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Oracle Java CAPS HL7 Binding Component User's Guide     Java CAPS Documentation
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Oracle HL7 Binding Component User's Guide

About the HL7 Binding Component

The Health Level 7 Messaging Standard

The HL7 Binding Component

HL7 Binding Component as a Consumer

HL7 Binding Component as a Provider

HL7 Acknowledgements

Sequence Numbering

HL7 Binding Component Features

Using the HL7 Binding Component Wizard

Accessing the HL7 Binding Component Wizard

To Access the Wizard by Creating a New File

To Access the Wizard by Creating a New Binding

To Access the Wizard by Creating a New WSDL Document

Configuring the HL7 Binding Component in the Wizard

To Configure the HL7 Binding Component in the Wizard

Abstract WSDL Properties

General Settings

Endpoint properties

Encoding Details

LLP Details

MLLP Version 2 Properties (Outbound Only)

HL7 Version 2 Settings

HL7 Version 2 Properties

MSH Properties

Message Properties

Communication Controls

HL7 Binding WSDL Extensibility Elements

Adding HL7 Extensibility Attributes From the WSDL Editor

To add Service Level HL7 Extensibility Attributes

Service Level HL7 Extensibility Elements

HL7 address Element

HL7 protocolproperties Element

HL7 communicationcontrols Element

Binding Level HL7 Extensibility Elements

HL7 binding Element

HL7 operation Element

HL7 message Element

Dynamically Configuring HL7 Endpoints

Application Variables

Application Configurations

Dynamic Addressing Using Normalized Message Properties

Enabling Dynamic Endpoint Configuration

Using Normalized Message Properties in a BPEL Process

Using Predefined Normalized Message Properties in a BPEL Process

To Use Predefined Normalized Message Properties in a BPEL Process

Normalized Message Properties

General Normalized Message Properties

HL7 Binding Component Normalized Message Properties for Outbound Endpoints

HL7 Binding Component Normalized Message Properties for Inbound Endpoints

HL7 Binding Component Runtime Properties

Configuring the HL7 Binding Component Runtime Properties

To Edit HL7 Binding Component Runtime Properties

Defining an HL7 Binding Component Application Configuration

To Define the HL7 Application Configuration

Defining the Application Configuration Using Other Tools

Using Application Variables to Define Name/Value Pairs

Using Application Variables for Password Protection

Creating a Password Application Variable

Runtime Properties

Statistics Properties

Logger Properties

HL7 Binding Component Loggers

Using HL7 Quality of Service (QoS) Features

Quality of Service (QoS) Properties

Using Message Throttling

To Configure Throttling for an HL7 WSDL Port

Using Redelivery

Oracle HL7 Binding Component User's Guide

The HL7 Binding Component enables communication between HL7 servers and clients using a JBI environment. The document contains the following topics: