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Configuring Project Components for Oracle Java CAPS Application Adapters     Java CAPS Documentation
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Configuring JAVA CAPS Project Components for Application Adapters

Configuring Adapter Connectivity Map Properties

To Add an Adapter to the Connectivity Map

To Configure Adapter Connectivity Map Properties

Oracle Applications Adapter Properties

Outbound Oracle Applications Adapter with no XA Support

Outbound Adapter with XA Support

PeopleSoft Adapter Connectivity Map Properties

PeopleSoft HTTP Client Outbound Connectivity Map Properties

HTTP Settings

PeopleSoft HTTP Server Inbound Connectivity Map Properties

HTTP Server External Configuration

SAP BAPI Adapter Connectivity Map Properties

Inbound SAP BAPI Adapter Properties

Server Connection Settings

Outbound SAP BAPI Adapter Properties

Client Connection Settings

Siebel EAI Adapter Connectivity Map Properties

Servlet Configuration (Inbound)

Siebel EAI Settings (Outbound)

HTTP Settings (Outbound)

SWIFT Alliance Gateway Adapter Connectivity Map Properties

Selecting SWIFTAlliance Gateway as the External Application

To Create the SWIFT AG External Application

SWIFT AG Adapter Connectivity Map Properties

SWIFT AG Envelope Properties

SWIFT AG Primitive Control Properties

SWIFT AG RemoteApi Base Settings

SWIFT AG InterAct Client Properties

SWIFT AG InterAct Client > Store and Forward Properties

SWIFT AG FileAct Client Properties

SWIFT AG FileAct Client > Store and Forward Properties

SWIFT AG FileAct Client > Get File Properties

SWIFT AG FileAct Client > Put File Properties

SWIFT AG FileAct Client > SnF Fetch File Properties

SWIFT AG Connection Establishment Properties

WebSphere MQ Adapter Connectivity Map Properties

Inbound WebSphere MQ Adapter Connectivity Map Properties

Inbound WebSphere MQ Adapter Settings

Inbound WebSphere MQ Adapter Settings > GetMessageOptions > matchOptions

Inbound WebSphere MQ Adapter Settings > GetMessageOptions > options

Outbound WebSphere MQ Adapter XA Connectivity Map Properties

Outbound WebSphere MQ Adapter (XA) Settings

Outbound WebSphere MQ Adapter (XA) Settings > Queue Open Options

Outbound WebSphere MQ Adapter Connectivity Map Properties

Outbound WebSphere MQ Adapter Settings

Outbound WebSphere MQ Adapter Settings > Queue Open Options

Running XA Transactions in Client (Outbound) Mode

SWIFT Alliance Gateway Adapter Connectivity Map Properties

All adapters contain a set of properties that are unique to that adapter type. After the adapters are created and a SWIFTAlliance Gateway External System is added to the Project’s Environment, the adapter parameters can be modified for your specific system.

Note - Modifying individual OTD configuration settings can override the default adapter OTD configuration settings. For more information on SWIFTAlliance Gateway configuration properties in the context of SWIFTAlliance Gateway, refer to the SWIFTAlliance Gateway and SNL user documentation provided by SWIFT.

Selecting SWIFTAlliance Gateway as the External Application

To create an SWIFTAlliance Gateway adapter, you must first create an SAG (SWIFTAlliance Gateway) External Application in your Connectivity Map. SWIFTAlliance Gateway adapters are located between the SAG External Application and a Service. Services are containers for Collaborations, Business Processes, and so forth.

To Create the SWIFT AG External Application

  1. From the Connectivity Map toolbar, click the External Applications icon.
  2. Select the SAG External Application from the menu (see the figure below). The selected SAG External Application icon appears on the Connectivity Map toolbar.
    image:SWIFT AG External Application
  3. Drag the new SAG External Application from the toolbar onto the Connectivity Map canvas. This represents an external SWIFTAlliance Gateway system.

    From the Connectivity Map, you can associate (bind) the External Application with the Service to establish an adapter (see the figure below).

    Figure 2 Adapter Location

    image:SWIFT AG Connectivity Map

    When SAG is selected as the External Application, it automatically applies the default SWIFT Alliance Gateway Adapter properties, provided by the OTD, to the adapter that connects it to the Service. You can then modify these properties for your specific system using the Properties Editor.

SWIFT AG Adapter Connectivity Map Properties

The SWIFTAlliance Gateway Adapter Connectivity Map Properties include the following parameter sections:

SWIFT AG Envelope Properties

The Envelope section of the SWIFT AG Adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in the table below.

Table 10 Connectivity Map - Envelope

Required Value
Application ID
Specifies the name of the Application Interface Message Partner. The Message Partner basically identifies an application that sends and receives messages on behalf of a user.
The name of the Application Interface Message Partner.

This property is mandatory

Context ID
Specifies the cryptographic mode for Relaxed SNL Protocol:
  • Empty (blank) indicates automatic mode.

  • Advanced: indicates advanced mode.

    Relaxed SNL Protocol does not support manual cryptographic mode.

Advanced or blank indicating the selected Context ID.

The configured default is Advanced

Msg Format
Specifies the format of the current message. Each of the names of the required values denotes a SWIFTAlliance Gateway message format.
The default value is Sag:RelaxedSNL.

Note - This property is “grayed out” to indicate that the property is not configurable.

Specifies the name of the SWIFTAlliance Gateway Sender. This is an SAG operator.
The name of the sender.
Sender Auth
Specifies the password of the SAG operator.
The SAG operator password.

SWIFT AG Primitive Control Properties

The Primitive Control section of the SWIFT AG Adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in the table below.

Table 11 Connectivity Map - Primitive Control

Required Value
Include XML Attributes in SNL Primitive
Specifies the construction/marshalling of SNL primitives.

When the SWIFT AG Adapter constructs/marshals the SNL primitives, this flag indicates whether the adapter includes the XML attributes in the primitives. For example:

  • For element SwInt:Requestor, including XML attributes, may be as follows:

    <SwInt:Requestor type="Sw.Gbl.DN" version="4.0.0">o=swift,o=swift </SwInt:Requestor>

  • If you do not include XML attributes, it may be as follows:

    <SwInt:Requestor>o=swift,o=swift </SwInt:Requestor> 

    Note that all XML attributes in SNL Primitives are defined in SNL Specification.

Select True or False. True indicates that the adapter includes the XML attributes in the primitives.

The configured default is False.

SWIFT AG RemoteApi Base Settings

The RemoteApi Base settings section of the SWIFT AG Adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in the table below.

Table 12 Connectivity Map - RemoteApi Base settings

Required Value
Client Handle Timeout
Specifies the maximum time (in milliseconds) allowed between a request message and its corresponding response message.
An integer indicating the maximum time allowed between a request message and its corresponding response message in milliseconds (for example, 300000 equals 5 minutes).

The configured default is 300000.

Read Blocking Timeout
Specifies the maximum time (in milliseconds) to block a read operation
An integer indicating the maximum time in milliseconds to block a read operation (for example, 60000 equals 1 minute).

The configured default is 60000.

SWIFT AG InterAct Client Properties

This section maps to Primitive SwInt:ExchangeRequest. For parameters SwXXX under this section, refer to the SNL specification for more detailed descriptions. The InterAct Client section of the SWIFT AG Adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in the table below.

Table 13 Connectivity Map - InterAct Client

Required Value
User DN
Specifies the SwSec_UserDN, full distinguished name used to identify and authenticate the principal. Size is limited to 100 bytes.
The User DN (distinguished name) ending with o=<BIC8>,o=swift

For example: cn=dandrews,o=bankn14b,o=swift

Requestor DN
Specifies the SwInt_Requestor, used to identify the Application entity name. Size is limited to 100 bytes.
The Requestor DN (distinguished name) ending with o=<SWIFTNet institution BIC-8>,o=swift

For example:


Responder DN
Specifies the SwInt_Responder, used to identify the intended responder. Size is limited to 100 bytes.
The Responder DN (distingusihed name) ending with o=<SWIFTNet institution BIC-8>,o=swift

For example:


Service Name
Specifies the SwInt_Service, the Service Name containing the SWIFTNet service used. The size is limited to 30 bytes.
The Service Name.

For example, swift.cte, swift.generic.ia!x, swift.generic.iast!x, and so forth.

Request Type
Specifies the SwInt_RequestType, used to identify the message type of the XML message using the standard

message code. The size is limited to 30 bytes.

The Request Type. For example:

camt.005.001.02 (GetTransaction)

User Reference
Specifies the SwInt_RequestRef. This is used to associate a request message with subsequent response or error messages. The size is limited to 30 bytes.
A user reference of 30 bytes or less.
Specifies whether the request contains Crypto operations to be performed. Only the last Crypto block is analyzed. SwInt_RequestCrypto (digital signature).
Select True or False. True indicates that the request contains Crypto operations to be performed.

The configured default is FALSE.

Specifies the SwInt_Priority. The priority of delivery. In the future, SWIFTNet may implement this priority through schemes such as top-queuing, dedicated server processes, network transport priority. In the current implementation, differentiation on priority may be used for store-and-forward delivery.
Normal or Urgent.

The configured default is Normal.

Specifies whether SwInt_NRIndicator, nonrepudiation support is being requested.
Select True or False. True indicates that nonrepudiation is requested.

The configured default is FALSE.

Delivery Notification Queue Name
Specifies the SwInt_NotifQueue, store-and-forward delivery mode. When a value is present, it indicates SnF delivery mode and the queue where SnF delivery notifications are received.

In the case of non-delivery (Rejected or Failed message), an SnF failed notification is always generated in this notification queue.

In the case of delivery (Accepted or Duplicated message) an SnF delivery notification is optionally generated in this queue.

For store-and-forward delivery mode, enter the name of the delivery notification queue.

Size is limited to 30 bytes. For example: ptsauszz_generic!x. (see Sw:DeliveryNotif)

Ask Positive Delivery Notification?
Specifies Sw_DeliveryNotif, delivery notification. This is for store-and-forward delivery mode only. Indicates whether a delivery notification is required in case of successful delivery (Accepted or Duplicated).
Select True or False. True indicates that a delivery notification is required.

The configured default is FALSE.

SWIFT AG InterAct Client > Store and Forward Properties

This section maps to the parameter Sw:AcquireSnFRequest of the Primitive Sw:ExchangeSnFRequest. For parameters SwXXX under this section, refer to the SNL specification for more detailed descriptions. The InterAct Client > Store and Forward section of the SWIFT AG Adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in the table below.

Note - For more information on SWIFTAlliance Gateway configuration properties in the context of SWIFTAlliance Gateway, refer to the SWIFTAlliance Gateway and SNL user documentation provided by SWIFT.

Table 14 Connectivity Map - InterAct Client > Store and Forward

Required Value
Queue Name To Acquire
Specifies the name of the queue (SwInt_Queue).
The User SwInt_Queue

For example: ptsauszz_generic!x

Size is limited to 30 bytes.

Force Acquire?
Specifies the Sw_ForceAcquire. Indicates whether an acquisition request must be accepted in case the queue is already acquired.
Select TRUE or FALSE. True indicates that an acquisition request must be accepted. The configured default is TRUE.
Session Mode
Specifies the usage mode of the queue.

This property is purposely disabled.

The default setting is Pull. Pull is the correct setting for client mode

Note - This property is purposely disabled.

Order By
Specifies the Sw_OrderBy. Indicates the order priority in which the messages are retrieved on the queue. The options are:
  • InterAct

  • Blank: indicates FIFO (first in, first out).

  • FileAct

  • Urgent

Select InterAct, blank, FileAct, or Urgent.

The configured default is InterAct.

Recovery Mode?
Specifies the Sw_RecoveryMode. Indicates whether the session must be opened in recovery mode. Messages that already have an output sequence number are sent first, before considering the selected order.
Select TRUE or FALSE. True indicates that the session must be opened in recovery mode.

The configured default is FALSE.

SWIFT AG FileAct Client Properties

This section maps to the Primitive Sw:ExchangeFileRequest. For parameters SwXXX under this section, refer to the SNL specification for more detailed descriptions. The FileAct Client section of the SWIFT AG Adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in the table below.

Table 15 Connectivity Map - FileAct Client

Required Value
User DN
Specifies the SwSec_UserDN. Used to identify and authenticate the principal. Size is limited to 100 bytes.
The User DN (distinguished name) ending with o=<BIC8>,o=swift

For example: cn=dandrews,o=bankn14b,o=swift

Requestor DN
Specifies the SwInt_Requestor, the Application entity name. Size is limited to 100 bytes.
The Requestor DN (distinguished name) ending with o=<SWIFTNet institution BIC-8>,o=swift

For example:


Responder DN
Specifies the SwInt_Responder, the name of the intended responder. Size is limited to 100 bytes.
The Responder DN (distingusihed name) ending with o=<SWIFTNet institution BIC-8>,o=swift

For example:


Service Name
Specifies the SwInt_Service, the Service Name containing the SWIFTNet service used. The size is limited to 30 bytes.
The Service Name.

For example, swift.cte, swift.generic.fa!x,!x, and so forth.

Request Type
Specifies the SwInt_RequestType, used to identify the message type of the XML message using the standard message code. The size is limited to 30 bytes.
The Request Type. For example:

camt.005.001.02 (GetTransaction)

User Reference
Specifies the SwInt_RequestRef. This is used to associate a request message with subsequent response or error messages. The size is limited to 30 bytes.
A user reference of 30 bytes or less.
Specifies whether the request contains Crypto operations to be performed. Only the last Crypto block is analyzed. SwInt_RequestCrypto (digital signature).
Select True or False. True indicates that the request contains Crypto operations to be performed.

The configured default is FALSE.

Specifies the SwInt_Priority. The priority of delivery. In the future, SWIFTNet may implement this priority through schemes such as top-queuing, dedicated server processes, network transport priority. In the current implementation, differentiation on priority may be used for store-and-forward delivery.
Normal or Urgent.

The configured default is Normal.

Specifies whether SwInt_NRIndicator, nonrepudiation support is being requested.
Select True or False. True indicates that nonrepudiation is requested.

The configured default is FALSE.

Delivery Notification Queue Name
Specifies the SwInt_NotifQueue, store-and-forward delivery mode. When a value is present, it indicates SnF delivery mode and the queue where SnF delivery notifications are received.

In the case of non-delivery (Rejected or Failed message), an SnF failed notification is always generated in this notification queue.

In the case of delivery (Accepted or Duplicated message) an SnF delivery notification is optionally generated in this queue.

For store-and-forward delivery mode, enter the name of the delivery notification queue.

Size is limited to 30 bytes. For example: ptsauszz_generic!x. (see Sw:DeliveryNotif)

Ask Positive Delivery Notification?
Specifies Sw_DeliveryNotif, delivery notification. This is for store-and-forward delivery mode only. Indicates whether a delivery notification is required in case of successful delivery (Accepted or Duplicated).
Select True or False. True indicates that a delivery notification is required.

The configured default is FALSE.

Remote File Handler TransferEP
Specifies the Sw_TransferEP, the Transfer EndPoint name used for the remote file handler. Value options:
  • Blank value: indicates that the file transfer does not use the remote file handler.

  • Transfer EndPoint name: When this value is present, the file transfer uses the remote file handler.

    Before the file transfer starts you need to start the remote file handler process with the specified Transfer EndPoint name on your system. The command to start the remote file handler (swfa_handler) requires the command-line arguments:

    swfa_handler <HostName>:<PortNumber>[:ssl] <TransferEndpoint> [<Process ID>]

    Here are some examples:

    swfa_handler snlhost:48003:ssl MyUniqueEndpoint 23450

    swfa_handler snlhost:48003 MyUniqueEndpoint 23450

    swfa_handler snlhost:48003 MyUniqueEndpoint

    As for the syntax details and operational guidelines of remote file handler, refer to the SWIFTNet Service Design Guide or consult your system person.

The Transfer EndPoint name used for the remote file handler.

Size is limited to 30 bytes.

Block File Transfer?
Specifies BlockFileTransfer. This indicates whether the function call will finish when a final file status is returned.

This may be useful for the large file transfers.

The final status values for file transfer are: Completed, Duplicated, Aborted, Failed, Rejected, and Unknown.

Select True or False. True indicates that the function call will finish when a final file status is returned.

The configured default is True.

SWIFT AG FileAct Client > Store and Forward Properties

This section maps to parameter Sw:AcquireSnFRequest of Primitive Sw:ExchangeSnFRequest. For parameters SwXXX under this section, refer to the SNL specification for more detailed descriptions. The InterAct Client > Store and Forward section of the SWIFT AG Adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in the table below.

Table 16 Connectivity Map - FileAct Client > Store and Forward

Required Value
Queue Name To Acquire
Specifies the SwInt_Queue. For example, ptsauszz_generic!x. Size is limited to 30 bytes.
The User SwInt_Queue

For example: ptsauszz_generic!x

Force Acquire?
Specifies the Sw_ForceAcquire. Indicates whether an acquisition request must be accepted if a queue is already acquired.
Select TRUE or FALSE. True indicates that an acquisition request must be accepted. The configured default is TRUE.
Session Mode
Specifies the usage mode of the queue.

This property is purposely disabled.

The default setting is Pull. Pull is the correct setting for client mode

Note - This property is purposely disabled.

Order By
Specifies the Sw_OrderBy. Indicates the order priority in which the messages are retrieved on the queue. The options are:
  • InterAct

  • Blank: indicates FIFO (first in, first out).

  • FileAct

  • Urgent

Select InterAct, blank, FileAct, or Urgent.

The configured default is FileAct.

Recovery Mode?
Specifies the Sw_RecoveryMode. Indicates whether the session must be opened in recovery mode. Messages that already have an output sequence number are sent first, before considering the selected order.
Select True or False. True indicates that the session must be opened in recovery mode.

The configured default is False.

SWIFT AG FileAct Client > Get File Properties

This section maps to the parameter Sw:GetFileRequest of the Primitive Sw:ExchangeFileRequest. For parameters SwXXX under this section, refer to the SNL Specification for more detailed descriptions. The FileAct Client > Get File section of the SWIFT AG Adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in the table below.

Table 17 Connectivity Map - FileAct Client > Get File

Required Value
Transfer Description
Specifies the Sw_TransferDescription, user information about the file transfer. Free text. Size is limited to 256 bytes.
The transfer description.
Transfer Info
Specifies the Sw_TransferInfo, user information about the file transfer. Structured data that can be analyzed by the server. Size is limited to 256 bytes.
The transfer information.
Logical File Name
Specifies the Sw_LogicalName, the logical name of the file to get. This name is communicated to the server application. By default, this name is the physical name without path. Size is limited to 254 bytes.
The logical file name.
Physical File Name
Specifies the Sw_PhysicalName, the full physical name where the file to get must be stored. If the file already exists it is overwritten. Size is limited to 254 bytes.
The physical file name.
Maximum File Size
Specifies the Sw_MaxSize, the maximum accepted file size. When a value is present, the maximum size is a field that is communicated from the client application to the server application.

This property is optional. Size range is 0 to 250 Megabytes.

The maximum file size.

SWIFT AG FileAct Client > Put File Properties

This section maps to parameter Sw:PutFileRequest of the Primitive Sw:ExchangeFileRequest. For parameters SwXXX under this section, refer to the SNL Specification for more detailed descriptions. The FileAct Client > Put File section of the SWIFT AG Adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in the table below.

Table 18 Connectivity Map - FileAct Client > Put File

Required Value
Transfer Description
Specifies the Sw_TransferDescription, This is information about the file transfer. Free text. Size is limited to 256 bytes.
The transfer description.
Transfer Info
Specifies the Sw_TransferInfo, information about the file transfer. This is structured data that can be analysed by the server. Size is limited to 256 bytes.
The transfer information.
Logical File Name
Specifies the Sw_LogicalName, the logical name of the file to put. This name is communicated to the server application. By default, this name is the physical name without path. Size is limited to 254 bytes.
The logical file name.
Physical File Name
Specifies the Sw_PhysicalName, the full physical name of the file to put. Size is limited to 254 bytes.
The physical file name.
File Description
Specifies the Sw_FileDescription. This is user information about the file. Free text. Size is limited to 256 bytes.
The file description.
File Info
Specifies the Sw_FileInfo, user information about the file. This is structured data that can be analysed by the server. Size is limited to 256 bytes.
The file information.

SWIFT AG FileAct Client > SnF Fetch File Properties

This section maps to Primitive Sw:FetchFileRequest. For parameters SwXXX under this section, refer to the SNL Specification for more detailed descriptions. The FileAct Client > SnF Fetch File section of the SWIFT AG Adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in the table below.

Table 19 Connectivity Map - FileAct Client > SnF Fetch File

Required Value
Physical File Name
Specifies the Sw_PhysicalName, the full physical name where the file is stored locally. Size is limited to 254 bytes.
The physical file name.

SWIFT AG Connection Establishment Properties

The Connection Establishment section of the SWIFT AG Adapter Connectivity Map properties defines configuration parameters used to control the connection establishment. It contains the top-level parameters displayed in the table below.

Table 20 Connectivity Map - Connection Establishment

Required Value
Always Create New Connection
Specifies whether to ALWAYS try to create a new connection for a connection establishment request. The options are:
  • True: a new connection is always created without trying to match an existing connection.

  • False: an attempt to match an existing connection (managed by container) is made.

Select True or False.

The configured default is False.

Auto Disconnect Connection
Specifies whether the adapter closes the connection automatically after the work is finished on the connection.
  • True: the connection is not re-used.

  • False: the connection is returned to the pool for reuse.

Select True or False.

The configured default is False.