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Oracle Java CAPS HTTP Binding Component User's Guide     Java CAPS Documentation
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Document Information

Using the HTTP Binding Component

About the HTTP Binding Component

HTTP/SOAP Binding Architecture

HTTP Binding Component Features

Service Provider Features

Service Consumer Features

Security Features

HTTP Binding Component Example Scenario

Purchase Order Example

SOAP Processing

SOAP 1.1 WSDL Extensibility Elements

SOAP 1.1 Connectivity Element

SOAP 1.1 address Element

SOAP 1.1 Binding Elements

SOAP 1.1 binding Element

SOAP 1.1 operation Element

SOAP 1.1 body Element

SOAP 1.1 fault Element

SOAP 1.1 header and headerfault Elements

SOAP 1.2 WSDL Extensibility Elements

SOAP 1.2 Connectivity Element

SOAP 1.2 address Element

SOAP 1.2 Binding Elements

SOAP 1.2 binding Element

SOAP 1.2 operation Element

SOAP 1.2 body Element

SOAP 1.2 fault Element

SOAP 1.2 header and headerfault Elements

WS-I Basic Profile 1.1

HTTP Processing

HTTP WSDL Extensibility Elements

HTTP Connectivity Element

HTTP address Element

HTTP Binding Elements

HTTP binding Element

HTTP operation Element

HTTP urlEncoded Element

HTTP urlReplacement Element

HTTP GET and POST Processing

XML/HTTP GET Processing

Configuring the HTTP Binding Component for HTTP Get Interactions

Binding Details

http:binding Element

http:address Element

http:operation Element

http:urlEncoded Element


Using the HTTP Binding Component with the HTTP POST Method

Configuring the HTTP Binding Component for HTTP Get Interactions

Binding Details

HTTP POST Treatment of http:urlEncoded and http:urlReplacement

HTTP Binding Component Runtime Properties

HTTP Binding Component Client Endpoint Properties

Accessing the HTTP Binding Component Client Endpoint Properties

HTTP BC Client Endpoint Configuration Properties

Using Normalized Message Properties to Propagate Binding Context Information

Using Normalized Message Properties in a BPEL Process

Using Predefined Normalized Message Properties in a BPEL Process

To use predefined normalized message properties in a BPEL process

Adding Additional Normalized Message Properties to a BPEL Process

To add a Normalized Message Property Shortcut to a BPEL process

To edit an NM Property Shortcut

To delete an NM Property Shortcut

To add a Normalized Message Property to a BPEL process

To delete an NM Property

BPEL Code Generation Using NM Properties

Normalized Message Properties

SOAP HTTP Binding Component Specific Normalized Message Properties

Quality of Service (QOS) Features

Configuring the Quality of Service Properties

Message Throttling: Configuring and Using

Configuring the HTTP Binding Component Endpoint for Throttling

Redelivery: Configuring and Using

Using the Tango Web Service Features with the HTTP Binding Component

Configuring Reliable Message Delivery

Installing the Synchronous BPEL Process sample

Configuring Web Services for a Project from the CASA Editor

Configuring the Tango Web Services Attributes exposed by the HTTP Binding Component

Accessing the Tango (WSIT) Web Service Attribute Configuration

Accessing the WS-Policy Attachment Editor for a Specific Endpoint

Server Configuration--Web Service Attributes

Client Configuration -- Web Service Attributes

HTTP Binding Component Security

Using Basic Authentication with the HTTP Binding Component

Basic Authentication Supported Features

Authentication Mechanisms for Consumer Endpoints

WssTokenCompare Username/Password Authentication

Using the Access Manager for Authentication and Authorization

Installing the Access Manager Add-on

Installing Access Manager with Java Application Platform SDK

Configure the HTTP Binding Component to use Access Manager

Using the OpenSSO Web Services Security (WSS) Agent for Authentication and Authorization

Install OpenSSO Enterprise Server

Configure the HTTP Binding Component to use OpenSSO Web Service Security

Using the GlassFish Realm Security to Authenticate the HTTP Client Credentials

Configuring Security Mechanisms

Username Authentication with Symmetric Key

Mutual Certificates Security

Transport Security (SSL)

Message Authentication over SSL

SAML Authorization over SSL

Endorsing Certificate

SAML Sender Vouches with Certificates

SAML Holder of Key

STS Issued Token

STS Issued Token with Service Certificate

STS Issued Endorsing Token

Using Application Variables to Define Name/Value Pairs

Using Application Variables for password protection

Creating a password Application Variable

Using Application Configuration to Configure Connectivity Parameters

To apply a named Config Extension to the Application Configuration

Enhanced Logging

Statistics Monitoring

Using WS-Transaction

Clustering Support for the HTTP Binding Component

HTTP Load Balancer

Configuring the HTTP Binding Component for Clustering

Understanding the ${HttpDefaultPort} Token

Common User Scenarios

Validating HTTP Extensibility Elements from the WSDL Editor

Adding a SOAP Template to a WSDL Document

Adding an HTTP Template to a WSDL Document

Web Service Client Calling an Operation Using HTTP Basic Authentication

Web Service Implementing an Operation Protected by HTTP Basic Authentication

Web Service Client Calling an Operation Using SSL Authentication

Web Service Implements an Operation Protected by SSL Authentication

HTTP Binding Component Runtime Properties

The HTTP Binding Component's runtime properties can be configured from the NetBeans IDE, or from a command prompt (command line interface) during installation.

The HTTP Binding Component properties apply to the binding component as a whole, including all provider and consumer endpoints.

To display or edit the properties in the NetBeans IDE, do the following:

  1. From the Services tab of the NetBeans IDE, expand the Servers node.

  2. Start your application server. To do this, right-click your application server and select Start from the shortcut menu.

  3. Under the application server, expand the JBI -> Binding Components nodes and select the HTTP Binding Component (com.sun.httpsoapbc). The current HTTP Binding Component properties are displayed at the right side of the NetBeans IDE. You can also double-click the HTTP Binding Component to open a properties window.

  4. Edit the properties as needed. To apply any changes you make to the runtime HTTP Binding Component properties, stop and restart the HTTP Binding Component.

Figure 2 HTTP Binding Component Runtime Properties

image:Graphic shows the HTTP Binding Component Runtime Properties Editor dialog box. The dialog box displays the properties and their current values.

The HTTP Binding Component properties specify clustering and proxy settings, and reference the Binding Component's description, name, type, and state.

Table 18 HTTP Binding Component Runtime Properties

Required or Optional
General Properties
Indicates the purpose of the HTTP Binding Component. This property is displayed for reference purposes.
HTTP Soap Binding to send SOAP messages, for example, to and from BPEL service engine.
Indicates the name of the HTTP Binding Component. This property is displayed for reference purposes.
Indicates the state of the HTTP Binding Component as "Started" or "Stopped." This property is displayed for reference purposes.
Indicates the type of component. This property is displayed for reference purposes.
Identification Properties
Indicates the component specification version.
Build Number
Indicates the component build number.
Configuration Properties
Number of Outbound Threads
Specifies the maximum number of threads to process outbound HTTP/SOAP invocations concurrently.

The value can be any integer from 1 to 2147483647.

Default HTTP Port Number
Specifies the default HTTP port number for the HTTP Binding Component instance. This property is required for clustering and allows each HTTP Binding Component to be differentiated by its unique default port number. A default port number is calculated and preassigned when the binding component is initially installed in the application server instance. A file containing the persisted configuration is stored for each component. This is used to assign a unique default port number for each HTTP Binding Component instance on a computer.
Default HTTPS Port Number
Specifies the default HTTP Secure port number for the HTTP Binding Component instance. This property is required for clustering and allows each HTTP Binding Component to be differentiated by its unique default port number. A default port number is calculated and preassigned when the binding component is initially installed in the application server instance. A file containing the persisted configuration is stored for each component. This is used to assign a unique default port number for each HTTP Binding Component instance on a computer.
(SSL) Client authentication enabled
Specifies if client authentication 2-way (mutual) SSL on the default HTTPS port is enabled. Restart the binding component to effect changes for this property.
Select the checkbox to enable
Sun Access Manager Configuration Directory
Specifies the location of the Sun Access Manager configuration directory, which contains the Access Manager properties file.

If you are using the OpenSSO Web Service Security Agent (WSS), use this property to specify the directory that contains the file.

For more information see Authentication Mechanisms for Consumer Endpoints

C:\JavaCAPS\appserver\ addons\accessmanager
Sun Access Manager Classpath
Specifies the client SDK JAR and WS provider JAR files to be added to the classpath. The files you specify depend on whether you are using Access Manager or OpenSSO Web Service Security Agent (WSS)

For more information see Authentication Mechanisms for Consumer Endpoints

C:\JavaCAPS\appserver\ addons\accessmanager\ amclientsdk.jar, C:\GlassFishESBv21\ glassfish\addons\ accessmanager\ amWebServicesProvider.jar

Note: Files are comma separated.

Proxy Type
Specifies the proxy type as SOCKS, HTTP, or DIRECT. Enter one of the following String values: SOCKS

The proxy server is a SOCKS (version 4 or version 5) server. HTTP

The proxy is an HTTP proxy server. DIRECT

The connection does not go through any proxy.

Proxy Host
Specifies the proxy host name or IP address.
Proxy Port
Specifies the proxy port number.
Non-proxy Hosts
Specifies the list of hosts that you do not want to go through the proxy. Each host is separated with a pipe "|".
Proxy User Name
Specifies the user name used to the proxy server. For SOCKS-v4, no authentication is required. For SOCKS-v5, the binding component supports no authentication, and Username/Password authentication. For HTTP Proxy, the binding component supports Basic Authentication, Digest Access, and NTLM. Basic Authentication requires a specified username and password. Digest Access and NTLM require a dedicated proxy server for support.
Required in some cases
Proxy User Password
Specifies the password used in conjunction with the ProxyUserName to access the proxy server. For SOCKS-v4, no authentication is required. For SOCKS-v5, the binding component supports no authentication, and Username/Password authentication. For HTTP Proxy, the binding component supports Basic Authentication, Digest Access, and NTLM. Basic Authentication requires a specified username and password. Digest Access and NTLM require a dedicated proxy server for support.
Required in some cases
Use Default JVM Proxy Settings
Indicates whether the HTTP Binding Component's proxy settings are specified by the existing JVM settings or by the HTTP Binding Component properties. The options indicate the following: true

The proxy is controlled by the existing JVM system settings. The settings are outside of this binding component, so all additional proxy settings are ignored. false

The proxy is controlled by the binding component proxy settings.

Allowed hostname aliases for localhost
Specifies a comma-separated list of alias names that the HTTP BC uses to validate the host name in a service URL when it deploys an application.

The HTTP BC does not perform any general validation of the aliases in the list, so they must only be valid as resolvable host names on the host system.

Use this property when a given host supports multiple interfaces that have different FQDNs (fully qualified domain names) for the host.

Application Configuration
Specifies the values for a Composite Application's endpoint connectivity parameters (normally defined in the WSDL service extensibility elements), and apply these values to a user-named endpoint Config Extension Property.

The Application Configuration property editor includes fields for all of the connectivity parameters that apply to that component's binding protocol. When you enter the name of a saved Config Extension and define the connectivity parameters in the Application Configuration editor, these values override the WSDL defined connectivity attributes when your project is deployed. To change these connectivity parameters again, you simply change the values in the Application Configuration editor, then shutdown and start your Service Assembly to apply the new values.

The user-defined name of the Config Extension you want and define, and the values for the connection parameters.
Application Variables
Specifies a list of name:value pairs for a given stated type. The application variable name can be used as a token for a WSDL extensibility element attribute in a corresponding binding.

The Application Variables configuration property offers four variable types:

  • String: Specifies a string value, such as a path or directory.

  • Number: Specifies a number value.

  • Boolean: Specifies a Boolean value.

  • Password: Specifies a password value.

Enter the name value, such as PASSWORD, and enter the variable Value, such as SECRET.

For Boolean values, the Value field provides a checkbox (checked = true).

For Password values, the Value entered is masked as asterisks.

Statistics Properties
Includes 19 different component activities including exchanges, errors, requests, replies, and so forth.
Lists component statistics that are collected for actions such as endpoints activated, average response time, completed exchanges, and so forth. Running statistics are automatically collected and displayed.
Loggers Properties
Includes over 30 different component activities that can be recorded by the server.log.
Specifies the level of logging for each event. There are eight levels of logging, FINEST (most detailed), FINER, FINE, CONFIG, INFO, WARNING, SEVERE (failure messages only), and OFF.