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Oracle® On Track Communication SDK Documentation
Release 1(1.0)


Uses of Interface

Packages that use XAPIInterface
waggle.common.modules.admin Admin Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.aggregate Aggregate Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.annotation Annotation Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.artifact Artifact Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.backchannel BackChannel Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.bookmark Bookmark Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.broadcast Broadcast Module API. Buzz Module API. Chat Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.conference Conference Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.connect Connection Module API. Contact Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.conversation Conversation Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.device Device Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.distlist Distribution List Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.document Document Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.followup Followup Module API. Group Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.hive Hive Module API. Management Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.member The Member Module API. News Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.opensocial OpenSocial Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.password Password Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.poll Poll Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.presence Presence Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.profile Profile Module API. Properties Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.realm Realm Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.repository Repository Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.signup Signup Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.systemreport SystemReport Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.tag Tag Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.track Track Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.user User Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.voice Voice Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.widget Widget Module API. 
waggle.core.api The API execution manager. 


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.admin


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.admin
static interface XAdminModule.Server
          Server interface for the Admin Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.aggregate


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.aggregate
static interface XAggregateModule.Client
          Client interface for the Aggregate Module API.
static interface XAggregateModule.Server
          Server interface for the Aggregate Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.annotation


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.annotation
static interface XAnnotationModule.Client
          Client interface for the Annotation Module API.
static interface XAnnotationModule.Server
          Server interface for the Annotation Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.artifact


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.artifact
static interface XArtifactModule.Client
          Client interface for the Artifact Module API.
static interface XArtifactModule.Server
          Server interface for the Artifact Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.backchannel


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.backchannel
static interface XBackChannelModule.Client
          Client interface for the BackChannel Module API.
static interface XBackChannelModule.Server
          Server interface for the BackChannel Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.bookmark


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.bookmark
static interface XBookmarkModule.Client
          Client interface for the Bookmark Module API.
static interface XBookmarkModule.Server
          Server interface for the Bookmark Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.broadcast


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.broadcast
static interface XBroadcastModule.Client
          Client interface for the Broadcast Module API.
static interface XBroadcastModule.Server
          Server interface for the Broadcast Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in
static interface XBuzzModule.Client
          Client interface for the Buzz Module API.
static interface XBuzzModule.Server
          Server interface for the Buzz Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in
static interface XChatModule.Client
          Client interface for the Chat Module API.
static interface XChatModule.Server
          Server interface for the Chat Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.conference


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.conference
static interface XConferenceModule.Server
          Server interface for the Conference Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.connect


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.connect
static interface XConnectModule.Client
          Client interface for the Connection Module API.
static interface XConnectModule.Server
          Server interface for the Connection Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in
static interface XContactModule.Client
          Client interface for the Contact Module API.
static interface XContactModule.Server
          Server interface for the Contact Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.conversation


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.conversation
static interface XConversationModule.Client
          Client interface for the Conversation Module API.
static interface XConversationModule.Server
          Server interface for the Conversation Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.device


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.device
static interface XDeviceModule.Client
          Client interface for the Device Module API.
static interface XDeviceModule.Server
          Server interface for the Device Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.distlist


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.distlist
static interface XDistributionListModule.Client
          Client interface for the Distribution List Module API.
static interface XDistributionListModule.Server
          Server interface for the Distribution List Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.document


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.document
static interface XDocumentModule.Client
          Client interface for the Documents Module API.
static interface XDocumentModule.Server
          Server interface for the Documents Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.followup


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.followup
static interface XFollowupModule.Client
          Client interface for the Followup Module API.
static interface XFollowupModule.Server
          Server interface for the Followup Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in
static interface XGroupModule.Client
          Client interface for the Group Module API.
static interface XGroupModule.Server
          Server interface for the Group Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.hive


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.hive
static interface XHiveModule.Client
          Client interface for the Hive Module API.
static interface XHiveModule.Server
          Server interface for the Hive Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in
static interface XManagementModule.Server
          Server interface for the Management Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.member


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.member
static interface XMemberModule.Server
          Server interface for the Member Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in
static interface XNewsModule.Server
          Server interface for the News Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.opensocial


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.opensocial
static interface XOSModule.Client
          Client interface for the OpenSocial Module API.
static interface XOSModule.Server
          Server interface for the OpenSocial Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.password


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.password
static interface XPasswordModule.Server
          Server interface for the Password Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.poll


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.poll
static interface XPollModule.Server
          Server interface for the Poll Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.presence


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.presence
static interface XPresenceModule.Client
          Client interface for the Presence Module API.
static interface XPresenceModule.Server
          Server interface for the Presence Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.profile


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.profile
static interface XProfileModule.Server
          Server interface for the Profile Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in
static interface XPropertiesModule.Client
          Client interface for the Properties Module API.
static interface XPropertiesModule.Server
          Server interface for the Properties Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.realm


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.realm
static interface XRealmModule.Server
          Server interface for the Realm Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.repository


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.repository
static interface XRepositoryModule.Server
          Server interface for the Repository Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.signup


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.signup
static interface XSignupModule.Server
          Server interface for the Signup Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.systemreport


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.systemreport
static interface XSystemReportModule.Server
          Server interface for the System Report Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.tag


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.tag
static interface XTagModule.Client
          Client interface for the Tag Module API.
static interface XTagModule.Server
          Server interface for the Tag Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.track


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.track
static interface XTrackModule.Client
          Client interface for the Track Module API.
static interface XTrackModule.Server
          Server interface for the Track Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.user


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.user
static interface XUserModule.Client
          Client interface for the User Module API.
static interface XUserModule.Server
          Server interface for the User Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.voice


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.voice
static interface XVoiceModule.Client
          Client interface for the Voice Module API.
static interface XVoiceModule.Server
          Server interface for the Voice Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.widget


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.common.modules.widget
static interface XWidgetModule.Client
          Client interface for the Widget Module API.
static interface XWidgetModule.Server
          Server interface for the Widget Module API.


Uses of XAPIInterface in waggle.core.api


Subinterfaces of XAPIInterface in waggle.core.api
static interface XAPIInterface.Client
          Client API Interface marker.
static interface XAPIInterface.Server
          Server API Interface marker.


Methods in waggle.core.api with type parameters of type XAPIInterface
<T extends XAPIInterface>
XAPIPackage.stuff(Class<T> interfaceClass)
          Stuff an XAPIPackage.


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Oracle® On Track Communication SDK Documentation
Release 1(1.0)


Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.