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Oracle® On Track Communication SDK Documentation
Release 1(1.0)


Uses of Class

Packages that use XObjectID
waggle.client.modules.backchannel Classes for receiving and acting on incoming BackChannel Module back-channel messages. Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Chat Module back-channel messages. Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Properties Module back-channel messages. 
waggle.client.modules.voice Classes for receiving and acting on incoming Voice Module back-channel messages. 
waggle.common.modules.aggregate Aggregate Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos Data transfer objects defined by the Aggregate Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.annotation Annotation Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.artifact Artifact Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.artifact.infos Data transfer objects defined by the Artifact Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.backchannel BackChannel Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.bookmark Bookmark Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.bookmark.infos Data transfer objects defined by the Bookmark Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.broadcast Broadcast Module API. Buzz Module API. Data transfer objects defined by the Buzz Module API. Chat Module API. Data transfer objects defined by the Chat Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.conference Conference Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.conference.infos Data transfer objects defined by the Conference Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.connect Connection Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.connect.infos Data transfer objects defined by the Connect Module API. Contact Module API. Data transfer objects defined by the Contact Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.conversation Conversation Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos Data transfer objects defined by the Conversation Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.device Device Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.distlist Distribution List Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.distlist.infos Data transfer objects defined by the Distribution List Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.document Document Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.document.infos Data transfer objects defined by the Documents Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.followup Followup Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.followup.infos Data transfer objects defined by the Followup Module API. Group Module API. Data transfer objects defined by the Group Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.hive.infos Data transfer objects defined by the Hive Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.member.infos Data transfer objects defined by the Member Module API. Data transfer objects defined by the News Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.opensocial OpenSocial Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.password Password Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.poll Poll Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.poll.infos Data transfer objects defined by the Poll Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.profile Profile Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.profile.infos Data transfer objects defined by the Profile Module API. Properties Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.realm Realm Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.repository Repository Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.signup Signup Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.tag Tag Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.track Track Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.user User Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.user.infos Data transfer objects defined by the User Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.voice Voice Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.voice.infos Data transfer objects defined by the Voice Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.widget Widget Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.widget.infos Data transfer objects defined by the Widget Module API. This package contains Identifier classes which are used throughout waggle. This package contains classes for aggregating data to be used in return values, updates, and external API transmission. 


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.client.modules.backchannel


Methods in waggle.client.modules.backchannel with parameters of type XObjectID
 void XBackChannelModuleClientEvents.notifyMessageSent(XObjectID userID, String message)


Uses of XObjectID in


Methods in with parameters of type XObjectID
 void XChatModuleClientEvents.notifyChatsAllRead(XObjectID conversationID, int ordinal)
 void XChatModuleClientEvents.notifyChatsAllUnread(XObjectID conversationID, int ordinal)
 void XChatModuleClientEvents.notifyChatsRead(XObjectID conversationID, List<Integer> ordinals)
 void XChatModuleClientEvents.notifyChatsUnread(XObjectID conversationID, List<Integer> ordinals)
 void XChatModuleClientEvents.notifyTyping(XObjectID sessionID, XObjectID conversationID)


Uses of XObjectID in


Methods in with parameters of type XObjectID
 void XPropertiesModuleClientEvents.notifyPropertiesChanged(XObjectID propertyObject, List<XPropertyInfo> propertyInfos)
 void XPropertiesModuleClientEvents.notifyPropertiesRemoved(XObjectID propertyObject, List<String> propertyNames)
 void XPropertiesModuleClientEvents.notifyUserPropertiesChanged(XObjectID propertyObject, List<XPropertyInfo> propertyInfos)
 void XPropertiesModuleClientEvents.notifyUserPropertiesRemoved(XObjectID propertyObject, List<String> propertyNames)


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.client.modules.voice


Methods in waggle.client.modules.voice with parameters of type XObjectID
 void XVoiceModuleClientEvents.notifyMute(XObjectID conversationID, XObjectID userID, String callID, Boolean muted)
 void XVoiceModuleClientEvents.notifyOffCall(XObjectID conversationID, XObjectID userID, String callID)
 void XVoiceModuleClientEvents.notifyOnCall(XObjectID conversationID, XObjectID userID, String callID)
 void XVoiceModuleClientEvents.notifySpeaking(XObjectID conversationID, XObjectID userID, Boolean speaking)
 void XVoiceModuleClientEvents.notifyUpdateConference(XObjectID conversationID, XObjectID conferenceID, XUpdater updater)


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.aggregate


Methods in waggle.common.modules.aggregate that return XObjectID
 XObjectID XAggregateModule.Server.createAggregate(String name)
          Add an Aggregate to the end of the list of the user's Aggregates.


Methods in waggle.common.modules.aggregate that return types with arguments of type XObjectID
 Collection<XObjectID> XAggregateModule.Server.getNewTracksNotInAnyAggregate()
          Get IDs of all accessible new Tracks, that are not in any of the User's Aggregates.


Methods in waggle.common.modules.aggregate with parameters of type XObjectID
 void XAggregateModule.Server.addTrackToAggregate(XObjectID aggregateID, XObjectID trackID)
          Add a Track to an Aggregate.
 XAggregateInfo XAggregateModule.Server.getAggregate(XObjectID aggregateID)
          Get specified Aggregate definition.
 XAggregateInfo XAggregateModule.Server.getAggregateForTrack(XObjectID trackID)
          Get the Aggregate that contains a given Track.
 void XAggregateModule.Server.moveAggregate(XObjectID aggregateID, XObjectID beforeAggregateID)
          Move an existing Aggregate in the list of this user's Aggregates.
 void XAggregateModule.Server.moveTrack(XObjectID fromAggregateID, XObjectID toAggregateID, XObjectID trackID)
          Move a Track from one Aggregate to another.
 void XAggregateModule.Server.moveTrackWithinAggregate(XObjectID aggregateID, XObjectID trackID, XObjectID beforeTrackID)
          Move a Track within an Aggregate.
 void XAggregateModule.Server.removeAggregate(XObjectID aggregateID)
          Remove an Aggregate.
 void XAggregateModule.Server.removeTrackFromAggregate(XObjectID aggregateID, XObjectID trackID)
          Remove a Track from an Aggregate.
 void XAggregateModule.Server.removeTrackFromAllAggregates(XObjectID trackID)
          Remove a Track from all Aggregates.
 void XAggregateModule.Server.renameAggregate(XObjectID aggregateID, String name)
          Rename an existing Aggregate.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos


Fields in waggle.common.modules.aggregate.infos declared as XObjectID
 XObjectID XAggregateInfo.AggregateID
          The Aggregate ID.
 XObjectID XAggregateConversationInfo.ConversationID
          The Conversation ID.
 XObjectID XAggregateTrackInfo.TrackID
          The Track ID.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.annotation


Methods in waggle.common.modules.annotation with parameters of type XObjectID
 void XAnnotationModule.Server.commitAnnotationDraft(XObjectID versionID)
          Commit and delete a Version draft.
 void XAnnotationModule.Server.deleteAnnotationDraft(XObjectID versionID)
          Delete an annotation draft.
 List<XChatInfo> XAnnotationModule.Server.getAnnotationChats(XObjectID versionID)
          Return all system generated Annotation Chats on a Version sorted by position.
 List<XAnnotationMarkupInfo> XAnnotationModule.Server.getAnnotationDraft(XObjectID versionID)
          Get any draft markups.
 List<XAnnotationDraftInfo> XAnnotationModule.Server.getAnnotationDrafts(XObjectID conversationID)
          Get any draft markups for the specified Conversation.
 void XAnnotationModule.Server.saveAnnotationDraft(XObjectID versionID, List<XAnnotationMarkupInfo> infos)
          Save an annotation draft.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.artifact


Methods in waggle.common.modules.artifact with parameters of type XObjectID
 XArtifactInfo XArtifactModule.Server.copyArtifact(XObjectID artifactID, XObjectID conversationID, String name)
          Copy an Artifact to a Conversation in another Track.
 XArtifactInfo XArtifactModule.Server.getArtifact(XObjectID artifactID)
          Get an Artifact Information DTO.
 XArtifactInfo XArtifactModule.Server.getArtifactIfAccessible(XObjectID artifactID)
          Get an Artifact Information DTO.
 void XArtifactModule.Server.removeArtifact(XObjectID artifactID)
          Remove an Artifact.
 void XArtifactModule.Server.setArtifactName(XObjectID artifactID, String name)
          Change an Artifact's name.
 void XArtifactModule.Server.setArtifactState(XObjectID artifactID, XArtifactState state)
          Change an Artifact's state.
 void XArtifactModule.Server.unremoveArtifact(XObjectID artifactID)
          Un-remove an Artifact.


Method parameters in waggle.common.modules.artifact with type arguments of type XObjectID
 List<XArtifactInfo> XArtifactModule.Server.getArtifacts(List<XObjectID> artifactIDs)
          Get a set of Artifact Information DTOs.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.artifact.infos


Fields in waggle.common.modules.artifact.infos declared as XObjectID
 XObjectID XArtifactInfo.AssociatedWithChatID
          The Chat associated with this Artifact.
 XObjectID XArtifactInfo.GroupID
          Artifact group id.


Fields in waggle.common.modules.artifact.infos with type parameters of type XObjectID
 List<XObjectID> XArtifactInfo.AnnotatedByChatIDs
          The list of Chats that annotate this Artifact.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.backchannel


Methods in waggle.common.modules.backchannel with parameters of type XObjectID
 void XBackChannelModule.Client.messageSent(XObjectID userID, String message)
          Sent when a message is sent to an 'act on behalf' of User.
 void XBackChannelModule.Server.sendMessage(XObjectID userID, String message)
          Send a back channel message to an 'act on behalf of' User.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.bookmark


Methods in waggle.common.modules.bookmark with parameters of type XObjectID
 void XBookmarkModule.Server.closeBookmark(XObjectID chatID)
          Close a Bookmark for the specified Chat for the current User.
 void XBookmarkModule.Server.openBookmark(XObjectID chatID)
          Open a Bookmark for the specified Chat for the current User.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.bookmark.infos


Fields in waggle.common.modules.bookmark.infos declared as XObjectID
 XObjectID XBookmarkInfo.ChatID
          The Bookmark Chat ID.
 XObjectID XBookmarkSummaryInfo.ConversationID
          The Conversation ID.
 XObjectID XBookmarkInfo.CreatedByID
          The Bookmark assigner User ID.
 XObjectID XBookmarkSummaryInfo.ID
          The Bookmark Chat ID.
 XObjectID XBookmarkSummaryInfo.TrackID
          The Track ID.
 XObjectID XBookmarkInfo.UserID
          The Bookmark User ID.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.broadcast


Methods in waggle.common.modules.broadcast with parameters of type XObjectID
 void XBroadcastModule.Server.broadcastToConversation(XObjectID conversationID, String message)
          Broadcast a message to all Users in the specified Conversation.
 void XBroadcastModule.Server.broadcastToUser(XObjectID userID, String message)
          Broadcast a message to the specified User.


Uses of XObjectID in


Methods in with parameters of type XObjectID
 void XBuzzModule.Server.closeBuzz(XObjectID buzzID)
          Close an open Buzz.
 XBuzzInfo XBuzzModule.Server.openBuzz(XObjectID userID, XObjectID conversationID)
          Buzz another User.


Uses of XObjectID in


Fields in declared as XObjectID
 XObjectID XBuzzInfo.BuzzedByID
          The User that buzzed this User.
 XObjectID XBuzzSummaryInfo.BuzzedByID
          The User that buzzed this User.
 XObjectID XBuzzSummaryInfo.ConversationID
          The Conversation ID.
 XObjectID XBuzzSummaryInfo.ID
          The Buzz object ID.
 XObjectID XBuzzSummaryInfo.TrackID
          The Track ID.


Uses of XObjectID in


Methods in that return XObjectID
 XObjectID XChatModule.Server.createBasicChat(XObjectID conversationID, String chatText)
          Create a simple Chat.
 XObjectID XChatModule.Server.createChat(XObjectID conversationID, String chatText, XObjectID commentOnChatID, List<XObjectID> referencedObjectIDs)
          Create a Chat with the most common parameters.
 XObjectID XChatModule.Server.createChatFromInfo(XChatCreateInfo createInfo)
          Create a Chat with an XChatCreateInfo DTO that includes all possible parameters.


Methods in that return types with arguments of type XObjectID
 List<XObjectID> XChatModule.Server.getChatIDs(XObjectID conversationID)
          Get all top-level Chat IDs.
 List<XObjectID> XChatModule.Server.getChatIDsPage(XObjectID conversationID, int pageNumber, int pageSize)
          Get a page of top-level Chat IDs.


Methods in with parameters of type XObjectID
 void XChatModule.Client.chatsAllRead(XObjectID conversationID, int ordinal)
          Notification or Mark all existing chats read.
 void XChatModule.Client.chatsAllUnread(XObjectID conversationID, int ordinal)
          Notification or mark all existing chats unread.
 void XChatModule.Client.chatsRead(XObjectID conversationID, List<Integer> ordinals)
          Notification or mark a set of chats read.
 void XChatModule.Client.chatsUnread(XObjectID conversationID, List<Integer> ordinals)
          Notification or mark a set of chats unread.
 XObjectID XChatModule.Server.createBasicChat(XObjectID conversationID, String chatText)
          Create a simple Chat.
 XObjectID XChatModule.Server.createChat(XObjectID conversationID, String chatText, XObjectID commentOnChatID, List<XObjectID> referencedObjectIDs)
          Create a Chat with the most common parameters.
 void XChatModule.Server.editChat(XObjectID chatID, String chatText, List<XObjectID> referenceIDs)
          Edit the Chat text with optional references.
 List<XChatInfo> XChatModule.Server.getAfterChats(XObjectID conversationID, Date afterDate, int count)
          Get count top-level Chats after afterDate.
 List<XChatInfo> XChatModule.Server.getAllConferenceChats(XObjectID conversationID)
          Get all Conference Chats.
 List<XChatInfo> XChatModule.Server.getAroundChats(XObjectID aroundID, int count)
          Get next and previous count top-level Chats before and after the specified Chat.
 List<XChatInfo> XChatModule.Server.getBeforeChats(XObjectID conversationID, Date beforeDate, int count)
          Get count top-level Chats before beforeDate.
 XChatInfo XChatModule.Server.getChat(XObjectID chatID)
          Get specific Chat info.
 List<XChatDateInfo> XChatModule.Server.getChatDates(XObjectID conversationID, Date startDate, Date endDate)
          Get the set of dates for all top-level Chats.
 List<XObjectID> XChatModule.Server.getChatIDs(XObjectID conversationID)
          Get all top-level Chat IDs.
 List<XObjectID> XChatModule.Server.getChatIDsPage(XObjectID conversationID, int pageNumber, int pageSize)
          Get a page of top-level Chat IDs.
 List<XChatInfo> XChatModule.Server.getChatsInRange(XObjectID conversationID, Date startDate, Date endDate)
          Get all top-level Chats created in the specified date range.
 XChatReadInfo XChatModule.Server.getChatsRead(XObjectID conversationID)
          Return information about Chats read for the current User.
 List<XChatVersionInfo> XChatModule.Server.getChatVersions(XObjectID chatID)
          Return an ordered list of a Chat's Versions.
 List<XChatInfo> XChatModule.Server.getFirstChats(XObjectID conversationID, int count)
          Get first top-level Chats.
 List<XChatInfo> XChatModule.Server.getLastChats(XObjectID conversationID, int count)
          Get last count top-level Chats.
 List<XChatInfo> XChatModule.Server.getNextChats(XObjectID afterID, int count)
          Get next count top-level Chats after the specified Chat.
 List<XChatInfo> XChatModule.Server.getPreviousChats(XObjectID beforeID, int count)
          Get previous count top-level Chats before the specified Chat.
 XDTO XChatModule.Server.getReference(XObjectID referenceID)
          Get referenced object DTO.
 List<XChatInfo> XChatModule.Server.getSpecifiedChats(XObjectID conversationID, List<XObjectID> chatIDs)
          Get a specified set of Chats.
 XChatSummaryInfo XChatModule.Server.getSummaryChatIDs(XObjectID conversationID)
          Returns information about followup and bookmark Chats.
 List<XChatInfo> XChatModule.Server.getUnreadChats(XObjectID conversationID)
          Return all unread Chats for the current User.
 boolean XChatModule.Server.isRemovableNow(XObjectID chatID)
          Return true if this chat can be removed now given the current user and object model state.
 void XChatModule.Server.markChatsAllRead(XObjectID conversationID, int ordinal)
          Mark all existing chats read for the current User.
 void XChatModule.Server.markChatsAllUnread(XObjectID conversationID, int ordinal)
          Mark all existing chats unread for the current User.
 void XChatModule.Server.markChatsRead(XObjectID conversationID, List<Integer> ordinals)
          Mark a set of chats read for the current User.
 void XChatModule.Server.markChatsUnread(XObjectID conversationID, List<Integer> ordinals)
          Mark a set of chats unread for the current User.
 void XChatModule.Client.referenceAdded(XObjectID chatConversationID, XObjectID chatID, XObjectID referencedConversationID, XObjectID referencedID)
          Notification that a Track reference was added to a Chat.
 void XChatModule.Client.referenceRemoved(XObjectID chatConversationID, XObjectID chatID, XObjectID referencedConversationID, XObjectID referencedID)
          Notification that a Track reference was removed from a Chat.
 void XChatModule.Server.removeChat(XObjectID chatID)
          Marks the Removed flag on the XChatInfo for this chatID.
 void XChatModule.Server.typing(XObjectID conversationID)
          Sent when a User is typing in a chat window.
 void XChatModule.Client.typing(XObjectID userID, XObjectID conversationID)
          Notification that a User is typing in a Conversation Chat.
 void XChatModule.Server.unremoveChat(XObjectID chatID)
          Clears the Removed flag on the XChatInfo for this chatID.
 void XChatModule.Server.updateChat(XObjectID chatID, XUpdater updater)
          Update a Chat.


Method parameters in with type arguments of type XObjectID
 XObjectID XChatModule.Server.createChat(XObjectID conversationID, String chatText, XObjectID commentOnChatID, List<XObjectID> referencedObjectIDs)
          Create a Chat with the most common parameters.
 void XChatModule.Server.editChat(XObjectID chatID, String chatText, List<XObjectID> referenceIDs)
          Edit the Chat text with optional references.
 List<XChatInfo> XChatModule.Server.getSpecifiedChats(XObjectID conversationID, List<XObjectID> chatIDs)
          Get a specified set of Chats.


Uses of XObjectID in


Fields in declared as XObjectID
 XObjectID XChatCreateInfo.ChatID
          The Chat will be a comment if this field is non null. if Null a top level Chat is created.
 XObjectID XChatInfo.CommentOnID
          The Chat on which this Chat is a Comment.
 XObjectID XChatCreateInfo.ConversationID
          The Conversation.


Fields in with type parameters of type XObjectID
 Collection<XObjectID> XChatSummaryInfo.AllBookmarkChatIDs
          All Chat IDs bookmarked by the current User.
 Collection<XObjectID> XChatSummaryInfo.AllFollowupChatIDs
          All Chat IDs marked for followup for the current User.
 List<XObjectID> XChatCreateInfo.ReferenceIDs
          List of reference objects.
 Collection<XObjectID> XChatSummaryInfo.TopBookmarkChatIDs
          All top-level Chat IDs that either are bookmarked or that have comments that are bookmarked by the current User.
 Collection<XObjectID> XChatSummaryInfo.TopFollowupChatIDs
          All top-level Chat IDs that either are marked for followup or that have comments that are marked for followup for the current User.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.conference


Methods in waggle.common.modules.conference that return types with arguments of type XObjectID
 List<XObjectID> XConferenceModule.Server.getConversationsWithConferences(XConferenceFilter filter, XConferenceSortOrder order)
          Get the list of conversations with active conferences in the specified order that match the given filter.


Methods in waggle.common.modules.conference with parameters of type XObjectID
 void XConferenceModule.Server.stopConference(XObjectID conversationID, XConferenceFilter filter)
          Stop an in progress conference.


Method parameters in waggle.common.modules.conference with type arguments of type XObjectID
 List<XConferenceInfo> XConferenceModule.Server.getConferenceInfos(List<XObjectID> conversationIDs)
          Get a list conference infos for a list of conversations.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.conference.infos


Fields in waggle.common.modules.conference.infos declared as XObjectID
 XObjectID XConferenceInfo.ConversationID
          Conference conversation id.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.connect


Methods in waggle.common.modules.connect with parameters of type XObjectID
 void XConnectModule.Server.setUser(XObjectID temporaryUserID)
          Set a temporary User for the current request.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.connect.infos


Fields in waggle.common.modules.connect.infos declared as XObjectID
 XObjectID XLoginInfo.UserID
          The User ID that was connected.


Uses of XObjectID in


Methods in with parameters of type XObjectID
 void XContactModule.Server.addContactToGroup(XObjectID userID, String groupName)
          Add a Contact to a Group.
 void XContactModule.Server.moveContactToGroup(XObjectID userID, String oldGroupName, String newGroupName)
          Move a Contact from one group to another.
 void XContactModule.Server.removeContact(XObjectID userID)
          Remove a Contact.
 void XContactModule.Server.removeContactFromGroup(XObjectID userID, String groupName)
          Remove a Contact from a Group.


Uses of XObjectID in


Fields in declared as XObjectID
 XObjectID XContactAddInfo.ContactID
          The User ID if they are an already registered Waggle User in either the internal or external Realm.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.conversation


Methods in waggle.common.modules.conversation that return types with arguments of type XObjectID
 List<XObjectID> XConversationModule.Server.getConversationEntered(XObjectID conversationID)
          Return the set of Users that are currently entered into the Conversation.


Methods in waggle.common.modules.conversation with parameters of type XObjectID
 void XConversationModule.Server.changeConversationExternalIDs(XObjectID conversationID, List<String> addExternalIDs, List<String> removeExternalIDs)
          Change a Conversation's secondary external IDs.
 void XConversationModule.Server.changeConversationMembers(XObjectID conversationID, List<XConversationMemberChangeInfo> changeInfos, boolean errorIfRemovingSelf)
          Change a Conversation's membership.
 XConversationInfo XConversationModule.Server.createConversation(XObjectID trackID, String name)
          Create a new Conversation.
 void XConversationModule.Server.deleteConversationPicture(XObjectID conversationID)
          Delete any Conversation picture.
 void XConversationModule.Server.enterConversation(XObjectID conversationID)
          Enter a Conversation.
 void XConversationModule.Server.exitConversation(XObjectID conversationID)
          Exit a Conversation.
 XConversationGetInfo XConversationModule.Server.getConversation(XObjectID conversationID)
          Get info about a Conversation.
 List<XArtifactInfo> XConversationModule.Server.getConversationArtifacts(XObjectID conversationID)
          Get information about a Conversation's referenced Artifacts.
 List<XUserInfo> XConversationModule.Server.getConversationContributors(XObjectID conversationID)
          Get information about a Conversation's contributors.
 List<XConversationMemberInfo> XConversationModule.Server.getConversationDirectMembers(XObjectID conversationID)
          Get information about a Conversation's direct User and Group members.
 List<XConversationDocumentInfo> XConversationModule.Server.getConversationDocuments(XObjectID conversationID, XConversationDocumentOptionsInfo optionsInfo)
          Get information about a Conversation's referenced Documents.
 List<XObjectID> XConversationModule.Server.getConversationEntered(XObjectID conversationID)
          Return the set of Users that are currently entered into the Conversation.
 XConversationGetInfo XConversationModule.Server.getConversationIfAccessible(XObjectID conversationID)
          Get info about a Conversation.
 List<XConversationMemberInfo> XConversationModule.Server.getConversationMembership(XObjectID conversationID)
          Get information about a Conversation's direct and indirect User membership.
 List<XConversationMemberInfo> XConversationModule.Server.getConversationMembershipAndDirectGroups(XObjectID conversationID)
          Get information about a Conversation's direct and indirect User membership and the Conversation's direct Groups.
 XConversationRole XConversationModule.Server.getConversationRole(XObjectID conversationID)
          Return the current User's role in the specified Conversation.
 List<XConversationGetInfo> XConversationModule.Server.getConversationsInCommon(XObjectID userID)
          Get Conversations that are in common with another User.
 List<XConversationDetailConversationInfo> XConversationModule.Server.getDiscoverableConversationsForUser(XObjectID userID)
          Get all Conversations discoverable by the caller that the specified User is a member of.
 List<waggle.common.modules.object.infos.XObjectInfo> XConversationModule.Server.getGeolocatedObjects(XObjectID conversationID, double minLatitude, double maxLatitude, double minLongitude, double maxLongitude)
          Get all geolocated objects in this Conversation.
 InputStream XConversationModule.Server.getOriginalConversationPicture(XObjectID conversationID)
          Get any original Conversation picture.
 InputStream XConversationModule.Server.getScaledConversationPicture(XObjectID conversationID)
          Get any scaled Conversation picture.
 List<XConversationGetInfo> XConversationModule.Server.getTrackClosedConversations(XObjectID trackID)
          Get info about a set of closed Conversations in the specified Track that the User has access to and is a member of.
 List<XConversationGetInfo> XConversationModule.Server.getTrackConversations(XObjectID trackID)
          Get info about a set of all Conversations in the specified Track that the User has access to and is a member of.
 List<XConversationGetInfo> XConversationModule.Server.getTrackDiscoverableConversations(XObjectID trackID)
          Get info about a set of discoverable Conversations in the specified Track that the User has access to and is not a member of.
 List<XConversationGetInfo> XConversationModule.Server.getTrackOpenConversations(XObjectID trackID)
          Get info about a set of open Conversations in the specified Track that the User has access to and is a member of.
 void XConversationModule.Server.joinDiscoverableConversation(XObjectID conversationID)
          Join a Discoverable Conversation.
 XConversationInfo XConversationModule.Server.moveConversation(XObjectID conversationID, XObjectID trackID)
          Move a Conversation to another Track.
 void XConversationModule.Server.removeConversation(XObjectID conversationID)
          Remove a Conversation.
 XSearchResultsInfo XConversationModule.Server.searchConversation(XObjectID conversationID, XConversationSearchInfo searchInfo)
          Search the content of a Conversation.
 void XConversationModule.Server.setConversationDiscoverable(XObjectID conversationID, boolean discoverable)
          Change a Conversation's discoverable status.
 void XConversationModule.Server.setConversationName(XObjectID conversationID, String name)
          Change a Conversation's name.
 void XConversationModule.Server.setConversationState(XObjectID conversationID, XConversationState state, String chatText)
          Change a Conversation's state with an optional custom message.
 void XConversationModule.Server.updateConversation(XObjectID conversationID, XUpdater updater)
          Update a Conversation.
 void XConversationModule.Server.uploadConversationPicture(XObjectID conversationID, XAPIInputStream inputStream, String mimeType, long length)
          Upload a picture for the specified Conversation.


Method parameters in waggle.common.modules.conversation with type arguments of type XObjectID
 List<XConversationGetInfo> XConversationModule.Server.getConversationsIfAccessible(List<XObjectID> conversationIDs)
          Get info about a set of accessible Conversations.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos


Fields in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos declared as XObjectID
 XObjectID XConversationMapElementInfo.ChatID
          The associated ChatID.
 XObjectID XConversationMapFilterInfo.ConversationID
          The Conversation ID.
 XObjectID XConversationMemberChangeInfo.MemberConversationID
          A Conversation ID.
 XObjectID XConversationMemberChangeInfo.MemberDistributionListID
          A Distribution List ID.
 XObjectID XConversationMemberChangeInfo.MemberID
          The Member (User or Group) ID if they are an already registered in either the internal or external Realm.
 XObjectID XConversationInfo.NextConversationID
          Any next Conversation.
 XObjectID XConversationInfo.OriginalPictureID
          Original picture ID.
 XObjectID XConversationInfo.PreviousConversationID
          Any previous Conversation.
 XObjectID XConversationInfo.ScaledPictureID
          Scaled picture ID.
 XObjectID XConversationCreateInfo.TrackID
          The Track's ID.
 XObjectID XConversationMemberActiveInfo.UserID
          The User's ID.
 XObjectID XConversationMemberProfileInfo.UserID
          The User's ID.


Fields in waggle.common.modules.conversation.infos with type parameters of type XObjectID
 Collection<XObjectID> XConversationDocumentVersionInfo.AnnotatorIDs
          Annotator User IDs if requested.
 List<XObjectID> XConversationMapInfo.ChatIDs
          All Chat IDs in display order.
 Collection<XObjectID> XConversationInfo.EnteredUserIDs
          Set of all User IDs for all entered Users.
 List<XObjectID> XConversationMapInfo.ParentIDs
          All Parent IDs in display order.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.device


Methods in waggle.common.modules.device with parameters of type XObjectID
 XDeviceInfo XDeviceModule.Server.createDevice(XObjectID userID, String deviceName, XDeviceType deviceType, String deviceDeviceID, String deviceAppID, String deviceData, List<XNotificationGroup> deviceSettings)
          Create a new unique Device for the specified User.
 void XDeviceModule.Server.deleteDevice(XObjectID deviceID)
          Remove an existing Device.
 List<XDeviceInfo> XDeviceModule.Server.getConversationDevices(XObjectID conversationID)
          Get all Conversation Device override settings for the current user.
 XDeviceInfo XDeviceModule.Server.getDevice(XObjectID deviceID)
          Get a Device by object ID.
 List<XDeviceInfo> XDeviceModule.Server.getDevices(XObjectID userID)
          Get all Devices owned by the specified User.
 void XDeviceModule.Server.removeConversationDeviceSettings(XObjectID conversationID, XObjectID deviceID)
          Remove an existing Conversation Device override setting.
 void XDeviceModule.Server.updateConversationDeviceSettings(XObjectID conversationID, XObjectID deviceID, List<XNotificationGroup> deviceSettings)
          Add or update an existing Conversation Device override setting.
 XDeviceInfo XDeviceModule.Server.updateDevice(XObjectID deviceID, String deviceName, XDeviceType deviceType, String deviceDeviceID, String deviceAppID, String deviceData, List<XNotificationGroup> deviceSettings)
          Update an existing Device.
 XDeviceInfo XDeviceModule.Server.updateDeviceSettings(XObjectID deviceID, List<XNotificationGroup> deviceSettings)
          Update an existing Device's settings.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.distlist


Methods in waggle.common.modules.distlist with parameters of type XObjectID
 void XDistributionListModule.Server.changeListMembers(XObjectID listID, List<XDistributionListChangeInfo> changeInfos)
          Change a Distribution List members.
 XDistributionListInfo XDistributionListModule.Server.getList(XObjectID listID)
          The the Members of a Distribution List.
 void XDistributionListModule.Server.removeList(XObjectID listID)
          Remove a Distribution List.
 void XDistributionListModule.Server.renameList(XObjectID listID, String name)
          Rename a Distribution List.
 void XDistributionListModule.Server.updateList(XObjectID listID, XDistributionListUpdateInfo updateInfo)
          Update a Distribution List.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.distlist.infos


Fields in waggle.common.modules.distlist.infos declared as XObjectID
 XObjectID XDistributionListChangeInfo.MemberConversationID
          A Conversation ID.
 XObjectID XDistributionListChangeInfo.MemberDistributionListID
          A Distribution List ID.
 XObjectID XDistributionListChangeInfo.MemberID
          The User ID if they are an already registered Waggle User in either the internal or external Realm.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.document


Methods in waggle.common.modules.document with parameters of type XObjectID
 XDocumentInfo XDocumentModule.Server.createDocument(XObjectID conversationID, String name, XAPIInputStream inputStream, String mimeType, long length)
          Create a new Document from an InputStream.
 XDocumentInfo XDocumentModule.Server.createDocumentAttachment(XObjectID documentID, String name, XAPIInputStream inputStream, String mimeType, long length)
          Create a new Document attachment from an InputStream.
 XDocumentInfo XDocumentModule.Server.createDocumentAttachmentString(XObjectID documentID, String name, String contentString, String mimeType)
          Create a new Document attachment from an InputStream.
 XDocumentInfo XDocumentModule.Server.createDocumentString(XObjectID conversationID, String name, String contentString, String mimeType)
          Create a new Document from a String.
 void XDocumentModule.Server.createVersion(XObjectID contentID, XAPIInputStream inputStream, String mimeType, long length)
          Create a new Version for a Content object.
 void XDocumentModule.Server.createVersionString(XObjectID contentID, String string, String mimeType)
          Create a new Version for a Content object.
 XSearchResultsInfo XDocumentModule.Server.findSimilar(XObjectID contentID, XDocumentSearchOrder orderBy)
          Find Similar content.
 InputStream XDocumentModule.Server.getContent(XObjectID contentID)
          Read the content for a Content object.
 InputStream XDocumentModule.Server.getContentRange(XObjectID contentID, long start, long end)
          Read the content for a Content object.
 XContentStringInfo XDocumentModule.Server.getContentString(XObjectID contentID)
          Read the content for a Content object.
 XDocumentInfo XDocumentModule.Server.getDocument(XObjectID contentID)
          Get a Document information.
 InputStream XDocumentModule.Server.getPage(XObjectID contentID, int pageNumber)
          Read a page image for a Content object.
 InputStream XDocumentModule.Server.getRendition(XObjectID contentID)
          Read the PDF rendition for a Content object.
 InputStream XDocumentModule.Server.getThumbnail(XObjectID contentID)
          Read the thumbnail image for a Content object.
 XVersionInfo XDocumentModule.Server.getVersion(XObjectID contentID)
          Return an ordered list of a Document's Versions.
 List<XVersionInfo> XDocumentModule.Server.getVersions(XObjectID contentID)
          Return an ordered list of a Document's Versions.
 void XDocumentModule.Server.lockDocument(XObjectID contentID, long lockMS)
          Lock a Document to the current User for some number of milliseconds.
 void XDocumentModule.Server.removeDocument(XObjectID documentID)
          Remove a Document.
 void XDocumentModule.Server.removeVersion(XObjectID versionID)
          Remove a Version.
 void XDocumentModule.Server.unlockDocument(XObjectID contentID)
          Unlock on a Document.
 void XDocumentModule.Server.unremoveDocument(XObjectID documentID)
          Un-remove a Document.
 void XDocumentModule.Server.unremoveVersion(XObjectID versionID)
          Un-remove a Version.
 void XDocumentModule.Server.updateVersion(XObjectID versionID, XUpdater updater)
          Update a Version.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.document.infos


Fields in waggle.common.modules.document.infos declared as XObjectID
 XObjectID XDocumentInfo.LockedByUserID
          If locked the User ID of the User who has it locked.
 XObjectID XDocumentInfo.RepositoryID
          Any Repository associated with this Document.


Fields in waggle.common.modules.document.infos with type parameters of type XObjectID
 List<XObjectID> XSearchResultsInfo.ConversationIDs
          List of all the Conversations that had hits.
 List<XObjectID> XSearchResultsInfo.CreatorIDs
          List of all the Users who created any of the hits.
 List<XObjectID> XSearchResultsInfo.TrackIDs
          List of all the Tracks that had hits.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.followup


Methods in waggle.common.modules.followup with parameters of type XObjectID
 void XFollowupModule.Server.changeFollowupNotify(XObjectID chatID, boolean notify)
          Change a Followups notify setting for the specified Chat for the current User.
 void XFollowupModule.Server.changeFollowupNotifyForUser(XObjectID chatID, XObjectID userID, boolean notify)
          Change a Followups notify setting for the specified Chat for the specified User.
 void XFollowupModule.Server.changeFollowupNotifyForUsers(XObjectID chatID, List<XObjectID> userIDs, boolean notify)
          Change a Followups notify setting for the specified Chat for the specified Users.
 void XFollowupModule.Server.closeFollowup(XObjectID chatID)
          Close a Followup for the specified Chat for the current User.
 void XFollowupModule.Server.closeFollowupForUser(XObjectID chatID, XObjectID userID)
          Close a Followup for the specified Chat for the specified User.
 void XFollowupModule.Server.closeFollowupForUsers(XObjectID chatID, List<XObjectID> userIDs)
          Close Followups for the specified Chat for the specified Users.
 void XFollowupModule.Server.markAllFollowupsReadForConversation(XObjectID conversationID)
          Mark all Followups for the specified Conversation for the current User read.
 void XFollowupModule.Server.markAllFollowupsUnreadForConversation(XObjectID conversationID)
          Mark all Followups for the specified Conversation for the current User unread.
 void XFollowupModule.Server.markFollowupRead(XObjectID chatID)
          Mark the Followup for the specified Chat for the current User read.
 void XFollowupModule.Server.markFollowupUnread(XObjectID chatID)
          Mark the Followup for the specified Chat for the current User unread.
 void XFollowupModule.Server.openFollowup(XObjectID chatID, XFollowupOpenInfo openInfo)
          Open a Followup for the specified Chat and User.
 void XFollowupModule.Server.openFollowups(XObjectID chatID, List<XFollowupOpenInfo> openInfos)
          Open Followups for the specified Chat and Users.


Method parameters in waggle.common.modules.followup with type arguments of type XObjectID
 void XFollowupModule.Server.changeFollowupNotifyForUsers(XObjectID chatID, List<XObjectID> userIDs, boolean notify)
          Change a Followups notify setting for the specified Chat for the specified Users.
 void XFollowupModule.Server.closeFollowupForUsers(XObjectID chatID, List<XObjectID> userIDs)
          Close Followups for the specified Chat for the specified Users.
 void XFollowupModule.Server.markFollowupsRead(List<XObjectID> chatIDs)
          Mark the Followups for the specified Chats for the current User read.
 void XFollowupModule.Server.markFollowupsUnread(List<XObjectID> chatIDs)
          Mark the Followups for the specified Chats for the current User unread.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.followup.infos


Fields in waggle.common.modules.followup.infos declared as XObjectID
 XObjectID XFollowupOpenInfo.AssigneeID
          The followup User ID.
 XObjectID XFollowupChatSummaryInfo.ChatID
          The Followup Chat ID.
 XObjectID XFollowupInfo.ChatID
          The Followup Chat ID.
 XObjectID XFollowupChatSummaryInfo.CommentOnID
          The Chat on which this Chat is a Comment.
 XObjectID XFollowupChatSummaryInfo.ConversationID
          The Conversation ID.
 XObjectID XFollowupChatSummaryInfo.CreatedByID
          The Followup assigner User ID.
 XObjectID XFollowupInfo.CreatedByID
          The Followup assigner User ID.
 XObjectID XFollowupChatSummaryInfo.TrackID
          The Track ID.
 XObjectID XFollowupChatSummaryInfo.UserID
          The Followup assignee User ID.
 XObjectID XFollowupInfo.UserID
          The Followup assignee User ID.


Uses of XObjectID in


Methods in with parameters of type XObjectID
 void XGroupModule.Server.changeGroupMembers(XObjectID groupID, List<XGroupMemberChangeInfo> changeInfos)
          Change the direct membership of a Group.
 void XGroupModule.Server.deleteGroup(XObjectID groupID)
          Delete a Group.
 List<XUserInfo> XGroupModule.Server.getAllGroupUsers(XObjectID groupID)
          Get a flattened list of all DIRECT and IN-DIRECT members of this Group.
 List<XConversationInfo> XGroupModule.Server.getAllParentConversations(XObjectID groupID)
          Get all Conversations that the specified Group is a DIRECT or IN-DIRECT member of.
 List<XGroupInfo> XGroupModule.Server.getAllParentGroups(XObjectID groupID)
          Get all Groups that the specified Group is a DIRECT or IN-DIRECT member of.
 XGroupInfo XGroupModule.Server.getGroup(XObjectID groupID)
          Get a Group.
 XGroupDetailsInfo XGroupModule.Server.getGroupDetails(XObjectID groupID)
          Get a Group's extended information.
 List<waggle.common.modules.object.infos.XObjectInfo> XGroupModule.Server.getGroupMembers(XObjectID groupID)
          Get the list of all DIRECT members of the Group.
 void XGroupModule.Server.setGroupName(XObjectID groupID, String name)
          Change a Group's name.
 void XGroupModule.Server.updateGroup(XObjectID groupID, XGroupUpdateInfo updateInfo)
          Update a Group's attributes.


Method parameters in with type arguments of type XObjectID
 List<XGroupInfo> XGroupModule.Server.getGroups(List<XObjectID> groupIDs)
          Get some Groups.


Uses of XObjectID in


Fields in declared as XObjectID
 XObjectID XGroupInfo.GroupManagerID
          The manager of this Group.
 XObjectID XGroupMemberChangeInfo.MemberConversationID
          A Conversation ID.
 XObjectID XGroupMemberChangeInfo.MemberDistributionListID
          A Distribution List ID.
 XObjectID XGroupMemberChangeInfo.MemberID
          The User ID if they are an already registered Waggle User in either the internal or external Realm.
 XObjectID XGroupDetailsInfo.RealmID
          The Realm ID.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.hive.infos


Fields in waggle.common.modules.hive.infos declared as XObjectID
 XObjectID XHiveSearchInfo.FilterConversationID
          Limit results to those in a specific Conversation (may be null).
 XObjectID XHiveSearchInfo.FilterCreatorID
          Limit results to those created by a specific User (may be null).
 XObjectID XHiveSearchInfo.FilterTrackID
          Limit results to those in a specific Track (may be null).


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.member.infos


Fields in waggle.common.modules.member.infos declared as XObjectID
 XObjectID XMemberSearchInfo.ID
          The Member ID.


Uses of XObjectID in


Fields in declared as XObjectID
 XObjectID XNewsFollowupInfo.ConversationID
          Conversation ID.
 XObjectID XNewsConversationChatsInfo.ConversationID
          Conversation ID.
 XObjectID XNewsChatInfo.CreatedByScaledPictureID
          Scaled Picture ID for the Chat creator.
 XObjectID XNewsFollowupInfo.TrackID
          Track ID.
 XObjectID XNewsConversationChatsInfo.TrackID
          Track ID.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.opensocial


Methods in waggle.common.modules.opensocial that return XObjectID
 XObjectID XOSModule.Server.createFeature(String featureName, String featureVersion)
          Upload a Feature file.
 XObjectID XOSModule.Server.createFeatureFile(XObjectID featureID, String name, XAPIInputStream inputStream, String mimeType, long length)
          Add a new Feature File.
 XObjectID XOSModule.Server.createGadget(String gadgetName, XAPIInputStream inputStream, String mimeType, long length, XUpdater updater)
          Create a Gadget.


Methods in waggle.common.modules.opensocial with parameters of type XObjectID
 XObjectID XOSModule.Server.createFeatureFile(XObjectID featureID, String name, XAPIInputStream inputStream, String mimeType, long length)
          Add a new Feature File.
 void XOSModule.Server.deleteFeature(XObjectID featureID)
          Delete a Feature.
 void XOSModule.Server.deleteFeatureFile(XObjectID featureFileID)
          Delete a Feature File.
 void XOSModule.Server.deleteGadget(XObjectID gadgetID)
          Delete a Gadget.
 List<XDocumentInfo> XOSModule.Server.getAllFeatureFiles(XObjectID featureID)
          Get all Feature Files in order for a Feature.
 XOSFeatureInfo XOSModule.Server.getFeature(XObjectID featureID)
          Get a Feature.
 XOSGadgetInfo XOSModule.Server.getGadget(XObjectID gadgetID)
          Get a Gadget.
 List<XOSUserPrefInfo> XOSModule.Server.getGadgetUserPrefs(XObjectID gadgetID)
          Get UserPrefs for a Gadget.
 void XOSModule.Server.moveFeatureFileDown(XObjectID featureFileID)
          Move a Feature File down one slot.
 void XOSModule.Server.moveFeatureFileUp(XObjectID featureFileID)
          Move a Feature File up one slot.
 void XOSModule.Server.setFeatureFileName(XObjectID featureFileID, String name)
          Set a Feature File name.
 void XOSModule.Server.setFeatureName(XObjectID featureID, String featureName)
          Set a Feature's name.
 void XOSModule.Server.setFeatureVersion(XObjectID featureID, String featureVersion)
          Set a Feature's version.
 void XOSModule.Server.setGadgetName(XObjectID gadgetID, String gadgetName)
          Set a Gadget's name.
 void XOSModule.Server.updateFeatureFile(XObjectID featureFileID, String name, XAPIInputStream inputStream, String mimeType, long length)
          Upload a new Feature File version.
 void XOSModule.Server.updateGadget(XObjectID gadgetID, XUpdater updater)
          Update a Gadget.
 void XOSModule.Server.uploadGadget(XObjectID gadgetID, XAPIInputStream inputStream, String mimeType, long length)
          Upload a new Gadget file version.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.password


Methods in waggle.common.modules.password with parameters of type XObjectID
 void XPasswordModule.Server.resetPasswordVerify(XObjectID userID, String resetID, String userPassword)
          Request that a User's password be reset.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.poll


Methods in waggle.common.modules.poll that return XObjectID
 XObjectID XPollModule.Server.createPoll(XObjectID conversationID, XPollCreateInfo createInfo)
          Create a Poll widget.


Methods in waggle.common.modules.poll with parameters of type XObjectID
 XObjectID XPollModule.Server.createPoll(XObjectID conversationID, XPollCreateInfo createInfo)
          Create a Poll widget.
 XPollGetInfo XPollModule.Server.getPoll(XObjectID pollID)
          Get current Poll information and how I voted.
 void XPollModule.Server.pollClose(XObjectID pollID, String chatText)
          Close a Poll.
 void XPollModule.Server.pollOpen(XObjectID pollID, String chatText)
          Open a Poll.
 void XPollModule.Server.updatePoll(XObjectID pollID, XPollCreateInfo updateInfo)
          Update a poll object.
 void XPollModule.Server.voteMultiple(XObjectID pollID, List<String> pollOptions)
          Vote for a Poll.
 void XPollModule.Server.voteSingle(XObjectID pollID, String pollOption)
          Vote for a Poll.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.poll.infos


Fields in waggle.common.modules.poll.infos declared as XObjectID
 XObjectID XPollInfo.PollClosedByUserID
          Who closed the Poll.
 XObjectID XPollCreateInfo.PollGadgetID
          The UI Gadget ID.
 XObjectID XPollInfo.PollOpenedByUserID
          Who opened the Poll.


Fields in waggle.common.modules.poll.infos with type parameters of type XObjectID
 List<XObjectID> XPollOptionInfo.PollOptionUserIDs
          Users who have voted for this option.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.profile


Methods in waggle.common.modules.profile with parameters of type XObjectID
 void XProfileModule.Server.defaultProfileNotificationSettings(XObjectID userID)
          Set default notification settings for the specified User.
 InputStream XProfileModule.Server.getOriginalProfilePicture(XObjectID userID)
          Get any original picture for the specified User.
 XProfileInfo XProfileModule.Server.getProfile(XObjectID userID)
          Get another User's Profile info.
 List<XProfileNotificationInfo> XProfileModule.Server.getProfileNotificationSettings(XObjectID userID)
          Get all notification settings for the specified User.
 InputStream XProfileModule.Server.getScaledProfilePicture(XObjectID userID)
          Get any scaled picture for the specified User.
 void XProfileModule.Server.setProfileNotificationSettings(XObjectID userID, List<XProfileNotificationInfo> notificationInfos)
          Set all notification settings for the specified User.
 XProfileInfo XProfileModule.Server.updateProfile(XObjectID userID, XUpdater updater)
          Update a User's Profile info.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.profile.infos


Fields in waggle.common.modules.profile.infos declared as XObjectID
 XObjectID XProfileInfo.OriginalPictureID
          Original Picture of the User.
 XObjectID XProfileInfo.ScaledPictureID
          Scaled Picture of the User.


Uses of XObjectID in


Methods in with parameters of type XObjectID
 List<XPropertyInfo> XPropertiesModule.Server.getMatchingProperties(XObjectID propertyID, String pattern)
          Get all shared property values that match the given pattern.
 List<XPropertyInfo> XPropertiesModule.Server.getMatchingUserProperties(XObjectID propertyID, String pattern)
          Get all per User property values that match the given pattern.
 List<XPropertyInfo> XPropertiesModule.Server.getProperties(XObjectID propertyID)
          Get all shared property values.
 Object XPropertiesModule.Server.getProperty(XObjectID propertyID, String propertyName)
          Get a shared property value.
 Collection<String> XPropertiesModule.Server.getPropertyNames(XObjectID propertyID)
          Set of all shared property names.
 List<XPropertyInfo> XPropertiesModule.Server.getSpecifiedProperties(XObjectID propertyID, List<String> propertyNames)
          Get specified shared property values.
 List<XPropertyInfo> XPropertiesModule.Server.getSpecifiedUserProperties(XObjectID propertyID, List<String> propertyNames)
          Get all specified per User property values.
 List<XPropertyInfo> XPropertiesModule.Server.getUserProperties(XObjectID propertyID)
          Get all per User property values.
 Object XPropertiesModule.Server.getUserProperty(XObjectID propertyID, String propertyName)
          Get a per User property value.
 Collection<String> XPropertiesModule.Server.getUserPropertyNames(XObjectID propertyID)
          Set of all per User property names.
 void XPropertiesModule.Client.propertiesChanged(XObjectID propertyObject, List<XPropertyInfo> propertyInfos)
          Notification that a set of shared properties have changed.
 void XPropertiesModule.Client.propertiesRemoved(XObjectID propertyObject, List<String> propertyNames)
          Notification that a set of shared properties have been removed.
 void XPropertiesModule.Server.removeProperties(XObjectID propertyID, List<String> propertyNames)
          Remove a set of shared properties and their values.
 void XPropertiesModule.Server.removeProperty(XObjectID propertyID, String propertyName)
          Remove a shared property and its value.
 void XPropertiesModule.Server.removeUserProperties(XObjectID propertyID, List<String> propertyNames)
          Remove a set of per User properties and their values.
 void XPropertiesModule.Server.removeUserProperty(XObjectID propertyID, String propertyName)
          Remove a per User property and its value.
 void XPropertiesModule.Server.setProperties(XObjectID propertyID, List<XPropertyInfo> propertyInfos)
          Set a shared property value.
 void XPropertiesModule.Server.setProperty(XObjectID propertyID, String propertyName, String propertyValue)
          Set a shared property value.
 void XPropertiesModule.Server.setUserProperties(XObjectID propertyID, List<XPropertyInfo> propertyInfos)
          Set a per User property value.
 void XPropertiesModule.Server.setUserProperty(XObjectID propertyID, String propertyName, String propertyValue)
          Set a per User property value.
 void XPropertiesModule.Client.userPropertiesChanged(XObjectID propertyObject, List<XPropertyInfo> propertyInfos)
          Notification that a set of per User properties have changed.
 void XPropertiesModule.Client.userPropertiesRemoved(XObjectID propertyObject, List<String> propertyNames)
          Notification that a set of per User properties have been removed.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.realm


Methods in waggle.common.modules.realm with parameters of type XObjectID
 XRealmInfo XRealmModule.Server.getRealm(XObjectID realmID)
          Get Realm.
 List<XRealmNotificationInfo> XRealmModule.Server.getRealmNotificationSettings(XObjectID realmID)
          Get all notification settings for the specified Realm.
 void XRealmModule.Server.setRealmName(XObjectID realmID, String name)
          Change a Realm's name.
 void XRealmModule.Server.setRealmNotificationSettings(XObjectID realmID, List<XRealmNotificationInfo> notificationInfos)
          Set all notification settings for the specified Realm.
 void XRealmModule.Server.testRealm(XObjectID realmID)
          Test a Realm.
 XRealmInfo XRealmModule.Server.updateRealm(XObjectID realmID, XUpdater updater)
          Update the Realm.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.repository


Methods in waggle.common.modules.repository with parameters of type XObjectID
 XArtifactInfo XRepositoryModule.Server.createDocumentFromRepositoryRevision(XObjectID repositoryID, XObjectID conversationID, String repositoryData, String documentName)
          Create a new Conversation Document or a new Version of an existing Conversation Document (by name) from an existing Repository document.
 XRepositoryDocumentInfo XRepositoryModule.Server.createRepositoryRevisionFromContent(XObjectID contentID)
          Create a new Repository document revision from existing Conversation content (Document or Version).
 void XRepositoryModule.Server.deleteRepository(XObjectID repositoryID)
          Delete an existing Repository.
 XRepositoryDocumentInfo XRepositoryModule.Server.getDocumentInfo(XObjectID repositoryID, String repositoryData)
          Get information about a specific document.
 XRepositoryInfo XRepositoryModule.Server.getRepository(XObjectID repositoryID)
          Get an existing Repository.
 XRepositorySearchResultsInfo XRepositoryModule.Server.searchRepository(XObjectID repositoryID, XRepositorySearchInfo searchInfo)
          Search a Repository.
 XRepositoryInfo XRepositoryModule.Server.updateRepository(XObjectID repositoryID, XUpdater updater)
          Update an existing Repository.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.signup


Methods in waggle.common.modules.signup with parameters of type XObjectID
 void XSignupModule.Server.signupVerify(XObjectID userID, String verifyID, String password)
          Verify a User signup.
 void XSignupModule.Server.signupVerifyCheck(XObjectID userID, String verifyID)
          Check verification mode for a User.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.tag


Methods in waggle.common.modules.tag with parameters of type XObjectID
 XTagInfo XTagModule.Server.createPrivateTagAndTag(String name, XObjectID tagableID)
          Create a new private Tag and tag a Tagable.
 XTagInfo XTagModule.Server.createPublicTagAndTag(String name, XObjectID tagableID)
          Create a new public Tag and tag a Tagable.
 void XTagModule.Server.deleteTag(XObjectID tagID)
          Delete an existing Tag.
 List<XTagInfo> XTagModule.Server.getConversationTagCloud(XObjectID conversationID, int limit)
          Get a Track's public and private Tag cloud.
 XTagTagablesInfo XTagModule.Server.getTag(XObjectID tagID)
          Get a Tag and it's Tagables.
 Collection<XTagInfo> XTagModule.Server.getTagableTags(XObjectID tagableID)
          Get the set of Tags used to Tag the specified Tagable.
 List<XTagInfo> XTagModule.Server.getTrackTagCloud(XObjectID trackID, int limit)
          Get a Track's public and private Tag cloud.
 void XTagModule.Server.setTagName(XObjectID tagID, String name)
          Set Tag name.
 void XTagModule.Server.tag(XObjectID tagID, XObjectID tagableID)
          Add a Tag to an existing Tagable.
 void XTagModule.Server.untag(XObjectID tagID, XObjectID tagableID)
          Remove a Tag from an existing Tagable.


Method parameters in waggle.common.modules.tag with type arguments of type XObjectID
 List<XTagTagablesInfo> XTagModule.Server.getTags(List<XObjectID> tagIDs)
          Get a set of Tags and their Tagables.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.track


Methods in waggle.common.modules.track with parameters of type XObjectID
 List<XTrackInfo> XTrackModule.Server.getDiscoverableTracksForUser(XObjectID userID)
          Get all Tracks discoverable by the caller that the specified User is a member of.
 XTrackInfo XTrackModule.Server.getTrack(XObjectID trackID)
          Get info about a Track.
 List<waggle.common.modules.object.infos.XObjectInfo> XTrackModule.Server.getTrackDirectMembers(XObjectID trackID)
          Get set of all Users in all Track Conversations you can view.
 List<XUserInfo> XTrackModule.Server.getTrackMembership(XObjectID trackID)
          Get set of all Users in all Track Conversations you can view.
 List<XTrackInfo> XTrackModule.Server.getTracksInCommon(XObjectID userID)
          Get Tracks that are in common with another User.
 XSearchResultsInfo XTrackModule.Server.searchTrack(XObjectID trackID, XTrackSearchInfo searchInfo)
          Search the content of a Track.
 void XTrackModule.Server.setTrackName(XObjectID trackID, String name)
          Change a Track's name.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.user


Methods in waggle.common.modules.user with parameters of type XObjectID
 void XUserModule.Server.deleteUnverifiedUser(XObjectID userID)
          Delete an unverified user.
 XUserInfo XUserModule.Server.getUser(XObjectID userID)
          Get info for the specified User.
 XUserDetailsInfo XUserModule.Server.getUserDetails(XObjectID userID)
          Get extended info for the specified User.
 List<XUserPhoneNumberInfo> XUserModule.Server.getUserPhoneNumbers(XObjectID userID)
          Get phone numbers for the specified User.
 void XUserModule.Server.synchronizeUserProfile(XObjectID userID)
          Synchronize a user's profile from an external directory store, if available.
 void XUserModule.Server.unlockUser(XObjectID userID)
          Unlock the specified User if they are locked.
 void XUserModule.Server.updateUser(XObjectID userID, XUpdater updater)
          Update a User.


Method parameters in waggle.common.modules.user with type arguments of type XObjectID
 List<XUserInfo> XUserModule.Server.getUsers(List<XObjectID> userIDs)
          Get info for the specified Users.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.user.infos


Fields in waggle.common.modules.user.infos declared as XObjectID
 XObjectID XUserInfo.DefaultTrackID
          The User's default Track ID.
 XObjectID XUserInfo.OriginalPictureID
          User's original picture ID.
 XObjectID XUserInfo.PersonalTrackID
          The User's personal Track ID.
 XObjectID XUserTestCreateInfo.RealmID
          The User's Realm ID.
 XObjectID XUserDetailsInfo.RealmID
          The Realm ID.
 XObjectID XUserSearchInfo.ScaledPictureID
          The User's scaled picture ID if they are already a registered User and they have uploaded a picture.
 XObjectID XUserInfo.ScaledPictureID
          User's scaled picture ID.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.voice


Methods in waggle.common.modules.voice with parameters of type XObjectID
 void XVoiceModule.Server.bookmark(XObjectID conversationID, XObjectID conferenceID, Long position)
          Bookmark a position in the conference.
 String conversationID, String phoneNumber)
          Call the user at the specified number and add them to the Conversation's conference call.
 String XVoiceModule.Server.callOther(XObjectID conversationID, XObjectID userID, String phoneNumber)
          Call another user at the specified number and add them to the Conversation's conference call.
 XCallStatusInfo XVoiceModule.Server.getCallStatusInfo(XObjectID conversationID)
          Get the calling user's current call status in a given conversation.
 void XVoiceModule.Server.hangUpOther(XObjectID conversationID, XObjectID userID)
          Hang up another user on a call in the specified conversation.
 void XVoiceModule.Client.mute(XObjectID conversationID, XObjectID userID, String callID, Boolean muted)
          Notification that the user's mute state has changed in a Conversation's conference call.
 void XVoiceModule.Client.offCall(XObjectID conversationID, XObjectID userID, String callID)
          Notification that a user is no longer on the Conversation's conference call.
 void XVoiceModule.Client.onCall(XObjectID conversationID, XObjectID userID, String callID)
          Notification that a user is on the Conversation's conference call.
 void XVoiceModule.Client.speaking(XObjectID conversationID, XObjectID userID, Boolean speaking)
          Notification that a user is speaking in a Conversation's conference call.
 void XVoiceModule.Client.updateConference(XObjectID conversationID, XObjectID conferenceID, XUpdater updater)
          Notification that a conference has changed and what the change is.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.voice.infos


Fields in waggle.common.modules.voice.infos with type parameters of type XObjectID
 Collection<XObjectID> XVoiceConferenceInfo.ActiveParticipants
          The list of users who are currently participating in the conference.


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.widget


Methods in waggle.common.modules.widget that return XObjectID
 XObjectID XWidgetModule.Server.createWidgetChat(XObjectID widgetID, String chatText)
          Create a Widget related Chat message.
 XObjectID XWidgetModule.Server.createWidgetComment(XObjectID widgetID, XObjectID chatID, String chatText)
          Create a Widget related Comment message.


Methods in waggle.common.modules.widget with parameters of type XObjectID
 XWidgetInfo XWidgetModule.Server.createWidget(XObjectID conversationID, XObjectID gadgetID, String type, String name, boolean enabled, List<XPropertyInfo> propertyInfos)
          Create a new Widget.
 XObjectID XWidgetModule.Server.createWidgetChat(XObjectID widgetID, String chatText)
          Create a Widget related Chat message.
 XObjectID XWidgetModule.Server.createWidgetComment(XObjectID widgetID, XObjectID chatID, String chatText)
          Create a Widget related Comment message.
 List<XWidgetInfo> XWidgetModule.Server.getAllWidgets(XObjectID conversationID)
          Get all widgets for a given conversation, whether active or not.
 List<XWidgetInfo> XWidgetModule.Server.getEnabledWidgets(XObjectID conversationID)
          Get all the active Widgets for a given Conversation.
 XWidgetInfo XWidgetModule.Server.getWidget(XObjectID widgetID)
          Get Widget.
 void XWidgetModule.Server.removeWidget(XObjectID widgetID)
          Remove a Widget.
 XWidgetInfo XWidgetModule.Server.setWidgetEnabled(XObjectID widgetID, boolean enabled)
          Set Widget enabled state.
 XWidgetInfo XWidgetModule.Server.setWidgetName(XObjectID widgetID, String name)
          Set Widget name.
 void XWidgetModule.Server.updateWidgetSoon(XObjectID widgetID)
          Called by client to indicate widget should perform any automatic updates "soon".


Uses of XObjectID in waggle.common.modules.widget.infos


Fields in waggle.common.modules.widget.infos declared as XObjectID
 XObjectID XWidgetInfo.WidgetGadgetID
          The Gadget that this Widget is an instance of.


Fields in waggle.common.modules.widget.infos with type parameters of type XObjectID
 List<XObjectID> XWidgetInfo.WidgetChatIDs
          List of recent generated Widget related Chats.


Uses of XObjectID in


Methods in that return XObjectID
 XObjectID XObjectIDXmlAdapter.unmarshal(Long longValue)
static XObjectID XObjectID.valueOf(Long id)
          Create an Object ID from a String representation.
static XObjectID XObjectID.valueOf(String id)
          Create an Object ID from a String representation.


Methods in with parameters of type XObjectID
 int XObjectID.compareTo(XObjectID obj)
 Long XObjectIDXmlAdapter.marshal(XObjectID objectID)


Uses of XObjectID in


Methods in that return XObjectID
 XObjectID XValue.getObjectID()
          Get an XObjectID value from the XUpdater.
 XObjectID XUpdater.getObjectID(String name)
          Get an XObjectID value from the XUpdater.


Methods in that return types with arguments of type XObjectID
 Collection<XObjectID> XValue.getCollectionObjectIDs()
          Get a Collection value from the XUpdater.
 Collection<XObjectID> XUpdater.getCollectionObjectIDs(String name)
          Get a Collection value from the XUpdater.


Methods in with parameters of type XObjectID
 void XUpdater.put(String name, XObjectID value)
          Put an XObjectID value into the XUpdater.


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Oracle® On Track Communication SDK Documentation
Release 1(1.0)


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