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Oracle® On Track Communication SDK Documentation
Release 1(1.0)


Class XRealmLDAPInfo

  extended by
      extended by waggle.common.modules.object.infos.XObjectInfo
          extended by waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmInfo
              extended by waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmExternalInfo
                  extended by waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmLDAPInfo

public class XRealmLDAPInfo
extends XRealmExternalInfo

Realm LDAP Information DTO.

Field Summary
 String AttrFullName
          Used by lookup and search to get attribute values.
 String AttrLocaleID
          Used by lookup and search to get attribute values.
 String AttrManager
          The attribute that contains a user's manager ("manager" in inetOrgPerson).
 String AttrName
          Used by lookup and search to get attribute values.
 String AttrOrganization
          The attribute that contains a user's organization ("organization" in inetOrgPerson).
 String AttrPhoneNumber
          Used by lookup and search to get attribute values.
 String AttrTimeZoneID
          Used by lookup and search to get attribute values.
 String AttrTitle
          The attribute that contains a user's title ("title" in inetOrgPerson).
 boolean AuthenticateWithSSO
          True if authentication should take place through SSO.
 String DefaultFilter
          The default filter for user attribute and manager lookups.
 Collection<String> FindDNAttrs
          The LDAP attribute that contains the DN (used when looking up a User's DN from their Name).
 String FindDNBase
          Base DN used to lookup a User's DN from their Name (email address).
 String FindDNFilter
          Search filter used to lookup a User's DN from their Name (email address).
 String GroupAttrName
          The LDAP attribute used to specify the display name of a group (typically 'displayName').
 Collection<String> GroupFindDNAttrs
          Group search attributes.
 String GroupFindDNBase
          Base DN used for group search.
 String GroupFindDNFilter
          Base DN used for group search.
 String GroupGroupMemberObjectClass
          The Group Group member detect ObjectClass.
 String GroupModifyTimestampAttr
          The Group modify timestamp attribute.
 String GroupnameRegex
          Regular expression used to validate groups that can be managed by this realm.
 Collection<String> GroupSearchAttrs
          The LDAP attributes that are returned for general Group search.
 String GroupSearchAttrUniqueMember
          The LDAP attribute used to specify the DN of group members (typically 'uniqueMember').
 String GroupSearchBase
          Base DN used for group search.
 boolean GroupSearchEnabled
          Group search enabled.
 String GroupSearchFilter
          The LDAP filter for searching for groups (typically will involve objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames).
 String GroupUserMemberObjectClass
          The Group User member detect ObjectClass.
 String Host
          LDAP Host name.
 boolean IgnoreServerCertificate
          Ignore server's SSL certificates (don't attempt to verify server identity or certificate validity).
 Collection<String> LookupAttrs
          Used for lookups by User DN.
 String OAMAttribute
          The name of the attribute OAM provides to identify the user.
 boolean OAMEnabled
          True if authentication should take place through OAM.
 String OAMLogoutURL
          The URL which should be used to log out of OAM.
 String OAMLookupFilter
          The LDAP filter to get a user's DN based on the OAMAttribute.
 String PhoneNumberName
          Name of the phone number field.
 boolean PhoneNumberPrivate
          Should the phone number field be private.
 int Port
          LDAP Port number.
 Collection<String> SearchAttrs
          The LDAP attributes that are returned for general User search.
 String SearchBase
          Base DN used for general User search.
 boolean SearchEnabled
          General User search enabled.
 String SearchFilter
          Search filter used for general User search.
 boolean SearchOrgChartEnabled
          True if org chart (manager/direct) relationships can be queried.
 String SearchOrgChartFilter
          The LDAP filter for searching by manager.
 long SocketTimeoutMS
          Socket Timeout MS.
 boolean SSL
          LDAP use SSL connection status.
 String UserDN
          LDAP access user DN.
 String UsernameRegex
          Regular expression used to validate users that can be managed by this realm.
 String UserPassword
          LDAP access user password.
 int Version
          LDAP version number.


Fields inherited from class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmExternalInfo


Fields inherited from class waggle.common.modules.realm.infos.XRealmInfo
CanCreateConversationDefault, CanDiscoverDefault, CreateGroupEnabled, CreateUserEnabled, DiscoverableDefault, Enabled, External, OrgChartSupported, PasswordChangeAllowed, PasswordResetAllowed, SelfSignup


Fields inherited from class waggle.common.modules.object.infos.XObjectInfo
ConversationID, CreatedByScaledPictureID, CreatedByUserID, CreatedByUserName, CreatedOnBehalfOfUserID, CreatedOnBehalfOfUserName, CreatedTimestamp, ID, Latitude, Longitude, ModifiedByScaledPictureID, ModifiedByUserID, ModifiedByUserName, ModifiedOnBehalfOfUserID, ModifiedOnBehalfOfUserName, ModifiedTimestamp, Name, ObjectType, ParentID, Removed, RemovedByUserID, RemovedTimestamp, TrackID


Constructor Summary


Method Summary


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public String Host
LDAP Host name.


public int Port
LDAP Port number.


public boolean SSL
LDAP use SSL connection status.


public int Version
LDAP version number.


public String UserDN
LDAP access user DN.


public String UserPassword
LDAP access user password.


public boolean IgnoreServerCertificate
Ignore server's SSL certificates (don't attempt to verify server identity or certificate validity).


public long SocketTimeoutMS
Socket Timeout MS.


public String FindDNBase
Base DN used to lookup a User's DN from their Name (email address).


public String FindDNFilter
Search filter used to lookup a User's DN from their Name (email address).


public Collection<String> FindDNAttrs
The LDAP attribute that contains the DN (used when looking up a User's DN from their Name).


public Collection<String> LookupAttrs
Used for lookups by User DN. Which LDAP attributes are returned. Should include attributes that are named below in the AttrXxxx fields.


public String DefaultFilter
The default filter for user attribute and manager lookups.


public boolean SearchEnabled
General User search enabled.


public String SearchBase
Base DN used for general User search.


public String SearchFilter
Search filter used for general User search.


public Collection<String> SearchAttrs
The LDAP attributes that are returned for general User search. Should include attributes that are named below in the AttrXxxx fields.


public boolean SearchOrgChartEnabled
True if org chart (manager/direct) relationships can be queried.


public String SearchOrgChartFilter
The LDAP filter for searching by manager.


public String GroupFindDNBase
Base DN used for group search.


public String GroupFindDNFilter
Base DN used for group search.


public Collection<String> GroupFindDNAttrs
Group search attributes.


public boolean GroupSearchEnabled
Group search enabled.


public String GroupSearchAttrUniqueMember
The LDAP attribute used to specify the DN of group members (typically 'uniqueMember').


public String GroupSearchBase
Base DN used for group search.


public String GroupSearchFilter
The LDAP filter for searching for groups (typically will involve objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames).


public Collection<String> GroupSearchAttrs
The LDAP attributes that are returned for general Group search.


public String GroupAttrName
The LDAP attribute used to specify the display name of a group (typically 'displayName').


public String AttrName
Used by lookup and search to get attribute values. Which attribute values maps to the specified Waggle attribute. The Name field should be their eMail address in LDAP.


public String AttrFullName
Used by lookup and search to get attribute values. Which attribute values maps to the specified Waggle attribute.


public String AttrPhoneNumber
Used by lookup and search to get attribute values. Which attribute values maps to the specified Waggle attribute.


public String AttrTimeZoneID
Used by lookup and search to get attribute values. Which attribute values maps to the specified Waggle attribute.


public String AttrLocaleID
Used by lookup and search to get attribute values. Which attribute values maps to the specified Waggle attribute.


public String AttrManager
The attribute that contains a user's manager ("manager" in inetOrgPerson).


public String AttrTitle
The attribute that contains a user's title ("title" in inetOrgPerson).


public String AttrOrganization
The attribute that contains a user's organization ("organization" in inetOrgPerson).


public String PhoneNumberName
Name of the phone number field.


public boolean PhoneNumberPrivate
Should the phone number field be private.


public String UsernameRegex
Regular expression used to validate users that can be managed by this realm. It may be null or empty, in which case the username will not be checked against a regular expression.


public String GroupnameRegex
Regular expression used to validate groups that can be managed by this realm. It may be null or empty, in which case the groupname will not be checked against a regular expression.


public String GroupUserMemberObjectClass
The Group User member detect ObjectClass.


public String GroupGroupMemberObjectClass
The Group Group member detect ObjectClass.


public String GroupModifyTimestampAttr
The Group modify timestamp attribute.


public boolean AuthenticateWithSSO
True if authentication should take place through SSO. Using SSO for authentication requires additional environment configuration beyond what's done within OnTrack.


public boolean OAMEnabled
True if authentication should take place through OAM. Using OAM for authentication requires additional environment configuration beyond what's done within OnTrack.


public String OAMAttribute
The name of the attribute OAM provides to identify the user.


public String OAMLookupFilter
The LDAP filter to get a user's DN based on the OAMAttribute.


public String OAMLogoutURL
The URL which should be used to log out of OAM.

Constructor Detail


public XRealmLDAPInfo()

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Oracle® On Track Communication SDK Documentation
Release 1(1.0)


Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.