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Oracle® On Track Communication SDK Documentation
Release 1(1.0)


Uses of Class

Packages that use XChatInfo
waggle.client.modules.bookmark Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Bookmark Module back-channel messages. Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Chat Module back-channel messages. 
waggle.client.modules.followup Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Followup Module back-channel messages. 
waggle.common.modules.annotation Annotation Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.bookmark Bookmark Module API. Chat Module API. Data transfer objects defined by the Chat Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos Data transfer objects defined by the Conversation Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.followup Followup Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.followup.infos Data transfer objects defined by the Followup Module API. Data transfer objects defined by the News Module API. 


Uses of XChatInfo in waggle.client.modules.bookmark


Methods in waggle.client.modules.bookmark with parameters of type XChatInfo
 void XBookmarkModuleClientEvents.notifyBookmarkClosed(XChatInfo chatInfo, XBookmarkInfo bookmarkInfo)
 void XBookmarkModuleClientEvents.notifyBookmarkOpened(XChatInfo chatInfo, XBookmarkInfo bookmarkInfo)


Uses of XChatInfo in


Methods in with parameters of type XChatInfo
 void XChatModuleClientEvents.notifyChatBookmarkClosed(XChatInfo chatInfo, XUserInfo userInfo)
 void XChatModuleClientEvents.notifyChatBookmarkOpened(XChatInfo chatInfo, XUserInfo userInfo)
 void XChatModuleClientEvents.notifyChatCreated(XChatInfo chatInfo)
 void XChatModuleClientEvents.notifyChatDeleted(XChatInfo chatInfo)
 void XChatModuleClientEvents.notifyChatFollowupClosed(XChatInfo chatInfo, XUserInfo userInfo)
 void XChatModuleClientEvents.notifyChatFollowupOpened(XChatInfo chatInfo, XUserInfo userInfo)
 void XChatModuleClientEvents.notifyChatForked(XChatInfo chatInfo)
 void XChatModuleClientEvents.notifyChatUpdated(XChatInfo chatInfo)


Uses of XChatInfo in waggle.client.modules.followup


Methods in waggle.client.modules.followup with parameters of type XChatInfo
 void XFollowupModuleClientEvents.notifyFollowupClosed(XChatInfo chatInfo, XUserInfo userInfo, XFollowupInfo followupInfo)
 void XFollowupModuleClientEvents.notifyFollowupMarkedRead(XChatInfo chatInfo, XUserInfo userInfo, XFollowupInfo followupInfo)
 void XFollowupModuleClientEvents.notifyFollowupMarkedUnread(XChatInfo chatInfo, XUserInfo userInfo, XFollowupInfo followupInfo)
 void XFollowupModuleClientEvents.notifyFollowupOpened(XChatInfo chatInfo, XUserInfo assigneeUserInfo, XUserInfo assignerUserInfo, XFollowupInfo followupInfo)
 void XFollowupModuleClientEvents.notifyFollowupUpdated(XChatInfo chatInfo, XUserInfo userInfo, XFollowupInfo followupInfo)


Uses of XChatInfo in waggle.common.modules.annotation


Methods in waggle.common.modules.annotation that return types with arguments of type XChatInfo
 List<XChatInfo> XAnnotationModule.Server.getAnnotationChats(XObjectID versionID)
          Return all system generated Annotation Chats on a Version sorted by position.


Uses of XChatInfo in waggle.common.modules.bookmark


Methods in waggle.common.modules.bookmark that return types with arguments of type XChatInfo
 List<XChatInfo> XBookmarkModule.Server.getBookmarks()
          Get all Bookmarks assigned to the current User, across all Conversations.


Methods in waggle.common.modules.bookmark with parameters of type XChatInfo
 void XBookmarkModule.Client.bookmarkClosed(XChatInfo chatInfo, XBookmarkInfo bookmarkInfo)
          Notification that a Bookmark has been closed.
 void XBookmarkModule.Client.bookmarkOpened(XChatInfo chatInfo, XBookmarkInfo bookmarkInfo)
          Notification that a Bookmark has been opened.


Uses of XChatInfo in


Methods in that return XChatInfo
 XChatInfo XChatModule.Server.getChat(XObjectID chatID)
          Get specific Chat info.


Methods in that return types with arguments of type XChatInfo
 List<XChatInfo> XChatModule.Server.getAfterChats(XObjectID conversationID, Date afterDate, int count)
          Get count top-level Chats after afterDate.
 List<XChatInfo> XChatModule.Server.getAllConferenceChats(XObjectID conversationID)
          Get all Conference Chats.
 List<XChatInfo> XChatModule.Server.getAroundChats(XObjectID aroundID, int count)
          Get next and previous count top-level Chats before and after the specified Chat.
 List<XChatInfo> XChatModule.Server.getBeforeChats(XObjectID conversationID, Date beforeDate, int count)
          Get count top-level Chats before beforeDate.
 List<XChatInfo> XChatModule.Server.getChatsInRange(XObjectID conversationID, Date startDate, Date endDate)
          Get all top-level Chats created in the specified date range.
 List<XChatInfo> XChatModule.Server.getFirstChats(XObjectID conversationID, int count)
          Get first top-level Chats.
 List<XChatInfo> XChatModule.Server.getLastChats(XObjectID conversationID, int count)
          Get last count top-level Chats.
 List<XChatInfo> XChatModule.Server.getNextChats(XObjectID afterID, int count)
          Get next count top-level Chats after the specified Chat.
 List<XChatInfo> XChatModule.Server.getPreviousChats(XObjectID beforeID, int count)
          Get previous count top-level Chats before the specified Chat.
 List<XChatInfo> XChatModule.Server.getSpecifiedChats(XObjectID conversationID, List<XObjectID> chatIDs)
          Get a specified set of Chats.
 List<XChatInfo> XChatModule.Server.getUnreadChats(XObjectID conversationID)
          Return all unread Chats for the current User.


Methods in with parameters of type XChatInfo
 void XChatModule.Client.chatBookmarkClosed(XChatInfo chatInfo, XUserInfo userInfo)
          Notification that a Chat bookmark has been closed.
 void XChatModule.Client.chatBookmarkOpened(XChatInfo chatInfo, XUserInfo userInfo)
          Notification that a Chat bookmark has been opened.
 void XChatModule.Client.chatCreated(XChatInfo chatInfo)
          Notification that a Chat has been created.
 void XChatModule.Client.chatDeleted(XChatInfo chatInfo)
          Notification that a Chat has been deleted.
 void XChatModule.Client.chatFollowupClosed(XChatInfo chatInfo, XUserInfo userInfo)
          Notification that a Chat followup has been closed.
 void XChatModule.Client.chatFollowupOpened(XChatInfo chatInfo, XUserInfo userInfo)
          Notification that a Chat followup has been opened.
 void XChatModule.Client.chatForked(XChatInfo chatInfo)
          Notification that a Chat has been forked.
 void XChatModule.Client.chatUpdated(XChatInfo chatInfo)
          Notification that a Chat has been updated.


Uses of XChatInfo in


Fields in declared as XChatInfo
 XChatInfo XChatGetInfo.ChatInfo
          The Chat DTO.


Fields in with type parameters of type XChatInfo
 List<XChatInfo> XChatInfo.CommentByInfos
          List of all comment Chats on this Chat.


Uses of XChatInfo in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos


Fields in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos declared as XChatInfo
 XChatInfo XConversationInfo.LastChatInfo
          Last Chat Info.


Uses of XChatInfo in waggle.common.modules.followup


Methods in waggle.common.modules.followup with parameters of type XChatInfo
 void XFollowupModule.Client.followupClosed(XChatInfo chatInfo, XUserInfo userInfo, XFollowupInfo followupInfo)
          Notification that a Followup has been closed.
 void XFollowupModule.Client.followupMarkedRead(XChatInfo chatInfo, XUserInfo userInfo, XFollowupInfo followupInfo)
          Notification that a Followup has been marked read.
 void XFollowupModule.Client.followupMarkedUnread(XChatInfo chatInfo, XUserInfo userInfo, XFollowupInfo followupInfo)
          Notification that a Followup has been marked unread.
 void XFollowupModule.Client.followupOpened(XChatInfo chatInfo, XUserInfo assigneeUserInfo, XUserInfo assignerUserInfo, XFollowupInfo followupInfo)
          Notification that a Followup has been opened.
 void XFollowupModule.Client.followupUpdated(XChatInfo chatInfo, XUserInfo userInfo, XFollowupInfo followupInfo)
          Notification that a Followup has been updated.


Uses of XChatInfo in waggle.common.modules.followup.infos


Fields in waggle.common.modules.followup.infos declared as XChatInfo
 XChatInfo XFollowupChatInfo.ChatInfo
          The followup ChatInfo.


Uses of XChatInfo in


Fields in declared as XChatInfo
 XChatInfo XNewsFollowupInfo.ChatInfo
          Chat information DTO.
 XChatInfo XNewsChatInfo.ChatInfo
          Chat Info.


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Oracle® On Track Communication SDK Documentation
Release 1(1.0)


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