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Oracle Java CAPS WSDL Editor User's Guide     Java CAPS Documentation
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Document Information

Using the WSDL Editor

Prerequisites for This Tutorial

About the WSDL Editor

Source View

Using Code Completion in WSDL Files


Configuring the Root Element

To Configure the Root Element

Importing XML Schemas Using the WSDL View

To Import an XML Schema

Adding Inline Schemas Using the WSDL View

To Add an Inline Schema

To Configure the Global Properties of the Inline Schema

To Define the Structure of the Inline Schema

Importing WSDL Files Using the WSDL View

To Import a WSDL File

Configuring Messages Using the WSDL View

To Create a Message

To Add a Part to a Message

To Change the Name of a Message or Part

To Delete a Message or Part

Configuring Port Types Using the WSDL View

To Create a Port Type

To Add an Operation to an Existing Port Type

To Add a Fault to a Request-Response Operation

To Change the Name of a Port Type or Operation

To Change the Parameter Order of an Operation

To Delete a Port Type or Operation

Configuring Bindings Using the WSDL View

To Create a Binding and Service from a Port Type

To Create a Binding Individually

To Delete a Binding

To Undo a Delete

Configuring Services Using the WSDL View

To Create a Binding and Service from a Port Type

To Create a Service Individually

To Delete a Service or Port

Configuring Partner Link Types Using the WSDL View

To Add a Partner Link Type Automatically

To Add a Partner Link Type Manually

Configuring Properties and Property Aliases Using the WSDL View

To Add a Property to a WSDL File

To Add a Property Alias to a WSDL File

Finding Usages of WSDL Components

To Find Usages of a WSDL Component

Adding Documentation

To Add Documentation

Using Find in the WSDL View

To Search for WSDL Components

To Clear Highlights After a Search

Partner View

Strategies for Defining the Abstract Elements

To Define the Abstract Elements by Starting with the Partner Interactions

To Define the Abstract Elements by Starting with the Messages

Partner View Layout

Navigating in the Partner View

Creating Partner Link Types Using the Partner View

To Create a Partner Link Type with One Role

To Add a Second Role to a Partner Link Type

To Add a Fault to a Request-Response Operation

Editing Partner Link Types Using the Partner View

To Change the Name of a Partner Link Type, Role, Port Type, or Operation

To Delete an Operation

To Delete a Port Type

To Delete a Role

To Delete a Partner Link Type

Creating Messages Using the Partner View

To Create a Message

To Add a Part to a Message

Editing Messages Using the Partner View

To Change the Name of a Message

To Change the Name of a Part

To Change the Type of Content for a Part

To Delete a Part

To Delete a Message

Working with WSDL Files

Creating a WSDL File From Scratch

To Create a WSDL File from Scratch

Creating a WSDL File Based On an Existing WSDL File

To Create a WSDL File Based on an Existing WSDL File

NCNAME Data Type

Using Refactoring to Rename or Delete WSDL Components

Validating WSDL Files

To Validate a WSDL File

Using the WSDL Editor

This guide describes how to use the WSDL Editor component of NetBeans IDE. This component is included in the SOA functionality.
