Vordel SDK


ABSTRACT - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
Constant for XML 'abstract' defintion attribute
addCertificateAttachment(Message, TemplateMessageDetails, Body, String) - Static method in class com.vordel.mime.AttachmentHelper
Add the signer's certificate to the request as an attachment.
addCreationListener(Message.MessageCreationListener) - Static method in class com.vordel.circuit.Message
When a new message is created, each MessageCreationListener is informed, so it may decorate the message with its own private annotations.
addEntity(ESPK, Entity) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Add an Entity to the Store.
addHeader(String, String) - Method in interface com.vordel.mime.Headers
addHeader(String, Object) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet
Adds a header with the given value.
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet
Adds a header with the given value.
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.QueryStringHeaderSet
addNodes(EntityStore, ESPK, EntityBranch.EntityNode, Set<ESPK>) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityBranch
addPart(Body) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.CompoundBody
addPart(String, Body) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.CompoundBody
Add a body part to this compound body, identified by "Id"
addPath(CircuitInvocation) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterInvocation
addPropertiesListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Message
addPropertiesListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Message
addType(InputStream) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.TypeStore
This method adds a new type to the EntityStore
addValue(Value) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Field
Add a new value to the Field.
allowsChildEntities() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
allowsChildEntities() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
Does this type allow child Entities
allowsComponent(EntityType) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
allowsComponent(EntityType) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
Does this type allow entities of the specified type?
allowsReferences() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
allowsReferences() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
allowsSoftReferences() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
allowsSoftReferences() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
AttachmentHelper - Class in com.vordel.mime
Helper class for attachments.
AttachmentHelper() - Constructor for class com.vordel.mime.AttachmentHelper
AUTHN_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
AUTHN_SUBJECT_ID - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
AUTHN_WSS_HEADER_BLOCK - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
WS-Security 1.0/1.1 Header as extracted from SOAP 1.1/1.2 message for a specified actor/role.


BASE64 - Static variable in interface com.vordel.mime.MimeConstants
BASE_ID - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
BASE_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.TypeStore
The root EntityType name.
BINARY - Static variable in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
Base64 Encoded bytes
BINARY - Static variable in interface com.vordel.mime.MimeConstants
Body - Class in com.vordel.mime
Represents a MIME body.
Body(HeaderSet, ContentType) - Constructor for class com.vordel.mime.Body
Base constructor for body.
BodyFactory - Interface in com.vordel.mime
An interface for implementations of Body to register their interest in handling specific MIME types.
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
Primitive Type Boolean.
BOUNDARY - Static variable in interface com.vordel.mime.MimeConstants
bufferInput() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.Body


callCircuit(CircuitInvocation, CircuitChainFilter.CircuitReference, Message) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitChainProcessor
callCircuit(CircuitInvocation, Message, CircuitDelegateProcessor) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.DelegatingProcessor
CAN_FAIL - Static variable in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
Set if the Filter can exit with a false result
CAN_INVALIDATE - Static variable in class com.vordel.mime.Body
Flags for write:
CAN_SUCCEED - Static variable in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
Set if the Filter can exit with a true result
CARDINALITY - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
Constant for XML 'cardinality' defintion attribute
cdf - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitChainProcessor
CHARSET - Static variable in interface com.vordel.mime.MimeConstants
childAdded(Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.DelegatingFilterSynchronizer
childAdded(Entity) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.ESChangeListener
A child Entity has been added to a parent Entity to which we are listening.
childAdded(Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.es.ESChangeListenerAdapter
childDeleted(ESPK, ESPK) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.DelegatingFilterSynchronizer
childDeleted(ESPK, ESPK) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.ESChangeListener
A child Entity has been removed from a parent Entity to which we are listening.
childDeleted(ESPK, ESPK) - Method in class com.vordel.es.ESChangeListenerAdapter
childUpdated(Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.DelegatingFilterSynchronizer
childUpdated(Entity) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.ESChangeListener
A child Entity has been added to the parent Entity to which we are listening.
childUpdated(Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.es.ESChangeListenerAdapter
cipher - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterConfigureContext
Circuit - Class in com.vordel.circuit
Consists of a network of FilterContainers, linked as they will be executed by the server.
Circuit() - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.Circuit
circuit - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitChainFilter.CircuitReference
circuit - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitDelegateProcessor
circuit - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitInvocation
circuit - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
CIRCUIT_EXCEPTION - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
CIRCUIT_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
CIRCUIT_FAILURE_REASON - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
CIRCUIT_PK - Static variable in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitDelegateFilter
CIRCUIT_RESULT_FAIL - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
CIRCUIT_RESULT_SUCCESS - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
CircuitAbortException - Exception in com.vordel.circuit
This exception encapsulates all errors that are intended to halt the progression through the circuit.
CircuitAbortException(String) - Constructor for exception com.vordel.circuit.CircuitAbortException
Creates a new CircuitAbortException with a textual description of its cause.
CircuitAbortException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.vordel.circuit.CircuitAbortException
Creates a new CircuitAbortException indicating failure due to an underlying java Exception
CircuitAbortException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.vordel.circuit.CircuitAbortException
Creates a new CircuitAbortException indicating failure due to an underlying java Exception
CircuitAbortException(String, Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception com.vordel.circuit.CircuitAbortException
Creates a new CircuitAbortException instance.
CircuitCache - Class in com.vordel.circuit
CircuitCache() - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitCache
circuitCache - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterConfigureContext
CircuitChainFilter - Class in com.vordel.circuit
CircuitChainFilter() - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitChainFilter
CircuitChainFilter.CircuitReference - Class in com.vordel.circuit
CircuitChainFilter.CircuitReference() - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitChainFilter.CircuitReference
CircuitChainProcessor - Class in com.vordel.circuit
CircuitChainProcessor() - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitChainProcessor
CircuitConstants - Interface in com.vordel.circuit
Defines a set of constants that reflect fields and entity types used by the circuit package, and its consumers.
CircuitContainer - Class in com.vordel.circuit
CircuitContainer() - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitContainer
CircuitDelegateFilter - Class in com.vordel.circuit
A filter that delegates to a nested circuit.
CircuitDelegateFilter() - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitDelegateFilter
CircuitDelegatePerBodyFilter - Class in com.vordel.circuit
A filter that delegates to a nested circuit.
CircuitDelegatePerBodyFilter() - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitDelegatePerBodyFilter
CircuitDelegatePerBodyProcessor - Class in com.vordel.circuit
CircuitDelegatePerBodyProcessor() - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitDelegatePerBodyProcessor
CircuitDelegateProcessor - Class in com.vordel.circuit
CircuitDelegateProcessor() - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitDelegateProcessor
CircuitInvocation - Class in com.vordel.circuit
CircuitInvocation(Circuit) - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitInvocation
circuitPK - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitChainFilter.CircuitReference
CircuitReferenceFactory - Interface in com.vordel.circuit
CLASS_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in exception com.vordel.circuit.CircuitAbortException
CLASS_AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in exception com.vordel.circuit.CircuitAbortException
CLASS_REMOTE - Static variable in exception com.vordel.circuit.CircuitAbortException
CLASS_SERVFAIL - Static variable in exception com.vordel.circuit.CircuitAbortException
A CircuitAbortException has a specific "class" associated with it.
clear() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.CompoundBody
Remove all parts of this compound body.
CLIENT_NAME - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
clone() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Field
clone() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.XMLBody
cloneEntity() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
Creates a deep copy of the entity, including keys.
cloneEntityFields() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
Creates a deep copy of the entity, sans keys.
cloneValue() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Value
com.vordel.circuit - package com.vordel.circuit
This package models a Circuit and its constituent filters.
com.vordel.es - package com.vordel.es
This package contains the Entity Store interface and other classes which together constitute the Entity Store framework.
com.vordel.mime - package com.vordel.mime
This package provides a mechanism for handling MIME-formatted messages.
commit() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Indicate that you wish to have all operations on the Store since the last startTransaction committed to the Store, and published to the Store's listeners.
compare(Entity, Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityComparator
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
compareTo(Field) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Field
complete(int) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterInvocation
complete() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Message
Called once the message has been entirely processed and the client transaction complete.
completionTimestamp - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterInvocation
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
Constant for XML 'componentType' defintion element
CompoundBody - Class in com.vordel.mime
A compound body is an abstract class representing a Body type that is used to container other Bodys.
CompoundBody(HeaderSet, ContentType) - Constructor for class com.vordel.mime.CompoundBody
ConfigContext - Class in com.vordel.circuit
ConfigContext() - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.ConfigContext
configure(CircuitCache, Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Circuit
Load the filter containers for each configured filter in this circuit
configure(FilterConfigureContext, Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitChainFilter
Override this to use a different factory
configure(FilterConfigureContext, Entity, CircuitReferenceFactory) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitChainFilter
configure(Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitContainer
configure(FilterConfigureContext, Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
Called to initially configure a filter from the entity store.
configure(FilterConfigureContext, Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.VariablePropertiesFilter
configureFilter(FilterConfigureContext, Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterContainer
connect(String, Properties) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Connect to an entity store.
CONSTANT - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
Constant for XML 'constant' defintion element
ConstantFieldType - Class in com.vordel.es
Special FieldType to distinguish constant Fields from normal Fields.
ConstantFieldType(String, Value) - Constructor for class com.vordel.es.ConstantFieldType
constructParentCircuitContainers(EntityStore, Circuit) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitCache
consumedProperties - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
containsAngleBrackets(String) - Static method in class com.vordel.mime.ContentID
containsKey(String) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Message
containsKey(String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
Check to see if the field has been initialized for the Entity, and that it contains at least one non-null value.
containsKey(String) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet
containsKey(String) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.QueryStringHeaderSet
containsReference(ESPK) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Field
Check this Field to see if it contains a reference to the specified Entity.
containsWildcard() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterAttribute
CONTENT_BODY - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
CONTENT_ID - Static variable in interface com.vordel.mime.MimeConstants
CONTENT_LENGTH - Static variable in interface com.vordel.mime.MimeConstants
CONTENT_LENGTH_LOW - Static variable in interface com.vordel.mime.MimeConstants
CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENC - Static variable in interface com.vordel.mime.MimeConstants
CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.vordel.mime.MimeConstants
contentAvailable() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.Body
contentAvailable() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.Multipart
contentAvailable() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.RawBody
contentAvailable() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.XMLBody
ContentID - Class in com.vordel.mime
ContentID(String) - Constructor for class com.vordel.mime.ContentID
contentType - Variable in class com.vordel.mime.Body
ContentType - Class in com.vordel.mime
A ContentType represents a parsed MIME "Content-Type" header.
ContentType(ContentType.Authority, String) - Constructor for class com.vordel.mime.ContentType
Create a new ContentType from a basic MIME type string.
ContentType.Authority - Enum in com.vordel.mime
create(Filter, ESPK) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitCache
Implemented by subclasses to perform the factory operation.
create(EntityStore, ESPK, String, Object[][]) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate
create(EntityStore, String) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate
create(TypeStore, InputStream) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityTypeFactory
create(TypeStore, Node) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityTypeFactory
create(TypeStore, String) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityTypeFactory
create(TypeStore, InputStream) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeFactoryImpl
create(TypeStore, Node) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeFactoryImpl
create(TypeStore, String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeFactoryImpl
create(HeaderSet, ContentType, ContentSource) - Static method in class com.vordel.mime.Body
Construct a subclass of body from a set of headers, a content type, and an InputStream.
createBodypart(HeaderSet, ContentType) - Method in interface com.vordel.mime.BodyFactory
createBodypart(HeaderSet, ContentType) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.Multipart.Factory
createBodypart(HeaderSet, ContentType) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.XMLBody.Factory
createCircuitReference(Entity) - Method in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitReferenceFactory
createCopy() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
Create a copy of this Entity, which will have no PKs set as it is a new 'virgin' Entity.
createDefaultedEntity(EntityStore, EntityType) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate
Utility to create a new Entity instance with all the default values already set
createDefaultedEntity(EntityStore, String) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate
createField(String, ESPK) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
createField(String, String) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
createField(String, Value[]) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
createField(String, Value[]) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
Convienence method for creating a Field based on the FieldType as defined by this EntityType definition
createField(String, String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
Convienence method for creating a Field based on the FieldType as defined by this EntityType definition
createField(String, ESPK) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
Convienence method for creating a Field based on the FieldType as defined by this EntityType definition
createFilterContainer(Class<? extends FilterContainer>, Filter, ESPK) - Static method in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterContainer
createHashSet(String[]) - Static method in class com.vordel.circuit.VariablePropertiesFilter
createNode(Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityBranch
CT_APP_OCTET_STREAM - Static variable in class com.vordel.mime.Body
CT_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.vordel.mime.Body
CT_MULTIPART_RELATED - Static variable in class com.vordel.mime.Body
CT_TEXT_PLAIN - Static variable in class com.vordel.mime.Body
CT_TEXT_XML_UTF8 - Static variable in class com.vordel.mime.Body
CT_XOP_APPLICATION_XML - Static variable in class com.vordel.mime.Body
currentFilter - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.Message


DBG_ES_TYPE_FACTORY - Static variable in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreFactory
decodePK(String) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Decode a stringified PK as per the implementation.
DEFAULT - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
Constant for XML 'default' defintion attribute
DEFAULT_REF - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
Constant for XML 'defaultRef' definition element
DefaultFilter - Class in com.vordel.circuit
DefaultFilter() - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.DefaultFilter
defaultValues - Variable in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
delegatedCircuitPK - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitDelegateFilter
delegatedProperties(Set<String>, Set<String>, Set<String>) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitDelegateFilter
delegatesTo(Circuit) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitChainFilter
DelegatingFilter - Interface in com.vordel.circuit
DelegatingFilterSynchronizer - Class in com.vordel.circuit
DelegatingFilterSynchronizer(ManagerEntityStore, DelegatingFilter, DefaultGUIFilter) - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.DelegatingFilterSynchronizer
DelegatingProcessor - Class in com.vordel.circuit
DelegatingProcessor() - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.DelegatingProcessor
deleteEntity(ESPK) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Delete an entity from the data store.
deregisterChangeListener(ESPK, ESChangeListener) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Deregister from listening to changes to the Entities in the Store.
describe(Field[]) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.Field
Convenience method to describe fields
describeReference(String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
disconnect() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Disconnect from the EntityStore.
dispose() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.Body
doGraft(EntityStore, ESPK, Set<PortableESPK>, Set<ESPK>) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityBranch
doProps(FilterConfigureContext) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitChainFilter
DuplicateKeysException - Exception in com.vordel.es
DuplicateKeysException(String, Entity, ESPK) - Constructor for exception com.vordel.es.DuplicateKeysException


EIGHT_BIT - Static variable in interface com.vordel.mime.MimeConstants
EMPTY_SET - Static variable in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
ENCODING - Static variable in interface com.vordel.mime.MimeConstants
ENCRYPTED - Static variable in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
New type for VS 4.1 Semantically, the encrypted type is the same as the binary type, i.e.
Entity - Class in com.vordel.es
The main component in the EntityStore.
Entity(EntityType) - Constructor for class com.vordel.es.Entity
The constructor for all seasons
entity - Variable in class com.vordel.es.EntityBranch.EntityNode
ENTITY_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
Constant for XML 'entityType' defintion element
EntityBranch - Class in com.vordel.es
EntityBranch(EntityStore, ESPK) - Constructor for class com.vordel.es.EntityBranch
EntityBranch(EntityStore, ESPK, Set<ESPK>) - Constructor for class com.vordel.es.EntityBranch
Create a branch of the entity hierarchy from a given store and starting point.
EntityBranch.EntityNode - Class in com.vordel.es
EntityBranch.EntityNode(Entity) - Constructor for class com.vordel.es.EntityBranch.EntityNode
EntityComparator - Class in com.vordel.es
Compare entities for sorting functionality.
EntityComparator(String) - Constructor for class com.vordel.es.EntityComparator
EntityComparator(String[]) - Constructor for class com.vordel.es.EntityComparator
EntityComparator(String[], int) - Constructor for class com.vordel.es.EntityComparator
entityDeleted(ESPK) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.DelegatingFilterSynchronizer
entityDeleted(ESPK) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.ESChangeListener
An Entity has been removed from the store.
entityDeleted(ESPK) - Method in class com.vordel.es.ESChangeListenerAdapter
EntityStore - Interface in com.vordel.es
The EntityStore interface defines a common contract for access to all providers of the EntityStore service.
EntityStoreDelegate - Class in com.vordel.es
Holding area for extended ES functionality which may be candidates for inclusion into the EntityStore interface proper in the future.
EntityStoreDelegate() - Constructor for class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate
EntityStoreDelegate.TypedFieldEntity - Class in com.vordel.es
Store an Entity which has a field(s)of the specified type and a list of the names of those fields.
EntityStoreException - Exception in com.vordel.es
Specialization of Exception for problems which can occur in the course of using the EntityStore framework.
EntityStoreException(String) - Constructor for exception com.vordel.es.EntityStoreException
Constructor with message.
EntityStoreException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.vordel.es.EntityStoreException
Constructor with message and embedded exception
EntityStoreException(String, Collection<ESPK>) - Constructor for exception com.vordel.es.EntityStoreException
Constructor with message and problematic entity identifiers
EntityStoreException(String, ESPK...) - Constructor for exception com.vordel.es.EntityStoreException
Constructor with message and problematic entity identifiers
EntityStoreFactory - Class in com.vordel.es
The place to come to when you want to get an EntityStore which will understand your particular flavor of URL.
EntityType - Interface in com.vordel.es
The type definition for Entities in the EntityStore framework
EntityTypeFactory - Interface in com.vordel.es
EntityTypeFactoryImpl - Class in com.vordel.es
EntityTypeFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeFactoryImpl
EntityTypeImpl - Class in com.vordel.es
The type definition for Entities in the EntityStore framework
EntityTypeImpl(TypeStore, InputStream) - Constructor for class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
Create a new EntityType
EntityTypeImpl(TypeStore, String) - Constructor for class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
Create a new EntityType
EntityTypeImpl(TypeStore, Node) - Constructor for class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
Create a new EntityType from a Document model
entityUpdated(Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.DelegatingFilterSynchronizer
entityUpdated(Entity) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.ESChangeListener
An Entity's contents has changed.
entityUpdated(Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.es.ESChangeListenerAdapter
entrySet() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet
ENV_EXPAND_INDICATOR - Static variable in class com.vordel.es.Entity
A field containing this substring will be expanded at runtime of the server
equals(Object) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
Returns true if two Entity object are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
Equality is based on type name.
equals(Object) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.ESPK
Although the Object class in java guarantees the equals method, capture it here for completeness
equals(Object) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Field
Determine if this field is equal to the other specified field.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
equals(Object) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Value
Returns true if two Value objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.ContentType
Tests if two MIME types represent the same basic type.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet.Header
equalsContents(Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
Returns true if the two Entities are of the same type and contain the same field values.
equalsKeys(Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
ES_NULL_PK - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
A key representing a null reference
ESChangeListener - Interface in com.vordel.es
Not implemented server side.
The interface which must be implemented by interested parties to listen for Entity change events on the EntityStore.
ESChangeListenerAdapter - Class in com.vordel.es
Convienence class which implements the ESChangeListener interface.
ESChangeListenerAdapter() - Constructor for class com.vordel.es.ESChangeListenerAdapter
ESPK - Interface in com.vordel.es
An interface for a unique Entity identifier.
EXPORT_CLOSURE - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Used with exportContents(), this flag indicates that any entities which are referred to by exported entities are also exported.
EXPORT_ENTITIES - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Used with exportContents(), this flag indicates that the entities should be exported.
EXPORT_PORTABLE_ESPKS - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Used with exportContents(), this flag indicates that the ESPK values for the entities are normalized, allowing import into other ES stores.
EXPORT_REALIZED_TYPES - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Used with exportContents(), this flag indicates that only types which are instantiated are to be exported.
EXPORT_SOFT_REF_CLOSURE - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Used with exportContents(), this flag indicates that soft references are followed for closure when the reference can be resolved to another entity.
EXPORT_TRUNKS - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Used with exportContents(), this flag will ensure all entities leading from the export roots back to the main store root get exported too.
EXPORT_TYPES - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Used with exportContents(), this flag indicates that the types should be exported.
exportContents(OutputStream, Collection<ESPK>, int) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Export the contents of the entity store to the specified output stream.
exportStore(EntityStore, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate
Deprecated. Use the EntityStore.exportContents method instead
EXTENDS - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
Constant for XML 'extends' defintion attribute


FIELD - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
Constant for XML 'field' defintion element
Field - Class in com.vordel.es
A Field is a typed component part of an Entity, containing zero, one or more values.
Field(FieldType, String) - Constructor for class com.vordel.es.Field
Constructor for a field with no values.
Field(FieldType, String, Value[]) - Constructor for class com.vordel.es.Field
Constructor for a field with new values.
Field(Field) - Constructor for class com.vordel.es.Field
Convenience constructor to create a duplicate field.
FIELD_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
FIELD_CIRCUIT_REF - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
FIELD_CLASS - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
FIELD_FAILURE - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
FIELD_FAULT_PROCESSOR - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
FIELD_FILTER_CIRCUIT - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
FIELD_LOGFAILURE - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
FIELD_LOGFATAL - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
FIELD_LOGMASK - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
FIELD_LOGSUCCESS - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
FIELD_NAME - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
FIELD_START - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
FIELD_SUCCESS - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
FieldType - Class in com.vordel.es
A FieldType defines the type of a specific Field for a given EntityType.
FieldType(String, Object, List<Value>) - Constructor for class com.vordel.es.FieldType
Create a field type definition.
Filter - Class in com.vordel.circuit
Implementation of a Filter, backed by an Entity.
Filter() - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
filterAttached(FilterConfigureContext, Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitChainProcessor
filterAttached(FilterConfigureContext, Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitDelegateProcessor
filterAttached(FilterConfigureContext, Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterContainer
Called on a filter's container when the filter is configured.
filterAttached(FilterConfigureContext, Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.MessageProcessor
FilterAttribute - Class in com.vordel.circuit
FilterAttribute(String, String) - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.FilterAttribute
FilterAttribute(String, Entity) - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.FilterAttribute
FilterAttribute(String, String, Entity) - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.FilterAttribute
FilterConfigureContext - Class in com.vordel.circuit
FilterConfigureContext() - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.FilterConfigureContext
FilterContainer - Class in com.vordel.circuit
Wraps a basic Filter object to provide templatable domain specific functionality in circuits.
FilterContainer() - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.FilterContainer
filterDetached() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterContainer
filterDetached() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.MessageProcessor
FilterInvocation - Class in com.vordel.circuit
This class tracks the statistics for a filter's invocation.
FilterInvocation(MessageProcessor) - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.FilterInvocation
Constructor which takes all relevant statistics.
findChildren(ESPK, Field[], EntityType) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Find all children of a particular Entity.
findEntitiesWithTypedFields(EntityStore, String, Set<ESPK>) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate
findEntity(EntityStore, String, String, EntityType) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate
Method used to find an entity of a type which contains a field with a certain value Note, use this method carefully as it will recursively get all entities from the entitystore!
findEntity(EntityStore, ESPK, String, String, EntityType) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate
Method used to find an entity of a type which contains a field with a certain value Note, use this method carefully as it will recursively get all entities from the entitystore!
findNamedChildren(EntityStore, ESPK, EntityType, String, String) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate
findReferringEntities(ESPK) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Get a Set of ESPKs which identify all Entities in the store which contain a field or fields which hold a reference to the Entity specified
findSoftReferencesToBranch(EntityStore, ESPK) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate
fini() - Static method in class com.vordel.mime.Body
firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Message
flush(EntityStore, PasswordCipher, String) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitCache
Reset the cache of circuits
flushCache() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Circuit
Remove all filters from this circuit
forClass(Class<? extends FilterContainer>, Filter, ESPK) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitCache
Utility method for producing a filter container using the default constructor for a Class object.
FROM - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties


generateCertificateAttachment(X509Certificate) - Static method in class com.vordel.mime.AttachmentHelper
Generate an attachment containing the signer's certificate.
generatedProperties - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
get(String) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Message
get(String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
'Dictionary' interface
get(String) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet
get(String) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.QueryStringHeaderSet
getAllConstantFieldNames() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
getAllConstantFieldNames() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
getAllConstantFields() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
getAllConstantFields() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
getAllDeclaredConstantFieldNames() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
getAllDeclaredConstantFieldNames() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
getAllDeclaredFieldNames() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
getAllDeclaredFieldNames() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
Get all fields defined for this type, excluding superTypes.
getAllDeclaredKeyFields() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
getAllDeclaredKeyFields() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
getAllDefaultedFieldNames() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
getAllDefaultedFieldNames() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
getAllFieldNames() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
getAllFieldNames() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
getAllFields() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
getAttachmentTypes(Body, CompoundBody) - Static method in class com.vordel.mime.AttachmentHelper
This method takes a CompoundBody and returns a list of attachment content types.
getAuthority() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.ContentType
getBaseType() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.TypeStore
This method is used to retrieve the base entity type definition.
getBinaryValue(String, int) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
getBinaryValue(String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
getBooleanValue(String, int) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
getBooleanValue(String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
getBuilder() - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
getCardinality() - Method in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
Get the cardinality of this FieldType definition.
getCategory() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.MessageProcessor
Get the category of this processor
getCDProc(FilterConfigureContext, Filter, ESPK, String) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.DelegatingProcessor
getCircuit(ESPK) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitCache
getCircuitPK() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
getClassification() - Method in exception com.vordel.circuit.CircuitAbortException
getConfigPanelClass() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitChainFilter
getConfigPanelClass() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitDelegateFilter
getConfigPanelClass() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitDelegatePerBodyFilter
getConfigPanelClass() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
Get the Class which must be instantiated to configure the Filter.
getConfigPanelClass() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.HTTPBodyParserFilter
getConflictingEntity() - Method in exception com.vordel.es.DuplicateKeysException
getConstantField(String) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
getConstantField(String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
Get the constant field with the name 'fieldName'
getConsumedProperties() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitDelegateFilter
getConsumedProperties() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
getContentEncoding() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.Body
Return content encoding.
getContentId() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.Body
Get the Content Id for this body.
getContentLength(int) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.Body
Return the Content length of the body.
getContentLength(int) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.RawBody
getContentType() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.Body
Get the ContentType for this body.
getData() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Value
Get the intrinsic value of the Value object as a data value
getDeclaredComponentTypes() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
getDeclaredComponentTypes() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
Get a copy of the component type map for this type Key is component type name Value is the cardinality of allowed occurrances under a node of this type
getDefault() - Method in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
Get the default value for the Field.
getDefaults() - Method in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
Get the default values for the Field.
getDefaultValues() - Method in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
Get the actual default 'Value' object.
getDelegatedCircuitPK() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitDelegateFilter
Get the ESPK of the Circuit this filter delegates to.
getDescendantPKs(EntityStore, ESPK, String) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate
Convenience method to retrieve a set of descendant ESPKs per type
getDocument(Message) - Static method in class com.vordel.mime.XMLBody
getDocument() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.XMLBody
getEncryptedValue(String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
getEncryptedValue(String, int) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
getEntity() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Circuit
Get the Entity that is used to configure this circuit
getEntity() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitContainer
getEntity() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
Get the underlying Entity which persists the configuration for this Filter
getEntity(ESPK) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Get a particular Entity from the Store, depending on its key.
getEntity(ESPK, String[]) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Retrieve the subordinate Entities of the identified parent.
getEntity(EntityStore, ESPK) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate
getEntity(EntityStore, String) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate
Experimental method for getting an Entity for a 'shorthand' key.
getEntity(EntityStore, ESPK, String) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate
getEntity() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate.TypedFieldEntity
getEntityForKey(EntityStore, ESPK) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate
Locate the entity as specified by the key, in the EntityStore.
getEntityStoreForURL(String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreFactory
Retrieve an instance of an EntityStore which is compatible with the url specified
getEntityTypeFactory() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreFactory
getExistingEntityESPK() - Method in exception com.vordel.es.DuplicateKeysException
getFailureNode() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
Get the next node to visit, should this Filter fail upon invocation
getFailureNodePK() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
Get the ESPK of the Filter to visit if this Filter fails
getFaultHandler() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Circuit
Retrieve the fault handler for this circuit
getField(String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
Get a specific named field
getFieldName() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterAttribute
getFieldNames() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate.TypedFieldEntity
Get the names of all fields in the given entity type of field type specified.
getFields() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate.TypedFieldEntity
Get all fields in the Entity of the specified type which have been set.
getFields(ESPK) - Method in class com.vordel.es.ReferenceRecorder
getFieldType(String) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
Get the field type for the specified field name.
getFieldType(String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
Get the field type for the specified field name.
getFieldTypeName() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate.TypedFieldEntity
getFilter() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterContainer
getFilterContainers() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Circuit
Get all the FilterContainers in this circuit
getFilterContainersMap() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Circuit
Get all the filter containers in this circuit
getGeneratedProperties() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitDelegateFilter
getGeneratedProperties() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
getHeader(String) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet
Returns the value of the specified request header as a String Returns a String containing the value of the requested header, or null if the request does not have a header of that name
getHeaderEntry(String) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet
getHeaderNames() - Method in interface com.vordel.mime.Headers
getHeaderNames() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet
Returns an enumeration of all the header names this request contains.
getHeaderNames() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.QueryStringHeaderSet
getHeaders() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.Body
Get the MIME headers for this body.
getHeaders(String) - Method in interface com.vordel.mime.Headers
getHeaders(String) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet
Returns all the values of the specified request header as an Enumeration of String objects.
getHeaders() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet
getHeaders(String) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.QueryStringHeaderSet
getId() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.ContentID
getInputStream(int) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.Body
getInstance() - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreFactory
getInstanceFields() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
Get all the fields defined in this Entity, excluding the constant field definitions, whose values can be obtained from the type def.
getIntegerValue(String, int) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
getIntegerValue(String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
getKeyDescription() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
Convenience method to describe this entity in terms of its keys
getKeyFieldNames() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
getKeyFieldNames() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
Get all the key field names
getKeys() - Method in class com.vordel.es.ReferenceRecorder
getKeyValues() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
Returns the names and values of key fields of the entity
getLoggingWildcards(Entity, Set<String>) - Static method in class com.vordel.circuit.VariablePropertiesFilter
getLongValue(String, int) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
getLongValue(String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
getMaxValueCount() - Method in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
Get the maximum number of permitted values for this field
getMessageProcessorClass() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitChainFilter
getMessageProcessorClass() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitDelegateFilter
getMessageProcessorClass() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitDelegatePerBodyFilter
getMessageProcessorClass() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
Get the Class which must be instantiated to process this Filter to implement a MessageProcessor
getMessageProcessorClass() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.HTTPBodyParserFilter
getMinValueCount() - Method in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
Get the minimum number of permitted values for this field
getName() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Circuit
Get the name of the circuit
getName() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
Get the name of the Filter
getName() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
getName() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
Get the name of this type.
getName() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Field
Get the name of this field
getNames() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet
getOffenders() - Method in exception com.vordel.es.EntityStoreException
Get a list of ESPKs which are the cause of this problem, or null if not applicable
getParent() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.Body
Get the parent Body.
getParentPK() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
Get the unique identifier for this Entity's parent Entity
getParsed(HeaderParser, String) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet
getParsed(HeaderParser) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet
getParsed(HeaderParser) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet.Header
Retrieve the semantic version of this object.
getPart(String) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.CompoundBody
Get a constituent body part by its ID
getParts() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.CompoundBody
Get an iterator over all parts in this CompoundBody.
getPartsById() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.CompoundBody
Return an Iterator over Set of Map.Entry objects, keyed by Content ID, with values of Body objects for each ID.
getPartsByIdMap() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.CompoundBody
Return an Iterator over Set of Map.Entry objects, keyed by Content ID, with values of Body objects for each ID.
getPartsCount() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.CompoundBody
Get the "start" For this message
getPK() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitChainFilter
getPK() - Method in interface com.vordel.circuit.DelegatingFilter
getPK() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
Get the unique identifier for this Entity
getPK() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.KeyHolder
Get the unique identifier for an Entity.
getPossibleOutcomes() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
Get the bitmask for the possible outcomes to this Filter's evaluation.
getPossibleOutcomes() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.HTTPBodyParserFilter
getPropsForURL(String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreFactory
getRef() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Value
Get the intrinsic value of the Value object as a reference
getReference() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Field
Return the reference value for the field if it's a reference type field.
getReferencedCircuitPKs() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitChainFilter
getReferencedCircuitPKs() - Method in interface com.vordel.circuit.DelegatingFilter
getReferenceFields() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
getReferences(String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
Convenience method to get any references which the named field contains.
getReferenceValue(String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
Convienence method for getting the one single reference value of a reference field.
getReferringFields(ESPK) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
getRefFields(boolean) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
getRefs() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitChainFilter
getRefs() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Field
Assume values are references, and fetch as an array.
getRefType() - Method in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
If this is a reference type, get the name of the EntityType which this FieldType references.
getRequiredProperties() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitDelegateFilter
getRequiredProperties() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
getRequiredPropertiesFromEntity(EntityStore, Entity, PasswordCipher) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.VariablePropertiesFilter
getRequiredPropertiesFromReferences(EntityStore, Entity, PasswordCipher) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.VariablePropertiesFilter
getRootElement() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
getRootElement() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
getRootEntity() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityBranch
getRootPK() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Get the identifier for the root Entity in the Store.
getSoftReferenceFields() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
getSortedChildEntities(EntityStore, ESPK, EntityType) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate
Intended as a replacement for the SQL 'ORDER BY' construct.
getSortedChildEntities(EntityStore, ESPK, EntityType, String[]) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate
Intended as a replacement for the SQL 'ORDER BY' construct.
getSortedChildEntities(EntityStore, ESPK, EntityType, String[], int) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate
getSource() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.Body
Get a ContentSource that can be used as a factory for InputStream's from which to read the original message content.
getSourceEntityStore() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityBranch
getStartFilter() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Circuit
Locate the starting point for injecting messages into this circuit.
getStartPart() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.CompoundBody
Get the "start" For this message
getStatus() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterInvocation
getStringValue(Message) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterAttribute
getStringValue(String, int) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
getStringValue(String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
getStringValues(String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
Get the string values for the specified field.
getStringValues() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet.Header
Deprecated. this doesn't work as you'd expect.
getStringValues() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.QueryStringHeaderSet.QueryStringHeader
getStringValuesArray() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.QueryStringHeaderSet.QueryStringHeader
getSubtypes(String) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.TypeStore
Get the names of the immediate descendants of the type specified.
getSuccessNode() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
Get the next node to visit, should this Filter succeed upon invocation
getSuccessNodePK() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
Get the ESPK of the Filter to visit if this Filter succeeds
getSuperType() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
Get the super type of this type.
getSuperType() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
Get the super type of this type.
getType() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
Get the Type of this Entity
getType() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Field
Get the type of this field
getType() - Method in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
Get the primitive type of this field or the reference type if it's an ESPK reference-type field, as it appears in the XML definition.
getType() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.ContentType
getTypeA() - Method in exception com.vordel.es.IncompatibleTypeException
getTypeB() - Method in exception com.vordel.es.IncompatibleTypeException
getTypeForName(String) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.TypeStore
This method is used to retrieve an EntityType based on it's name.
getTypeName() - Method in exception com.vordel.es.UnknownTypeException
getValue() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterAttribute
getValueCount(String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
getValueList() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Field
Get a copy of this Field's Values List
getValues() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Field
Get the values for this field as an array
getWildcardAttributes(Entity, String) - Static method in class com.vordel.circuit.VariablePropertiesFilter
graftTo(EntityStore, ESPK, Set<PortableESPK>, Set<ESPK>) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityBranch
GSS_ACCEPTOR_CONTEXT_ESTABLISHED - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
GSS_AP_REQ_BST_ID - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
GSS_AP_REQ_SHA1 - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
GSS_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
GSS_DELEGATED_CREDS - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
GSS_DELEGATED_CREDS_CLIENT_NAME - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
GSS_INITIATOR_CONTEXT_ESTABLISHED - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
GSS_KERBEROS_SESSION_KEYS - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
GSS_MECHANISM_OID - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
GSS_SERVICE_AUTHENTICATOR_PRINCIPAL - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
GSS_SERVICE_AUTHENTICATOR_REALM - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
GSS_SERVICE_AUTHENTICATOR_TIME - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
GSS_SERVICE_SUBJECT_ID - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
GSS_SERVICE_TICKET_PRINCIPAL - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
GSS_SERVICE_TICKET_REALM - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
GSS_SESSION_KEYS - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties


hashCode() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
hashCode() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.ESPK
Although the Object class in java guarantees the hashCode method, capture it here for completeness
hashCode() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Value
Hashcode of the underlying String or ESPK depending on type of Value.
hashCode() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet.Header
hasHeader(String) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet
hasKey() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
hasSuperType(String) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
Check to see if the specified type is an ancestor of this type
hasSuperType(String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
hasType(EntityStore, String) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate
Method to determine whether an entity store has a particular type.
hasValue() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterAttribute
hasValue() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Field
Determine if this field has any values set.
hasValue() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Value
Determine if this Value has at least one underlying data value set.
headerParser - Static variable in class com.vordel.mime.ContentID
HeaderParser - Class in com.vordel.mime
takes the value of a header and creates an appropriate Object for use in a HeaderSet
HeaderParser(String) - Constructor for class com.vordel.mime.HeaderParser
Create a new Header parser, which has responsibility for making sense of the header which has the header name specified.
headers - Variable in class com.vordel.mime.Body
Headers - Interface in com.vordel.mime
A facade interface for HeaderSet like containers.
HeaderSet - Class in com.vordel.mime
Represents a set of MIME headers, normally associated with a MIME Body.
HeaderSet() - Constructor for class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet
HeaderSet.Header - Class in com.vordel.mime
Represents a single header in a header set.
HeaderSet.Header(Object) - Constructor for class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet.Header
Construct a header from the parsed object.
HeaderSet.Header(String) - Constructor for class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet.Header
Construct a header from the MIME string value
HeaderSet.HeaderEntry - Class in com.vordel.mime
HeaderSet.HeaderEntry() - Constructor for class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet.HeaderEntry
HTTP_BODY - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
HTTP_CLIENT - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
HTTP_DEFAULT_PROPS - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
HTTP_DEST_HOST - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
HTTP_DEST_PORT - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
HTTP_DEST_PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
HTTP_FORWARDING_FINISHED - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
HTTP_FORWARDING_STARTED - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
HTTP_HEADERS - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
HTTP_REQ_CIPHER - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
HTTP_REQ_CLIENTADDR - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
HTTP_REQ_CLIENTCERT - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
HTTP_REQ_LOCALADDR - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
HTTP_REQ_PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
HTTP_REQ_SNI - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
HTTP_REQ_URI - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
HTTP_REQ_VERB - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
HTTP_REQ_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
HTTP_RSP_INFO - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
HTTP_RSP_STATUS - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
HTTP_RSP_TIME - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
HTTP_RSP_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
HTTPBodyParserFilter - Class in com.vordel.circuit
Deprecated. This filter was originally designed to parse incoming HTTP requests, and allow the delaying of that parsing by directing the control flow around this processor. This is no longer neccessary, as the XMLBody now performs this lazy evaluation automatically.
HTTPBodyParserFilter() - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.HTTPBodyParserFilter
HTTPBodyParserProcessor - Class in com.vordel.circuit
Explictly force parsing of incoming HTTP request or response.
HTTPBodyParserProcessor() - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.HTTPBodyParserProcessor


ID - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
ignoreField(String) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.VariablePropertiesFilter
ignoreType(String) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.VariablePropertiesFilter
IMPORT_DIRECTIVE_OVERRIDE_ALL - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Used with exportContents(), this flag indicates that all exported entities should be flagged with the override directive for subsequent import.
importData(InputStream) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Import a serialized definition of the Store.
IncompatibleTypeException - Exception in com.vordel.es
IncompatibleTypeException(EntityType, EntityType) - Constructor for exception com.vordel.es.IncompatibleTypeException
initialize() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Connect to the EntityStore and bootstrap the store with the default components required to implement a store.
initializeProviders(InputStream) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreFactory
Allow the user to explicitly initialize the Entity Store provider classes
initSource(ContentSource, String) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.Body
INTEGER - Static variable in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
Interpreted as a Java 'int' primitive type.
invocationData - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.Message
invoke(CircuitInvocation, Message) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitChainProcessor
invoke(CircuitInvocation, Message) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitDelegatePerBodyProcessor
invoke(CircuitInvocation, Message) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitDelegateProcessor
invoke(CircuitInvocation, Message) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.HTTPBodyParserProcessor
invoke(CircuitInvocation, Message) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.MessageProcessor
invoked by circuit to act on a message
invokeFilter(MessageProcessor, Message) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitInvocation
IS_KEY - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
Constant for XML 'keyness' defintion attribute
isAbstract() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
isAbstract() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
See if this type is abstract.
isCompatible(EntityType) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
isCompatible(EntityType) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
Compatibility is a check that the contents of an Entity of this type can be applied safely to the contents of an Entity of another compatible type.
isCompatibleGraftPoint(Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityBranch
isCompoundProcessorContext() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitInvocation
isConstantField(String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
isConstantField(String) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
isConstantField(String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
isFederated(InputStream) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate
isKeyField(Field) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
isKeyField(Field) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
isNull() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Value
A null value is one whose data and value are both unset
isNumeric() - Method in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
isRefType() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Field
Is field a Reference Type
isRefType() - Method in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
Determine if this type represents a reference type(for ESPKs)
isSoftRefType() - Method in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
Determine if this type represents a soft reference to an Entity via a portable ESPK
isSubType(EntityType) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
Check that the specified type is a subtype of this type.
isSubType(EntityType) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
Check that the specified type is a subtype of this type.
isValidPrimitiveType(String) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
Convenience method to decide if the primitive type is supported by the framework.


keyFieldsDiffer(Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
KeyHolder - Interface in com.vordel.es
Interface for any object that contains an ESPK.


label - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitChainFilter.CircuitReference
listChildren(ESPK, EntityType) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
List all children of a particular Entity.
LOCAL_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
locate(Message) - Static method in class com.vordel.mime.XMLBody
Locate the XML Body from the message content if it exists.
logFailure(Message) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.MessageProcessor
Default action for failure logging event
logFatal(Message) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.MessageProcessor
Default action for fatal logging event
loggedMessage - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterInvocation
logMask - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.MessageProcessor
logMessagePayload(Message, LogFormatter) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.MessageProcessor
Default action for a payload logging event
logSuccess(Message) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.MessageProcessor
Default action for a successful logging event
LONG - Static variable in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
Interpreted as a Java 'long' primitive type.


MCAFEE_STATUS - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
Message - Class in com.vordel.circuit
Represents the state of a request as it passes through a Circuit This object maps property names to Objects.
Message() - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.Message
Create A new message object.
Message.MessageCreationListener - Interface in com.vordel.circuit
MESSAGE_MONITORING_ENABLED - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
MESSAGE_RECEPTION_TIME - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
MESSAGE_SOURCE - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
MESSAGE_URI - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
messageBodyVersions - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterInvocation
messageCreated(Message) - Method in interface com.vordel.circuit.Message.MessageCreationListener
MessageProcessor - Class in com.vordel.circuit
A FilterContainer that is used to implement the underlying processing functionality of a Filter.
MessageProcessor() - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.MessageProcessor
MessageProperties - Interface in com.vordel.circuit
A list of well known Message property values.
METRICS_TRANSACTION - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
MimeConstants - Interface in com.vordel.mime
This interface contains a number of constants for MIME-related operations
MONITORING_ENABLED - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
moveType(EntityStore, EntityBranch.EntityNode, EntityType) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityBranch
MULTIPART - Static variable in interface com.vordel.mime.MimeConstants
Multipart - Class in com.vordel.mime
A bodypart representing a multipart mime message.
Multipart(ContentType) - Constructor for class com.vordel.mime.Multipart
Multipart(HeaderSet, ContentType) - Constructor for class com.vordel.mime.Multipart
Multipart.Factory - Class in com.vordel.mime
Multipart.Factory() - Constructor for class com.vordel.mime.Multipart.Factory


name - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
NAME - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
Constant for XML 'name' defintion attribute
newContext(MessageProcessor, Message) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitInvocation
node - Variable in exception com.vordel.circuit.CircuitAbortException


onCompletion(Runnable) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Message
ONE - Static variable in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
Constant declaration of cardinality 1 as an object.
ONE_OR_MANY - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
ORDER_DECREASING - Static variable in class com.vordel.es.EntityComparator
ORDER_INCREASING - Static variable in class com.vordel.es.EntityComparator
ORIGINAL_CONTENT_ID - Static variable in interface com.vordel.mime.MimeConstants


parse(InputStream) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.Body
Parse a body from a specific InputStream.
parse() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.Body
If necessary, read the InputStream source for a body to "parse" it.
parse(String) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderParser
parse(InputStream) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.Multipart
parse(InputStream) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.RawBody
parse(InputStream) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.XMLBody
parseMIME(InputStream) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet
parser - Static variable in class com.vordel.mime.ContentType
use to get decoded ContentType objects from HeaderSets
path - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitInvocation
pk - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitChainFilter.CircuitReference
pkToPath(EntityStore, ESPK) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate
Convenience method to return the normalized version of the ESPK as an XML fragment.
populateNonNullSoftRefs(Set<PortableESPK>) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Field
processId - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterConfigureContext
processMessage(Message, SOAPFaultProcessor) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitInvocation
processor - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterInvocation
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.DelegatingFilterSynchronizer
PROTOCOL_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
PROVIDERS_FILENAME - Static variable in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreFactory
Load the configured providers
purgeContent() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.Body
Bodies are purged() when they are no longer in use.
purgeContent() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.CompoundBody
Purge a compound body.
purgeContent() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.RawBody
purgeContent() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.XMLBody
PUSH_WRITE - Static variable in class com.vordel.mime.Body
put(String, Object) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Message
putString(String) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.QueryStringHeaderSet.QueryStringHeader


QueryStringHeaderSet - Class in com.vordel.mime
Class to hold name-value pairs from query string, and message body id content type is application/www-url-encoded-form.
QueryStringHeaderSet() - Constructor for class com.vordel.mime.QueryStringHeaderSet
QueryStringHeaderSet.QueryStringHeader - Class in com.vordel.mime
QueryStringHeaderSet.QueryStringHeader() - Constructor for class com.vordel.mime.QueryStringHeaderSet.QueryStringHeader
QUOTED_PRINTABLE - Static variable in interface com.vordel.mime.MimeConstants


RawBody - Class in com.vordel.mime
The fallback bodypart type for otherwise unknown MIME types.
RawBody(HeaderSet, ContentType) - Constructor for class com.vordel.mime.RawBody
reconfigure(FilterConfigureContext, Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
recordField(ESPK, Entity, Field) - Method in class com.vordel.es.ReferenceRecorder
REF_DELIMITER - Static variable in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
Indicator that this field's values refer to another Entity via an ESPK
ReferenceRecorder - Class in com.vordel.es
ReferenceRecorder() - Constructor for class com.vordel.es.ReferenceRecorder
refs - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitChainFilter
reftype - Variable in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
registerChangeListener(ESPK, ESChangeListener) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Register to listen to changes to the Entities in the Store.
registerEntityTypeFactory(EntityTypeFactory) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreFactory
registerFactory(String, BodyFactory) - Static method in class com.vordel.mime.Body
Register a handler for a set of content types.
registerForURL(String, Class, List<String>) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreFactory
Register an implementation of EntityStore for a particular URL stem
remove(String) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Message
remove(String) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet
REMOVE_XFER_ENCODING_ON_WRITE - Static variable in class com.vordel.mime.Body
removeCompletionCallback(Runnable) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Message
removeCompletionCallbacks() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Message
removeCreationListener(Message.MessageCreationListener) - Static method in class com.vordel.circuit.Message
Remove the message creation listener
removeField(String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
removePart(String) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.CompoundBody
Remove a body part based on its Content-ID
removePart(Body) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.CompoundBody
Remove a body part
removePath(CircuitInvocation) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterInvocation
removeProptertiesListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Message
removeProptertiesListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Message
replaceAttributeValues(String) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Message
takes a string containing message attribute names delimited by "%" characters and replaces the so-encoded substrings with the named values from the message.
replacePart(Body, Body) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.CompoundBody
report(String, Throwable) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.MessageProcessor
report(String) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.MessageProcessor
requiredProperties - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
reset() - Method in class com.vordel.es.ReferenceRecorder
reset() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.TypeStore
Remove all non-default Entities and reset the core Types.
resetRoot() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityBranch
If you've been modifying the root entity for a key conflict, but want to discard changes, reset the root before leaving this branch lying around for someone else to paste.
resolveCircuits(CircuitCache) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitChainFilter
result - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterInvocation
RESULT_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterInvocation
RESULT_FAILURE - Static variable in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterInvocation
RESULT_SUCCESS - Static variable in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterInvocation
RETAIN_XFER_ENCODING_ON_READ - Static variable in class com.vordel.mime.Body
rollback() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Indicate that you wish to discard all changes to the Store since the last startTransaction.
rootPartId - Variable in class com.vordel.mime.CompoundBody
runCircuit(Message) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitInvocation


serialize() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
Deprecated. Serialising XML to strings is evil. replaced by (write)
serialize() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
Deprecated. Serialising XML to strings is evil. replaced by (write)
setBinaryValue(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
Set the field to have a single value with the binary data supplied
setByteFieldsValue(byte[]) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate.TypedFieldEntity
Convenience method to set each encrypted/binary field to some arbitrary byte sequence.
setCircuitPK(ESPK) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
setDefaultProperties() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
There are no global default properties.
setDefaultProperties() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.HTTPBodyParserFilter
setDefaults(EntityStore, Entity) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityStoreDelegate
Set any unset fields to have the defaults as set in their type definition
setDelegatedCircuitPK(ESPK) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitDelegateFilter
Set the ESPK of the Circuit this filter delegates to.
setDocument(Document) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.XMLBody
setEncryptedValue(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
Convenience method for setting the encrypted bytes for a field
setEntity(Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitDelegateFilter
override of Filter.setEntity() used to trap changes to the delegate circuit's ESPK.
setEntity(Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitDelegatePerBodyFilter
setEntity(Entity) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
setFailureNode(FilterContainer) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
setFaultHandler(FilterContainer) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Circuit
Set the fault handler for this circuit
setField(Field) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
Set a Field for this Entity
setField(String, Value[]) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
Convenience method to set the values for a field
setFields(Object[][]) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
Convenience method to set multiple single-valued field of various types
setHeader(String, String) - Method in interface com.vordel.mime.Headers
setHeader(String, Object) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet
Set a header with the given value.
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet
Set a header with the given value.
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.QueryStringHeaderSet
setHeaderEntry(String, HeaderSet.HeaderEntry) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet
setIntegerField(String, int) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
setLongField(String, long) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
setMVStringField(String, String[]) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
setName(String) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitDelegateFilter
setParent(CompoundBody) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.Body
setParsed(Object) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet.Header
Set value from parsed object.
setReferenceField(String, ESPK) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
setReferenceValue(int, ESPK) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Field
setShouldAbortProcessingOnLogError(boolean) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
setStartPartID(String) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.CompoundBody
Set the ID of the part considered the "starting point"
setString(String) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet.Header
Set the value of this header from the MIME string.
setStringField(String, String) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
setStringFields(String[], String[]) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
setStylesheet(Templates) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.XMLBody
Supply a stylesheet to be used when writing the content of this document.
setSuccessNode(FilterContainer) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
setType(EntityBranch.EntityNode, EntityType) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityBranch
setValues(Value[]) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Field
Set all the values in the Field
setValues(List<Value>) - Method in class com.vordel.es.Field
Set the values for this Field.
SEVEN_BIT - Static variable in interface com.vordel.mime.MimeConstants
shouldAbortProcessingOnLogError() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.Filter
skf - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterConfigureContext
SMTP_AUTH_PROPS - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
SMTP_DATA_PROPS - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
SMTP_HELO_DOMAIN - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
SMTP_HELO_GREETING - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
SMTP_HELO_PROPS - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
SMTP_MAIL_FROM - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
SMTP_MAIL_PROPS - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
SMTP_RCPT_PROPS - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
SMTP_RCPT_TO - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
SMTP_RESPONSE_CODE - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
SOAP_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.vordel.mime.MimeConstants
SOAP_REQUEST_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
SOAP_REQUEST_METHOD - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
SOAP_REQUEST_METHOD_NS - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
SOFT_REF_DELIMITER - Static variable in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
Indicator that this Field's values refer to another Entity in another EntityStore, and must be resolved via a portable key.
startTransaction() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Indicate to the Store that you want to start a transaction.
STATISTICS - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
store - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterConfigureContext
STRING - Static variable in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
Java String.
subPath - Variable in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterInvocation
syncProps(Set<String>, Set<String>, Set<String>) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.VariablePropertiesFilter
Convenience method to synchronize properties in a filter when it is a multiple delegator


TO - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
toString() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitChainFilter.CircuitReference
toString() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterAttribute
toString(Message) - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.FilterAttribute
toString() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.MessageProcessor
toString() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Entity
toString() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
The name of the type is the preferred representation
toString() - Method in interface com.vordel.es.ESPK
Retrieve a string representation of the key.
toString() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Field
A user-friendly string description of this Field.
toString() - Method in exception com.vordel.es.UnknownTypeException
toString() - Method in class com.vordel.es.Value
Convienence method for debugging
toString() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.ContentID
toString() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.ContentType
Convert the object into a string suitable for insertion as a value for a "Content-Type:" header in a MIME message.
toString() - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet.Header
Get string value suitable for use in a MIME header.
tracePath(CircuitInvocation, int) - Static method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitInvocation
type - Variable in class com.vordel.es.Entity
The type of this Entity
TYPE - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
Constant for XML 'type' defintion element
type - Variable in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
The type name: primitive string or "@EntityTypeName"
TYPE - Static variable in interface com.vordel.mime.MimeConstants
TYPE_CIRCUIT - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
TYPE_CIRCUIT_CONTAINER - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
TYPE_DELEGATE - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
TYPE_FILTER - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
TYPE_FIREWALL - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
TYPE_HTTP - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
TYPE_NET_SERVICE - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
TYPE_SMTP - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
TYPE_SMTP_AUTH_HANDLER - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
TYPE_SMTP_DATA_HANDLER - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
TYPE_SMTP_HELO_HANDLER - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
TYPE_SMTP_MAIL_HANDLER - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
TYPE_SMTP_RCPT_HANDLER - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
TYPE_WEBSERVICE_PLUGIN - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.CircuitConstants
TypeStore - Interface in com.vordel.es
Defines a common interface for retrieving Entity type information, EntityTypes, which in turn describe Entity structure.


UnknownTypeException - Exception in com.vordel.es
UnknownTypeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.vordel.es.UnknownTypeException
updateEntity(Entity) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityStore
Replace an entity
updateRefs() - Method in class com.vordel.circuit.CircuitChainFilter
updateRefs() - Method in interface com.vordel.circuit.DelegatingFilter
updateType(InputStream) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.TypeStore
This method updates a type in the EntityStore with a new definiton.
UTCTIME - Static variable in class com.vordel.es.FieldType
Don't use - use 'long' instead.
Util - Class in com.vordel.circuit
Utility class for circuit.
Util() - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.Util


validate() - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
vals - Variable in class com.vordel.es.Field
The Values in the field
Value - Class in com.vordel.es
A Value can represent either a data value (in the form of a String), or a reference to some Entity (in the form of an ESPK).
Value() - Constructor for class com.vordel.es.Value
Default Constructor.
Value(String) - Constructor for class com.vordel.es.Value
Constructor to set the String component of the value
Value(ESPK) - Constructor for class com.vordel.es.Value
Constructor to set the reference component of this value
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.vordel.mime.ContentType.Authority
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.vordel.mime.ContentType.Authority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VariablePropertiesFilter - Class in com.vordel.circuit
A VariablePropertiesFilter has variable sets of properties which it requires, generates and consumes.
VariablePropertiesFilter() - Constructor for class com.vordel.circuit.VariablePropertiesFilter
VSTAMP - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType


WEB_SERVICE_PLUGIN_PROPS - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
write(OutputStream) - Method in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
write(OutputStream) - Method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
write(OutputStream, String, Node) - Static method in class com.vordel.es.EntityTypeImpl
write(OutputStream, int) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.Body
Write the content of this Body (not including its headers) to an OutputStream.
write(OutputStream, int) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.HeaderSet
writeContent(OutputStream, int) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.Body
Write the content of the body to the specified OutputStream This is similar to Body.write(java.io.OutputStream, int), but does not include the headers for the body.
writeContent(OutputStream, int) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.Multipart
writeContent(OutputStream, int) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.RawBody
writeContent(OutputStream, int) - Method in class com.vordel.mime.XMLBody
WSS_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
The timestamp in the WSS Header Block which was gleaned from the message for a particular soap actor/role.
WSS_USERNAME_TOKEN - Static variable in interface com.vordel.circuit.MessageProperties
The username token as taken from the wsblockinfo.


XMLBody - Class in com.vordel.mime
Represents an XML bodypart.
XMLBody(HeaderSet, ContentType, Document) - Constructor for class com.vordel.mime.XMLBody
XMLBody.Factory - Class in com.vordel.mime
XMLBody.Factory() - Constructor for class com.vordel.mime.XMLBody.Factory
xmlBody2ByteArray(XMLBody) - Static method in class com.vordel.circuit.Util
This method transforms the XMLBody into a Byte array.


ZERO_OR_MANY - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType
ZERO_OR_ONE - Static variable in interface com.vordel.es.EntityType

Vordel SDK

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