Method Summary
public static Object |
addArrayKey(Object array, Object key, Object value)
Adds a value to an array at the specified key.
public static Object |
clear(Object target)
Remove all of the properties of a collection
public static Object |
clearArray(Object array)
Remove all of the entries from an Array
public static Object |
cloneArray(Object source)
Returns a copy of an array
public static Object |
copyInto(Object target, Object source, Object keyConverter)
Copies all of the properties of source into target and return the target
public static Object |
copyProperties(Object target, Object source, Object sourceKeys, Object keyConverter)
Copy the properties with the specified keys from the source to the destination using the optional keyConverter to convert the source keys to target keys
public static Object |
getKeyOf(Object collection, Object value)
Returns the key of the value in the specified collection, or undefined if the value is not a member of this collection.
public static Object |
indexOf(Object array, Object object)
Returns the index of the object in the array, or -1 if the array does not contain the object
public static Object |
isArray(Object array)
Returns true if the object is an Array
public static Object |
isEmpty(Object collection)
Returns if a collection is empty
public static Object |
removeAll(Object targetCollection, Object removeCollection, Object outCollection)
Removes all of the properties of removeCollection from targetCollection.
public static Object |
removeArrayKey(Object array, Object key)
Removes the key from the array list if it is an integer, and from the key's properties if it isn't
public static Number |
removeArrayValue(Array array, Object value)
Removes the first instance of the specified value from the Array and returns the key the value was associated with, moving all of the array indices down and returning the index of the removed value, or -1 if the value wasn't found.
public static Object |
removeValue(Object collection, Object value)
Removes the first instance of the specified value from the collection and returns the key the value was associated with
public static Object |
union(Object inUnion1, Object inUnion2, Object outUnion)
Returns the union of two sets of properties.