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Oracle® On Track Communication SDK Documentation
Release 1(1.0)


Uses of Class

Packages that use XAPIInputStream
waggle.common.modules.conversation Conversation Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.document Document Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.opensocial OpenSocial Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.profile Profile Module API. 
waggle.core.http The HTTP request manager. 


Uses of XAPIInputStream in waggle.common.modules.conversation


Methods in waggle.common.modules.conversation with parameters of type XAPIInputStream
 void XConversationModule.Server.uploadConversationPicture(XObjectID conversationID, XAPIInputStream inputStream, String mimeType, long length)
          Upload a picture for the specified Conversation.
 String XConversationModule.Server.uploadConversationPictureToDataUri(XAPIInputStream inputStream, String mimeType, long length)
          Convert an image to a scaled image Data URI.


Uses of XAPIInputStream in waggle.common.modules.document


Methods in waggle.common.modules.document with parameters of type XAPIInputStream
 XDocumentInfo XDocumentModule.Server.createDocument(XObjectID conversationID, String name, XAPIInputStream inputStream, String mimeType, long length)
          Create a new Document from an InputStream.
 XDocumentInfo XDocumentModule.Server.createDocumentAttachment(XObjectID documentID, String name, XAPIInputStream inputStream, String mimeType, long length)
          Create a new Document attachment from an InputStream.
 void XDocumentModule.Server.createVersion(XObjectID contentID, XAPIInputStream inputStream, String mimeType, long length)
          Create a new Version for a Content object.


Uses of XAPIInputStream in waggle.common.modules.opensocial


Methods in waggle.common.modules.opensocial with parameters of type XAPIInputStream
 XObjectID XOSModule.Server.createFeatureFile(XObjectID featureID, String name, XAPIInputStream inputStream, String mimeType, long length)
          Add a new Feature File.
 XObjectID XOSModule.Server.createGadget(String gadgetName, XAPIInputStream inputStream, String mimeType, long length, XUpdater updater)
          Create a Gadget.
 void XOSModule.Server.updateFeatureFile(XObjectID featureFileID, String name, XAPIInputStream inputStream, String mimeType, long length)
          Upload a new Feature File version.
 void XOSModule.Server.uploadGadget(XObjectID gadgetID, XAPIInputStream inputStream, String mimeType, long length)
          Upload a new Gadget file version.


Uses of XAPIInputStream in waggle.common.modules.profile


Methods in waggle.common.modules.profile with parameters of type XAPIInputStream
 void XProfileModule.Server.uploadProfilePicture(XAPIInputStream inputStream, String mimeType, long length)
          Upload a picture for the current User's profile.
 String XProfileModule.Server.uploadProfilePictureToDataUri(XAPIInputStream inputStream, String mimeType, long length)
          Convert an image to a scaled image Data URI.


Uses of XAPIInputStream in waggle.core.http


Constructors in waggle.core.http with parameters of type XAPIInputStream
XHTTPPart(String name, XAPIInputStream part)
          Construct an HTTP Part.


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Oracle® On Track Communication SDK Documentation
Release 1(1.0)


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