Vordel SDK

Package com.vordel.circuit

This package models a Circuit and its constituent filters.


Interface Summary
CircuitConstants Defines a set of constants that reflect fields and entity types used by the circuit package, and its consumers.
MessageProperties A list of well known Message property values.

Class Summary
Circuit Consists of a network of FilterContainers, linked as they will be executed by the server.
CircuitDelegateFilter A filter that delegates to a nested circuit.
CircuitDelegatePerBodyFilter A filter that delegates to a nested circuit.
Filter Implementation of a Filter, backed by an Entity.
FilterContainer Wraps a basic Filter object to provide templatable domain specific functionality in circuits.
FilterInvocation This class tracks the statistics for a filter's invocation.
HTTPBodyParserFilter Deprecated. This filter was originally designed to parse incoming HTTP requests, and allow the delaying of that parsing by directing the control flow around this processor.
HTTPBodyParserProcessor Explictly force parsing of incoming HTTP request or response.
Message Represents the state of a request as it passes through a Circuit This object maps property names to Objects.
MessageProcessor A FilterContainer that is used to implement the underlying processing functionality of a Filter.
Util Utility class for circuit.
VariablePropertiesFilter A VariablePropertiesFilter has variable sets of properties which it requires, generates and consumes.

Exception Summary
CircuitAbortException This exception encapsulates all errors that are intended to halt the progression through the circuit.

Package com.vordel.circuit Description

This package models a Circuit and its constituent filters.

Each implementation of a filter defines a subclass of Filter to encapsulate information common to all uses of that Filter. When it appears in a Circuit, a Filter is wrapped with a FilterContainer. The FilterContainer used to wrap a specific Filter is decided whent the Circuit is "configure()"d by a factory object.

This allows a server to provide FilterContainers that subclass MessageProcessor, to provide the server-side functionality of the server, while a GUI can hang more user-centric information from a separate subclass of Filter.

Filter itself contains two factory methods for creating the two types of FilterContainers commonly used by Vordel's Server and Management Console

Within the server, requests are handled by passing a Message object to a Circuit consisting of MessageProcessors. Thus invoked, the MessageProcessor performs some inspection or modification of that Message object before returning a boolean value, or throwing an exception. The return value is used to decide on the direction to follow for the next MessageProcessor to be invoked.

The Message object represents the state of the request as its passes through the circuit, and consists of a mapping from property names to values. A property name is a string, and its associated value may be of any compound Java type, but any particular property should always have a well-known type.

The Message is populated with a set of properties by the invoker of the circuit (eg, the VordelSecure HTTP gateway). As the message passes from one filter to the other, properties may be added, removed, or modified.

Upon completion, the invoker may analyse the resultant set of properties (and return value of the circuit), to decide on a response to pass to the original client.

Vordel SDK

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