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Monitoring Java EE Components in Oracle Java CAPS     Java CAPS Documentation
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Monitoring Java EE Components

Enterprise Manager Basics

Starting the Enterprise Manager Server

To Start the Enterprise Manager Server

Logging In to Enterprise Manager

To Log In to Enterprise Manager

Adding an Application Server Domain to Enterprise Manager

To Add an Application Server Domain to Enterprise Manager

Adding an Application Server Instance to Enterprise Manager

To Perform Prerequisite Steps on the Application Server

To Add an Application Server Instance to Enterprise Manager

Using the Connectivity Map Controls

To Adjust the Position of the Connectivity Map

To Zoom In on the Connectivity Map

To Zoom Out from the Connectivity Map

To Specify an Exact Zoom Percentage

Stopping the Enterprise Manager Server

To Stop the Enterprise Manager Server

Monitoring Application Servers

Viewing Basic Information About an Application Server

To View Basic Information About an Application Server

Viewing Summary Information For an Application Server

To View Summary Information for an Application Server

Stopping Application Server Domains

To Stop an Application Server Domain

Hiding, Showing, and Removing Application Servers

To Hide an Application Server

To Make All of the Hidden Application Servers Reappear

To Maintain the Current Configuration of Hidden and Displayed Application Servers Between Enterprise Manager Sessions

To Remove an Application Server

Monitoring Collaborations

Viewing Basic Information About a Collaboration

To View Basic Information About a Collaboration

Viewing Consumption Information For a Collaboration

To View Consumption Information For a Collaboration

Viewing Summary Information For a Collaboration

To View Summary Information For a Collaboration

Stopping and Restarting Collaborations

To Stop a Collaboration

To Restart a Collaboration

Monitoring Adapters

Displaying Information About an Adapter

To Display Information About an Adapter

Stopping and Starting Inbound Adapters

To Stop an Inbound Adapter

To Start an Inbound Adapter

Monitoring Logs

Viewing the Application Server Log File

To View the Application Server Log File

Viewing the Message Server Log File

To View the Message Server Log File

Monitoring Alerts

Alerts Overview

Viewing Alerts

To View Alerts

To View Alert Details

To Change the Status of an Alert

Filtering Alerts

To Filter Alerts

To Remove the Filter

Deleting Alerts

To Delete an Alert

To Delete More Than One Alert at a Time

To Delete All Alerts For the Selected Component

Configuring Alert Persistence

To Configure the Alert Table Name (Databases Other Than Derby)

To Set Up Database Access (Databases Other Than Derby)

To Run the Database Scripts (Databases Other Than Derby)

To Log In to the Configuration Agent

To Modify the Alert Notification Fields

Archiving Alerts

Reducing Duplicate Alerts

To Reduce Duplicate Alerts

About Enterprise Manager Topic and Queue Management

Monitoring JMS IQ Manager

Monitoring Topics and Queues for JMS IQ Manager

To Monitor Topics and Queues

Sending and Publishing Messages for JMS IQ Manager

To Send and Publish Messages

Viewing Message Properties for JMS IQ Manager

To View Message Properties

Viewing and Editing Message Payload for JMS IQ Manager

Working with Text Messages

Working with Byte Messages

Monitoring Java System Message Queue

Monitoring Topics and Queues for Java System Message Queue

To Monitor Topics and Queues

Sending and Publishing Messages for Java System Message Queue

To Send and Publish Messages

Viewing Message Properties for Java System Message Queue

To View Message Properties

Viewing and Editing Message Payload for Java System Message Queue

Working with Text Messages

Working with Byte Messages

Monitoring Oracle Advanced Queueing

Monitoring Topics and Queues for Oracle Advanced Queueing

To Monitor Topics and Queues

Sending and Publishing Messages for Advanced Queueing

To Send and Publish Messages

Viewing Message Properties

To View Message Properties

Viewing Message Payload for Advanced Queueing

To View the Payload of Text and Byte Messages

Monitoring WebLogic Server JMS

Monitoring Topics and Queues for WebLogic Server JMS

To Monitor Topics and Queues

Sending and Publishing Messages for WebLogic Server JMS

To Send and Publish Messages

Viewing Message Properties for WebLogic Server JMS

To View Message Properties

Viewing Message Payload for WebLogic Server

To View the Payload of Text and Byte Messages

Monitoring Java Message Service Grid

Monitoring Queues

Monitoring Topics

Monitoring Application Servers, Collaborations, and Alerts (Command Line)

Enterprise Manager Command-Line Client Syntax

Monitoring Application Servers and Collaborations (Command Line)

Listing the Available Methods For the Runtime Service

Displaying the List of Components

Displaying the Current State

Viewing Basic Information

Starting and Stopping Collaborations

Monitoring Alerts (Command Line)

Listing the Available Methods For the Alert Service

Listing the Query Fields

Viewing Alerts

Changing the Status of Alerts

Deleting Alerts


Monitoring Java EE Components

The topics listed here provide information about how to monitor Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE platform) components in Oracle Java Composite Application Platform Suite (Java CAPS) Repository-based projects at runtime.