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Broadcasting Master Index Updates to External Systems     Java CAPS Documentation
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Broadcasting Master Index Updates to External Systems

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To Test the Master Index Broadcast Configuration

Sample Master Index Broadcast Message

Testing the Master Index Broadcast Configuration

Once you have completed all the steps for configuring the master index application to broadcast updates, you can test the system to be sure it is working. You can view a sample broadcast message in Sample Master Index Broadcast Message

To Test the Master Index Broadcast Configuration

Before You Begin

Make sure the master index project is deployed and the database is running.

  1. Complete the procedure described in Creating a Composite Application for Master Index Broadcasts.
  2. Launch the MIDM.

    Tip - The URL for the MIDM is http://localhost:port/ApplicationNameMIDM, where port is the HTTP port number of the application server (8080 by default) and ApplicationName is the name of the master index application. The application name and “MIDM” are case sensitive.

  3. From the Source Records Add page, create a new record in the master index database.
  4. On your computer, navigate to the location you specified for the File Binding Component web service definition in Creating a Web Service Definition for the File Binding Component.
  5. Open the XML file and view the contents.

Sample Master Index Broadcast Message

The outbound messages generated by updates to the master index application include several transactional fields, system and local ID information, and the record's SBR. The SBR provides external systems with the single best data for a particular entity along with the EUID. Transactional fields include information such as the update function, system, user, and date; create function and user; and status. The local ID and system information provides a list of system and local ID pairs that are associated with the record, allowing you to easily identify which records in the external systems are affected by the update.

A unique schema definition file (XSD file) is generated for each master index application based on the object structure defined for that application. You can view the XSD file at NetBeansProjects/ProjectName/files-generated/outbound.xsd.

Below is a sample broadcast message for EUID 0000006501, which is associated with three different system records. The master index application is based on the Person template.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OutMsg Event="UPD" ID="00000000000000004010">
  <SBR EUID="0000006501"  Status="active" CreateFunction="Add" ChildType="Customer" 
   CreateSystem="System" UpdateFunction="Update" RevisionNumber="3" CreateUser="mdm" 
   UpdateSystem="System" UpdateDate="" CreateDate="" UpdateUser="mdm">
    <SystemObject SystemCode="ORACLE" LID="2372385720" Status="active"></SystemObject>
    <SystemObject SystemCode="ORACLE" LID="2837482562" Status="active"></SystemObject>
    <SystemObject SystemCode="SAP" LID="8327423434" Status="active"></SystemObject>
    <Customer PersonCatCode="MEMBER" FirstName="ELIZABETH" FirstName_Std="ELIZABETH" 
     FirstName_Phon="E421" MiddleName="ANN" LastName="WARNER" LastName_Std="WARNER" 
     LastName_Phon="WARNAR" Suffix="" Title="DR" SSN="555999222" 
     DOB="04/14/1964 00:00:00"Death="" Gender="F" MStatus="M" Race="C" Ethnic="31" 
     Religion="AG" Language="EN" SpouseName="CRAIG" MotherName="JEN" MotherMN="SMITH" 
     FatherName="MARK" Maiden="MILLER" PobCity="MILFORD" PobState="ONTARIO" 
     PobCountry="CAN" VIPFlag="NONE" VetStatus="NONE" Status="" 
     DriverLicense="CT12941284" DriverLicenseSt="CT" Dod="" DeathCertificate="" 
     Nationality="CAN" Citizenship="CAN">
      <Alias FirstName="LIZ" MiddleName="" LastName="MILLER"></Alias>
      <Address AddressType="H" AddressLine1="1330 BLOSSOM ST." 
       AddressLine1_HouseNo="1330"AddressLine1_StDir="" AddressLine1_StName="BLOSSOM" 
       AddressLine1_StPhon="BLASAN" AddressLine1_StType="St" AddressLine2="" 
       City="SHEFFIELD" StateCode="CT" PostalCode="09876" PostalCodeExt="" 
       County="CAPE BURR" CountryCode="USA"></Address>
      <Phone PhoneType="CC" Phone="9894774477" PhoneExt=""></Phone>