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Oracle® On Track Communication SDK Documentation
Release 1(1.0)


Uses of Class

Packages that use XExceptionInfo
waggle.core.api.exceptions The API execution manager exceptions. 
waggle.core.exceptions This package contains Exception definitions which are used throughout waggle, as well as some exception handling utilities. 
waggle.core.exceptions.infos The API execution exception information DTO. 


Uses of XExceptionInfo in waggle.core.api.exceptions


Methods in waggle.core.api.exceptions that return XExceptionInfo
 XExceptionInfo XAPIException.getRemoteExceptionInfo()
          Return the remote exception info.


Constructors in waggle.core.api.exceptions with parameters of type XExceptionInfo
XAPIException(XExceptionInfo remoteExceptionInfo)
          Construct an XAPIException with the specified remote exception info.


Uses of XExceptionInfo in waggle.core.exceptions


Methods in waggle.core.exceptions that return XExceptionInfo
static XExceptionInfo XExceptionUtils.getInfo(Throwable ex, boolean includeStackTrace)
          Generate an XExceptionInfo object from the specified throwable.


Uses of XExceptionInfo in waggle.core.exceptions.infos


Fields in waggle.core.exceptions.infos declared as XExceptionInfo
 XExceptionInfo XStatusInfo.ExceptionInfo
          The Exception Info DTO.


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Oracle® On Track Communication SDK Documentation
Release 1(1.0)


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