASSWORD_RESET_ALLOWED - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmDatabaseUpdater
Update the password reset allowed.
PasswordChangeAllowed - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmInfo
Does this realm support password change at all.
PasswordChangeAllowed - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmPasswordPolicyInfo
true if password change is allowed.
PasswordResetAllowed - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmInfo
Does this realm support password reset from the login page.
PDFRenditionState - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XVersionInfo
State of the PDF Rendition.
PersonalTrackID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserInfo
The User's personal Track ID.
PHONE_NUMBER - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
The phone number for this User.
PHONE_NUMBER_NAME - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
PHONE_NUMBER_PRIVATE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
PHONE_NUMBERS - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update phone numbers.
PHONE_NUMBERS - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
Map of name (String) to number (String) with all phone numbers.
PhoneNumber - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserTestCreateInfo
The phone number for this User.
PhoneNumber - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.voice.infos.XCallStatusInfo
The current phone number or null if no call is in process.
PhoneNumberName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
Name of the phone number field.
PhoneNumberPrivate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
Should the phone number field be private.
PhoneNumbers - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveInfo
List of all of the Hive's named phone numbers.
PhoneNumbers - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileInfo
The User's phone numbers.
PhoneNumbers - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserInfo
List of all of a User's named phone numbers.
ping() - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.connect.XConnectModule.Server
Ping the server, method is a no-op, indicates that the client is still active and the session should not be reaped (aka a heartbeat call).
PluginAllowWebDAV - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
Plug-in is WebDAV editing allowed policy.
PluginDistributionURL - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
Plug-in distribution url.
pollClose(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.poll.XPollModule.Server
Close a Poll.
PollClosed - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollInfo
True if the Poll has been closed.
PollClosedByUserID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollInfo
Who closed the Poll.
PollClosedDate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollInfo
The Poll closed date.
PollEndDate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollCreateInfo
The Poll end date.
PollEndDate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollInfo
The Poll end date.
PollGadgetID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollCreateInfo
The UI Gadget ID.
PollInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollGetInfo
The Poll.
PollMultipleChoice - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollCreateInfo
True of the Poll is multiple choice.
PollMultipleChoice - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollInfo
True if the Poll is multiple choice.
PollName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollCreateInfo
The Poll name.
pollOpen(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.poll.XPollModule.Server
Open a Poll.
PollOpened - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollInfo
True if the Poll has been opened.
PollOpenedByUserID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollInfo
Who opened the Poll.
PollOpenedDate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollInfo
The Poll opened date.
PollOption - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollOptionInfo
The option string.
PollOptionCount - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollOptionInfo
Count of votes for this option.
PollOptions - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollCreateInfo
The Poll options.
PollOptions - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollGetInfo
How the options that I voted for.
PollOptions - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollInfo
The Poll options.
PollOptionUserIDs - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollOptionInfo
Users who have voted for this option.
PollPartialResultsVisible - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollCreateInfo
True if the Poll displays partial results.
PollPartialResultsVisible - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollInfo
True if the Poll partial results are visible.
PollQuestion - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollCreateInfo
The Poll question.
PollQuestion - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollInfo
The Poll question.
PollUserCount - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollInfo
Count of Users who have voted for this option.
PollUserInfos - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollInfo
All Users who have voted for this option.
PollVotingPublic - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollCreateInfo
True if the Poll voting is public.
PollVotingPublic - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollInfo
True if the Poll voting is public or private.
Port - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
LDAP Port number.
PORT - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
Update the LDAP access port.
post(List<XHTTPHeader>, List<XHTTPPart>) - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPMethod
Post some parts.
post(List<XHTTPHeader>, InputStream, String, String) - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPMethod
Post an InputStream.
post(List<XHTTPHeader>, String, String) - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPMethod
Post a String.
PreviousConversationID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
Any previous Conversation.
PrimaryExternalID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationCreateInfo
The Conversation's primary external ID (Business Object ID).
PrimaryExternalID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
The primary external ID (Business Object ID).
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception waggle.core.exceptions.XException
Print this exception using our exception format.
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception waggle.core.exceptions.XException
Print this exception using our exception format.
printStackTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class waggle.core.exceptions.XExceptionUtils
Print the specified exception to System.err using our exception format.
printStackTrace(Throwable, PrintWriter) - Static method in class waggle.core.exceptions.XExceptionUtils
This code originates from JDK classes.
printStackTrace(Throwable, PrintStream) - Static method in class waggle.core.exceptions.XExceptionUtils
Print an exception to a PrintStream.
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception waggle.core.exceptions.XRuntimeException
Print this exception using our exception format.
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception waggle.core.exceptions.XRuntimeException
Print this exception using our exception format.
printStackTraceAsCause(Throwable, PrintWriter, StackTraceElement[]) - Static method in class waggle.core.exceptions.XExceptionUtils
This code originates from JDK classes.
Private - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserPhoneNumberInfo
Set to true if this number is private.
propertiesChanged(XObjectID, List<XPropertyInfo>) - Method in interface
Notification that a set of shared properties have changed.
propertiesRemoved(XObjectID, List<String>) - Method in interface
Notification that a set of shared properties have been removed.
PropertyName - Variable in class
The Name of the property.
PropertyValue - Variable in class
The Value of the property.
put(String, String) - Method in class
Put a String value into the XUpdater.
put(String, Integer) - Method in class
Put an Integer value into the XUpdater.
put(String, Long) - Method in class
Put a Long value into the XUpdater.
put(String, Date) - Method in class
Put a Date value into the XUpdater.
put(String, Boolean) - Method in class
Put a Boolean value into the XUpdater.
put(String, Collection) - Method in class
Put a Collection value into the XUpdater.
put(String, Map) - Method in class
Put a Map value into the XUpdater.
put(String, XUpdater) - Method in class
Put an XUpdater value into the XUpdater.
put(String, byte[]) - Method in class
Put a byte array value into the XUpdater.
put(String, int[]) - Method in class
Put an integer array value into the XUpdater.
put(String, long[]) - Method in class
Put a long array value into the XUpdater.
put(String, XObjectID) - Method in class
Put an XObjectID value into the XUpdater.
put(String, XSessionID) - Method in class
Put an XSessionID value into the XUpdater.
put(String, Enum) - Method in class
Put an enum value into the XUpdater.
put(String, Float) - Method in class
Put a Float value into the XUpdater.
put(String, Double) - Method in class
Put a Double value into the XUpdater.
put(String, Object) - Method in class
Put an Object value into the XUpdater.


QueryText - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositorySearchInfo
The query text in the required format.


RangeAvgDeltaPerSecond - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportCounterInfo
The average rate of change of the value over the range.
RangeAvgValue - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportGaugeInfo
The value average over the range of the report.
RangeCommitTime - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportOperationInfo
An approximation of the commit time accumulated in invocations of the operation over the report range.
RangeCommitTimePerSecond - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportOperationInfo
The CommitTime rate.
RangeDelta - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportCounterInfo
An approximation of the total delta over the range of the report.
RangeFromDate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportInfo
The from date.
RangeInvocations - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportOperationInfo
A rough approximation of the number of invocations over the report range.
RangeInvocationsPercentage - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportOperationInfo
This operation's percentage of the total number of invocations across all operations in the range, expressed as a number between 0 and 1.
RangeInvocationsPerSecond - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportOperationInfo
The Invocations rate.
RangeLastValue - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportGaugeInfo
The last known value in the range of the report.
RangeMaxValue - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportGaugeInfo
The value maximum over the range of the report.
RangeMilliseconds - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportInfo
The range's duration in milliseconds.
RangeMinValue - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportGaugeInfo
The value minimum over the range of the report.
RangeToDate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportInfo
The to date.
RangeTotalTime - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportOperationInfo
An approximation of the total time spent in invocations of the operation over the report range.
RangeTotalTimePercentage - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportOperationInfo
This operation's percentage of the total time across all operations in the range, expressed as a number between 0 and 1.
RangeTotalTimePerInvocation - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportOperationInfo
The average number of milliseconds per invocation.
RangeTotalTimePerSecond - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportOperationInfo
The TotalTime rate.
RawOffset - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.admin.infos.XTimeZoneInfo
Raw offset in milliseconds.
Read - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupChatSummaryInfo
The Followup read status.
Read - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupInfo
The Followup read status.
read() - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIInputStream
read(byte[]) - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIInputStream
ReadInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationGetInfo
Chats read info for the current User.
REALM_DATA - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.user.updaters.XUserUpdater
String for realm data.
RealmData - Variable in class
The Realm data.
RealmData - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserDetailsInfo
The Realm data.
RealmData - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserTestCreateInfo
The User's Realm Data.
RealmID - Variable in class
The Realm ID.
RealmID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserDetailsInfo
The Realm ID.
RealmID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserTestCreateInfo
The User's Realm ID.
RealmInternal - Variable in class
The containing Realms internal status.
RealmInternal - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserSearchInfo
The containing Realms internal status.
RealmName - Variable in class
The containing Realm's name.
RealmName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserSearchInfo
The containing Realm's name.
RealmName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserTestCreateInfo
The User's Realm Name.
Recipients - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveFindSimilarInfo
Users (such as email recipients).
RedirectURL - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginMechanismInfo
A URL that should be redirected to in order to complete the login process (e.g.
referenceAdded(XObjectID, XObjectID, XObjectID, XObjectID) - Method in interface
Notification that a Track reference was added to a Chat.
ReferencedInfos - Variable in class
Referenced Tracks.
ReferenceIDs - Variable in class
List of reference objects.
referenceRemoved(XObjectID, XObjectID, XObjectID, XObjectID) - Method in interface
Notification that a Track reference was removed from a Chat.
register(Object) - Static method in class
Register an object to receive XEvents broadcasts.
registerDevice(String, XDeviceType, String, String, String, List<XNotificationGroup>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.device.XDeviceModule.Server
Register or re-register a new or existing Device for the current User.
RemovableType - Variable in class
Whether it is ever possible to remove the chat message.
remove(String) - Method in class
Remove a value from the XUpdater.
removeAggregate(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModule.Server
Remove an Aggregate.
removeArtifact(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.artifact.XArtifactModule.Server
Remove an Artifact.
removeChat(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Marks the Removed flag on the XChatInfo for this chatID.
removeContact(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Remove a Contact.
removeContactFromGroup(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface
Remove a Contact from a Group.
removeConversation(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Remove a Conversation.
removeConversationDeviceSettings(XObjectID, XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.device.XDeviceModule.Server
Remove an existing Conversation Device override setting.
removeDocument(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Server
Remove a Document.
removeGroup(String) - Method in interface
Remove a Group.
removeList(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.distlist.XDistributionListModule.Server
Remove a Distribution List.
removeProperties(XObjectID, List<String>) - Method in interface
Remove a set of shared properties and their values.
removeProperty(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface
Remove a shared property and its value.
removeTrackFromAggregate(XObjectID, XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModule.Server
Remove a Track from an Aggregate.
removeTrackFromAllAggregates(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModule.Server
Remove a Track from all Aggregates.
removeUserProperties(XObjectID, List<String>) - Method in interface
Remove a set of per User properties and their values.
removeUserProperty(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface
Remove a per User property and its value.
removeVersion(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Server
Remove a Version.
removeWidget(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.widget.XWidgetModule.Server
Remove a Widget.
renameAggregate(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModule.Server
Rename an existing Aggregate.
renameGroup(String, String) - Method in interface
Rename an existing Group.
renameList(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.distlist.XDistributionListModule.Server
Rename a Distribution List.
RenditionsSupported - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XDocumentInfo
True if renditions are supported for this Document.
RenditionsSupported - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XVersionInfo
True if renditions are supported for this Version.
ReplyToAddresses - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.mail.infos.XMailInfo
The set of Reply To addresses.
ReportDate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportInfo
The report date.
REPOSITORY_ENABLED - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.repository.updaters.XRepositoryUpdater
Repository enabled status.
REPOSITORY_URL - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.repository.updaters.XRepositoryUpdater
Repository access URL.
REPOSITORY_WRITABLE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.repository.updaters.XRepositoryUpdater
Repository writable status.
RepositoryData - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XDocumentInfo
Any Repository data associated with this Document.
RepositoryEnabled - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryCreateInfo
The Repository enabled status.
RepositoryEnabled - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryInfo
The Repository enabled status.
RepositoryID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XDocumentInfo
Any Repository associated with this Document.
RepositoryName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryCreateInfo
The Repository access URL.
RepositoryURL - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryCreateInfo
The Repository access URL.
RepositoryURL - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryInfo
The Repository access URL.
RepositoryWritable - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryCreateInfo
The Repository writable status.
RepositoryWritable - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryInfo
The Repository writable status.
REQUEST_ELEMENT_NAME - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
What is the element name for a request in a remote call.
REQUEST_HANDLING - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.updaters.XConversationUpdater
Enum for request handling options.
REQUEST_ROLE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.updaters.XConversationUpdater
Enum for default role on auto-accept request handling.
RequestHandling - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
How membership requests are handled.
RequestInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberCheckInfo
Request info info or null.
RequestPendingReason - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationRequestInfo
Get the request pending reason.
RequestRejectedReason - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationRequestInfo
Get the request rejected reason.
RequestRole - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
How automatic membership requests are handled.
RequestWithdrawnReason - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationRequestInfo
Get the request withdrawn reason.
Required - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.opensocial.infos.XOSUserPrefInfo
User Preference is required status.
reset() - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIInputStream
resetPasswordRequest(String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.password.XPasswordModule.Server
Request to reset the password for the specified User.
resetPasswordVerify(XObjectID, String, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.password.XPasswordModule.Server
Request that a User's password be reset.
ResourceID - Variable in class waggle.core.exceptions.infos.XExceptionInfo
The exception resource id.
RESPONSE_ELEMENT_NAME - Static variable in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
What is the element name for a response to a remote call.
ResultInfos - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositorySearchResultsInfo
Requested range of hits.
ResultTypes - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XSearchResultsInfo
Set of all the object types included in the search results.
Revision - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
The revision of the server.
RevisionID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryDocumentInfo
The revision id.
run() - Method in class waggle.client.message.XMessageReceiverThread


saveAnnotationDraft(XObjectID, List<XAnnotationMarkupInfo>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.annotation.XAnnotationModule.Server
Save an annotation draft.
ScaledPictureID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
Scaled picture ID.
ScaledPictureID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileInfo
Scaled Picture of the User.
ScaledPictureID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserInfo
User's scaled picture ID.
ScaledPictureID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserSearchInfo
The User's scaled picture ID if they are already a registered User and they have uploaded a picture.
Score - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XSearchHitInfo
The score for the hit (0-100).
Score - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryDocumentInfo
Search score.
SEARCH_ATTRS - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
SEARCH_BASE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
SEARCH_ENABLED - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
SEARCH_FILTER - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
SEARCH_ORG_CHART_ENABLED - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
SEARCH_ORG_CHART_FILTER - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
SearchAttrs - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
The LDAP attributes that are returned for general User search.
SearchBase - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
Base DN used for general User search.
searchConversation(XObjectID, XConversationSearchInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Search the content of a Conversation.
SearchEnabled - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmInfo
Does this realm support search.
SearchEnabled - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
General User search enabled.
SearchFilter - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
Search filter used for general User search.
searchHive(XHiveSearchInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.XHiveModule.Server
Search the Hive.
SearchOrgChartEnabled - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
True if org chart (manager/direct) relationships can be queried.
SearchOrgChartFilter - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
The LDAP filter for searching by manager.
searchRepository(XObjectID, XRepositorySearchInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.repository.XRepositoryModule.Server
Search a Repository.
SearchTerm - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationSearchInfo
The search term to be applied.
SearchTerm - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveSearchInfo
The search term to be applied.
SearchTerm - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.track.infos.XTrackSearchInfo
The search term to be applied.
searchTrack(XObjectID, XTrackSearchInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.track.XTrackModule.Server
Search the content of a Track.
SecondaryExternalIDs - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationCreateInfo
The Conversation's secondary external IDs (Business Object IDs).
SecondaryExternalIDs - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
The secondary external IDs (Business Object IDs).
SecurityGroup - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryDocumentInfo
The Document's security group.
SELF_SIGNUP - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmUpdater
Update the self signup setting.
SelfSignup - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmInfo
Does this realm support some notion of self signup.
sendMessage(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.backchannel.XBackChannelModule.Server
Send a back channel message to an 'act on behalf of' User.
SentDate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.mail.infos.XMailInfo
The date that this mail was sent.
serializeToJSON() - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIPackage
Serialize an XAPIPackage as JSON.
serializeToJSONString() - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIPackage
Serialize an XAPIPackage as JSON String.
serializeToXML() - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIPackage
Serialize an XAPIPackage as XML.
serializeToXMLString() - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIPackage
Serialize an XAPIPackage as XML String.
ServerDate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
Server Date.
ServerHosts - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
List of all Server access hosts.
ServerMethod - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
Server access method.
ServerPort - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
Server access port.
SessionActive - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserSessionInfo
The User Session's current active/idle status.
SessionActiveDate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserSessionInfo
The User Session's current active/idle status changed date.
SessionLocation - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserSessionInfo
The User Session's current location.
SessionTimeZone - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserSessionInfo
The User Session's current time zone.
setAcceptEncoding(String) - Method in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
Set the Accept-Encoding header value being used.
setAcceptEncoding(String) - Static method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIManager
Set the Accept-Encoding header for the XAPI singleton.
setAcceptLanguage(String) - Method in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
Set the Accept-Language header value being used.
setAcceptLanguage(String) - Static method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIManager
Set the Accept-Language header for the XAPI singleton.
setArtifactName(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.artifact.XArtifactModule.Server
Change an Artifact's name.
setArtifactState(XObjectID, XArtifactState) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.artifact.XArtifactModule.Server
Change an Artifact's state.
setAttributes(List<XManagementAttributeInfo>) - Method in interface
Set some object attributes.
setClientID(XClientID) - Method in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
Set the Client ID to be used.
setClientID(long) - Method in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
Set the Client ID to be used.
setClientID(XClientID) - Static method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIManager
Set the Client ID for the XAPI singleton.
setClientID(long) - Static method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIManager
Set the Client ID for the XAPI singleton.
setConnectionTimeout(int) - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPSession
Set the connection timeout in milliseconds.
setConversationDiscoverable(XObjectID, boolean) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Change a Conversation's discoverable status.
setConversationName(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Change a Conversation's name.
setConversationState(XObjectID, XConversationState, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Change a Conversation's state with an optional custom message.
setCredentials(String, String) - Method in class waggle.core.http.XHTTPSession
Set the credentials to use.
setFeatureFileName(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Server
Set a Feature File name.
setFeatureName(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Server
Set a Feature's name.
setFeatureVersion(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Server
Set a Feature's version.
setGadgetName(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Server
Set a Gadget's name.
setGeolocation(Double, Double) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.presence.XPresenceModule.Server
Sent to change session location.
setGroupName(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface
Change a Group's name.
setHiveName(String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.XHiveModule.Server
Change the Hive's name.
setHiveState(XHiveState) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.XHiveModule.Server
Change Hive state.
setLocation(String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.presence.XPresenceModule.Server
Sent to change session location.
setLongValue(long) - Method in class
Extra setter for SOAP use only!
setMethodInfo(String, String, Object[], String) - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIPackage
Set the call information into an addressed XAPIPackage.
setOnBehalfOfUser(String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.connect.XConnectModule.Server
Set the current session to be acting on behalf of the specified User.
setOnTrackAgent(String) - Method in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
Set the On Track Agent to be used.
setOnTrackAgent(String) - Static method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIManager
Set the On Track Agent for the XAPI singleton.
setPassword(String, XPassword) - Method in class waggle.client.main.XClientPropertiesCB
setProfileNotificationSettings(XObjectID, List<XProfileNotificationInfo>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.XProfileModule.Server
Set all notification settings for the specified User.
setProperties(XObjectID, List<XPropertyInfo>) - Method in interface
Set a shared property value.
setProperty(XObjectID, String, String) - Method in interface
Set a shared property value.
setProtocolXML(boolean) - Method in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
Set the Protocol to be used.
setProtocolXML(boolean) - Static method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIManager
Set the Protocol for the XAPI singleton to XML.
setRandomID(String) - Method in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
Set the Random ID to be used.
setRandomID(String) - Static method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIManager
Set the Random ID for the XAPI singleton.
setRealmName(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.XRealmModule.Server
Change a Realm's name.
setRealmNotificationSettings(XObjectID, List<XRealmNotificationInfo>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.XRealmModule.Server
Set all notification settings for the specified Realm.
setSession(String, String) - Method in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
Create an HTTP Session for the specified host and path.
setSession(String, String, String, int) - Method in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
Create an HTTP Session for the specified host and path using the specified proxy host and port.
setSession(String, String) - Static method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIManager
Set the HTTP Session for the specified host and context for the XAPI singleton.
setSession(String, String, String, int) - Static method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIManager
Set the HTTP Session for the specified host and context using the specified proxy host and port for the XAPI singleton.
setString(String, String) - Method in class waggle.client.main.XClientPropertiesCB
setStringValue(String) - Method in class
Extra setter for SOAP use only!
setTagName(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.tag.XTagModule.Server
Set Tag name.
setThreadTraceID(String) - Static method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIPackage
Set the thread's trace ID value.
setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in interface waggle.core.api.XAPI
Set the X-OnTrack-TimeZone header value being used.
setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Static method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIManager
Set the time zone header for the XAPI singleton.
setTrackName(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.track.XTrackModule.Server
Change a Track's name.
setUser(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.connect.XConnectModule.Server
Set a temporary User for the current request.
setUserProperties(XObjectID, List<XPropertyInfo>) - Method in interface
Set a per User property value.
setUserProperty(XObjectID, String, String) - Method in interface
Set a per User property value.
setWidgetEnabled(XObjectID, boolean) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.widget.XWidgetModule.Server
Set Widget enabled state.
setWidgetName(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.widget.XWidgetModule.Server
Set Widget name.
ShortDateSample - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.admin.infos.XDateFormatInfo
A sample formatted date using the Short style.
ShortDateTimeSample - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.admin.infos.XDateFormatInfo
A sample formatted date and time using the Short style.
ShortTimeSample - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.admin.infos.XDateFormatInfo
A sample formatted time using the Short style.
shutdown() - Static method in class waggle.client.main.XClientMain
Shutdown a Client.
shutdown() - Method in class waggle.client.main.XClientPropertiesCB.LifeCycle
signupRequest(String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.signup.XSignupModule.Server
Signup request.
signupVerify(XObjectID, String, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.signup.XSignupModule.Server
Verify a User signup.
signupVerifyCheck(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.signup.XSignupModule.Server
Check verification mode for a User.
size() - Method in class
Return the number of entries in the XUpdater.
skip(long) - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIInputStream
Slot - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserDetailsInfo
Whether the User has a slot or not.
SLOT - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.user.updaters.XUserUpdater
Boolean for slot usage.
SMS_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
The SMS address for this User.
SMSAddress - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileInfo
The User's SMS address.
SnapshotCommitTime - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportOperationInfo
The value of the JMX CommitTime attribute at the time of report generation.
SnapshotInvocations - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportOperationInfo
The value of the JMX Count attribute at the time of report generation.
SnapshotTotalTime - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportOperationInfo
The value of the JMX TotalTime attribute at the time of report generation.
SnapshotValue - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportCounterInfo
The value of the JMX attribute at the time of report generation.
SnapshotValue - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportGaugeInfo
The value of the JMX attribute at the time of report generation.
SnapshotValue - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportVariableInfo
The value of the JMX attribute at the time of report generation.
SnapshotValueClassName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportVariableInfo
The class name of the snapshot value object.
Snippet - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XSearchHitInfo
A text snippet for the hit.
Snippet - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryDocumentInfo
Search snippet.
SOCKET_TIMEOUT_MS - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
Update the LDAP socket timeout setting.
SocketTimeoutMS - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
Socket Timeout MS.
SortField - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDetailFilterInfo
Sort field.
SortField - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositorySearchInfo
Primary sort field.
SortOrder - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositorySearchInfo
Primary sort field sort order.
SortOrderDescending - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDetailFilterInfo
Sort field order.
SortSpec - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositorySearchInfo
Complete sort spec.
speaking(XObjectID, XObjectID, Boolean) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.voice.XVoiceModule.Client
Notification that a user is speaking in a Conversation's conference call.
SSL - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
LDAP use SSL connection status.
SSL - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
Update the LDAP use SSL for access.
StackTrace - Variable in class waggle.core.exceptions.infos.XExceptionInfo
The exception stack trace, formatted as a string with embedded newlines.
startDisconnect(String, int) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.admin.XAdminModule.Server
Start a disconnect.
StartRow - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositorySearchInfo
Starting row number to be returned.
State - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.artifact.infos.XArtifactInfo
Current Artifact state.
State - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
Conversation state.
State - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberCheckInfo
Membership check state.
State - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationRequestInfo
Request state.
State - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveInfo
The Hive state.
STATE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the state.
StateDate - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
Conversation state date.
StatusCode - Variable in class waggle.core.exceptions.infos.XStatusInfo
The HTTP Status Code.
StatusText - Variable in class waggle.core.exceptions.infos.XStatusInfo
The HTTP Status Text.
StereoRecordingMix - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.voice.infos.XVoiceConferenceInfo
The stereo recording mix of the conference.
StereoRecordingMixOgg - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.voice.infos.XVoiceConferenceInfo
The stereo recording mix of the conference.
stopConference(XObjectID, XConferenceFilter) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conference.XConferenceModule.Server
Stop an in progress conference.
stuff(Class<T>) - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIPackage
Stuff an XAPIPackage.
Subject - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveFindSimilarInfo
The subject of the email.
Subject - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.mail.infos.XMailInfo
The subject.
Synced - Variable in class
Whether this Group has ever been synced.
SyncedDate - Variable in class
Date this Group was last synced.
synchronizeUserProfile(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.user.XUserModule.Server
Synchronize a user's profile from an external directory store, if available.
System - Variable in class
Whether the chat message text was System or User generated.


tag(XObjectID, XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.tag.XTagModule.Server
Add a Tag to an existing Tagable.
TagableInfos - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.tag.infos.XTagTagablesInfo
The Tagables for this Tag.
tagAdded(XTagInfo, XObjectInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.tag.XTagModule.Client
Notification that a Tag has been added to an Artifact.
TagCount - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.tag.infos.XTagInfo
The usage count for this Tag.
tagCreated(XTagInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.tag.XTagModule.Client
Notification that a Tag has been created.
tagDeleted(XTagInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.tag.XTagModule.Client
Notification that a Tag has been deleted.
TagInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.tag.infos.XTagTagablesInfo
The Tag Information DTO.
TagInfos - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.tag.infos.XTagableInfo
The list of tag infos.
TagPublic - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.tag.infos.XTagInfo
Whether this is a public or private Tag.
tagRemoved(XTagInfo, XObjectInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.tag.XTagModule.Client
Notification that a Tag has been removed from an Artifact.
Tags - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileInfo
Set of all tag strings.
TAGS - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
Collection containing (String) tags to add.
tagUpdated(XTagInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.tag.XTagModule.Client
Notification that a Tag has been updated.
TaskInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
Task information.
testCreateUser(String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.user.XUserModule.Server
Test creating a user, validating the input data and generating inferred values.
testRealm(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.XRealmModule.Server
Test a Realm.
Text - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.bookmark.infos.XBookmarkSummaryInfo
The text for this Chat.
Text - Variable in class
The text for this Chat.
Text - Variable in class
The text for this Chat Version.
Text - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupChatSummaryInfo
The text for this Chat.
TextVersion - Variable in class
The version number for this Chat text.
ThumbnailState - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XVersionInfo
State of the Thumbnail.
TIME_ZONE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.updaters.XConversationUpdater
The time zone.
TIME_ZONE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
The User's DefaultTime Zone.
TIME_ZONE_ID - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update time zone.
TimeStamp - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportHistoricalInfo
The time stamp of the historical sample.
TimeZone - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveInfo
Hive default TimeZone ID.
TimeZone - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserLocationInfo
The location TimeZone ID.
TimeZoneID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
The Conversation's time zone ID.
TimeZoneID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileInfo
The User's default time zone ID.
TimeZoneID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserTestCreateInfo
The User's Time Zone.
Title - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileInfo
The User's title.
TITLE - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters.XProfileUpdater
String for the user's title.
ToIndex - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDetailFilterInfo
Exclusive to index.
ToIndex - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDetailInfo
To index of returned Conversation Infos.
toLogableString(String) - Static method in class
Return a logable version of a random ID.
toLogableString() - Method in class
Return a logable version of the Session ID.
toLogableString(String) - Static method in class
Return a logable version of a Session ID.
toLong() - Method in class
Return the XObjectID as a long integer.
TopBookmarkChatIDs - Variable in class
All top-level Chat IDs that either are bookmarked or that have comments that are bookmarked by the current User.
TopFollowupChatIDs - Variable in class
All top-level Chat IDs that either are marked for followup or that have comments that are marked for followup for the current User.
TORecipientAddresses - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.mail.infos.XMailInfo
The set of TO addresses.
toString() - Method in class waggle.core.api.XAPIPackage
The toString() result should look like a method call.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
TotalConversations - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDetailInfo
Total number of available Conversations.
TotalResults - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositorySearchResultsInfo
Total number of available hits.
trackAccessible(XTrackInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.track.XTrackModule.Client
Notification sent that a Track is now accessible to you.
TrackConversationInfos - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos.XAggregateTrackInfo
The Track Conversation infos.
trackCreated(XTrackInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.track.XTrackModule.Client
Notification sent that a Track has been updated.
TrackID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos.XAggregateTrackInfo
The Track ID.
TrackID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.bookmark.infos.XBookmarkSummaryInfo
The Track ID.
TrackID - Variable in class
The Track ID.
TrackID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationCreateInfo
The Track's ID.
TrackID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupChatSummaryInfo
The Track ID.
TrackID - Variable in class
Track ID.
TrackID - Variable in class
Track ID.
TrackIDs - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XSearchResultsInfo
List of all the Tracks that had hits.
trackInaccessible(XTrackInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.track.XTrackModule.Client
Notification sent that a Track is no longer accessible to you.
TrackInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.track.infos.XTrackGetInfo
The Track's info.
TrackInfos - Variable in class
Track information DTOs.
trackMoved(XUserAggregateInfo, XUserAggregateInfo, XTrackInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModule.Client
Notification sent that a Track has been moved from one Aggregate to another.
TrackName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos.XAggregateTrackInfo
The Track name.
TrackName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.bookmark.infos.XBookmarkSummaryInfo
The Track name.
TrackName - Variable in class
The Track name.
TrackName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDetailConversationInfo
Track name.
TrackName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XSearchHitInfo
The name of the Track that contains the hit.
TrackName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupChatSummaryInfo
The Track Name.
trackNameChanged(XTrackInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.track.XTrackModule.Client
Notification sent that a Track's name has changed.
TrackNFollowups - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos.XAggregateTrackInfo
Number of followups for the Track for the current User.
TrackNUnread - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos.XAggregateTrackInfo
Number of un-read markable Chats for the Track for the current User.
trackPositionChanged(XUserAggregateInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.aggregate.XAggregateModule.Client
Notification sent that a Track's position in an Aggregate has changed.
trackUpdated(XTrackInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.track.XTrackModule.Client
Notification sent that a Track has been updated.
Type - Variable in class
The Notification event.
Type - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMapElementInfo
The element type.
Type - Variable in class
The Attribute class type name.
typing(XObjectID, XObjectID) - Method in interface
Notification that a User is typing in a Conversation Chat.
typing(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Sent when a User is typing in a chat window.


unlockDocument(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Server
Unlock on a Document.
unlockUser(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.user.XUserModule.Server
Unlock the specified User if they are locked.
unmarshal(Long) - Method in class
unregister(Object) - Static method in class
Un-register an object to receive XEvents broadcasts.
unremoveArtifact(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.artifact.XArtifactModule.Server
Un-remove an Artifact.
unremoveChat(XObjectID) - Method in interface
Clears the Removed flag on the XChatInfo for this chatID.
unremoveDocument(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Server
Un-remove a Document.
unremoveVersion(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Server
Un-remove a Version.
untag(XObjectID, XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.tag.XTagModule.Server
Remove a Tag from an existing Tagable.
updateChat(XObjectID, XUpdater) - Method in interface
Update a Chat.
updateConference(XObjectID, XObjectID, XUpdater) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.voice.XVoiceModule.Client
Notification that a conference has changed and what the change is.
updateConversation(XObjectID, XUpdater) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Update a Conversation.
updateConversationDeviceSettings(XObjectID, XObjectID, List<XNotificationGroup>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.device.XDeviceModule.Server
Add or update an existing Conversation Device override setting.
updateDevice(XObjectID, String, XDeviceType, String, String, String, List<XNotificationGroup>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.device.XDeviceModule.Server
Update an existing Device.
updateDeviceSettings(XObjectID, List<XNotificationGroup>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.device.XDeviceModule.Server
Update an existing Device's settings.
updateFeatureFile(XObjectID, String, XAPIInputStream, String, long) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Server
Upload a new Feature File version.
updateGadget(XObjectID, XUpdater) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Server
Update a Gadget.
updateGroup(XObjectID, XGroupUpdateInfo) - Method in interface
Update a Group's attributes.
updateHive(XUpdater) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.XHiveModule.Server
Update a Hive.
updateHiveConfiguration(XUpdater) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.XHiveModule.Server
Update a Hive's configuration.
updateList(XObjectID, XDistributionListUpdateInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.distlist.XDistributionListModule.Server
Update a Distribution List.
updateMyProfile(XUpdater) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.XProfileModule.Server
Update the current User's Profile info.
updatePoll(XObjectID, XPollCreateInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.poll.XPollModule.Server
Update a poll object.
updateProfile(XObjectID, XUpdater) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.XProfileModule.Server
Update a User's Profile info.
updateRealm(XObjectID, XUpdater) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.XRealmModule.Server
Update the Realm.
updateRepository(XObjectID, XUpdater) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.repository.XRepositoryModule.Server
Update an existing Repository.
updateUser(XObjectID, XUpdater) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.user.XUserModule.Server
Update a User.
updateVersion(XObjectID, XUpdater) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Server
Update a Version.
updateWidgetSoon(XObjectID) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.widget.XWidgetModule.Server
Called by client to indicate widget should perform any automatic updates "soon".
uploadConversationPicture(XObjectID, XAPIInputStream, String, long) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Upload a picture for the specified Conversation.
uploadConversationPictureToDataUri(XAPIInputStream, String, long) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.XConversationModule.Server
Convert an image to a scaled image Data URI.
uploadGadget(XObjectID, XAPIInputStream, String, long) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.opensocial.XOSModule.Server
Upload a new Gadget file version.
uploadProfilePicture(XAPIInputStream, String, long) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.XProfileModule.Server
Upload a picture for the current User's profile.
uploadProfilePictureToDataUri(XAPIInputStream, String, long) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.profile.XProfileModule.Server
Convert an image to a scaled image Data URI.
URL - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryDocumentInfo
The appears to be the absolute path portion of an HTTP URL, without the hostname and port information.
UsePasswordAuthentication - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginMechanismInfo
True to use password authentication.
USER_APP_SHARING - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the per User default app sharing enabled status.
USER_APP_SHARING_QUOTA_MAX - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the per User default app sharing quota max.
USER_APP_SHARING_QUOTA_MAX_HARD_LIMIT - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the per User default app sharing quota max limit.
USER_CONTENT_QUOTA_MAX - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the per User default content quota max.
USER_CONTENT_QUOTA_MAX_HARD_LIMIT - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the per User default content quota max hard limit.
USER_DN - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
Update the LDAP access user dn.
USER_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
Update the LDAP access user password.
USER_VOICE_HARD - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the per User default voice hard quota max.
USER_VOICE_HARD_QUOTA_MAX - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the per User default voice hard quota max.
USER_VOICE_HARD_QUOTA_MAX_HARD_LIMIT - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the per User default voice hard quota max limit.
USER_VOICE_SOFT - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the per User default voice soft quota max.
USER_VOICE_SOFT_QUOTA_MAX - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the per User default voice soft quota max.
USER_VOICE_SOFT_QUOTA_MAX_HARD_LIMIT - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the per User default voice soft quota max limit.
UserAppSharing - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
Is default User app-sharing enabled at all.
UserAppSharingQuotaMax - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The default User maximum allowed app-sharing quota.
UserAppSharingQuotaMaxHardLimit - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The default User maximum allowed app-sharing quota is a hard limit.
UserContentQuotaMax - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The default User maximum allowed content quota.
UserContentQuotaMaxHardLimit - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The default User maximum allowed content quota is a hard limit.
userDeleted(XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.user.XUserModule.Client
Send when an unverified User has been deleted.
UserDN - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
LDAP access user DN.
UserID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.bookmark.infos.XBookmarkInfo
The Bookmark User ID.
UserID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
The User ID that was connected.
UserID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberActiveInfo
The User's ID.
UserID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberProfileInfo
The User's ID.
UserID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupChatSummaryInfo
The Followup assignee User ID.
UserID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupInfo
The Followup assignee User ID.
UserInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
The User Information DTO for the User that was connected.
UserInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberProfileInfo
The User's Info DTO.
UserInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationRequestInfo
Requesting UserInfo.
UserInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserDetailsInfo
The basic User info.
UserInfos - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationEnteredInfo
Flat list of all User Information DTOs who are members of this Conversation.
userLoggedIn(XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.connect.XConnectModule.Client
Sent to clients when a Session has logged in.
userLoggedOut(XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.connect.XConnectModule.Client
Sent to clients when a Session has logged out.
UserName - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginCredentialsInfo
The user name.
USERNAME_REGEX - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
UsernameRegex - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
Regular expression used to validate users that can be managed by this realm.
UserPassword - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginCredentialsInfo
The user password.
UserPassword - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
LDAP access user password.
userPropertiesChanged(XObjectID, List<XPropertyInfo>) - Method in interface
Notification that a set of per User properties have changed.
userPropertiesRemoved(XObjectID, List<String>) - Method in interface
Notification that a set of per User properties have been removed.
UserSessionInfos - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserInfo
List of User Session Information DTOs for this User.
userUpdated(XUserInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.user.XUserModule.Client
Send when a User's info has changed.
UserVoiceHard - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
Is default User voice hard enabled at all.
UserVoiceHardQuotaMax - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The default User maximum allowed voice hard quota.
UserVoiceHardQuotaMaxHardLimit - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The default User maximum allowed voice hard quota is a hard limit.
UserVoiceSoft - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
Is default User voice hard enabled at all.
UserVoiceSoftQuotaMax - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The default User maximum allowed voice soft quota.
UserVoiceSoftQuotaMaxHardLimit - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The default User maximum allowed voice soft quota is a hard limit.


Value - Variable in class
The Attribute value.
Value - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.opensocial.infos.XOSUserPrefEnumValueInfo
user Preference Value.
Value - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportHistoricalInfo
The average value for the time stamp.
Value - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserCustomFieldInfo
The field value.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.artifact.enums.XArtifactConflict
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.artifact.enums.XArtifactLockStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.artifact.enums.XArtifactState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.conference.enums.XConferenceFilter
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.conference.enums.XConferenceSortOrder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationDetailSortField
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationMapElementType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationMemberActiveState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationMemberState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationRequestHandling
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationRequestState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationRole
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationTaskState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.device.enums.XDeviceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.document.enums.XDocumentSearchOrder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.document.enums.XRenditionState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.hive.enums.XHiveRecordingStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.hive.enums.XHiveSearchResultType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.hive.enums.XHiveState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.notification.enums.XNotificationEvent
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.notification.enums.XNotificationGroup
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.notification.enums.XNotificationSetting
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.opensocial.enums.XOSGadgetScope
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.opensocial.enums.XOSUserPrefDataType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum waggle.core.http.XHTTPStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum waggle.core.http.XHTTPStatus
Convert integer status codes to enum values.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class
Create a Client ID from a String.
valueOf(long) - Static method in class
Create a Client ID from a long.
valueOf(Long) - Static method in class
Create an Object ID from a String representation.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class
Create an Object ID from a String representation.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class
Create a Session ID from a String.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.artifact.enums.XArtifactConflict
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.artifact.enums.XArtifactLockStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.artifact.enums.XArtifactState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.conference.enums.XConferenceFilter
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.conference.enums.XConferenceSortOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationDetailSortField
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationMapElementType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationMemberActiveState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationMemberState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationRequestHandling
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationRequestState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationRole
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums.XConversationTaskState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.device.enums.XDeviceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.document.enums.XDocumentSearchOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.document.enums.XRenditionState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.hive.enums.XHiveRecordingStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.hive.enums.XHiveSearchResultType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.hive.enums.XHiveState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.notification.enums.XNotificationEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.notification.enums.XNotificationGroup
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.notification.enums.XNotificationSetting
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.opensocial.enums.XOSGadgetScope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.common.modules.opensocial.enums.XOSUserPrefDataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum waggle.core.http.XHTTPStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Variables - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportInfo
The variables.
Verified - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserInfo
User's verified status.
VERIFIED - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.user.updaters.XUserUpdater
Boolean for whether the user has been verified or not.
Version - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
What the version string is for the current server version.
Version - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
LDAP version number.
VERSION - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters.XRealmLDAPUpdater
Update the LDAP version number.
versionAdded(XDocumentInfo, XVersionInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Client
Notification that an Document Version has been added.
versionDeleted(XDocumentInfo, XVersionInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Client
Notification that a Document Version has been deleted.
VersionInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.annotation.infos.XAnnotationDraftInfo
Annotation Version.
VersionInfo - Variable in class
The Version info.
VersionInfo - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDocumentVersionInfo
The Version Info.
VersionInfos - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDocumentInfo
Any Version Infos for this Document.
VersionMajor - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
The major version of the server.
VersionMinor - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
The minor version of the server.
VersionNumber - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XVersionInfo
The Version Number of this Version.
VersionRelease - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
The release version of the server.
versionRemoved(XDocumentInfo, XVersionInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Client
Notification that a Document Version has been removed.
versionRenditionsReady(XDocumentInfo, XVersionInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Client
Notification that a Document Version's renditions are ready.
versionUnremoved(XDocumentInfo, XVersionInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Client
Notification that a Document Version has been un-removed.
versionUpdated(XDocumentInfo, XVersionInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.document.XDocumentModule.Client
Notification that an Document Version has been updated.
VOICE_HARD - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the voice hard enabled status.
VOICE_HARD - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.user.updaters.XUserUpdater
Boolean for voice hard enabled.
VOICE_HARD_QUOTA_MAX - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the voice hard quota max.
VOICE_HARD_QUOTA_MAX - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.user.updaters.XUserUpdater
Long for voice hard quota max.
VOICE_HARD_QUOTA_MAX_HARD_LIMIT - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the voice hard quota max limit.
VOICE_HARD_QUOTA_MAX_HARD_LIMIT - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.user.updaters.XUserUpdater
Boolean for content quota max is a hard limit.
VOICE_RECORDING - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.conversation.updaters.XConversationUpdater
Boolean for whether voice recording is enabled.
VOICE_RECORDING_STATUS - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the voice recording status.
VOICE_SOFT - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the voice soft enabled status.
VOICE_SOFT - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.user.updaters.XUserUpdater
Boolean for voice soft enabled.
VOICE_SOFT_QUOTA_MAX - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the voice soft quota max.
VOICE_SOFT_QUOTA_MAX - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.user.updaters.XUserUpdater
Long for voice soft quota max.
VOICE_SOFT_QUOTA_MAX_HARD_LIMIT - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters.XHiveUpdater
Update the voice soft quota max limit.
VOICE_SOFT_QUOTA_MAX_HARD_LIMIT - Static variable in interface waggle.common.modules.user.updaters.XUserUpdater
Boolean for content quota max is a hard limit.
VoiceConferenceActiveParticipants - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conference.infos.XConferenceInfo
The count of users who are currently participating in the voice conference.
VoiceConferenceBegin - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conference.infos.XConferenceInfo
The timestamp at which the voice conference began.
VoiceConferenceHost - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conference.infos.XConferenceInfo
The host for or initiator of the voice conference.
VoiceConferenceInProgress - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
A voice conference is in progress.
VoiceConferenceTotalParticipants - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conference.infos.XConferenceInfo
The count of all users who have participated in the voice recording.
VoiceHard - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
Is Hive voice hard enabled at all.
VoiceHard - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveInfo
True if access to Voice over hard phones is enabled.
VoiceHard - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserDetailsInfo
The User's Voice Hard enabled status.
VoiceHard - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserInfo
User is enabled for voice-hard.
VoiceHardQuota - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The current Hive voice hard quota.
VoiceHardQuotaMax - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The Hive maximum allowed voice hard quota.
VoiceHardQuotaMax - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserDetailsInfo
The User's Voice Hard Quota Max setting.
VoiceHardQuotaMaxHardLimit - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The Hive maximum allowed voice hard quota is a hard limit.
VoiceHardQuotaMaxHardLimit - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserDetailsInfo
The User's Voice Hard Quota Max is a Hard Limit setting.
VoiceRecording - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
Is voice recording enabled for this Conversation.
VoiceRecordingStatus - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The Hive voice recording status.
VoiceRecordingStatus - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveInfo
Current state of Voice recording.
VoiceSoft - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
Is Hive voice hard enabled at all.
VoiceSoft - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveInfo
True if access to Voice over soft (IP) phones is enabled.
VoiceSoft - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserDetailsInfo
The User's Voice Soft enabled status.
VoiceSoft - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserInfo
User is enabled for voice-soft.
VoiceSoftQuota - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The current Hive voice soft quota.
VoiceSoftQuotaMax - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The Hive maximum allowed voice soft quota.
VoiceSoftQuotaMax - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserDetailsInfo
The User's Voice Soft Quota Max setting.
VoiceSoftQuotaMaxHardLimit - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
The Hive maximum allowed voice soft quota is a hard limit.
VoiceSoftQuotaMaxHardLimit - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserDetailsInfo
The User's Voice Soft Quota Max is a Hard Limit setting.
voteMultiple(XObjectID, List<String>) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.poll.XPollModule.Server
Vote for a Poll.
voteSingle(XObjectID, String) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.poll.XPollModule.Server
Vote for a Poll.


waggle.client - package waggle.client
Classes for managing client access to the On Track API and receiving On Track server produced back-channel communications.
waggle.client.main - package waggle.client.main
The OnTrack Client API initialization manager.
waggle.client.message - package waggle.client.message
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming backchannel messages.
waggle.client.modules.aggregate - package waggle.client.modules.aggregate
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Aggregate Module back-channel messages.
waggle.client.modules.annotation - package waggle.client.modules.annotation
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Annotation Module back-channel messages.
waggle.client.modules.artifact - package waggle.client.modules.artifact
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Artifact Module back-channel messages.
waggle.client.modules.backchannel - package waggle.client.modules.backchannel
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming BackChannel Module back-channel messages.
waggle.client.modules.bookmark - package waggle.client.modules.bookmark
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Bookmark Module back-channel messages.
waggle.client.modules.broadcast - package waggle.client.modules.broadcast
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Broadcast Module back-channel messages. - package
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Buzz Module back-channel messages. - package
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Chat Module back-channel messages.
waggle.client.modules.connect - package waggle.client.modules.connect
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Connect Module back-channel messages. - package
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Contact Module back-channel messages.
waggle.client.modules.conversation - package waggle.client.modules.conversation
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Conversation Module back-channel messages.
waggle.client.modules.device - package waggle.client.modules.device
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Device Module back-channel messages.
waggle.client.modules.distlist - package waggle.client.modules.distlist
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Distribution List Module back-channel messages.
waggle.client.modules.document - package waggle.client.modules.document
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Document Module back-channel messages.
waggle.client.modules.followup - package waggle.client.modules.followup
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Followup Module back-channel messages. - package
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Group Module back-channel messages.
waggle.client.modules.hive - package waggle.client.modules.hive
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Hive Module back-channel messages.
waggle.client.modules.presence - package waggle.client.modules.presence
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Presence Module back-channel messages. - package
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Properties Module back-channel messages.
waggle.client.modules.tag - package waggle.client.modules.tag
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Tag Module back-channel messages.
waggle.client.modules.track - package waggle.client.modules.track
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Track Module back-channel messages.
waggle.client.modules.user - package waggle.client.modules.user
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming User Module back-channel messages.
waggle.client.modules.voice - package waggle.client.modules.voice
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Voice Module back-channel messages.
waggle.client.modules.widget - package waggle.client.modules.widget
Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Widget Module back-channel messages.
waggle.common - package waggle.common
This package contains the OnTrack external API specification.
waggle.common.modules - package waggle.common.modules
The waggle.common.modules package contains the Waggle external API interfaces.
waggle.common.modules.admin - package waggle.common.modules.admin
Admin Module API.
waggle.common.modules.admin.infos - package waggle.common.modules.admin.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the Admin Module API.
waggle.common.modules.aggregate - package waggle.common.modules.aggregate
Aggregate Module API.
waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos - package waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the Aggregate Module API.
waggle.common.modules.annotation - package waggle.common.modules.annotation
Annotation Module API.
waggle.common.modules.annotation.infos - package waggle.common.modules.annotation.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the Annotation Module API.
waggle.common.modules.artifact - package waggle.common.modules.artifact
Artifact Module API.
waggle.common.modules.artifact.enums - package waggle.common.modules.artifact.enums
Enums defined by the Artifact Module API.
waggle.common.modules.artifact.infos - package waggle.common.modules.artifact.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the Artifact Module API.
waggle.common.modules.artifact.updaters - package waggle.common.modules.artifact.updaters
Updaters defined by the Artifact Module API.
waggle.common.modules.backchannel - package waggle.common.modules.backchannel
BackChannel Module API.
waggle.common.modules.bookmark - package waggle.common.modules.bookmark
Bookmark Module API.
waggle.common.modules.bookmark.infos - package waggle.common.modules.bookmark.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the Bookmark Module API.
waggle.common.modules.broadcast - package waggle.common.modules.broadcast
Broadcast Module API. - package
Buzz Module API. - package
Data transfer objects defined by the Buzz Module API. - package
Chat Module API. - package
Data transfer objects defined by the Chat Module API. - package
Updaters defined by the Chat Module API.
waggle.common.modules.conference - package waggle.common.modules.conference
Conference Module API.
waggle.common.modules.conference.enums - package waggle.common.modules.conference.enums
Enums defined by the Conference Module API.
waggle.common.modules.conference.infos - package waggle.common.modules.conference.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the Conference Module API.
waggle.common.modules.connect - package waggle.common.modules.connect
Connection Module API.
waggle.common.modules.connect.infos - package waggle.common.modules.connect.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the Connect Module API. - package
Contact Module API. - package
Data transfer objects defined by the Contact Module API.
waggle.common.modules.conversation - package waggle.common.modules.conversation
Conversation Module API.
waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums - package waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums
Enums defined by the Conversation Module API.
waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos - package waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the Conversation Module API.
waggle.common.modules.conversation.updaters - package waggle.common.modules.conversation.updaters
Updaters defined by the Conversation Module API.
waggle.common.modules.device - package waggle.common.modules.device
Device Module API.
waggle.common.modules.device.enums - package waggle.common.modules.device.enums
Enums defined by the Device Module API.
waggle.common.modules.device.infos - package waggle.common.modules.device.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the Device Module API.
waggle.common.modules.distlist - package waggle.common.modules.distlist
Distribution List Module API.
waggle.common.modules.distlist.infos - package waggle.common.modules.distlist.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the Distribution List Module API.
waggle.common.modules.document - package waggle.common.modules.document
Document Module API.
waggle.common.modules.document.enums - package waggle.common.modules.document.enums
Enums defined by the Document Module API.
waggle.common.modules.document.infos - package waggle.common.modules.document.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the Documents Module API.
waggle.common.modules.document.updaters - package waggle.common.modules.document.updaters
Updaters defined by the Document Module API.
waggle.common.modules.followup - package waggle.common.modules.followup
Followup Module API.
waggle.common.modules.followup.infos - package waggle.common.modules.followup.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the Followup Module API. - package
Group Module API. - package
Data transfer objects defined by the Group Module API. - package
Updaters defined by the Group Module API.
waggle.common.modules.hive - package waggle.common.modules.hive
Hive Module API.
waggle.common.modules.hive.enums - package waggle.common.modules.hive.enums
Enums defined by the Hive Module API.
waggle.common.modules.hive.infos - package waggle.common.modules.hive.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the Hive Module API.
waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters - package waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters
Updaters defined by the Hive Module API.
waggle.common.modules.mail - package waggle.common.modules.mail
Mail Module API.
waggle.common.modules.mail.infos - package waggle.common.modules.mail.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the Mail Module API. - package
Management Module API. - package
Data transfer objects defined by the Management Module API.
waggle.common.modules.member - package waggle.common.modules.member
The Member Module API.
waggle.common.modules.member.infos - package waggle.common.modules.member.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the Member Module API. - package
News Module API. - package
Data transfer objects defined by the News Module API.
waggle.common.modules.notification - package waggle.common.modules.notification
Notification Module API.
waggle.common.modules.notification.enums - package waggle.common.modules.notification.enums
Enums defined by the Notification Module API.
waggle.common.modules.opensocial - package waggle.common.modules.opensocial
OpenSocial Module API.
waggle.common.modules.opensocial.enums - package waggle.common.modules.opensocial.enums
Enums defined by the OpenSocial Module API.
waggle.common.modules.opensocial.infos - package waggle.common.modules.opensocial.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the OpenSocial Module API.
waggle.common.modules.opensocial.updaters - package waggle.common.modules.opensocial.updaters
Updaters defined by the OpenSocial Module API.
waggle.common.modules.password - package waggle.common.modules.password
Password Module API.
waggle.common.modules.poll - package waggle.common.modules.poll
Poll Module API.
waggle.common.modules.poll.infos - package waggle.common.modules.poll.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the Poll Module API.
waggle.common.modules.presence - package waggle.common.modules.presence
Presence Module API.
waggle.common.modules.profile - package waggle.common.modules.profile
Profile Module API.
waggle.common.modules.profile.infos - package waggle.common.modules.profile.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the Profile Module API.
waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters - package waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters
Updaters defined by the Profile Module API. - package
Properties Module API. - package
Data transfer objects defined by the Properties Module API.
waggle.common.modules.realm - package waggle.common.modules.realm
Realm Module API.
waggle.common.modules.realm.infos - package waggle.common.modules.realm.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the Realm Module API.
waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters - package waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters
Updaters defined by the Realm Module API.
waggle.common.modules.repository - package waggle.common.modules.repository
Repository Module API.
waggle.common.modules.repository.infos - package waggle.common.modules.repository.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the Repository Module API.
waggle.common.modules.repository.updaters - package waggle.common.modules.repository.updaters
Updaters defined by the Repository Module API.
waggle.common.modules.signup - package waggle.common.modules.signup
Signup Module API.
waggle.common.modules.systemreport - package waggle.common.modules.systemreport
SystemReport Module API.
waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos - package waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the SystemReport Module API.
waggle.common.modules.tag - package waggle.common.modules.tag
Tag Module API.
waggle.common.modules.tag.infos - package waggle.common.modules.tag.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the Tag Module API.
waggle.common.modules.track - package waggle.common.modules.track
Track Module API.
waggle.common.modules.track.infos - package waggle.common.modules.track.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the Track Module API.
waggle.common.modules.user - package waggle.common.modules.user
User Module API.
waggle.common.modules.user.infos - package waggle.common.modules.user.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the User Module API.
waggle.common.modules.user.updaters - package waggle.common.modules.user.updaters
Updaters defined by the User Module API.
waggle.common.modules.voice - package waggle.common.modules.voice
Voice Module API.
waggle.common.modules.voice.infos - package waggle.common.modules.voice.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the Voice Module API.
waggle.common.modules.widget - package waggle.common.modules.widget
Widget Module API.
waggle.common.modules.widget.infos - package waggle.common.modules.widget.infos
Data transfer objects defined by the Widget Module API.
waggle.core - package waggle.core
Core packages and classes which are used by multiple Waggle projects.
waggle.core.api - package waggle.core.api
The API execution manager.
waggle.core.api.exceptions - package waggle.core.api.exceptions
The API execution manager exceptions. - package
This is the heart of the event management system.
waggle.core.exceptions - package waggle.core.exceptions
This package contains Exception definitions which are used throughout waggle, as well as some exception handling utilities.
waggle.core.exceptions.infos - package waggle.core.exceptions.infos
The API execution exception information DTO.
waggle.core.http - package waggle.core.http
The HTTP request manager. - package
This package contains Identifier classes which are used throughout waggle. - package
This package contains classes for aggregating data to be used in return values, updates, and external API transmission.
WaveformSVG - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.voice.infos.XVoiceConferenceInfo
The SVG representation of the conference recording waveform.
WidgetChatIDs - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.widget.infos.XWidgetInfo
List of recent generated Widget related Chats.
widgetCreated(XWidgetInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.widget.XWidgetModule.Client
A Widget has been created.
widgetDeleted(XWidgetInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.widget.XWidgetModule.Client
A Widget has been deleted.
WidgetEnabled - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.widget.infos.XWidgetInfo
Widget enabled status.
widgetEnabledChanged(XWidgetInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.widget.XWidgetModule.Client
A widget's enabled state has changed.
WidgetGadgetID - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.widget.infos.XWidgetInfo
The Gadget that this Widget is an instance of.
WidgetInfo - Variable in class
The Widget that produced this Chat.
widgetNameChanged(XWidgetInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.widget.XWidgetModule.Client
A widget's name has changed.
WidgetPropertyInfos - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.widget.infos.XWidgetInfo
Widget properties.
widgetRemoved(XWidgetInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.widget.XWidgetModule.Client
A widget was removed.
widgetUpdated(XWidgetInfo) - Method in interface waggle.common.modules.widget.XWidgetModule.Client
A Widget has been updated.
Writable - Variable in class
The Attribute is writable.


X - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.annotation.infos.XAnnotationMarkupInfo
Annotation markup X coordinate.
XAdminModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.admin
Admin Module API.
XAdminModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.admin
Server interface for the Admin Module API.
XAggregateConversationInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos
XAggregateConversationInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos.XAggregateConversationInfo
XAggregateInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos
XAggregateInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos.XAggregateInfo
XAggregateModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.aggregate
Aggregate Module API.
XAggregateModule.Client - Interface in waggle.common.modules.aggregate
Client interface for the Aggregate Module API.
XAggregateModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.aggregate
Server interface for the Aggregate Module API.
XAggregateModuleClientEvents - Interface in waggle.client.modules.aggregate
XAggregateTrackInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos
XAggregateTrackInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos.XAggregateTrackInfo
XAnnotationDraftInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.annotation.infos
Annotation Draft Information DTO.
XAnnotationDraftInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.annotation.infos.XAnnotationDraftInfo
XAnnotationMarkupInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.annotation.infos
Annotation Markup Information DTO.
XAnnotationMarkupInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.annotation.infos.XAnnotationMarkupInfo
XAnnotationModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.annotation
Annotation Module API.
XAnnotationModule.Client - Interface in waggle.common.modules.annotation
Client interface for the Annotation Module API.
XAnnotationModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.annotation
Server interface for the Annotation Module API.
XAnnotationModuleClientEvents - Interface in waggle.client.modules.annotation
Annotation Module Client Events.
XAPI - Interface in waggle.core.api
Interface to facilitate API calls from the client to the server.
XAPIException - Exception in waggle.core.api.exceptions
API exception encapsulation back to caller.
XAPIException(XExceptionInfo) - Constructor for exception waggle.core.api.exceptions.XAPIException
Construct an XAPIException with the specified remote exception info.
XAPIInputStream - Class in waggle.core.api
This is how you send larger pieces of content.
XAPIInputStream(String) - Constructor for class waggle.core.api.XAPIInputStream
Used as an argument to any function requiring an InputStream argument.
XAPIInputStream(byte[]) - Constructor for class waggle.core.api.XAPIInputStream
Used as an argument to any function requiring an InputStream argument.
XAPIInputStream(File) - Constructor for class waggle.core.api.XAPIInputStream
Used as an argument to any function requiring an InputStream argument.
XAPIInputStream(InputStream, long) - Constructor for class waggle.core.api.XAPIInputStream
Used as a return value.
XAPIInterface - Interface in waggle.core.api
Generic API marker interface.
XAPIInterface.Client - Interface in waggle.core.api
Client API Interface marker.
XAPIInterface.Server - Interface in waggle.core.api
Server API Interface marker.
XAPIManager - Class in waggle.core.api
Manager class for the XAPI interface.
XAPIPackage - Class in waggle.core.api
This is the API call package.
XAPIPackage() - Constructor for class waggle.core.api.XAPIPackage
Create an empty XAPIPackage.
XAPIPackage(String, String, Object[]) - Constructor for class waggle.core.api.XAPIPackage
Create a populated XAPIPackage.
XAPIPackage(String, String, Object[], String) - Constructor for class waggle.core.api.XAPIPackage
Create a populated XAPIPackage.
XArtifactConflict - Enum in waggle.common.modules.artifact.enums
XArtifactInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.artifact.infos
Artifact Information DTO.
XArtifactInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.artifact.infos.XArtifactInfo
XArtifactLockStatus - Enum in waggle.common.modules.artifact.enums
Artifact URM Lock Status values.
XArtifactModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.artifact
Artifact Module API.
XArtifactModule.Client - Interface in waggle.common.modules.artifact
Client interface for the Artifact Module API.
XArtifactModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.artifact
Server interface for the Artifact Module API.
XArtifactModuleClientEvents - Interface in waggle.client.modules.artifact
XArtifactState - Enum in waggle.common.modules.artifact.enums
XArtifactUpdater - Interface in waggle.common.modules.artifact.updaters
Updater object for Artifacts.
XBackChannelModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.backchannel
BackChannel Module API.
XBackChannelModule.Client - Interface in waggle.common.modules.backchannel
Client interface for the BackChannel Module API.
XBackChannelModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.backchannel
Server interface for the BackChannel Module API.
XBackChannelModuleClientEvents - Interface in waggle.client.modules.backchannel
XBookmarkInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.bookmark.infos
Bookmark Information DTO.
XBookmarkInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.bookmark.infos.XBookmarkInfo
XBookmarkModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.bookmark
Bookmark Module API.
XBookmarkModule.Client - Interface in waggle.common.modules.bookmark
Client interface for the Bookmark Module API.
XBookmarkModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.bookmark
Server interface for the Bookmark Module API.
XBookmarkModuleClientEvents - Interface in waggle.client.modules.bookmark
XBookmarkSummaryInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.bookmark.infos
Bookmark information containing basic information about the chat on which the bookmark exists.
XBookmarkSummaryInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.bookmark.infos.XBookmarkSummaryInfo
XBroadcastModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.broadcast
Broadcast Module API.
XBroadcastModule.Client - Interface in waggle.common.modules.broadcast
Client interface for the Broadcast Module API.
XBroadcastModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.broadcast
Server interface for the Broadcast Module API.
XBroadcastModuleClientEvents - Interface in waggle.client.modules.broadcast
XBuzzInfo - Class in
XBuzzInfo() - Constructor for class
XBuzzModule - Interface in
Buzz Module API.
XBuzzModule.Client - Interface in
Client interface for the Buzz Module API.
XBuzzModule.Server - Interface in
Server interface for the Buzz Module API.
XBuzzModuleClientEvents - Interface in
XBuzzSummaryInfo - Class in
XBuzzSummaryInfo() - Constructor for class
XCallStatusInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.voice.infos
Voice Call Status Information DTO.
XCallStatusInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.voice.infos.XCallStatusInfo
XChatCreateInfo - Class in
Chat Create Information.
XChatCreateInfo() - Constructor for class
XChatDateInfo - Class in
Chat Date Information DTO.
XChatDateInfo() - Constructor for class
XChatGetInfo - Class in
Chat Get Information DTO.
XChatGetInfo() - Constructor for class
XChatInfo - Class in
Chat Information DTO.
XChatInfo() - Constructor for class
XChatModule - Interface in
Chat Module API.
XChatModule.Client - Interface in
Client interface for the Chat Module API.
XChatModule.Server - Interface in
Server interface for the Chat Module API.
XChatModuleClientEvents - Interface in
XChatReadInfo - Class in
Chat Read Information DTO.
XChatReadInfo() - Constructor for class
XChatSummaryInfo - Class in
Chat Summary Information DTO.
XChatSummaryInfo() - Constructor for class
XChatUpdater - Interface in
Chat updater.
XChatVersionInfo - Class in
Chat Version Information DTO.
XChatVersionInfo() - Constructor for class
XClientID - Class in
Client IDs.
XClientMain - Class in waggle.client.main
Client main program.
XClientPropertiesCB - Class in waggle.client.main
Client Persistent Properties CB.
XClientPropertiesCB() - Constructor for class waggle.client.main.XClientPropertiesCB
XClientPropertiesCB.LifeCycle - Class in waggle.client.main
XClientPropertiesCB.LifeCycle() - Constructor for class waggle.client.main.XClientPropertiesCB.LifeCycle
XConferenceFilter - Enum in waggle.common.modules.conference.enums
Conference Filter
XConferenceInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.conference.infos
Conference Information DTO.
XConferenceInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.conference.infos.XConferenceInfo
XConferenceModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.conference
Conference Module API.
XConferenceModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.conference
Server interface for the Conference Module API.
XConferenceSortOrder - Enum in waggle.common.modules.conference.enums
Conference Sort Order
XConnectionLostException - Exception in waggle.core.exceptions
This exception reports that the connection to the API has been lost.
XConnectionLostException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception waggle.core.exceptions.XConnectionLostException
Construct the exception, specifying an underlying cause.
XConnectModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.connect
Connect Module API.
XConnectModule.Client - Interface in waggle.common.modules.connect
Client interface for the Connection Module API.
XConnectModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.connect
Server interface for the Connection Module API.
XConnectModuleClientEvents - Interface in waggle.client.modules.connect
XContactAddInfo - Class in
Contact Add Information DTO.
XContactAddInfo() - Constructor for class
XContactInfo - Class in
Contact Information DTO.
XContactInfo() - Constructor for class
XContactModule - Interface in
Contact Module API.
XContactModule.Client - Interface in
Client interface for the Contact Module API.
XContactModule.Server - Interface in
Server interface for the Contact Module API.
XContactModuleClientEvents - Interface in
XContactsInfo - Class in
Contacts Information DTO.
XContactsInfo() - Constructor for class
XContentInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.document.infos
Content Information DTO.
XContentInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XContentInfo
XContentStringInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.document.infos
Content String Information DTO.
XContentStringInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XContentStringInfo
XConversationCountsInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos
Conversation Counts Information DTO.
XConversationCountsInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationCountsInfo
XConversationCreateInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos
Conversation Creation Information DTO.
XConversationCreateInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationCreateInfo
XConversationDetailConversationInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos
Conversation Detail Conversation Information DTO.
XConversationDetailConversationInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDetailConversationInfo
XConversationDetailFilterInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos
Conversation Detail Filter Information DTO.
XConversationDetailFilterInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDetailFilterInfo
XConversationDetailInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos
Conversation Detail Information DTO.
XConversationDetailInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDetailInfo
XConversationDetailSortField - Enum in waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums
Conversation Detail Sort Field.
XConversationDocumentInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos
Conversation Document Information DTO.
XConversationDocumentInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDocumentInfo
XConversationDocumentOptionsInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos
Conversation Document Options Information DTO.
XConversationDocumentOptionsInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDocumentOptionsInfo
XConversationDocumentVersionInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos
Conversation Document Version Information DTO.
XConversationDocumentVersionInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationDocumentVersionInfo
XConversationEnteredInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos
Conversation Entered Information DTO.
XConversationEnteredInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationEnteredInfo
XConversationGetInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos
Conversation Information for this User DTO.
XConversationGetInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationGetInfo
XConversationInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos
Conversation Information DTO.
XConversationInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationInfo
XConversationMapElementInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos
Conversation Map Element Information.
XConversationMapElementInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMapElementInfo
XConversationMapElementType - Enum in waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums
Conversation Map Element Types.
XConversationMapFilterInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos
Conversation Map Filter Information.
XConversationMapFilterInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMapFilterInfo
XConversationMapInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos
Conversation Map Information.
XConversationMapInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMapInfo
XConversationMemberActiveInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos
Conversation Member Active Information DTO.
XConversationMemberActiveInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberActiveInfo
XConversationMemberActiveState - Enum in waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums
XConversationMemberActiveState flags.
XConversationMemberChangeInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos
Track Member Change Information DTO.
XConversationMemberChangeInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberChangeInfo
XConversationMemberCheckInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos
Conversation Member Check Information DTO.
XConversationMemberCheckInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberCheckInfo
XConversationMemberInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos
Conversation Member Information DTO.
XConversationMemberInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberInfo
XConversationMemberProfileInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos
Conversation Member Information DTO.
XConversationMemberProfileInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationMemberProfileInfo
XConversationMemberState - Enum in waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums
Conversation Membership State.
XConversationModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.conversation
Conversation Module API.
XConversationModule.Client - Interface in waggle.common.modules.conversation
Client interface for the Conversation Module API.
XConversationModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.conversation
Server interface for the Conversation Module API.
XConversationModuleClientEvents - Interface in waggle.client.modules.conversation
XConversationRequestHandling - Enum in waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums
Conversation Membership Request Handling.
XConversationRequestInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos
Conversation Request Information DTO.
XConversationRequestInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationRequestInfo
XConversationRequestState - Enum in waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums
Conversation Membership Request State.
XConversationRole - Enum in waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums
Conversation Roles.
XConversationSearchInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos
XConversationSearchInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos.XConversationSearchInfo
XConversationState - Enum in waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums
Conversation State.
XConversationTaskState - Enum in waggle.common.modules.conversation.enums
Conversation Task State.
XConversationUpdater - Interface in waggle.common.modules.conversation.updaters
Updater for Conversations.
XDateFormatInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.admin.infos
DTO for date-format locale information.
XDateFormatInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.admin.infos.XDateFormatInfo
XDeviceInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.device.infos
User Device Information DTO.
XDeviceInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.device.infos.XDeviceInfo
XDeviceModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.device
Device Module API.
XDeviceModule.Client - Interface in waggle.common.modules.device
Client interface for the Device Module API.
XDeviceModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.device
Server interface for the Device Module API.
XDeviceModuleClientEvents - Interface in waggle.client.modules.device
XDeviceType - Enum in waggle.common.modules.device.enums
The Device types.
XDistributionListChangeInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.distlist.infos
XDistributionListChangeInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.distlist.infos.XDistributionListChangeInfo
XDistributionListInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.distlist.infos
XDistributionListInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.distlist.infos.XDistributionListInfo
XDistributionListModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.distlist
Distribution List Module API.
XDistributionListModule.Client - Interface in waggle.common.modules.distlist
Client interface for the Distribution List Module API.
XDistributionListModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.distlist
Server interface for the Distribution List Module API.
XDistributionListModuleClientEvents - Interface in waggle.client.modules.distlist
XDistributionListSearchInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.distlist.infos
XDistributionListSearchInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.distlist.infos.XDistributionListSearchInfo
XDistributionListUpdateInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.distlist.infos
XDistributionListUpdateInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.distlist.infos.XDistributionListUpdateInfo
XDocumentInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.document.infos
Document Information DTO.
XDocumentInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XDocumentInfo
XDocumentModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.document
Document Module API.
XDocumentModule.Client - Interface in waggle.common.modules.document
Client interface for the Documents Module API.
XDocumentModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.document
Server interface for the Documents Module API.
XDocumentModuleClientEvents - Interface in waggle.client.modules.document
XDocumentSearchOrder - Enum in waggle.common.modules.document.enums
Specify order of results returned by searches.
XDTO - Class in
XDTO() - Constructor for class
XEvents - Interface in
Events interface marker.
XEventsManager - Class in
The Event Broadcasting System.
XException - Exception in waggle.core.exceptions
Basic Waggle Exception.
XException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception waggle.core.exceptions.XException
Create and format an exception and its message string.
XExceptionInfo - Class in waggle.core.exceptions.infos
XExceptionInfo is a DTO for passing remote exception data.
XExceptionInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.core.exceptions.infos.XExceptionInfo
XExceptionUtils - Class in waggle.core.exceptions
Exception utilities.
XFollowupChatInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.followup.infos
Followup Chat Information DTO.
XFollowupChatInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupChatInfo
XFollowupChatSummaryInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.followup.infos
Follow-up information containing basic information about the follow-up and the chat object on which it was opened.
XFollowupChatSummaryInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupChatSummaryInfo
XFollowupInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.followup.infos
Followup Information DTO.
XFollowupInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupInfo
XFollowupModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.followup
Followup Module API.
XFollowupModule.Client - Interface in waggle.common.modules.followup
Client interface for the Followup Module API.
XFollowupModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.followup
Server interface for the Followup Module API.
XFollowupModuleClientEvents - Interface in waggle.client.modules.followup
XFollowupOpenInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.followup.infos
Followup Open Information DTO.
XFollowupOpenInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.followup.infos.XFollowupOpenInfo
XGroupDetailsInfo - Class in
Group Extended Information DTO.
XGroupDetailsInfo() - Constructor for class
XGroupInfo - Class in
Group Information DTO.
XGroupInfo() - Constructor for class
XGroupMemberChangeInfo - Class in
Member Change Information DTO.
XGroupMemberChangeInfo() - Constructor for class
XGroupModule - Interface in
Group Module API.
XGroupModule.Client - Interface in
Client interface for the Group Module API.
XGroupModule.Server - Interface in
Server interface for the Group Module API.
XGroupModuleClientEvents - Interface in
XGroupSearchInfo - Class in
Group Search Information DTO.
XGroupSearchInfo() - Constructor for class
XGroupUpdateInfo - Class in
XGroupUpdateInfo() - Constructor for class
XGroupUpdater - Interface in
XHiveDetailsInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.hive.infos
Hive Extended Information DTO.
XHiveDetailsInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveDetailsInfo
XHiveFindSimilarInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.hive.infos
XHiveFindSimilarInfo, DTO to specify parameters to a "Find Similar" search.
XHiveFindSimilarInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveFindSimilarInfo
XHiveInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.hive.infos
Hive Information DTO.
XHiveInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveInfo
XHiveModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.hive
Hive Module API.
XHiveModule.Client - Interface in waggle.common.modules.hive
Client interface for the Hive Module API.
XHiveModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.hive
Server interface for the Hive Module API.
XHiveModuleClientEvents - Interface in waggle.client.modules.hive
XHivePhoneNumberInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.hive.infos
XHivePhoneNumberInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHivePhoneNumberInfo
XHiveRecordingStatus - Enum in waggle.common.modules.hive.enums
Hive Recording status.
XHiveSearchInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.hive.infos
XHiveSearchInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.hive.infos.XHiveSearchInfo
XHiveSearchResultType - Enum in waggle.common.modules.hive.enums
Hive Search Result Type.
XHiveState - Enum in waggle.common.modules.hive.enums
Hive State.
XHiveUpdater - Interface in waggle.common.modules.hive.updaters
XHTTPDownload - Class in waggle.core.http
XHTTPHeader - Class in waggle.core.http
HTTP Header.
XHTTPHeader(String, String) - Constructor for class waggle.core.http.XHTTPHeader
Construct an HTTP Header.
XHTTPHeader(String, int) - Constructor for class waggle.core.http.XHTTPHeader
Construct an HTTP Header.
XHTTPMethod - Class in waggle.core.http
Execute an HTTP method.
XHTTPPart - Class in waggle.core.http
HTTP Part to be sent.
XHTTPPart(String, String) - Constructor for class waggle.core.http.XHTTPPart
Construct an HTTP Part.
XHTTPPart(String, XAPIInputStream) - Constructor for class waggle.core.http.XHTTPPart
Construct an HTTP Part.
XHTTPProxy - Class in waggle.core.http
XHTTPSession - Class in waggle.core.http
Ya need one of these per thread right now cause of the instance fields.
XHTTPSession(String) - Constructor for class waggle.core.http.XHTTPSession
Create an HTTP Session for the specified host and default path.
XHTTPSession(String, String, int) - Constructor for class waggle.core.http.XHTTPSession
Create an HTTP Session for the specified host and path using the specified proxy host and port.
XHTTPSSLProtocolSocketFactory - Class in waggle.core.http
The following code is from the HttpClient ..
XHTTPSSLProtocolSocketFactory() - Constructor for class waggle.core.http.XHTTPSSLProtocolSocketFactory
XHTTPSSLProtocolSocketFactory.EasyX509TrustManager - Class in waggle.core.http
XHTTPSSLProtocolSocketFactory.EasyX509TrustManager(KeyStore) - Constructor for class waggle.core.http.XHTTPSSLProtocolSocketFactory.EasyX509TrustManager
XHTTPStatus - Enum in waggle.core.http
XIllegalArgumentException - Exception in waggle.core.exceptions
XException version of java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.
XIllegalArgumentException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception waggle.core.exceptions.XIllegalArgumentException
Construct the exception with the specified resource id and arguments.
XIllegalStateException - Exception in waggle.core.exceptions
XException version of java.lang.IllegalStateException.
XIllegalStateException() - Constructor for exception waggle.core.exceptions.XIllegalStateException
Construct the exception with the default resource id.
XIllegalStateException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception waggle.core.exceptions.XIllegalStateException
Construct the exception with the specified resource id and arguments.
XInfo - Class in
This class represents the DTO for Maps between Clients and Servers.
XInfo() - Constructor for class
Create an empty XInfo.
XInfo(int) - Constructor for class
Create an empty XInfo, pre-allocating for an initial capacity of size.
XInterruptedIOException - Exception in waggle.core.exceptions
XException version of
XInterruptedIOException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception waggle.core.exceptions.XInterruptedIOException
Construct the exception with the specified resource id and arguments.
XIOException - Exception in waggle.core.exceptions
XException version of
XIOException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception waggle.core.exceptions.XIOException
Construct the exception with the specified resource id and arguments.
XLocaleInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.admin.infos
XLocaleInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.admin.infos.XLocaleInfo
XLoginCredentialsInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.connect.infos
Login Credentials Information DTO.
XLoginCredentialsInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginCredentialsInfo
XLoginInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.connect.infos
Login Information DTO.
XLoginInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginInfo
XLoginMechanismInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.connect.infos
Login Mechanism Information DTO.
XLoginMechanismInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.connect.infos.XLoginMechanismInfo
XMailInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.mail.infos
Mail Information DTO.
XMailInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.mail.infos.XMailInfo
XManagementAttributeInfo - Class in
The Management Attribute Info.
XManagementAttributeInfo() - Constructor for class
XManagementModule - Interface in
Management Module API.
XManagementModule.Server - Interface in
Server interface for the Management Module API.
XManagementObjectInfo - Class in
The Management Object Info.
XManagementObjectInfo() - Constructor for class
XMemberModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.member
Member Module API.
XMemberModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.member
Server interface for the Member Module API.
XMemberSearchInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.member.infos
XMemberSearchInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.member.infos.XMemberSearchInfo
XMessageReceiverThread - Class in waggle.client.message
Client backchannel Message Processor Thread.
XMessageReceiverThreadJSON - Class in waggle.client.message
Client backchannel Message Processor Thread.
XMessageReceiverThreadJSON(XAPI) - Constructor for class waggle.client.message.XMessageReceiverThreadJSON
Construct an XMessageReceiverThreadJSON object with the specified XAPI instance and path.
XMessageReceiverThreadXML - Class in waggle.client.message
Client backchannel Message Processor Thread.
XMessageReceiverThreadXML(XAPI) - Constructor for class waggle.client.message.XMessageReceiverThreadXML
Construct an XMessageReceiverThreadXML object with the specified XAPI instance and path.
XNewsChatInfo - Class in
News Chat Information DTO.
XNewsChatInfo() - Constructor for class
XNewsConversationChatsInfo - Class in
News Conversation detail Information DTO.
XNewsConversationChatsInfo() - Constructor for class
XNewsConversationInfo - Class in
News Conversation Information DTO.
XNewsConversationInfo() - Constructor for class
XNewsFollowupInfo - Class in
News Chat Information DTO.
XNewsFollowupInfo() - Constructor for class
XNewsInfo - Class in
News Conversation Information DTO.
XNewsInfo() - Constructor for class
XNewsModule - Interface in
News Module API.
XNewsModule.Server - Interface in
Server interface for the News Module API.
XNonReportableException - Interface in waggle.core.exceptions
Marker interface for exceptions that should not be reported to the bugs database.
XNonReportableRuntimeException - Exception in waggle.core.exceptions
Basic Waggle Runtime Exception.
XNonReportableRuntimeException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception waggle.core.exceptions.XNonReportableRuntimeException
Create and format and exception and it's message string.
XNotificationEvent - Enum in waggle.common.modules.notification.enums
XNotificationGroup - Enum in waggle.common.modules.notification.enums
XNotificationSetting - Enum in waggle.common.modules.notification.enums
XObjectID - Class in
Object IDs.
XObjectID(long) - Constructor for class
Create an XObjectID.
XObjectID() - Constructor for class
Extra constructor for SOAP use only!
XObjectIDXmlAdapter - Class in
XObjectIDXmlAdapter is a helper class for marshaling XObjectIDs through SOAP calls.
XObjectIDXmlAdapter() - Constructor for class
XOSFeatureFileUpdater - Interface in waggle.common.modules.opensocial.updaters
OpenSocial feature File Updater.
XOSFeatureInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.opensocial.infos
OpenSocial Feature Information DTO.
XOSFeatureInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.opensocial.infos.XOSFeatureInfo
XOSFeatureUpdater - Interface in waggle.common.modules.opensocial.updaters
OpenSocial Feature Updater.
XOSGadgetInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.opensocial.infos
OpenSocial Gadget Information DTO.
XOSGadgetInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.opensocial.infos.XOSGadgetInfo
XOSGadgetScope - Enum in waggle.common.modules.opensocial.enums
OpenSocial Gadget Scopes.
XOSGadgetUpdater - Interface in waggle.common.modules.opensocial.updaters
OpenSocial Gadget Updater.
XOSModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.opensocial
OpenSocial Module API.
XOSModule.Client - Interface in waggle.common.modules.opensocial
Client interface for the OpenSocial Module API.
XOSModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.opensocial
Server interface for the OpenSocial Module API.
XOSUserPrefDataType - Enum in waggle.common.modules.opensocial.enums
OpenSocial Gadget User Preference Data Types.
XOSUserPrefEnumValueInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.opensocial.infos
OpenSocial Gadget User Preferences Value Enums.
XOSUserPrefEnumValueInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.opensocial.infos.XOSUserPrefEnumValueInfo
XOSUserPrefInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.opensocial.infos
OpenSocial User Preferences Information DTO.
XOSUserPrefInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.opensocial.infos.XOSUserPrefInfo
XPasswordModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.password
Password Module API.
XPasswordModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.password
Server interface for the Password Module API.
XPollCreateInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.poll.infos
XPollCreateInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollCreateInfo
XPollGetInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.poll.infos
XPollGetInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollGetInfo
XPollInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.poll.infos
XPollInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollInfo
XPollModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.poll
Poll Module.
XPollModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.poll
Server interface for the Poll Module API.
XPollOptionInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.poll.infos
XPollOptionInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.poll.infos.XPollOptionInfo
XPresenceModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.presence
Presence Module API.
XPresenceModule.Client - Interface in waggle.common.modules.presence
Client interface for the Presence Module API.
XPresenceModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.presence
Server interface for the Presence Module API.
XPresenceModuleClientEvents - Interface in waggle.client.modules.presence
XProfileInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.profile.infos
Profile Information DTO.
XProfileInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileInfo
XProfileModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.profile
Profile Module API.
XProfileModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.profile
Server interface for the Profile Module API.
XProfileNotificationInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.profile.infos
Profile Notification Group Setting Information DTO.
XProfileNotificationInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.profile.infos.XProfileNotificationInfo
XProfileUpdater - Interface in waggle.common.modules.profile.updaters
Update the profile object fields.
XPropertiesModule - Interface in
Properties Module API.
XPropertiesModule.Client - Interface in
Client interface for the Properties Module API.
XPropertiesModule.Server - Interface in
Server interface for the Properties Module API.
XPropertiesModuleClientEvents - Interface in
XPropertyInfo - Class in
XPropertyInfo is the XPropertiesModule DTO.
XPropertyInfo() - Constructor for class
XRandomID - Class in
XRealmDatabaseInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.realm.infos
Realm Database Information DTO.
XRealmDatabaseInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmDatabaseInfo
XRealmDatabaseUpdater - Interface in waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters
XRealmExternalInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.realm.infos
Realm External Information DTO.
XRealmExternalInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmExternalInfo
XRealmInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.realm.infos
Hive Realm Information DTO.
XRealmInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmInfo
XRealmInternalInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.realm.infos
Realm Internal Information DTO.
XRealmInternalInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmInternalInfo
XRealmLDAPInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.realm.infos
Realm LDAP Information DTO.
XRealmLDAPInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo
XRealmLDAPUpdater - Interface in waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters
XRealmModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.realm
Realm Module API.
XRealmModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.realm
Server interface for the Realm Module API.
XRealmNotificationInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.realm.infos
The Realm notification info.
XRealmNotificationInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmNotificationInfo
XRealmPasswordPolicyInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.realm.infos
XRealmPasswordPolicyInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmPasswordPolicyInfo
XRealmUpdater - Interface in waggle.common.modules.realm.updaters
XRenditionState - Enum in waggle.common.modules.document.enums
State of a rendition (which could be a PDF rendition, a thumbnail image, or a set of page images).
XRepositoryCollectionInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.repository.infos
XRepositoryCollectionInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryCollectionInfo
XRepositoryCreateInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.repository.infos
XRepositoryCreateInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryCreateInfo
XRepositoryDocumentInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.repository.infos
XRepositoryDocumentInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryDocumentInfo
XRepositoryInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.repository.infos
XRepositoryInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryInfo
XRepositoryListInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.repository.infos
XRepositoryListInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositoryListInfo
XRepositoryModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.repository
Repository Module API.
XRepositoryModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.repository
Server interface for the Repository Module API.
XRepositorySearchInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.repository.infos
The Repository Search Info.
XRepositorySearchInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositorySearchInfo
XRepositorySearchResultsInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.repository.infos
The Repository Search Results Info.
XRepositorySearchResultsInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.repository.infos.XRepositorySearchResultsInfo
XRepositoryUpdater - Interface in waggle.common.modules.repository.updaters
XRetryableException - Interface in waggle.core.exceptions
Marker interface for exceptions that should be retried.
XRuntimeException - Exception in waggle.core.exceptions
Basic Waggle Runtime Exception.
XRuntimeException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception waggle.core.exceptions.XRuntimeException
Create and format and exception and it's message string.
XSearchHitInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.document.infos
Search Hit Information DTO.
XSearchHitInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XSearchHitInfo
XSearchResultsInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.document.infos
Search Results DTO.
XSearchResultsInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XSearchResultsInfo
XSessionID - Class in
Unique Session IDs.
XSessionID() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for SOAP use only!
XSignupModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.signup
Signup Module API.
XSignupModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.signup
Server interface for the Signup Module API.
XStatusInfo - Class in waggle.core.exceptions.infos
XStatusInfo is a DTO for passing remote API status.
XStatusInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.core.exceptions.infos.XStatusInfo
XSystemReportCounterInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos
XSystemReportCounterInfo contains information about metrics that are stored as RRDTool counters.
XSystemReportCounterInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportCounterInfo
XSystemReportGaugeInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos
XSystemReportGaugeInfo contains information about metrics that are stored as RRDTool gauges.
XSystemReportGaugeInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportGaugeInfo
XSystemReportHistoricalInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos
DTO for returning a sample of historical RRD data.
XSystemReportHistoricalInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportHistoricalInfo
XSystemReportInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos
XSystemReportInfo is the top level DTO for the system report.
XSystemReportInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportInfo
XSystemReportModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.systemreport
System Report Module API.
XSystemReportModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.systemreport
Server interface for the System Report Module API.
XSystemReportOperationInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos
XSystemReportOperationInfo contains data for timed operations, such as API methods and HTTP methods.
XSystemReportOperationInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportOperationInfo
XSystemReportVariableInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos
XSystemReportVariableInfo contains information about metrics that are stored only as JMX attributes and do not have historical information available in RRDTool.
XSystemReportVariableInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.systemreport.infos.XSystemReportVariableInfo
XTagableInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.tag.infos
XTagableInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.tag.infos.XTagableInfo
XTagInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.tag.infos
XTagInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.tag.infos.XTagInfo
XTagModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.tag
Tag Module API.
XTagModule.Client - Interface in waggle.common.modules.tag
Client interface for the Tag Module API.
XTagModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.tag
Server interface for the Tag Module API.
XTagModuleClientEvents - Interface in waggle.client.modules.tag
XTagTagablesInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.tag.infos
Tag Tagables Information DTO.
XTagTagablesInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.tag.infos.XTagTagablesInfo
XTimeZoneInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.admin.infos
XTimeZoneInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.admin.infos.XTimeZoneInfo
XTrackGetInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.track.infos
Track Get Information DTO.
XTrackGetInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.track.infos.XTrackGetInfo
XTrackInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.track.infos
Track Information DTO.
XTrackInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.track.infos.XTrackInfo
XTrackModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.track
Track Module API.
XTrackModule.Client - Interface in waggle.common.modules.track
Client interface for the Track Module API.
XTrackModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.track
Server interface for the Track Module API.
XTrackModuleClientEvents - Interface in waggle.client.modules.track
XTrackSearchInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.track.infos
Track Search Information DTO.
XTrackSearchInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.track.infos.XTrackSearchInfo
XUnsupportedOperationException - Exception in waggle.core.exceptions
XException version of java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException.
XUnsupportedOperationException() - Constructor for exception waggle.core.exceptions.XUnsupportedOperationException
Construct an XUnsupportedOperationException.
XUnwrappedExceptionException - Exception in waggle.core.exceptions
Substituted for XException and XRuntimeException when creating an XExceptionInfo DTO.
XUnwrappedExceptionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception waggle.core.exceptions.XUnwrappedExceptionException
Construct the exception.
XUpdater - Class in
This class represents the DTO for updating objects.
XUpdater() - Constructor for class
Create an empty XUpdater.
XUpdater(int) - Constructor for class
Create an empty XUpdater, pre-allocating for an initial capacity of size.
XUserAggregateInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.user.infos
XUserAggregateInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserAggregateInfo
XUserCustomFieldInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.user.infos
XUserCustomFieldInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserCustomFieldInfo
XUserDetailsInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.user.infos
User Extended Information DTO.
XUserDetailsInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserDetailsInfo
XUserInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.user.infos
User Information DTO.
XUserInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserInfo
XUserLinkInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.user.infos
User Link Information DTO.
XUserLinkInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserLinkInfo
XUserLocationInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.user.infos
XUserLocationInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserLocationInfo
XUserModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.user
User Module API.
XUserModule.Client - Interface in waggle.common.modules.user
Client interface for the User Module API.
XUserModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.user
Server interface for the User Module API.
XUserModuleClientEvents - Interface in waggle.client.modules.user
XUserPhoneNumberInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.user.infos
User Phone Number Information DTO.
XUserPhoneNumberInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserPhoneNumberInfo
XUserSearchInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.user.infos
User Search Information DTO.
XUserSearchInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserSearchInfo
XUserSessionInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.user.infos
User Session Information DTO.
XUserSessionInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserSessionInfo
XUserTestCreateInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.user.infos
XUserTestCreateInfo contains results of running a create user test.
XUserTestCreateInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.user.infos.XUserTestCreateInfo
XUserUpdater - Interface in waggle.common.modules.user.updaters
Update the basic user object fields.
XValue - Class in
XValue(Object) - Constructor for class
Construct an XValue from the given Object value.
XVersionInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.document.infos
Version Information DTO.
XVersionInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.document.infos.XVersionInfo
XVersionUpdater - Interface in waggle.common.modules.document.updaters
Updater for Versions.
XVoiceConferenceInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.voice.infos
Voice Conference Information DTO.
XVoiceConferenceInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.voice.infos.XVoiceConferenceInfo
XVoiceModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.voice
Voice Module API.
XVoiceModule.Client - Interface in waggle.common.modules.voice
Client interface for the Voice Module API.
XVoiceModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.voice
Server interface for the Voice Module API.
XVoiceModuleClientEvents - Interface in waggle.client.modules.voice
Voice Module Client Events.
XVoiceRecordingInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.voice.infos
Voice Recording Information DTO.
XVoiceRecordingInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.voice.infos.XVoiceRecordingInfo
XWidgetInfo - Class in waggle.common.modules.widget.infos
Widget DTO.
XWidgetInfo() - Constructor for class waggle.common.modules.widget.infos.XWidgetInfo
XWidgetModule - Interface in waggle.common.modules.widget
Widget Module API.
XWidgetModule.Client - Interface in waggle.common.modules.widget
Client interface for the Widget Module API.
XWidgetModule.Server - Interface in waggle.common.modules.widget
Server interface for the Widget Module API.
XWidgetModuleClientEvents - Interface in waggle.client.modules.widget


Y - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.annotation.infos.XAnnotationMarkupInfo
Annotation markup Y coordinate.


Z - Variable in class waggle.common.modules.annotation.infos.XAnnotationMarkupInfo
Annotation markup Z coordinate.


Oracle® On Track Communication SDK Documentation
Release 1(1.0)


Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.