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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Interface DebuggerExtender

All Superinterfaces:
DebuggerListener, java.util.EventListener

public interface DebuggerExtender
extends DebuggerListener

A DebuggerExtender can modify and enhance certain functionalities of a Debugger. Use the Debugger method: DebuggerExtenderCallback addDebuggerExtender( DebuggerExtender extender ); to add a DebuggerExtender to a Debugger. The existing DebuggerListener interface, from which DebuggerExtender derives, provides callbacks for some basic Debugger events, such as start, stop, resume, finish

Method Summary
 void breakpointAdded(DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Called by the Debugger when a breakpoint has been added.
 void breakpointChanged(DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint, DebuggerBreakpoint.BreakpointState newState)
          Called by the Debugger when a previously added breakpoint has changed
 void breakpointDeleted(DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Called by the Debugger when a previously added breakpoint has been deleted by the user.
 void breakpointInScope(DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Called by the debugger to tell the DebuggerExtender that a breakpoint has become visible in the scope of the current context, and the Icon of the breakpoint can be shown if appropriate.
 void breakpointOutOfScope(DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Called by the debugger to tell the DebuggerExtender that a breakpoint has become invisible in the scope of the current context, and the Icon of the breakpoint should be hidden if appropriate.
 boolean breakpointsEqual(DebuggerBreakpoint debuggerBreakpoint, DebuggerBreakpoint debuggerExtenderBreakpoint)
          Called by the debugger to ask the DebuggerExtender if two DebuggerBreakpoints are equal.
 void breakpointsLoaded()
          Called by the Debugger to signal that persistent breakpoints have been loaded from storage.
 boolean canCreateCustomBreakpoint(java.lang.String customBreakpointType, Workspace workspace, Project project)
          Called by the debugger to ask the DebuggerExtender if new breakpoints of a certain type can be created for the incoming workspace and project
 boolean canRunToCursor(Context context, DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Called when the debugger determines if runToCursor is allowed at a breakpoint.
 boolean canShowBreakpointLocation(Context context, DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Called by the debugger when actions are enabled/disabled to inquire if the DebuggerExtender wants to disable the action that shows the location corresponding to the breakpoint.
 boolean canShowIPLocation(Context context, DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Called by the debugger when the debuggee is stopped at a previously added breakpoint.
 boolean canStepInto(Context context, DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Called when the debugger determines if stepInto is allowed at a breakpoint.
 boolean canStepOut(Context context, DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Called when the debugger determines if stepOut is allowed at a breakpoint.
 boolean canStepOver(Context context, DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Called by the debugger to determine if the DebuggerExtender wants to override the StepOver behavior.
 boolean canStepToEndOfMethod(Context context, DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Called when the debugger determines if stepToEndOfMethod is allowed at a breakpoint.
 void debuggeeStoppedAtBreakpoint(Context context, DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Called by the Debugger when the debuggee has stopped at a previously added breakpoint.
 DebuggerBreakpointPanel getCustomBreakpointPanel(java.lang.String customBreakpointType, DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint, javax.swing.event.ChangeListener changeListener)
          Called by the debugger to ask the DebuggerExtender for the panel to create or edit a custom breakpoint.
 java.lang.String getID()
          Called by the Debugger to get the unique ID that identifies this DebuggerExtender Warning: This method will be called during the call to method: DebuggerExtenderCallback addDebuggerExtender( DebuggerExtender extender );
 void newDebugSession(Context context)
          Called by the debugger before a new debug session is started on the incoming context.
 DebuggerBreakpoint runToCursor(Context context, DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Called when the debugger will execute a RunToCursor command.
 void setEvaluator(Context context, DebuggerEvaluator evaluator)
          Called after the debuggee has stopped and the stack window is refreshed.
 boolean showBreakpointLocation(Context context, DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Called by the debugger when the user double-clicks on a previously added breakpoint.
 boolean showIPLocation(Context context, DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Called by the debugger when the debuggee is stopped at a previously added breakpoint.
 DebuggerBreakpoint stepInto(Context context, DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Called when the debugger will execute a StepInto command.
 DebuggerBreakpoint stepOut(Context context, DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Called when the debugger will execute a StepOut command.
 DebuggerBreakpoint stepOver(Context context, DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Called when the debugger will execute a StepOver command.
 DebuggerBreakpoint stepToEndOfMethod(Context context, DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Called when the debugger will execute a StepToEndOfMethod command.
 void temporaryBreakpointSet(Context context, DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Called by the debugger to tell the DebuggerExtender that the temporary breakpoint, requested by the DebuggerExtender for the overriding stepping behavior, has been set
 void updateBreakpointIcon(DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Called by the debugger to tell the DebuggerExtender that the Icon of a breakpoint should be updated, which only makes sense if the breakpoint is currently visible in the IDE.


Methods inherited from interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerListener
debuggerFinished, debuggerResuming, debuggerStarted, debuggerStopping


Method Detail


java.lang.String getID()
Called by the Debugger to get the unique ID that identifies this DebuggerExtender Warning: This method will be called during the call to method: DebuggerExtenderCallback addDebuggerExtender( DebuggerExtender extender );
The unique ID of this DebuggerExtender which should not be null


void breakpointsLoaded()
Called by the Debugger to signal that persistent breakpoints have been loaded from storage. Warning: This method might be called during the call to method: DebuggerExtenderCallback addDebuggerExtender( DebuggerExtender extender );


void newDebugSession(Context context)
Called by the debugger before a new debug session is started on the incoming context. This is an excellent time to add breakpoints relevant to the new debug sessions or delete non-relevant breakpoints
context - The context for the new debug session


void debuggeeStoppedAtBreakpoint(Context context,
                                 DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
Called by the Debugger when the debuggee has stopped at a previously added breakpoint. This is not the call that asks the DebuggerExtender to render the stopped debuggee location, that will arrive later
context - The context of the debug session
breakpoint - The breakpoint where the debuggee stopped, which is guaranteed to be a breakpoint belonging to this DebuggerExtender


void breakpointAdded(DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
Called by the Debugger when a breakpoint has been added. This can be a breakpoint previously added by the DebuggerExtenderCallback, or a breakpoint loaded from disk, or a breakpoint created by the user.
breakpoint - A breakpoint which is guaranteed to be a breakpoint belonging to this DebuggerExtender


void breakpointChanged(DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint,
                       DebuggerBreakpoint.BreakpointState newState)
Called by the Debugger when a previously added breakpoint has changed
breakpoint - The breakpoint that has changed, which is guaranteed to be a breakpoint belonging to this DebuggerExtender
newState - The new state of the breakpoint


void breakpointDeleted(DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
Called by the Debugger when a previously added breakpoint has been deleted by the user. This method will not be called when the DebuggerExtenderCallback initiated the breakpoint deletion
breakpoint - The breakpoint that has been deleted, which is guaranteed to be a breakpoint belonging to this DebuggerExtender


boolean canShowBreakpointLocation(Context context,
                                  DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
Called by the debugger when actions are enabled/disabled to inquire if the DebuggerExtender wants to disable the action that shows the location corresponding to the breakpoint.
context - The context of the debug session if there is an active debug session, otherwise null
breakpoint - The breakpoint, which is guaranteed to be a breakpoint belonging to this DebuggerExtender
False if the action to show the location of this breakpoint should be disabled, true otherwise


boolean showBreakpointLocation(Context context,
                               DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
Called by the debugger when the user double-clicks on a previously added breakpoint. This gives the DebuggerExtender the chance to display the visuals that represent the place where the debuggee would stop. This is not the time to display any execution point, but instead any relevant breakpoints should be displayed with their state
context - The context of the debug session if there is an active debug session, otherwise null
breakpoint - The breakpoint, which is guaranteed to be a breakpoint belonging to this DebuggerExtender
True if the DebuggerExtender successfully showed the location of the breakpoint, false if the DebuggerExtender wants the Debugger to show the location instead


boolean canShowIPLocation(Context context,
                          DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
Called by the debugger when the debuggee is stopped at a previously added breakpoint. The debugger is asking if the DebuggerExtender will display all visuals to represent the stopped debuggee (IP) location, including the execution point. There are several situations where this method can be called: - the first time the debuggee stops at a previously added breakpoint - any time the user executes the 'show IP' action when the debuggee is stopped at a previously added breakpoint - any time the user clicks on the top frame of the current stack when the debuggee is stopped at a previously added breakpoint
context - The context of the debug session
breakpoint - The breakpoint where the debuggee is stopped, which is guaranteed to be a breakpoint belonging to this DebuggerExtender
True if the DebuggerExtender will display the IP location. False if the debugger should display the IP location


boolean showIPLocation(Context context,
                       DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
Called by the debugger when the debuggee is stopped at a previously added breakpoint. The debugger is giving the DebuggerExtender the chance to display all visuals to represent the stopped debuggee (IP) location, including the execution point. There are several situations where this method can be called: - the first time the debuggee stops at a previously added breakpoint - any time the user executes the 'show IP' action when the debuggee is stopped at a previously added breakpoint - any time the user clicks on the top frame of the current stack when the debuggee is stopped at a previously added breakpoint
context - The context of the debug session
breakpoint - The breakpoint where the debuggee is stopped, which is guaranteed to be a breakpoint belonging to this DebuggerExtender
True if the DebuggerExtender successfully rendered the IP location, false if for some reason the DebuggerExtender failed to render the IP location (e.g. an Exception), and the debugger will attempt to render the IP location instead.


void setEvaluator(Context context,
                  DebuggerEvaluator evaluator)
Called after the debuggee has stopped and the stack window is refreshed. Will be called after the 'showIPLocation' call. If the DebuggerExtender needs access to an evaluator during the rendering, it should delay that rendering till after setEvaluator is called. The first time this is called (after the debuggee has stopped), the stackFrameIndex will always be 0 (zero), and the thread will be the 'stopped' thread. Each time the user changes stackframe or thread, this method will be called again with a new Evaluator, valid for that thread and stackframe. Evaluators are keyed to a particular stop, thread and stackframe and will be expired in any other situation. Don't hold on to expired evaluators. Let them be garbage collected after each 'resume' and 'finish'.
context - The context of the debug session
evaluator - An evaluator that can be used during this debuggee stop.


DebuggerBreakpoint stepOver(Context context,
                            DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
Called when the debugger will execute a StepOver command. Allows the DebuggerExtender to modify the semantics of 'StepOver' issued at a certain breakpoint. StepOver cannot be disabled by DebuggerExtenders since it is part of standard stepping functionality. The DebuggerExtender can either change a StepOver command into a run to a temporary breakpoint or into a resume.
context - The context of the debug session
breakpoint - The breakpoint where the debuggee is stopped, which is guaranteed to be a breakpoint belonging to this DebuggerExtender
A DebuggerBreakpoint (implemented by the DebuggerExtender) if the DebuggerExtender wants the debugger to attempt to run to this breakpoint. Return null if the DebuggerExtender wants the debugger to just resume. There is no guarantee that the debuggee will indeed make its next stop at the returned breakpoint, since any other breakpoint can be hit first instead. The returned breakpoint is a temporary, invisible breakpoint which is automatically deleted at the end of this command


boolean canStepOver(Context context,
                    DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
Called by the debugger to determine if the DebuggerExtender wants to override the StepOver behavior. StepOver cannot be disabled, since it is part of standard stepping functionality. However, the DebuggerExtender can choose to override StepOver OR let the debugger do a default StepOver action. Overriding StepOver can be done by requesting the debugger to run to a temporary breakpoint, or by requesting the debugger to resume. This method can be called several times after the debuggee stops at a breakpoint. The debugger guarantees to call this method after the setEvaluator call, so if this DebugExtender needs evaluator services for this method, it should ignore this method till after the setEvaluator call.
context - The context of the debug session
breakpoint - The breakpoint where the debuggee is stopped, which is guaranteed to be a breakpoint belonging to this DebuggerExtender
True if the DebuggerExtender wants to override the StepOver action, false if the DebuggerExtender wants the debugger to execute a default StepOver action.


DebuggerBreakpoint stepInto(Context context,
                            DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
Called when the debugger will execute a StepInto command. Allows the DebuggerExtender to modify the semantics of 'StepInto' issued at a certain breakpoint. StepInto can be disabled by the DebuggerExtender through the canStepInto call
context - The context of the debug session
breakpoint - The breakpoint where the debuggee is stopped, which is guaranteed to be a breakpoint belonging to this DebuggerExtender
A DebuggerBreakpoint (implemented by the DebuggerExtender) if the DebuggerExtender wants the debugger to attempt to run to this breakpoint instead of doing a normal StepInto which is step into the current statement. Return null if the DebuggerExtender wants the debugger to perform the normal StepInto command. There is no guarantee that the debuggee will indeed make its next stop at the returned breakpoint, since any other breakpoint can be hit first instead. The returned breakpoint is a temporary, invisible breakpoint which is automatically deleted at the end of this command


boolean canStepInto(Context context,
                    DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
Called when the debugger determines if stepInto is allowed at a breakpoint. Allows the DebuggerExtender to disable stepInto at a breakpoint This method can be called several times after the debuggee stops at a breakpoint. The debugger guarantees to call this method after the setEvaluator call, so if this DebugExtender needs evaluator services for this method, it should ignore this method till after the setEvaluator call.
context - The context of the debug session
breakpoint - The breakpoint where the debuggee is stopped, which is guaranteed to be a breakpoint belonging to this DebuggerExtender
False if stepInto should be disabled at this breakpoint, true otherwise.


DebuggerBreakpoint stepOut(Context context,
                           DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
Called when the debugger will execute a StepOut command. Allows the DebuggerExtender to modify the semantics of 'StepOut' issued at a certain breakpoint. StepOut can be disabled by the DebuggerExtender through the canStepOut call
context - The context of the debug session
breakpoint - The breakpoint where the debuggee is stopped, which is guaranteed to be a breakpoint belonging to this DebuggerExtender
A DebuggerBreakpoint (implemented by the DebuggerExtender) if the DebuggerExtender wants the debugger to attempt to run to this breakpoint instead of doing a normal StepOut which is step out of the current function. Return null if the DebuggerExtender wants the debugger to perform the normal StepOut command. There is no guarantee that the debuggee will indeed make its next stop at the returned breakpoint, since any other breakpoint can be hit first instead. The returned breakpoint is a temporary, invisible breakpoint which is automatically deleted at the end of this command


boolean canStepToEndOfMethod(Context context,
                             DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
Called when the debugger determines if stepToEndOfMethod is allowed at a breakpoint. Allows the DebuggerExtender to disable stepToEndOfMethod. This method can be called several times after the debuggee stops at a breakpoint. The debugger guarantees to call this method after the setEvaluator call, so if this DebugExtender needs evaluator services for this method, it should ignore this method till after the setEvaluator call.
context - The context of the debug session
breakpoint - The breakpoint where the debuggee is stopped, which is guaranteed to be a breakpoint belonging to this DebuggerExtender
False if the stepToEndOfMethod functionality should be disabled, true otherwise.


DebuggerBreakpoint stepToEndOfMethod(Context context,
                                     DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
Called when the debugger will execute a StepToEndOfMethod command. Allows the DebuggerExtender to modify the semantics of 'StepToEndOfMethod' issued at a certain breakpoint. StepToEndOfMethod can be disabled by the DebuggerExtender through the canStepToEndOfMethod call
context - The context of the debug session
breakpoint - The breakpoint where the debuggee is stopped, which is guaranteed to be a breakpoint belonging to this DebuggerExtender
A DebuggerBreakpoint (implemented by the DebuggerExtender) if the DebuggerExtender wants the debugger to attempt to run to this breakpoint instead of doing a normal StepToEndOfMethod which is step to the end of the current function. Return null if the DebuggerExtender wants the debugger to perform the normal StepToEndOfMethod command. There is no guarantee that the debuggee will indeed make its next stop at the returned breakpoint, since any other breakpoint can be hit first instead. The returned breakpoint is a temporary, invisible breakpoint which is automatically deleted at the end of this command


boolean canStepOut(Context context,
                   DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
Called when the debugger determines if stepOut is allowed at a breakpoint. Allows the DebuggerExtender to disable stepOut at a breakpoint This method can be called several times after the debuggee stops at a breakpoint. The debugger guarantees to call this method after the setEvaluator call, so if this DebugExtender needs evaluator services for this method, it should ignore this method till after the setEvaluator call.
context - The context of the debug session
breakpoint - The breakpoint where the debuggee is stopped, which is guaranteed to be a breakpoint belonging to this DebuggerExtender
False if the stepOut functionality should be disabled, true otherwise.


DebuggerBreakpoint runToCursor(Context context,
                               DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
Called when the debugger will execute a RunToCursor command. Allows the DebuggerExtender to modify the semantics of 'RunToCursor' issued at a certain breakpoint. RunToCursor can be disabled by the DebuggerExtender through the canRunToCursor call
context - The context of the debug session
breakpoint - The breakpoint where the debuggee is stopped, which is guaranteed to be a breakpoint belonging to this DebuggerExtender
A DebuggerBreakpoint (implemented by the DebuggerExtender) if the DebuggerExtender wants the debugger to attempt to run to this breakpoint instead of doing a normal RunToCursor which is run to the location where the cursor is. Return null if the DebuggerExtender wants the debugger to perform the normal RunToCursor command. There is no guarantee that the debuggee will indeed make its next stop at the returned breakpoint, since any other breakpoint can be hit first instead. The returned breakpoint is a temporary, invisible breakpoint which is automatically deleted at the end of this command


boolean canRunToCursor(Context context,
                       DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
Called when the debugger determines if runToCursor is allowed at a breakpoint. Allows the DebuggerExtender to disable runToCursor This method can be called several times after the debuggee stops at a breakpoint. The debugger guarantees to call this method after the setEvaluator call, so if this DebugExtender needs evaluator services for this method, it should ignore this method till after the setEvaluator call.
context - The context of the debug session
breakpoint - The breakpoint where the debuggee is stopped, which is guaranteed to be a breakpoint belonging to this DebuggerExtender
False if the runToCursor functionality should be disabled, true otherwise.


void breakpointInScope(DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
Called by the debugger to tell the DebuggerExtender that a breakpoint has become visible in the scope of the current context, and the Icon of the breakpoint can be shown if appropriate. It is up to the DebuggerExtender to keep an internal state of the visiblity of the breakpoint. The DebuggerExtender can call getBreakpointState and getBreakpointIcon to determine what to show
breakpoint - The breakpoint, which is guaranteed to be a breakpoint belonging to this DebuggerExtender


void breakpointOutOfScope(DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
Called by the debugger to tell the DebuggerExtender that a breakpoint has become invisible in the scope of the current context, and the Icon of the breakpoint should be hidden if appropriate. It is up to the DebuggerExtender to keep an internal state of the visiblity of the breakpoint.
breakpoint - The breakpoint, which is guaranteed to be a breakpoint belonging to this DebuggerExtender


void updateBreakpointIcon(DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
Called by the debugger to tell the DebuggerExtender that the Icon of a breakpoint should be updated, which only makes sense if the breakpoint is currently visible in the IDE. The DebuggerExtender can call back with getBreakpointState and getBreakpointIcon to determine what to show
breakpoint - The breakpoint, which is guaranteed to be a breakpoint belonging to this DebuggerExtender


void temporaryBreakpointSet(Context context,
                            DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint)
Called by the debugger to tell the DebuggerExtender that the temporary breakpoint, requested by the DebuggerExtender for the overriding stepping behavior, has been set
context - The context of the debug session
breakpoint - The temporary breakpoint set by the debugger, which is guaranteed to be a breakpoint belonging to this DebuggerExtender


boolean breakpointsEqual(DebuggerBreakpoint debuggerBreakpoint,
                         DebuggerBreakpoint debuggerExtenderBreakpoint)
Called by the debugger to ask the DebuggerExtender if two DebuggerBreakpoints are equal. This method will be used to resolve DebuggerBreakpoints that the debugger does not recognize as its own.
debuggerBreakpoint - A DebuggerBreakpoint as backed by the debugger
debuggerExtenderBreakpoint - A DebuggerBreakpoint as backed by the DebuggerExtender
true if the DebuggerExtender thinks the two breakpoints are equal


boolean canCreateCustomBreakpoint(java.lang.String customBreakpointType,
                                  Workspace workspace,
                                  Project project)
Called by the debugger to ask the DebuggerExtender if new breakpoints of a certain type can be created for the incoming workspace and project
customBreakpointType - The type of the new breakpoint, which is one of the types registered by the DebuggerExtenderCallback in the registerCustomBreakpointType call
workspace - The workspace which might be null but is usually not null
project - The project which might be null but is usually not null
True if this DebuggerExtender can create the specific breakpoint in the context of the workspace and project


DebuggerBreakpointPanel getCustomBreakpointPanel(java.lang.String customBreakpointType,
                                                 DebuggerBreakpoint breakpoint,
                                                 javax.swing.event.ChangeListener changeListener)
Called by the debugger to ask the DebuggerExtender for the panel to create or edit a custom breakpoint.
customBreakpointType - The type of the new breakpoint, which is one of the types registered by the DebuggerExtenderCallback in the registerCustomBreakpointType call
breakpoint - The breakpoint which will be null when the user will create a new breakpoint, and not null when the user will edit an existing breakpoint
changeListener - The DebuggerExtender can notify the debugger through this listener when anything has changed on the DebuggerBreakpointPanel; this will cause the debugger to check if the OK button can be enabled or not.
A panel; if null is returned the debugger will create a panel based on the kind of the breakpoint

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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