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Broadcasting Master Index Updates to External Systems     Java CAPS Documentation
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Broadcasting Master Index Updates to External Systems

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About Oracle Java CAPS Master Index Broadcasts

A master index application can be configured to broadcast any updates made to the database to the external systems that share data with the master index application. These updates can be a result of messages sent in from external systems or of changes made directly through the Master Index Data Manager (MIDM). Configuring the master index application to broadcast updates provides external systems with access to the most current and accurate information about the entities being indexed. Note that the external systems must be capable of accepting incoming messages in order to receive the broadcasts.

Oracle Java CAPS Master Index uses a JMS Topic to broadcast updates. A JMS Topic is a JMS provider that uses publish and subscribe messaging. This means that a single publisher broadcasts messages to multiple subscribers, ensuring that all subscribers receive the messages. The update message are created in XML format; the schema file that defines the structure of the message is generated when you generate the master index application files. It is located at NetBeansProjects/ProjectName/files-generated/outbound.xsd.

To set up a master index application to broadcast updates to external systems, you need to create a connection factory, which is used to connect to the Topic. Once the factory is created, you can define a BPEL process or other JMS client to subscribe to the Topic for each external system. This document provides instructions for using a BPEL process.

Follow these steps in the order given to configure a master index application to broadcast update messages:

Tip - Before you begin these steps make sure the master index application has been generated and deployed, and make sure the application server and database are running.