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Oracle Java CAPS JMS JCA Wizard User's Guide     Java CAPS Documentation
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Using the JMS JCA Wizard

About the JMS JCA Wizard

Receiving a JMS Text Message

To Create an Admin Object Resource

To Create the EJB Module Project

To Create the JCA Message-Driven Bean

To Test the Sample Code

Sending a JMS Text Message

To Create an Admin Object Resource

To Define a JMS Session Instance

Create a Reference to the Destination Object

To Test the Sample Code

Initiating a Request-Reply Transaction

To Create the EJB Module Project

To Create a Message Driven Bean

To Create a JCA Message-Driven Bean for the Destination

Sending a JMS Text Message

This topic provides instructions for sending a JMS message to a destination (Queue2). For purposes of this exercise, the message content to Queue2 is "Hello " concatenated with the message content received from the onMessage() method from Queue1. For more information about receiving JMS messages, see Receiving a JMS Text Message.

Perform the following steps to send a JMS text message:

To Create an Admin Object Resource

  1. Start the GlassFish server and use a browser to connect to the Admin Console.

    The URL for the Admin Console is http://HostName:PortNumber. The default port number is 4848.

  2. In the left navigation bar, expand Resources and Connectors, and then select Admin Object Resources.
  3. Click New.
  4. For this exercise, enter the following values:
    • JNDI Name = jms/Queue2

    • Resource Type = javax.jms.Queue

    • Resource Adapter = sun-jms-adapter

  5. Click Next.
  6. Enter Queue2 in the Name property.

    This is the physical destination name of the resource.

  7. Click Finish.

To Define a JMS Session Instance

You need to create a JMS message, object, or message producer to send a message to Queue2 once the JMS message is received inside the MDB file of the onMessage() method.

  1. Launch the NetBeans IDE and open the Message-Driven Bean file you created in To Create the JCA Message-Driven Bean.

    The file is located in the Enterprise Beans node of the JMSJCASample project.

  2. Drag-and-drop the Session icon from the Palette panel on the right side to the inside of the onMessage() method, as shown in the figure below:

    Figure 12 JCA Message Bean Sample — Session

    image:Message Bean Sample

    The JCA Wizard dialog box appears.

  3. For this exercise, enter the following values:
    • Method Name = queueToQueue

    • Resource JNDI Name = jms/tx/jmq1

    Figure 13 JCA Adapter Declaration

    image:Adapter Declaration
  4. Click Finish.

    Several Java code fragments is generated as a result, in particular the queueToQueue(...) method, which can be implemented to process the incoming message.

  5. Save the MDB file.

Create a Reference to the Destination Object

Creating a reference to the destination object allows a message to be sent to the destination object in the Java code. For this exercise, the destination object is Queue2.

  1. In the NetBeans IDE, open the Message-Driven Bean file you created in To Create the JCA Message-Driven Bean.

    The file is located in the Enterprise Beans node of the JMSJCASample project.

  2. Drag-and-drop the Queue icon from the Palette panel on the right to any place in Java editor, as shown below.

    Figure 14 JCA Message Bean Sample — Queue

    image:JCA Message Bean Sample — Queue

    The Create JMS Destination dialog box appears.

  3. For this exercise, enter the following information into the fields:
    • JNDI Name = jms/Queue2 (You can select this value by clicking the ellipsis button and expanding the tree.)

    • Variable Name = queue2

    Figure 15 Create JMS Destination

    image:Create Destination
  4. Click OK.
  5. Write the actual code to create a new JMS message and send it to Queue2.

    The code fragment inside the queueToQueue(...) method should be similar to the example shown below:

    private void queueToQueue(Message message, javax.jms.Session jmsSession) 
               throws java.lang.Exception {
        if (message instanceof javax.jms.TextMessage)  {
            String oldContent = ((javax.jms.TextMessage) message).getText();
            javax.jms.TextMessage newMessage = jmsSession.createTextMessage("Hello " 
                   + oldContent);

    Note - The above code has been wrapped to fit onto the page.

  6. Save the changes.

To Test the Sample Code

To test that JMS messages are being properly passed from Queue1 to Queue2, complete the following steps.

  1. Right-click on the Project node and select Build.
  2. After the build process is complete, right-click on the Project node, and then select Undeploy and Deploy.
  3. Use your preferred JMS client to send a text message to Queue1 (located at mq://localhost:7676,).
  4. Use another JMS client (or the same client) to receive a text message from Queue2 in the JMS server (located at mq://localhost:7676,).