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Oracle® On Track Communication SDK Documentation
Release 1(1.0)


Uses of Class

Packages that use XTagInfo
waggle.client.modules.tag Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Tag Module back-channel messages. 
waggle.common.modules.tag Tag Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.tag.infos Data transfer objects defined by the Tag Module API. 


Uses of XTagInfo in waggle.client.modules.tag


Methods in waggle.client.modules.tag with parameters of type XTagInfo
 void XTagModuleClientEvents.notifyTagAdded(XTagInfo tagInfo, waggle.common.modules.object.infos.XObjectInfo tagableInfo)
 void XTagModuleClientEvents.notifyTagCreated(XTagInfo tagInfo)
 void XTagModuleClientEvents.notifyTagDeleted(XTagInfo tagInfo)
 void XTagModuleClientEvents.notifyTagRemoved(XTagInfo tagInfo, waggle.common.modules.object.infos.XObjectInfo tagableInfo)
 void XTagModuleClientEvents.notifyTagUpdated(XTagInfo tagInfo)


Uses of XTagInfo in waggle.common.modules.tag


Methods in waggle.common.modules.tag that return XTagInfo
 XTagInfo XTagModule.Server.createPrivateTag(String name)
          Create a new private Tag.
 XTagInfo XTagModule.Server.createPrivateTagAndTag(String name, XObjectID tagableID)
          Create a new private Tag and tag a Tagable.
 XTagInfo XTagModule.Server.createPublicTag(String name)
          Create a new public Tag.
 XTagInfo XTagModule.Server.createPublicTagAndTag(String name, XObjectID tagableID)
          Create a new public Tag and tag a Tagable.


Methods in waggle.common.modules.tag that return types with arguments of type XTagInfo
 List<XTagInfo> XTagModule.Server.getConversationTagCloud(XObjectID conversationID, int limit)
          Get a Track's public and private Tag cloud.
 List<XTagInfo> XTagModule.Server.getPrivateTagCloud()
          Get a private Tag cloud.
 List<XTagInfo> XTagModule.Server.getPublicTagCloud()
          Get a public Tag cloud.
 Collection<XTagInfo> XTagModule.Server.getTagableTags(XObjectID tagableID)
          Get the set of Tags used to Tag the specified Tagable.
 List<XTagInfo> XTagModule.Server.getTagCloud()
          Get a public and private Tag cloud.
 List<XTagInfo> XTagModule.Server.getTrackTagCloud(XObjectID trackID, int limit)
          Get a Track's public and private Tag cloud.


Methods in waggle.common.modules.tag with parameters of type XTagInfo
 void XTagModule.Client.tagAdded(XTagInfo tagInfo, waggle.common.modules.object.infos.XObjectInfo taggedInfo)
          Notification that a Tag has been added to an Artifact.
 void XTagModule.Client.tagCreated(XTagInfo tagInfo)
          Notification that a Tag has been created.
 void XTagModule.Client.tagDeleted(XTagInfo tagInfo)
          Notification that a Tag has been deleted.
 void XTagModule.Client.tagRemoved(XTagInfo tagInfo, waggle.common.modules.object.infos.XObjectInfo taggedInfo)
          Notification that a Tag has been removed from an Artifact.
 void XTagModule.Client.tagUpdated(XTagInfo tagInfo)
          Notification that a Tag has been updated.


Uses of XTagInfo in waggle.common.modules.tag.infos


Fields in waggle.common.modules.tag.infos declared as XTagInfo
 XTagInfo XTagTagablesInfo.TagInfo
          The Tag Information DTO.


Fields in waggle.common.modules.tag.infos with type parameters of type XTagInfo
 Collection<XTagInfo> XTagableInfo.TagInfos
          The list of tag infos.


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Oracle® On Track Communication SDK Documentation
Release 1(1.0)


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