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Oracle Java CAPS File Binding Component User's Guide     Java CAPS Documentation
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Document Information

Using the File Binding Component in a Project

About the File Binding Component

File Binding Component Features

Common User Scenarios

Polling a Directory

Writing Files to a Directory

Multiple Records in a File

End-of-Line Characters

Runtime Configuration

Accessing the File Binding Component Runtime Properties

The File Binding Component Runtime Properties

General Properties

Statistics Properties

Loggers Properties

Configuring File BC WSDL Attributes

Service Level WSDL Elements

File Address Element

Binding Level WSDL Elements

File Binding Element

File Operation Element

File Message Element

File Name Patterns

Application Variables in File Name Patterns

Inbound Message Processing

File Binding Component Processing Protocol

Persisted Sequencing

Mapping Persisted Sequences to File Based Persistences

Outbound Message Processing

Application Variable Support

Application Configuration Support

Processing Protocols and Capabilities

Inbound Processing

Outbound Processing

Normalized Message Properties

Normalized Message Properties Defined by the File Binding Component

General Normalized Message Properties

Consistent Logging Strategies

Message Exchange Redelivery Capability

Configuring Redelivery

To Configure Redelivery

Endpoints Statistics and Monitoring Management

Throttling and Serial Processing

To Configure Throttling

Application Variable Support

The binding component Application Variables property allows you to define a list of name:value pairs for a given stated type. The application variable name can be used as a token for a WSDL extensibility element attribute in a corresponding binding. For example, if you were defining an application variable for the hostname as FOO, then the WSDL attribute would be ${FOO}. In the Application Variables property you would enter a String value of FOO for the name, and the desired attribute as the value. When you deploy an application that uses application variables, any variable that is referenced in the application's WSDL is loaded automatically.

The Application Variables configuration property offers four variable types:

Variables also allow greater flexibility for your WSDL files. For example, you can use the same WSDL for different runtime environments by using application variables to specify system specific information. These values can then be changed from the binding component runtime properties as needed, for any specific environment.

When you deploy an application that uses Application Variables, all of the Application Variables that are referenced in the application's WSDL files are loaded automatically. If you attempt to start an application and an Application Variables value is not defined (no value is specified for the Application Variable) an exception is thrown.

To change a property when the application is running, change your Application Variable property value, then right-click your application in the Services window under Servers > GlassFish V2> JBI > Service Assemblies, and click Stop in the popup menu. When you restart your project, your new settings will take effect.

image:Application Variables