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Oracle Java CAPS HTTP Binding Component User's Guide     Java CAPS Documentation
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Document Information

Using the HTTP Binding Component

About the HTTP Binding Component

HTTP/SOAP Binding Architecture

HTTP Binding Component Features

Service Provider Features

Service Consumer Features

Security Features

HTTP Binding Component Example Scenario

Purchase Order Example

SOAP Processing

SOAP 1.1 WSDL Extensibility Elements

SOAP 1.1 Connectivity Element

SOAP 1.1 address Element

SOAP 1.1 Binding Elements

SOAP 1.1 binding Element

SOAP 1.1 operation Element

SOAP 1.1 body Element

SOAP 1.1 fault Element

SOAP 1.1 header and headerfault Elements

SOAP 1.2 WSDL Extensibility Elements

SOAP 1.2 Connectivity Element

SOAP 1.2 address Element

SOAP 1.2 Binding Elements

SOAP 1.2 binding Element

SOAP 1.2 operation Element

SOAP 1.2 body Element

SOAP 1.2 fault Element

SOAP 1.2 header and headerfault Elements

WS-I Basic Profile 1.1

HTTP Processing

HTTP WSDL Extensibility Elements

HTTP Connectivity Element

HTTP address Element

HTTP Binding Elements

HTTP binding Element

HTTP operation Element

HTTP urlEncoded Element

HTTP urlReplacement Element

HTTP GET and POST Processing

XML/HTTP GET Processing

Configuring the HTTP Binding Component for HTTP Get Interactions

Binding Details

http:binding Element

http:address Element

http:operation Element

http:urlEncoded Element


Using the HTTP Binding Component with the HTTP POST Method

Configuring the HTTP Binding Component for HTTP Get Interactions

Binding Details

HTTP POST Treatment of http:urlEncoded and http:urlReplacement

HTTP Binding Component Runtime Properties

HTTP Binding Component Client Endpoint Properties

Accessing the HTTP Binding Component Client Endpoint Properties

HTTP BC Client Endpoint Configuration Properties

Using Normalized Message Properties to Propagate Binding Context Information

Using Normalized Message Properties in a BPEL Process

Using Predefined Normalized Message Properties in a BPEL Process

To use predefined normalized message properties in a BPEL process

Adding Additional Normalized Message Properties to a BPEL Process

To add a Normalized Message Property Shortcut to a BPEL process

To edit an NM Property Shortcut

To delete an NM Property Shortcut

To add a Normalized Message Property to a BPEL process

To delete an NM Property

BPEL Code Generation Using NM Properties

Normalized Message Properties

SOAP HTTP Binding Component Specific Normalized Message Properties

Quality of Service (QOS) Features

Configuring the Quality of Service Properties

Message Throttling: Configuring and Using

Configuring the HTTP Binding Component Endpoint for Throttling

Redelivery: Configuring and Using

Using the Tango Web Service Features with the HTTP Binding Component

Configuring Reliable Message Delivery

Installing the Synchronous BPEL Process sample

Configuring Web Services for a Project from the CASA Editor

Configuring the Tango Web Services Attributes exposed by the HTTP Binding Component

Accessing the Tango (WSIT) Web Service Attribute Configuration

Accessing the WS-Policy Attachment Editor for a Specific Endpoint

Server Configuration--Web Service Attributes

Client Configuration -- Web Service Attributes

HTTP Binding Component Security

Using Basic Authentication with the HTTP Binding Component

Basic Authentication Supported Features

Authentication Mechanisms for Consumer Endpoints

WssTokenCompare Username/Password Authentication

Using the Access Manager for Authentication and Authorization

Installing the Access Manager Add-on

Installing Access Manager with Java Application Platform SDK

Configure the HTTP Binding Component to use Access Manager

Using the OpenSSO Web Services Security (WSS) Agent for Authentication and Authorization

Install OpenSSO Enterprise Server

Configure the HTTP Binding Component to use OpenSSO Web Service Security

Using the GlassFish Realm Security to Authenticate the HTTP Client Credentials

Configuring Security Mechanisms

Username Authentication with Symmetric Key

Mutual Certificates Security

Transport Security (SSL)

Message Authentication over SSL

SAML Authorization over SSL

Endorsing Certificate

SAML Sender Vouches with Certificates

SAML Holder of Key

STS Issued Token

STS Issued Token with Service Certificate

STS Issued Endorsing Token

Using Application Variables to Define Name/Value Pairs

Using Application Variables for password protection

Creating a password Application Variable

Using Application Configuration to Configure Connectivity Parameters

To apply a named Config Extension to the Application Configuration

Enhanced Logging

Statistics Monitoring

Using WS-Transaction

Clustering Support for the HTTP Binding Component

HTTP Load Balancer

Configuring the HTTP Binding Component for Clustering

Understanding the ${HttpDefaultPort} Token

Common User Scenarios

Validating HTTP Extensibility Elements from the WSDL Editor

Adding a SOAP Template to a WSDL Document

Adding an HTTP Template to a WSDL Document

Web Service Client Calling an Operation Using HTTP Basic Authentication

Web Service Implementing an Operation Protected by HTTP Basic Authentication

Web Service Client Calling an Operation Using SSL Authentication

Web Service Implements an Operation Protected by SSL Authentication

SOAP 1.2 WSDL Extensibility Elements

The SOAP 1.2 WSDL extensibility elements enable you to configure two sets of information for the HTTP Binding Component: SOAP 1.2 connectivity information, and binding information to convert WSDL messages to and from SOAP messages.

SOAP 1.2 Connectivity Element

The only SOAP 1.2 Connectivity element is the address element.

SOAP 1.2 address Element

The SOAP 1.2 address extensibility element specifies the URL address used to connect to the SOAP server.

Table 8 SOAP 1.2 address Element Attributes

Required or Optional
A URL address used to connect to the SOAP server

The following example illustrates the use of the SOAP 1.2 address element.

 <service name="echoService">
        <port name="echoPort" binding="tns:echoBinding">
            <soap12:address location="http://localhost:9080/echoService/echoPort"/>

Note - The required location attribute (of type xs:anyURI) is a URI at which the endpoint can be accessed. The value of the location attribute cannot be a relative URI. The URI scheme specified must correspond to the transport or transfer protocol specified by the soap12:binding/@transport attribute of the corresponding wsdl:binding of the containing wsdl:port.

SOAP 1.2 Binding Elements

The SOAP 1.2 extensibility elements for binding abstract WSDL messages to SOAP 1.2 messages fall into several sections or levels.

Each level signifies how the binding should occur:

SOAP 1.2 binding Element

The SOAP 1.2 extensibility elements, for binding abstract WSDL messages to SOAP 1.2 messages, fall into different sections or levels.

Each level signifies how the binding should occur:

Table 9 SOAP 1.2 binding Element Attributes

Required or Optional
Indicates to which transport of SOAP this binding corresponds
Indicates the default style of this particular SOAP binding

The SOAP 1.2 binding element must be present when using the SOAP binding. The following example illustrates the use of the SOAP 1.2 binding element.

<wsdl:definitions ...>
    <wsdl:binding ...>
      <soap12:binding style="rpc|document" ? transport="xs:anyURI"wsdl:
required="xs:boolean" ? />

Note - The code sample above was wrapped for display purposes.

The style attribute value is the default style attribute for each contained operation. If the style attribute is omitted, the value is assumed to be "document".

The value of the required transport attribute indicates the transport to use to deliver SOAP messages. The URI value corresponds to the HTTP binding in the SOAP specification. Other URIs may be used here to indicate other transports such as SMTP, FTP, and so forth.

SOAP 1.2 operation Element

The SOAP 1.2 operation element provides binding information from the abstract operation to the concrete SOAP operation.

Table 10 SOAP 1.2 operation Element Attributes

Required or Optional
Indicates the action parameter carried in the application/soap+xml Content-Type header field
Indicates the default style of this particular SOAP operation
Indicates whether the value of the soapAction attribute is or is not required to be part of request message

The following example illustrates the use of the SOAP operation element.

<definitions ....>;
    <binding .... >;
        <operation .... >;
           <soap12:operation soapAction="xs:anyURI" ?
                              soapActionRequired="xs:boolean" ?
                              style="rpc|document" ?
                              wsdl:required="xs:boolean" ? /> ?

The style attribute value, if present, is a string that specifies the style for the operation. The style attribute indicates whether the operation is RPC-oriented (a messages containing parameters and return values) or document-oriented (a message containing documents). If the style attribute is omitted from the soap12:operation element, then the operation inherits the style specified or implied by the soap12:binding element in the containing wsdl:binding element.

The soapAction attribute (of type xs:anyURI) specifies the value of the action parameter, carried in the application/soap+xml Content-Type header field, for this operation. The value of this attribute must be an absolute URI.

The soapActionRequired attribute (of type xs:Boolean), if present, indicates whether the value of the soapAction attribute is or is not required to be conveyed in the request message. If the soapActionRequired attribute is omitted, its value defaults to true. When the value of soapActionRequired is true, the soapAction attribute must be present

SOAP 1.2 body Element

The SOAP 1.2 body element specifies how the message parts appear within the SOAP body element.

Table 11 SOAP 1.2 body Element Attributes

Required or Optional
Indicates the parts from the WSDL message that will be included in the body element
Indicates how message parts are encoded in the SOAP body
Indicates a particular encoding style to use
Indicates the namespace of the wrapper element for RPC style messages

The following example illustrates the SOAP 1.2 body element.

<wsdl:definitions ... >
  <wsdl:binding ... >
    <wsdl:operation ... >
            <soap12:body parts="soap12:tParts" ?
                      namespace="xs:anyURI" ?
                      use="literal|encoded" ?
                      encodingStyle="xs:anyURI" ? ... />
            <soap12:body parts="soap12:tParts ?
                    namespace="xs:anyURI" ?
                    use="literal|encoded" ?
                    encodingStyle="xs:anyURI" ? ... />

The optional parts attribute (of type soap12:tParts, which is a list of xs:NMTOKENs) indicates which message parts are bound to the SOAP 1.2 body element of the message. Other message parts may be bound to other portions of the message, such as when SOAP is used in conjunction with the multipart/related MIME binding, or when bound as SOAP header blocks. If the parts attribute is omitted, then all of the parts defined by the associated wsdl:message are assumed to be included in the SOAP body.

The use attribute, if present, indicates whether the message parts are encoded using some encoding rules, or the parts define the concrete schema of the message. If the value is "encoded" the message parts are encoded using encoding rules that are specified by the value, actual or implied, of the encodingStyle attribute. If the value is "literal" then the message parts are literally defined by the schema types referenced.

The encodingStyle attribute (of type xs:anyURI), if present, identifies the set of encoding rules used to construct the message. This attribute must not be present unless the style attribute of the soap12:binding element of the containing wsdl:binding has a value of “rpc” and the use attribute on the containing soap12:body element has a value of "encoded". The value of the encodingStyle attribute, if present, must not be a relative URI.

SOAP 1.2 fault Element

The fault element specifies the contents of SOAP 1.2 Fault Details element. It is patterned after the body element.

Table 12 SOAP 1.2 fault Element Attributes

Required or Optional
Indicates the name of the part from the WSDL message that will be included in the fault element
Indicates how message parts will be encoded in the SOAP 1.2 fault
Indicates a particular encoding style to use
Indicates the namespace of the wrapper element for RPC style messages

The following example illustrates the SOAP fault element.

<wsdl:definitions ... >
    <wsdl:binding ... >
        <wsdl:operation ... >
            <wsdl:fault ... >*
                <soap12:fault name="xs:NMTOKEN"
                        namespace="xs:anyURI" ?
                        use="literal|encoded" ?
                        encodingStyle="xs:anyURI" ? ... />

The name attribute (of type xs:NMTOKEN) associates the corresponding wsdl:fault defined in the wsdl:portType for the containing wsdl:operation.

The use attribute, if present, indicates whether the message parts are encoded using some encoding rules, or whether the parts define the concrete schema of the message. If the value is "encoded" the message parts are encoded using some encoding rules as specified by the value, actual or implied, of the encodingStyle attribute. If the value is "literal" then the message parts are literally defined by the schema types referenced.

The namespace attribute (of type xs:anyURI), if present, defines the namespace to be assigned to the wrapper element for the fault. This attribute is ignored if the style attribute of either the soap12:binding element of the containing wsdl:binding or of the soap12:operation element of the containing wsdl:operation is either omitted or has a value of “document”. This attribute must be present if the value of the style attribute of the soap12:binding element of the containing wsdl:binding is “rpc”. The value of the namespace attribute must not be a relative URI.

The encodingStyle attribute (of type xs:anyURI), if present, identifies the set of encoding rules used to construct the fault message. This attribute must not be present unless the style attribute of the soap12:binding element of the containing wsdl:binding has a value of “rpc” and the use attribute on the containing soap12:body element has a value of "encoded". The value of the encodingStyle attribute must not be a relative URI.

SOAP 1.2 header and headerfault Elements

The header and headerfault elements enable you to define headers that are transmitted inside the header element of the SOAP Envelope. You do not have to exhaustively list all headers that appear in the SOAP 1.2 Envelope using header. For example, extensions to WSDL may imply specific headers should be added to the actual payload and you do not have to list those headers here.

Table 13 SOAP 1.2 header Element Attributes

Required or Optional
Indicates the WSDL message that will be used in binding to the header element
Indicates the parts from the WSDL message that will be included in the header element
Indicates how message parts will be encoded in the SOAP header
Indicates a particular encoding style to use
Indicates the namespace of the wrapper element for RPC style messages

The following example illustrates the SOAP 1.2 header element.

<wsdl:definitions ... >
    <wsdl:binding ... >
        <wsdl:operation ... >
            <wsdl:input ... >*
                <soap12:header message="xs:QName"
                        namespace="xs:anyURI" ?
                        encodingStyle="xs:anyURI" ? ... /> *
            <wsdl:output ... >*
                <soap12:header message="xs:QName"
                        namespace="xs:anyURI" ?
                        encodingStyle="xs:anyURI" ? ... /> *

The message attribute (of type xs:QName), together with the parts attribute, indicates which message parts are bound as children of the SOAP 1.2 header element of the message. The referenced message does not need to be the same as the message that defines the SOAP Body.

The parts attribute (of type xs:NMTOKEN), together with the message attribute, indicates which message part is bound as a child of the SOAP 1.2 header element of the message.

The namespace attribute (of type xs:anyURI), if present, defines the namespace to be assigned to the header element serialized with use="encoded". In all cases, the header is constructed as if the style attribute of the wsoap12:binding element, of the containing wsdl:binding, has a value of “document”. The value of the namespace attribute, if present, must not be a relative URI.

The use attribute indicates whether the message parts are encoded using some encoding rules, or whether the parts define the concrete schema of the message. If the value is "encoded" the message parts are encoded using some encoding rules as specified by the value, actual or implied, of the encodingStyle attribute. If the value is "literal" then the message parts are literally defined by the schema types referenced.

The encodingStyle attribute (of type xs:anyURI), if present, identifies the set of encoding rules used to construct the message. This attribute must not be present unless the style attribute, of the soap12:binding element, of the containing wsdl:binding, has a value of “rpc” and the use attribute, on the containing soap12:body element, has a value of "encoded". The value of the encodingStyle attribute, if present, must not be a relative URI.

/soap12:header/@{any}}} is an extensibility mechanism that enables additional attributes, that are defined in a foreign namespace, to be added to the element.

Optional soap12:headerfault elements, which appear inside wsoap12:header elements, specify the header types used to transmit error information pertaining to the header, defined by the soap12:header.

Table 14 SOAP 1.2 headerfault Element Attributes

Required or Optional
Indicates the WSDL message that will be used in binding to the headerfault element
Indicates the parts from the WSDL message that will be included in the headerfault element
Indicates how message parts will be encoded in the SOAP headerfault
Indicates a particular encoding style to use
Indicates the namespace of the wrapper element for RPC style messages

The following example illustrates the SOAP 1.2 headerfault element.

<wsdl:definitions ... >
    <wsdl:binding ... >
        <wsdl:operation ... >
            <wsdl:input ... >
                <soap12:header ... >
                    <soap12:headerfault message="xs:QName"
                                namespace="xs:anyURI" ?
                                encodingStyle="xs:anyURI" ?
                                            ... /> *
                </soap12:header> *
            </wsdl:input> *
            <wsdl:output ... >
                <soap12:header ... >
                    <soap12:headerfault message="xs:QName"
                                namespace="xs:anyURI" ?
                                encodingStyle="xs:anyURI" ?
                                            ... /> *
                </soap12:header> *
            </wsdl:output> *

The headerfault elements, which appear inside header and have the same syntax as header, enable you to specify the header types that are used to transmit error information pertaining to the header, defined by the header. The SOAP specification states that errors pertaining to headers must be returned in headers, and this mechanism enables you to specify the format of such headers.

The message attribute (of type xs:QName), together with the parts attribute, indicates which message part is to be bound as a child of the SOAP 1.2 header element of the message, for returning faults pertaining to the enclosing soap12:header. The referenced message does not need to be the same as the message that defines the SOAP Body.

The parts attribute (of type xs:NMTOKEN), together with the message attribute, indicates which message part is to be bound as a child of the SOAP 1.2 header element of the message for returning faults pertaining to the enclosing soap12:header.

The namespace attribute (of type xs:anyURI), if present, defines the namespace to be assigned to the wrapper element for an rpc-style operation. This attribute is ignored if the style attribute of either the soap12:binding element, of the containing wsdl:binding or of the soap12:operation element of the containing wsdl:operation, is either omitted or has a value of “document”. This attribute must be present if the value of the style attribute of the soap12:binding element of the containing wsdl:binding is “rpc”. The value of the namespace attribute, must not be a relative URI.

The use attribute indicates whether the message parts are encoded using some encoding rules, or whether the parts define the concrete schema of the message. If the value is "encoded" the message parts are encoded using some encoding rules, as specified by the value, actual or implied, of the encodingStyle attribute. If the value is "literal" then the message parts are literally defined by the schema types referenced.

The encodingStyle attribute (of type xs:anyURI), if present, identifies the set of encoding rules used to construct the message. This attribute must not be present unless the style attribute, of the soap12:binding element, of the containing wsdl:binding, has a value of “rpc” and the use attribute on the containing soap12:body element has a value of "encoded". The value of the encodingStyle attribute must not be a relative URI.

/soap12:headerfault/@{any}}} is an extensibility mechanism that enables additional attributes, defined in a foreign namespace, to be added to the element.