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Oracle Fusion Middleware Report Designer's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher
Release 11g (11.1.1)
Part Number E13881-01
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Managing Objects in the BI Publisher Catalog

This chapter covers the following topics:

What is the Catalog

Note: The information in this chapter applies to installations of BI Publisher that are not integrated with the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition. For information about the integrated Oracle BI Presentation catalog, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

The Oracle BI Publisher catalog stores the objects, such as reports, data models, and style templates, that you create using the Oracle BI Publisher application. Users have their own personal folders (My Folders) where they can store their objects. The objects that are stored in personal folders can only be accessed by the user who created and saved the content into the folder. Users can add subfolders to their My Folders to organize their content in the way that is the most logical to them.

Users can also store objects in shared folders where other users or groups can access the objects. User permissions determine which folders are available to which users. Permissions are assigned at the object-level and determine who has the ability to view, edit, and schedule objects within that folder. Your administrator creates and maintains the catalog's shared folder structure.

What Objects Are Stored in the Catalog

The following objects are shown in the catalog:



Data Models

Style Templates

Sub Templates

As shown in the following figure, each has an identifying icon and lists the creation and modification information. If a description was provided for the object, that is also displayed in the catalog. Next to each object in the catalog is a list of actions you can take on the object.

the picture is described in the document text

See Performing Tasks on Catalog Objects for more information.

Creating a Folder or Subfolder

Use the following procedure to create a subfolder within your My Folder or, if you have the required permissions, create a system folder.

  1. Navigate to the desired location in the Folders pane.

  2. On the catalog toolbar, click New and select Folder. The New Folder dialog is displayed.

  3. Enter the folder name and optionally enter a description. Click Create.

Performing Tasks on Catalog Objects

Some tasks can be performed on objects in multiple ways: by using the links next to the object, by using the catalog toolbar, or by selecting the object and choosing the task from the Tasks region, as shown in the following figure:

the picture is described in the document text

Note that your access to these actions will depend on the permissions granted to you by your administrator.

Task options include:

Folders also include the following tasks:

Downloading and Uploading Catalog Objects

The download feature of the BI Publisher catalog enables you to bundle and download multicomponent objects (such as reports) in an archive file. You can then use the upload feature to unarchive the data to another location in the catalog. This process enables you to transfer objects across environments. For example, you can use this feature to transfer BI Publisher objects from a development environment to a production environment.

The following table shows the file extensions that BI Publisher assigns to each type of archived object when downloaded:

Catalog Object Extension Assigned to Downloaded Files
Report .xdoz
Data Model .xdmz
Style Template .xssz
Subtemplate .xsbz

Note: If BI Publisher is integrated with the Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, use the archive and unarchive features of the BI Presentation catalog to perform this function. See "Managing Objects in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition for more information.

Understanding the Impact of Taking Actions on Objects Referenced by Reports

Note that when you move, cut, rename, or delete a Data Model, a Sub Template, or a Style Template that is being used as a resource for a report, that the references to the resource will be broken and the report will no longer run as expected.

For example, if you have a report that was created with a data model that resides in a folder called My Data Models, if you move the data model to another folder, the report will not run because the report definition is expecting the data model to be in My Data Models.

To correct this, open the report in the report editor and update the reference to the data model.

Exporting and Importing Catalog Translation Files

For users with administrator privileges, the catalog toolbar includes the Export XLIFF and Import XLIFF function shown in the following figure:

the picture is described in the document text

This function enables administrators to export an XLIFF file that contains the translation strings the selected catalog object or group of objects. The XLIFF strings can then be translated to the desired target language. After the XLIFF file is translated, the administrator can import the XLIFF file back to the catalog and assign it the appropriate locale.

For more information, see Translating Catalog Objects.